Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

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Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

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'Drifter' Vs 'The Lotus'
Match: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, Knockout, Count out or DQ

Drifter's theme music began to explode on the PA system at high volume, signaling the next match in what had been yet another knock out card for the LAW main show. The previous list of matches on the card already had the crowd fired up, but this one promised to be another fantastic match! The crowd began to cheer loudly for the lightweight wrestler who had become famous for upsets against wrestlers of higher divisions and weight classes! Given her rough and ready style and her tendency to take big risks and spots, Katherine Scarlett had quickly become a fan favourite for the fans ever since her explosive appearance on the last We Are LAW PPV when she saved Clara GASTER from Baroness. Having the presence of the lovable underdog in the ring given the quality of wrestlers the up and coming rookie had been pitted against. Win or lose, a fantastic and energetic match was always a certainty with Drifter as one of the competitors.

As her music continued, Drifter's unique entrance began to unfold which by now was fast becoming familiar with many of her growing fans. Slowly, a pickup truck began to drive across the entrance platform, with Drifter sitting upon the edge of the back in her usual attire but also clad in a heavy coat, a beanie, and worn-out sneakers. Picking up a rucksack the lightweight carried along with her, she hopped from the back and thanked the driver by tapping the truck before he went off, an entrance gimmick that made it looked like she hitchhiked here. It was a little bit silly to be sure, even by Kay's standard, but the crowd absolutely loved it! Who was she to deny them some fun?

She began to make her way down to the ramp with quite a stride after the entrance shenanigans, tagging fans hands with gusto and getting a massive cheer as she did so. It did not take long before she was at the ring, as she tossed her rucksack by the steel stairs and took off her coat, revealing a grey sports bra and jeans outfit with a red and black flannel shirt tied loosely around her hips. She took off her sneakers to go barefoot before she entered into the ring, flipping herself deftly over the top rope to show she had been working on some athleticism whilst out of the ring.

She quickly climbed one of the turnbuckles, throwing up her arms as the fans began to chant her ring name, all whilst her music continued to blur out on the PA systems throughout the arena. After taking a moment to drink in the energy, she hopped down and entered the ring, beginning to shadow box a little and loosen her shoulders in preparation for the match. Once Drifter was settled, the blue and black-haired beauty looked towards the entrance ramp where she had just come from... waiting for her opponent for tonight.

To say she was nervous was an understatement, knowing full well she was pitted up against the odds once more in the form of the heavyweight wrestler... The Lotus! At well over 6ft, Kay was beginning to get a little exhausted over the notion of these david vs goliath fights. Though Kay always impressed, it was not always the fairy tale ending as her last PPV match revealed. Knowing she was against another large woman who boasted skills in the way of the Ninja... Kay's nerves were being tested. That said, with her brave expression it was hard to tell. Soon enough, the entrance theme of The Lotus was about to start playing... and Kay would be able to look first hand upon who and what she was up against tonight.

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Re: Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

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Meanwhile, at backstage, the Lotus awaited her turn to make her entrance. She went through her usual dramatic pre-match routine; she closed her eyes, crossed her arms, and leaned back against the wall. Her ring outfit consisted of black leotard which highlighted her athletic physique paired with a crimson scarf worn around her neck. She didn't move, snapping her eyes open when she heard her music resounding through the arena.
Appearance Reference
Entrance Theme
Stepping out onto the stage, she briskly surveyed the audience with stoic eyes. Unfortunately, they were well aware of her less than stellar record thus far and so they treated her to cheers and jeers alike. Nonetheless, she remained undaunted and maintained her solemn disposition, though she also couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes before she marched towards the ring.

She clambered up onto the ring apron and then vaulted over the ropes via a single impressive jump. Removing her scarf, she approached her corner before casually chucking her scarf over the ropes. Moreover, she completely neglected to acknowledge Drifter's presence, let alone proper introductions. Miyuki instead decided to make herself comfortable in her corner, leaning against the turnbuckles with her arms crossed and her eyes closed.

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Re: Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

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"Oh boy..." Kay could not help but mutter under her breath when the Lotus began to make her entrance towards the ramp whilst her music blasted over the PA system. Her opponent was taller than she thought, all legs it seemed with a powerful torso and arms that were not far behind. The woman looked like she could bench press a coach with ease on her shoulders, and walked with confidence towards the ring. There was mixed reactions from the crowd, as if it was unclear if she was a face or heel. That said, it did not seem to faze the Lotus as she wasted no time, entering the ring before casting away her bright red scarf, leaving her in naught but the leotard she entered in with.

"Hey... let's make this..." Drifter began once Lotus entered the ring, stepping forwards and offering a handshake towards her opponent tonight. She was hoping to at least get friendly with her... partly because it was the right thing to do... partly because she was hoping that perhaps it would make the heavyweight wrestler go a little easier on her. Drifter's smile dropped as she was completely blanked, with Lotus choosing to simply walk on past her and slunk herself into the corner. This reaction caused more jeers than cheers, and Drifter was left holding her hand out towards air. She naturally frowned, taking a few steps back as she realised this wrestler meant business!

Taking her own corner, Drifter leaned against it with her arms up against the ropes, wondering what the hell she had gotten herself into this time. Soon enough the official referee began to take centre stage, signalling for the bell, satisfied that both competitors in this match were ready to go.
"Alright then... let's do this." Kay whispered to herself, clashing her fists together roughly at the knuckles twice before she slowly began to advance towards the centre of the ring. The crowd began to cheer loudly as the bell still echoed, knowing that they were going to be in for another good match. Kay shook her head on approach a little, both a little bothered by Lotus' lack of sportswomanship and the fact that it felt like she was twice her size!

Fortune favoured the bold it was said... and so Drifter looked to try and get off the mark with the first strike. If nothing else, Kay was dangerous on her feet. Her standing game was hard to compete against... however, she was aware if Lotus came at her, there would be little she could do to stop such a stampede of power! Still... perhaps it wouldn't come to that if she could land a good enough strike. Clenching her hand into a tight fist, Kay rushed forwards, going in low before she would try to plant a fist into Lotus' midriff area. If she could just bring her low... she could begin to open up towards her head with a few dangerous strikes!

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Re: Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

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Hearing the bell ring, the Lotus opened her eyes and unfolded her arms. Of course, her dramatically serious demeanour remained intact as she strode over to meet her foe. At the centre of the ring, she went to perform some theatrical display of martial arts, reminiscent of what one would see in martial arts or fighting inclined movies, tv series, and video games. However, she barely shifted her foot across the mat when Drifter suddenly dashed forward.

"Nani?!" Miyuki gasped, subconsciously taking a surprised step backwards. Unfortunately for her, she failed to raise a proper fighting stance, let alone try to defend herself. As such- "Grk!" She wheezed as Kay's fist founds its mark. Her punch packed a considerable amount of power despite her smaller stature, causing the larger woman to double over as she felt some of her breath escape her lungs.

"Grrr..." She let out a low growl shortly before she swung a blind back fist roughly aimed at the Drifter's head should be. Oblivious to the incoming strike to her own head, the Lotus would either trade blows with her opponent, or miss her attack and come out of the loser of that exchange. Regardless of the result, she staggered backwards after taking the hit to the head. With her lips curling downwards and her brow knitting together into a grimace, she then glared at Kay.
Last edited by Kreydos on Mon Jan 24, 2022 4:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

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An expert striker, Kay would have been at home in a boxing ring. Her movements were deft, her strikes frighteningly powerful for a lightweight wrestler. She caught Lotus pretty good with a straight punch, feeling her fist bite deep into her opponent's stomach to drive the air from her before the follow up against her opponent's head with a hook. Drifter was more than alert enough to see the haymaker coming towards her. It was more of a reaction to her own one two, and as such Kay was able to swoop low, letting the comeback strike hit nothing but air. The aftermath of the exchange had Lotus stagger backwards before the larger woman regained her footing, prompting a pop from the crowd.

A cheeky smile flashed across Kay's beautiful features, as she bounced back with a few hops before she regained her stance. That look of confidence soon faded when she looked to see Lotus. The glare upon her own alluring features spoke more than a thousand words, and all at once Kay was beginning to feel a little intimidated. Lotus was much larger than her, and as such she would have a field day with her the moment she got her hands upon her.

The strategy was simple... Don't let the giant of a Ninja catch her. Easier said than done naturally, but for Drifter to have a chance she had to get in close herself and rely on some well-placed strikes. Speed would be key here, but Kay could not help but have some concerns given how heavily Lotus leaned into being a Ninja. From what she knew of them from briefly watching a late night show about Ninja's versus Spartans, they were quick, stealthy and cunning... was this what she could expect from The Lotus? That and her reach was far beyond her own...

"Oh boy.." Drifter whispered under her breath for the second time. She was never really good at planning things... instead she'd just have to rely on her own resilience. With that in mind, she began to approach Lotus again despite the intimidating grimace upon her face. Biting her lower lip, Kay knew she would probably be more alert this time, but she went in all the same. This time she looked to try and throw a kick towards the inside of her knee, hoping to bring her down to her level... if all went well her next strike would be a big haymaker towards the jaw of her opponent.

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Re: Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

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The Lotus didn't even realise that her blind back fist hook had missed when her opponent's own hook bashed her head. She stumbled backwards, dazed and angered in equal measure by what had just transpired. While Drifter drew closer, ostensibly to resume their fight, Miyuki held her ground. Unlike before, she actually had some time to prepare herself and adopt a fighting posture; she stomped the canvas before springing into a pose mimicking Bruce Lee's iconic stance.

As soon as Kay entered range, the Lotus took a step forwards and attacked with a spirited overhead chop, relying on her superior reach to come out the victor of the clash. However, the smaller woman proved to be too nimble and dodged the chop. Then she countered with a low kick that forced the larger wrestler to fall onto one knee before following up with another haymaker to the head.

With a furious scowl, Miyuki bared her teeth as she raised her forearm in an attempt to block the incoming punch. If successful, she would retaliate with a gut punch that she threw with all her strength, her fist possessing enough power to even lift and carry Drifter off her feet.

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Re: Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

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It started off well enough, though barefoot, Kay could strike virtually as hard with her legs as she could her fists, and she managed to catch Lotus well at the side of her knee. Back in the day, Drifter was all raw and worked on instinct, but since training with both Clara GASTER and Tia Langray she had become more refined and all the more dangerous. She was now picking her spots to strike instead of throwing wildly, and it showed as she was able to catch the Lotus on the side of her leg, kicking and striking in such a way that her leg gave to the momentum, dropping the larger woman down to one knee!

This notion earned Drifter a worthy pop from the crowd, as they began to chant her name loudly... It was short lived however. Drifter naturally rushed in for the follow up, but Miyuki had the reach, able to react to the obvious follow up Drifter had in mind with a strike of her own before Kay could slip into a dangerous range. With a hard block, The Lotus was able to deflect the danger of Kay's haymaker, catching her wrist with her arm. As such, Kay's dangerous strike did all but nothing.

Kay gasped, and looked to try and follow up with her more dangerous left arm as was her intent if her first strike had hit... But the delay and Lotus successfully telegraphing her second hit in the combo actually had her at an advantage, especially as Drifter was thrown off putting so much into the blocked and delfected Haymaker. The crowd gasped out loud in shock and horror as Lotus soon managed to bury her own fist deep into Kay's bare stomach with a rising uppercut. Such was the strength of the blow, it virtually impaled Kay upon her fist, lifting her upwards off her feet and into the air. Whilst Drifter was a dangerous woman for her striking... she was still a lightweight wrestler, and the size and strength difference between the two became obvious with Lotus' counter.

Kay gasped out breathlessly, feeling the air being driven from her lungs. By the time Lotus pulled her fist away, Kay was left to fall from the air down to her knees. A little saliva slipped from the side of her mouth, and it took Drifter more seconds than she would have liked to breathe again after becoming winded. Drifter was probably amongst the toughest on the roster... but even she had to admit.. that strike hurt like hell, leaving her stunned for a few precious and dangerous seconds!
Last edited by thesteedman on Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

Unread post by Kreydos »

The Lotus successfully turned the tide towards her favour, with her block and subsequent brutal belly punch bringing Drifter down to her knees as well. Miyuki swiftly pressed her newfound advantage and swung another uppercut with her other hand, except this punch targeted her opponent's jaw instead of the abdomen. She stood up as she threw her uppercut and would scoff if it connected. "Hmph."

From there, she crossed her arms and looked down upon a winded and likely dazed Drifter with a thin grin. "Foolishness." The Lotus stated dismissively while she slowly walked around her downed foe. Her footsteps came to a stop when she stood by Kay's side. Then the ninja brought her foot as high up as she could and brought her foot down onto Drifter's tummy for a sort of axe kick stomp.
Last edited by Kreydos on Mon Jan 24, 2022 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

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Kay shouted out loud when Lotus managed to perform an impressive axe kick, sending down a vicious strike against her exposed stomach. The Lotus’ boot grinded down against her abs from the momentum of the strike, making Drifter writhe in agony. The air was driven from Drifter’s lungs as a result. The crowd began to rage from the display, Lotus' strength was very apparent all at once, and Drifter knew it was a good idea to try and avoid such powerful blows at all costs. No matter how tough she was, taking too many of those hits would bring anyone down.

Curling around Lotus' leg, a quick idea did come to mind before Lotus could retreat her limb. Despite being winded, Drifter looked to use this predicament to her advantage. Biting on her lower lip to try and endure the pain from the Axe kick when she went into motion. Drifter soon sent her own leg upwards, looking to try and kick at Lotus' standing leg. The intent was to try and bring her off balance and bring her down to the surface like herself. If all went well, it was Drifter's intent to convert her position into an ankle lock against the powerful Lotus... if she could hurt one of her ankles or legs, perhaps she could kill off her mobility for the match!

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Re: Ninjutsu and the Way of the Fist [Drifter Vs Lotus]

Unread post by Kreydos »

The sight of Drifter squirming beneath the crushing pressure of the Lotus's foot brought a wide smile to her face. She intended to keep stepping on her opponent but- "Gah?!" An unexpected kick to her standing leg cost her her footing and she stumbled. Despite her best attempts, she ended up falling on her ass, leaving an opening for Drifter to take advantage of.

"Garg!.." Miyuki cried out when pain surged from her ankle being twisted by Kay's ankle lock. "Grk!.. Damn you!.." The Lotus couldn't help cursing and hammer fisting the mat but she didn't tap out. With her free leg, she threw kicks at Drifter's face or upper body, hoping to break her grasp on the hold. If that venture was unsuccessful, the larger woman would instead use her superior strength and leverage to try to drag both wrestlers to the ropes for a rope break.
Last edited by Kreydos on Mon Jan 24, 2022 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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