Victory Condition:Pin, Knocked Out, Surrender or Disqualification
After how exciting her debut against Miss Olivia was, it wouldn't be long before someone else would request a fight against her, being something of great excitement for the still rookie.
With her costume almost ready, Kiara would start lacing her boots, being then visited by Yukari, who with a small tablet, would start telling her that Hinata Huerta is an experienced and somewhat dangerous fighter, since in the not too distant past, she had defeated Nadia, one of the 3 members of "the triad" of the gym.
Kiara knowing then what will be the opponent's cards, she would be filled with more motivation, being able to have the opportunity tonight to prove that this bird is ready to burn in the air that night, and so, saying goodbye to Yukari, Kiara's theme would start to play, something very Japanese themed, but it was still part of Kiara, walking and waving to the audience, before climbing into the ring, and finally, as in the previous fight, climbing to the top of the turnbuckle and performing a back flip, something that the fans always loved to see, waiting for the arrival of her opponent.