Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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Tipe Of Fight: No DQ submission
victory Condition: Victory will only be achieved when the opponent surrenders
no referee
Weapons allowed
Valentine waited patiently on the benches as she put on her nurse outfit, after her last fight, Valentine wanted to see if more people like Ella were waiting for her treatment, and her opponent couldn't be anyone better than Nuo Newbie, someone who already had experience against gym members, something that made it easier for Valentine to know things that she was hurting him a lot, and when it was her time to call, she would simply wait for the as the music started to play, and at the best time, she would appear
So as she walked down the ramp, she would bask in the admiration of the crowd, though she was also met with boos.

At the end, once in the ring, Valentine would wait patiently in the corner to see for his own eyes this girl who is already known as a great fighter un the Rodouko Gym.

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Re: Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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In the locker, Nuo put on her pink mask and closed the locker door. Adjusting her attire by lifting the strap on her chest up and having it rest on her chest. Jumping around to get herself pumped up for her match against some nurse. There was no information about her opponent since she sounds like a new wrestler in LAW. After getting dressed, she made her way backstage and waited for her theme to play.
Entrance Music
As Nuo's theme played, she rushed out and made her appearance. Placing her hand on her hips as the other hand formed into a fist and raised in the air. Later making her way down the ramp and approach to the ring. Climbing onto the ropes to stand on the apron before bending over to slide between the top and middle ropes.

After entering the ring, the newbie move to the center as she smile at Valentine. Ignoring the boos that the nurse got and introduced herself while dipping her head down before raising it back up. "Huang Nuo, nice to meet you."

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Re: Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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Valentine would finally see his patient, Nuo really looked cute, even if that outfit made think she was a fighter like Rose, but according to his report, that was not her thing, appearing her fake persona, Valentine would take off for a few seconds to show a fake smile and answering Nuo's greeting
Valentine, it's an honor to fight with you, Rose, Jenny, Fenrir and Nadia have talked about you, you really are someone special to many...... And that will make it all the more satisfying to break you Valentine would think before putting his mouthpiece back on, and retreating to his corner, where she would wait for the sound of the bell.

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Re: Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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Nuo smiled at Valentine, mentioning people from her previous matches like Jenny and Nadia along with Rose and Fenrir even though she was almost scary. Giggling a bit before hearing the nurse saying something about "breaking her"? "Hehe...- Wait, what?" Before she could get an answer, Valentine retreated to her corner as Nuo would do the same. Now acting cautious as she leaned back and try to get comfortable before the match starts.


The match started and Nuo got out of the corner, meeting Valentine in the center of the ring. Spreading her arms out as she was getting in a defensive approach.

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Re: Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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Valentine would see that Nuo seemed a little confused about what she had said, but knowing that this would only cause more surprise when she actually finished that part, when the fight started, Valentine watched as Nuo adopted a defensive posture, so Valentine ran against her, looking for her arms to meet Nuo's and make a duel of strength.

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Re: Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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Nuo watched Valentine ran up towards her as the two clashed with a classic duel of strength. Being forced to grab onto the nurse's hands as she try to show off her strength by standing her ground. Pressing her body against her opponent's as their chests mushroomed together. "I-if you heard about me then you should know..." Nuo grunted, attempting to make her move as she tries pushing Valentine back. "I'm not that easy to beat..."

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Re: Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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Valentine although she took the offensive in the attack, she would quickly start to be pushed into her corner, step by step, pushing to resist, before she would hear how Nuo said she was easy to beat, laughing a little, she would say to him.
well.... If you're not that easy to beat, what happened against Jenny Rose and Fenrir? Each defeat was worse than the previous one according to the recordings.

And so, Valentine would decide to help Nuo, leaving all her effort out and letting herself be carried to the corner, where she would still keep her hands with Nuo's hands held.

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Re: Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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It didn't take long for Nuo to corner Valentine as they continued the duel of strength. Gaining the upperhand as she attempts to let go of the nurse and perform a backhand chop right towards her chest. Giving a couple of hits just to wear out her opponent. "W-well I can still put up a good fight!" She explained, making an excuse of her previous matches which she lost.

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Re: Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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Valentine, upon reaching the corner, knew that she would have to face Nuo's attacks, knowing the difference in strength, counterattacking was not the best option, so when she released her grip and hit his chest hard, Valentine would hit the turnbuckle directly because of the pain, although annoyed, she would only block, protecting her body and face to leave Nuo free to have the first offensive.

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Re: Check-up time! Valentine vs Nuo Newbie

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The match seem to be starting off good for Nuo as Valentine got no where to go. Smacking the back of her hand against the nurse's chest who had no choice but to try blocking the newbie's strikes. Soon, she would back up just a bit as she placed her hands on her opponent's shoulders. Attempting to force Valentine on her knees or at least fall down in the corner by slamming her knee against her stomach.

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