After those two stood Britney and Demi as Britney was dressed in long boots and leotard in the colors pink and purple with purple gloves while Demi was wearing a pink wrestling shorts with a white star on top , A top that was in the colors green ,pink, yellow and purple with love gloves with a pair long boots in the colors purple and pink. The four of them were staring at Avril who was just waking up aftr being attacked as she was wearing pink wrestling boots with on the white part of the boots their was an emblem of an purple hair with a music note , a white leotard with the same emblem , black elbow sleeves and white wrist cuffs who replied ''yes Summer , but think one of them did not really wanted to attack me''.
However Summer did not care for what Avril had to say besides getting the comfirmation that Regina was behind it as she yelled ''follow me girls'' as she walked towards the backstage area. All members of the Queendom followed their leader as the redhead grabbed a microphone from one of the crew members as she walked out onto the entrance ramp as her music started to play as she made her way to the ring. The others just walked behind her as they mostly got booed , but some fans were cheering as all of them got into the ring. ''Now I don't care for you losers , but I am here for one thing as poor Avril here was unjustified attacked by a bunch of cowards earlier today. So I am here to call out the losers who are part of the so called Kappa Alpha, and Especially their leader as I demand they come out to face me and apologize to Avril for what they have done''.







