Calling out those Kappa Cowards

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Calling out those Kappa Cowards

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

''So the only thing you know is that some bitch called Kate made that photo on the orders of that loser Regina''asked as she looked at Avril while the other members of the Queendom were standing behind her. All of them were in their wrestling gear as Summer was dressed in an purple shorts and tanktop while wearing wrestling boots. Her second right woman Bellatrix was wearing a pair of purple boots with a yellow line near her knee , yellow wrestling shorts , a purple Tank top and a pair of purple gloves that reached her elbows.

After those two stood Britney and Demi as Britney was dressed in long boots and leotard in the colors pink and purple with purple gloves while Demi was wearing a pink wrestling shorts with a white star on top , A top that was in the colors green ,pink, yellow and purple with love gloves with a pair long boots in the colors purple and pink. The four of them were staring at Avril who was just waking up aftr being attacked as she was wearing pink wrestling boots with on the white part of the boots their was an emblem of an purple hair with a music note , a white leotard with the same emblem , black elbow sleeves and white wrist cuffs who replied ''yes Summer , but think one of them did not really wanted to attack me''.

However Summer did not care for what Avril had to say besides getting the comfirmation that Regina was behind it as she yelled ''follow me girls'' as she walked towards the backstage area. All members of the Queendom followed their leader as the redhead grabbed a microphone from one of the crew members as she walked out onto the entrance ramp as her music started to play as she made her way to the ring. The others just walked behind her as they mostly got booed , but some fans were cheering as all of them got into the ring. ''Now I don't care for you losers , but I am here for one thing as poor Avril here was unjustified attacked by a bunch of cowards earlier today. So I am here to call out the losers who are part of the so called Kappa Alpha, and Especially their leader as I demand they come out to face me and apologize to Avril for what they have done''.






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Re: Calling out those Kappa Cowards

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

Kappa Alpha were feeling proud of themselves, they had just sent a big message to the Queendom that messing with any of the Kappa's would lead to some serious payback and humiliation. At the request of Regina, the Kappa leader. they had just mobbed Avril, the smallest and weakest member of the Queendom and gave her the Kappa Alpha pile by sitting on the girl with their combined weights before subjecting her to a humiliating smothering.

Unfortunately for Kate, she was the one who Regina ordered to smother. Kate never liked doing this, she would help out. hold people down, but actually grinding a girls face against her crotch or ass was odd to her. Still she desperately wanted to fit in, so did as she was told.

The Kappas were back in their dressing room, Regina busy messaging people on her phone when the TV flicked to a live LAW stream. Regina heard the voice of Summer. The Summer who had sat on her face. She hated the girl so much!

Regina stood up and grabbed the remote to turn up the volume. As she heard Summer challenge her she smirked.

"Oh it is on bitch! Come on girls!!"

The Kappas, still all in their bikinis and boots stormed out of the dressing room and made their way to the ramp to come into the arena. Even Kate followed but had a real bad feeling about this.

"HEY! Summer! Shut your fucking fat mouth you bitch!"

Regina with a microphone at her lips appeared with the rest of the Kappas behind her. She wasn't winning any friends today for sure. The crowd roared as they sensed a hell of a catfight brewing. Regina led the Kappas down to the ring and climbed through the ropes all lining up to face the Queendom!

"You want an apology from me, you can kiss my ass, Your girl loved it when Kate sat on her face and we gave her the Kappa Alpha pile! A move you stole by the way!! But look, I know you desperately want me to sit on your ugly face, and as its near Christmas, I'll totally do it. Name your match bitch!"

She smirked and waited for the leader of the Queendom to answer her. Just to annoy Summer further, the other Kappas laughed as Regina spanked her own big round ass in the direction of Summer
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Calling out those Kappa Cowards

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Summer and the rest of the girls would just stand their in the ring as besides Avril nobody really expected the Kappa's to come out , and face them as they sure were surprised when she suddenly hear someone say for her to shut her mouth while calling her a bitch. The redhead wanted to yell right back , but the crowd were going crazy as she could do nothing more then watch as those losers made their way to the ring. ''Alright girls get ready as it time we show them who their dealing with''whispered the Queenbee as everyone would prepare themselves for the fight that was to come.

Still even when they were face to face the leader of the Queendom could not say anything , but she did smirk when Kate told her to pick the match type. ''Well how about an elimination match you four vs the four behind me , and to make it even better you losers can pick if we add an stipulation to our match.For example maybe you got to facesit your opponent to eliminate them from the match''replied summer as the rest cheered loudly besides Avril as she really did not want to be facesit again.

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Re: Calling out those Kappa Cowards

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Regina smirked as she heard the words come from Summer. The rest of the Kappa's apart from Kate laughed and made comments that were less than complimentary to the Queendom. The leader of the Kappa's feeling confident, stepped forward to push her breasts against Summer.

"Really four vs four, what's wrong Summer, Scared to get involved?"

She would turn and laugh with the rest of the Kappa's before turning back to Summer

"Sure let's make it whatever match you want. My girls cant wait to sit on all your faces one by one so only you are left. Then YOU are gonna get the Kappa Alpha pile, and when you are trapped and pinned down, It is payback!"

Regina would step back and smugly look at Summer. Kate meanwhile caught Avril's glance and shrugged her shoulders mouthing the word, "Sorry"
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Re: Calling out those Kappa Cowards

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Summer struggled to resist the urge to push the leader of the Kappa's away when she dared to push her pathetic breasts against the queen bee's own as she had to listen to what Regina had to say. With each word that came out of that loser's lips the urge became greater as t was clear this girl did not knew that a real leader only got her hands dirty when she needed too.

Still in the end the leader of the Kappa's would agree as this caused her to smirk as she replied ''glad you agree with the terms I had in mind.Still if you think that you , and your pathetic group of followers can beat my friends then your clearly delusional. So shall we ask for a ref to come down or do you Kappa Cowards want to do this another day then you can turn around , and walk away with your tails between your legs'' in an arrogant tone.

However unknown to everyone Avril heard what Kate had to say as she replied back ''thanks , but why are you with those girls anyway'' in an hush tone as she quickly had to follow the others as they hang around in one corner of the ring.

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Re: Calling out those Kappa Cowards

Unread post by RiotGrrl »

Regina and her Kappa sisters were taunting Summer as much as possible, but they all took the bait and accepted the match.

"Bring it on bitch, I am gonna enjoy this!"

The leader of the Kappa's would turn and call for a ref girl. She was desperate to get Summer flat on her back and smothered.

Kate meanwhile moved toward Avril as the pair seemed to have a friendship.

"Sorry I only sat on your face because she made me. I guess I am with them as there is safety in numbers, even though I am bullied by them mostly. So yeah if it is me and you, I won't put up a fight, I guess I owe you that"
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Re: Calling out those Kappa Cowards

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Summer would just smirk as the ref girl walked towards the ring as she would be the first to roll out of it as she was quickly followed by Britney,Demi and Bellatrix as Avril would be starting for her team. This had the unfortunate side effect of leaving Avril alone in the ring with Kate as nobody of the Queendom could hear what the two were talking about. ''It alright Kate , but don't make it easy for me as I want to earn my victories.Besides if you wanna make it up you could just promise to buy me taco's tomorrow night''replied the naive teen as she would get into a wrestling stance as she had to wait for the bell to rang.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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