Had Enough

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Had Enough

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Tina was dressed up in her two piece tiger print wrestling attire as she marched through the hallways backstage. She had just lost to Summer again on paper although the match happened just after Tina won a hard fought match against AJ Eastwood, and after Summers minions worked Tina over. It was hardly a fair fight.

Tina was tired of Summer and tired of The Queendom. She had a plan in place and a little surprise in her back pocket for the ladies. Today she also had a newfound ally in her quest for an actual fair interference free battle against Summer, and he would make his presence known at just the right moment. For now Tina was marching out there solo, knowing that if she had backup The Queendom was less likely to actually show up when she called them out.

An exciting match just ended and the crowd was still riding that adrenaline when Tina's music played for her unannounced entrance out into the arena! The crowd popped as they weren't expecting to see the inaugural middleweight champion tonight. She walked with purpose and mic in hand but too the time to wave to the crowd, pointing to a few signs while high fiving fans on each side of the ramp before finally getting in to the ring.

"Hey everyone, it is great to be here tonight but I am a woman on a mission this evening." Tina said as she strut around the ring with her eyes up on the top of the ramp. "Summer and her little minions have been a thorn in my side for years now and I think we all know how it goes when they step up to the tigress. They get their asses kicked but their leader Summer always cheats her way to a win. The Rising Star tournament, and recently again in our last match where she cashed in when I was weak, adding insult by having her little loser ladies attack me before the bell... we all saw it and have plenty of video evidence of this." Tina said as the crowd booed at the mention of Summer and her cheating ways.

"Tonight though I have a surprise for all of them. Summer why don't you all come on down? I have an announcement for ya that you are just going to love." Tina said with a sarcastic smirk waiting for Summer to arrive in the arena.

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Re: Had Enough

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''Ahhh life is sweet as I kicked that annoying loser's ass yet again , and now she will hopefully stop being the center of attention. As the people in charge should finally see who the real star in the company is''thought Summer as she was chilling backstage with her crew unaware that her good mood was about to be ruined soon.

As Avril had just turned on the tv , and to the redhead's anger the bane of her existence was on the screen.Even worse the bitch was calling her out as Avril said ''so will we be coming out to confront that dumb bully Summer'' as nobody was ready for action at the moment. As they were all wearing their usual attire as the queen bee did not care.

As she turned around , and screamed ''you four get dressed and ready for fighting. Today we are going to put an end to that dumb bitch once and for all''as she walked towards the gorilla position wearing an purple skirt , Orange shirt and black jacket as her music would begin to play as she screamed ''are you looking for another asskicking as I thought you learned your lesson after what happened last time we tangled. Seriously just accept that your second rate compared to me''

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Re: Had Enough

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Tina smiled as Summer came out and began to speak. She nodded along listening to Summer as she spoke expecting her to say something along the lines that she did. "Oh I knew you were going to say that Summer, you are nothing if not predictable. I do have what you call evidence of your cheating during our matches that demonstrates that you are a total fraud." Tina said motioning to the big screen behind her to the matches they had. The cheating, the group beatdown leading to a cash-in right after a tough match.... Tina's evidence showed it all.

Tina let the screen go back to black and smiled, pacing as she shook her head. "That shows you are afraid of facing me in a straight match. I took this to the bosses and I think you underestimate how much clout an inaugural champion can have around here." Tina said with a grin as the crowd cheered. "Benny, come on out I need ya for this." Tina said.

A moment later appearing on the ramp next to Summer was a blond man in a suit and briefcase smiling and nodding to Summer. "Hello Summer, how are you doing this evening?" Benny said as he opened up his briefcase pulling out some contracts. "Here in LAW we listen to the fans and the people at the top have sent their favorite mid-level organizer to send a message." Benny began to say. "Tina proposed something and after weighing in how the fans would feel.... we agreed to it. She wants to face you without any tricks. She is even willing to earn that shot by taking on all of The Queendom in a gauntlet match. If Tina manages to beat everyone then she faces you in a standard match, pretty simple stuff right?" Benny said knowing Summer would have something to say and he would give her a moment to respond.

"The catch is that if there is any cheating or interference in these matches, your LAW contracts become null." Benny said waving the contracts in the air before opening the briefcase and putting them back inside all while Tina stood in the ring smiling ear-to-ear.

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Re: Had Enough

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''Why does everyone keep moving backwards to protect her as this ain't fair''screamed Summer as to her shock someone from management actually arrived to make her day even worse then it already was. As what she was told made her wanna pull her hair out as this could not be happening as she was screwed no matter what happened.

As she did believe that except for Avril anyone of her group could wrestle an fair match , but with the current situation they would have to do it or else she and everyone else would be fired. Which was something the redhead could not use right now as she turned at Benny as she said ''give me those contracts as I wanna read the stipulations''as she hoped to find an loophole to get out of this mess.

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Re: Had Enough

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Tina stood in the ring laughing and pointing at Summer all while leaning in a corner ready for the action to start. She came clad in her ring gear for a reason and she was ready to kick off the gauntlet match tonight. Knowing she could power through everyone and then be fresh to face Summer.... finally.... in a fair match after led to the tigress being motivated as if this were a middleweight championship matchup.

Benny meanwhile gave Summer the contracts and shrugged. "Here ya go. The lawyers already looked them over. You and your allies have successfully cheated so much that it got management involved in an industry where an outcome is an outcome. Congrats." Benny said. "When you are done the gauntlet match is quite obviously happening right now giving the audience a whole extra program on the card tonight." Benny said as the crowd cheered. "You and your team can select the order everyone comes out and if Tina wins each match she'll see you right there in that ring next week." Benny added, straightening out his tie and smirking. He had to admit watching a heel who hid behind her minions squirming up close was pretty great.

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Re: Had Enough

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''This can't be happening as I am the one who tricks and misleads others. Not the one who gets tricked''thought Summer furiously as she read through the document. Hoping to find an loophole to use to her advantage , but to her horror the contract was perfect as their was no way for her to avoid facing Tina should her team lose.

Even worse was the fact that Benny was clearly enjoying seeing her struggle as she replied back ''well obviously it can't happen today as neither myself or my team is ready. So could it happen maybe another day''as she tapped her finger against her neck as she hoped she could make the match take place on another day as she knew the moment Bellatrix saw her tapping her neck that her right hand woman would get ready to receive her secret message

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Re: Had Enough

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Tina stood ready in the ring, keeping an eye out at the crowd for a surprise entrance from whomever was going to be facing her first in the ring. She smiled as she saw Summer squirm, this felt really good.

Meanwhile Benny shrugged at Summer. "You will face Tina next week if she wins the gauntlet but tonight we have the gauntlet match scheduled so your friends better be ready because that match starts right now." Benny said taking the papers back and putting them in his briefcase as he began to make his way to the back leaving Summer at the top of the entrance ramp.

In the ring Tina was ready to roll, eager to take down these women one at a time finally in an interference free setting!

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Re: Had Enough

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''The code that Summer intended to send was rather easy as after she gave the signal the first letter of each word would spell out what the others should do. As the redhead just smiled as she said ''Be Right Erhhh . Wait what did you just say''as she realized that maybe she was screwed as she began to nervously giggle as she said ''uhhh what would happen if for example someone I know would accidentally break Tina's leg. Would that result in me having to face her''

''Okay get me an pen and paper Avril. Uhhh on second thought why don't you two get dressed as I think we may have to wrestle''muttered Bellatrix as the moment one of them did something that was against the rules they be disqualified .

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Re: Had Enough

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Benny smiled and looked back over his shoulder. "It is clear. Interference means you lose your jobs. The fans and the upper echelon of LAW have watched you get away with this for years and action has been taken. Have a nice day." He added with a wave before disappearing. He actually felt great putting a heel in her place.

Meanwhile in the ring the Tigress awaited and looked very eager to get her hands on these women.....

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Re: Had Enough

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''Then give us 15 min to get ready''replied Summer as she had given up trying to stop this match from happening. As she would walk towards the commentary desk as she saw the tigress looking eager at the result as she said ''You won't be looking so pleased when your getting destroyed by my girls''

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