Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

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Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

Unread post by Lederface »

Fight type: Best of 3 submission fight
Victory Condition: A point will be achieved by placing the opponent in a submission for 1 minute without him being able to free himself
Whoever earns 3 points will be declared the winner
After her debut, Susumaru knew she would have to improve a lot more, but now, with another fight ready for her, Susumaru would be ready, putting on her costume, she would be visited by Yukari, who would explain to her about her opponent, who is someone with already experience, so she would have to be careful, Susumaru smiling would thank Yukari for the report, and so, with her theme starting to play, Susumaru would make her appearance, greeting the whole audience
Once in the ring, she would stand in her corner, and begin to stretch and prepare for the arrival of her opponent
Last edited by Lederface on Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

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The crowd continued to cheer for what was another action packed night in the LAW. With a good mix of standard and more lewd matches the LAW was known for, the main event for tonight’s show was certainly an interesting one.

A Submission match!

It was not your usual stipulation however, as the aim was not to force a tap out or submission, but to simply keep your opponent trapped and captured in a hold for an entire minute to earn a precious point. First one to hit three would be the winner. Naturally it had Drifter a little nervous, she was not bad at submission holds but she was no expert beyond the basics. It was going to take a lot tonight to earn a victory against someone who was named after a snake... with such creatures being known to wrap up their prey after they had struck.

Drifter would have to worry about that later. For now, her entrance music was beginning to explode over the PA system, indicating it was time for her entrance. As usual, a pickup truck would drive up across the entrance ramp, with Drifter in the back, clad in her coat and somewhat ragged clothing. She hopped off and tapped the truck before it drove off, giving the illusion that she hitchhiked here. The crowd loved the antics, and they were beginning to fall in love with Drifter herself, offering loud cheers after her showing against Cyber Widow. She had been defeated but she won the hearts of the fans after lasting a long time and refusing to stay down.

With a smile, Drifter began to head towards the ring, tagging fans on the way down until she was in the ring to join Susumaru, her opponent for tonight. With a smile, Kay greeted her, before she began to take her coat and her shoes off, getting ready to wrestle as she usually did.
"Hey! Nice to meet you! I'm Katherine but people call me Kay. Let's make this a good match for the fans." Kay spoke, offering out her hand for Susumaru to greet it before their long match would begin.

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Re: Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

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Susumaru was thinking about what a fight like this could help her to improve, when suddenly, she would hear a pickup truck and without believing it, she would see her opponent appear from there, Susumaru clapping with excitement, she had never seen an entrance like that, and knowing that this kind of crazy things were something "normal" in Japan, only made her love for the culture and customs of Japan grow more!

After his opponent stepped into the ring and introduced himself, Susumaru politely would have to answer
Good evening, my name is Susumaru Sasozira, but I go by the nickname "the cobra" but that doesn't stop me from the great entrance you had, it was great!!!.

And so, shaking his hand with Drifter's, the referee would approach the center of the fight and start giving the rules, besides giving an extra, in case of falling unconscious before the time is completed, it will be an automatic point, having a little rest while the opponent wakes up and after that, the bell would ring and with it, the Submission War would start!!!!.

Susumaru upon hearing the bell would not waste a single moment and running at top speed, would jump to give a flying kick to Drifter, she had to show everyone why she is a Cobra!

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Re: Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

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Susumaru seemed pleasant enough on approach. She was all smiles and joy, seemingly impressed with Drifter's entrance. The notion made Kay blush slightly as she scratched the back of her head.
"Well it wasn't really my idea. Top brass in the LAW are really leaning into my financial problems... but the fans seem to love it. Glad you do too." Kay would go on to explain... that was before the referee would intervene, letting both women know it was time to start the match. Kay naturally had some questions... but it was all too late. She had never taken part in a submission match before... and though she had some good training on the basics, she was new to the style of wrestling.

What was worse, Cobra was going straight into it. With handshakes and formalities out of the way, her opponent wasted no time, going straight in on the offensive with no intentions of testing the waters first. Though Drifter was known to be quick and have great reactions, she simply wasn't ready for this. The crowd began to cheer loudly for both competitors when Susumaru managed to leap deftly into the air, landing a big flying kick against the chest of the rookie up and comer. Struck hard, Drifter gasped out as the air was kicked from her lungs, before she collapsed onto her back from the momentum. Coughing and a little stunned, Kay tried to stagger back up to her feet, raising her guard, realising all at once she was already on the back foot before things had even begun!

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Re: Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

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Susumaru by flying and throwing her kick against Drifter, it would feel almost as if she was a cobra throwing her Fangs against a prey, something she loved to think about, but returning to the fight, Susumaru could observe that that attack had been effective against Drifter, but to her bad luck, she had not fallen, which screwed Susumaru a bit to start the submissions, but knowing that she would have to force her then, Susumaru would try to attack Drifter's stomach with punches, in order to try to end his breathing and give him opportunities to attack.

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Re: Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

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The Cobra was not messing around. The flying kick had been hard enough, but before Drifter could even manage to regain her composure and footing, Susumaru was upon her again, unrelenting in her attack! Drifter tried to throw a quick strike, hoping to drive her away, but the fellow lightweight was already up close and under her strike, coming in to begin boxing against her bare stomach. Kay gasped out loud, getting hit with a few strikes, doubling over as she clutched her stomach. The strikes came in thick and fast, burying deep into Drifter's midriff, all but forcing her to back away.

This left her open for another attack, as she dropped down to one knee, clutching and defending herself, taking a moment to regain her breath after such an assault against her.

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Re: Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

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Susumaru knew she had to be quick and lethal if she wanted the fight to go in her favor, so while she could feel each blow sinking into Drifter's stomach, Susumaru would have a move ready, so when her attacks ceased and she could see Drifter in terrible condition, she would position herself behind Katherine and coiling up like a snake, she would perform a Cobra Twist, squeezing hard so that this would give her the first point easily.

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Re: Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

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Susumaru wasted no time, beginning to live up to her nickname of a serpent. Specifically managing to lock in the submission move of her namesake. Moving lightening fast, Cobra virtually was able to slither around Drifter, trapping her limbs with her own, tangling her up with her own body. Drifter gasped out as Susumaru applied pressure, twisting her body in a gruelling manner, whilst also stretched her limbs and pulling on her chest and neck. Drifter bit on her lower lip, trying to endure the hold.

She tried to reach for the nearby ropes, putting a terrible strain on her alluring form. This was a submission style match, and Drifter realised all at once that she was up against a submission specialist!

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Re: Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

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Susumaru had managed to effectively twist herself around her opponent, and now that she was there, she would not let her go, when she saw Drifter try to go for the ropes to escape, she would worry, less than 15 seconds had passed and Drifter was only a few centimeters away from freeing himself, Susumaru knew that this could not happen, so simply but effectively, she would tighten her grip with all her strength, noticing more in the areas where the arms were attached to the body, where if she did not release or submit, she would end up affecting him, making with her tongue a sound similar to that of a snake.

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Re: Submission war !! Katherine "Drifter" Scarlett vs Susumaru Sasozira "The Cobra"

Unread post by thesteedman »

Drifter had become famous within the LAW for not giving up or submitting, even when it was getting dangerous. No wrestler had managed to get her to tap out yet... but that determination and iron will would do her no good in such a match as this. A tapout nor a submission was required... only that the aggressor could keep their captive within their hold for an entire minute! Thirty seconds had passed already, and Susumaru was already tightening the hold, keeping her Cobra Twist locked in expertly!

Drifter gasped out in pain, unable to reach the ropes as she was twisted, stretched and bent within the gruelling Cobra twist by The Cobra herself! She knew she would have to do something quickly, or she would lose the first fall. Her bare midriff began to strain, as her arms and legs trembled. She tried to roll herself forwards with Cobra if she could, trying to build up enough strength to force the two to roll towards the ropes where she could potentially earn a rope break. If she failed, she would be grounded and still caught! It was a risk worth taking however!

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