Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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POW Match
Win by Pinfall, Submission, KO
Loser will be collared and given to the winner for twenty-four hours.

Three young women wearing black robes make their appearance on the entrance stage. The blonde woman wearing make up holds her hand out and given a mic o speak to the crowd. ' Hello Man-thing and hired help, my name is Bela, and I am here with my sisters to introduce our mother... the greatest woman to grace this sorry company with her presence. She is the most beautiful, dominant, and most feared Giantess when it comes to smother matches, she is unbeatable.'.

'And tonight we will gain a new sister who would learn her place when it comes to messing with her mother, isn't that right, sisters.' She turns to ask her sisters, who both giggle and taunt the fans. 'Now behold our mother Lady Dimitrescu' as she turns to the side as she and her sisters light candles as the stage lights and the arena goes dark.

Alcina makes her way onto the stage. Walking behind her are women dressed as Plaque doctors with the bird mask as she spreads her arms wide for everyone to see her, the lights turn dim to blood-red as she makes her walk down the ramp to the ring. Her daughters giggling and waving following her down as they mess and provoke the fans by stealing their signs and other things, as she slides into the ring and claps her hands. 'Daughters leave me Tonight we dine on a wolf, and she will join us after her defeat to us. Now leave me so that I can get my hands on Sophia... I leave what left to you all.'
She says, waiting in the corner, eager to see if her opponent is going to show up for this match. Since she has been haunting and scaring Sophia as many times as she can since it is so fun to mess with the younger woman.

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Re: Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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The crowd raged on as Alcina continued to strut her presence around the ring after her grand entrance. Her minions... or 'children' as she so dubbed them herself had long vanished backstage, leaving Alcina on her own to face the angry mob around her. The giant of a woman had rubbed the crowd in every sense of the wrong way, as they continued to stand on their feet and jeer at the scantily clad woman. All that suddenly changed however when the theme music of Sophia Wolfe began to play on the PA system at high volume!

So far into Sophia's entrance music, a smoke began to fill the entrance ramp, concealing any view of anything. Soon enough however, it began to clear away. Once it cleared, Sophia Wolfe was present in the centre of the top of the entrance ramp, kneeling down. She remained on her knees for a moment as the crowd began to roar out their support, her eyes closed and her pose in a meditating like position, finding calm despite the noise. Sophia was clad in her Gi outfit with the top loose and draped behind her from around her waist. She wore a slight variation from her famous attire, wearing a sports bra like top with a red and black design that left her entire midriff bare, revealing her well tuned body and alluring figure. She was barefoot, with wrist straps around her forearms.

Slowly she stood up, making a disciplined motion from her training before making a few air strikes with her fists and with vicious looking kicks. Fireworks began to pop as she did so, making for quite the display which only got the crowd going more. Soon enough she began to walk towards the ring, adjusting her wrist straps on the way. There was something a bit different about Sophia as she began to walk towards the ring. Normally her head was up high, but instead her vision was on the ramp, purposely not making eye contact with Alcina as she approached.

Given the recent history between the two women, it was no real surprise. Everyone still remembered Alcina's interuption within her last match, forcing Sophia to agree to this stipulation tonight. As such, Sophia did not look all so confident. It was hard to notice, but small differences in her composure gave it away. Slowly she slid into the ring, keeping some distance from Alcina... but given the stipulation, she knew she would have to come close to her... a place she would rather not be. The fact that Alcina was clad in what looked like sultry under garments only played further into the mind games, as Sophia cursed under her breath in German, seeing the twisted smile upon her face.

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Re: Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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Alcina can see it in the young woman eyes. All the things she did really had a effect on the poor woman, seeing how her eyes were looking down instead of the head strong look she would normally have while making her way down to the ring. Letting out a small chuckle knowing that half the battle is already won since this version of Sophia is acting more subdued compared to the fiery fighter from before, this one looks like sheep being led to the slaughter and slowly accepting her fate that she is going to be forced to be in her control for the next twenty-four hours. Slowly sliding her tongue out and licking her lips with it before bending forward and stares the woman down as she makes her way down to the ring.

Taking a deep inhale before letting out a pleasurable sigh. Alcina places her hand on her chin, eyeing Sophia down from across the ring. 'Mmm what the matter dear, you seem tense and afraid?. Don't tell me that you're so worried about facing me and what will happen to you after you lose, well, you will join me and my daughters for a night of pleasure that will drown you before you utter those lovely screams from your voice.' While speaking, she starts to slowly inch her way over to the sacred woman corner, making herself look even more imposing than she already is at this point. The crowd eager to see Sophia win the match, but others care to see the smaller woman be squeezed and crushed by the taller woman and see the aftermath if she loses and become Alcina pet for the whole day.

Finally, after getting closer and closer. Alcina stops just inches away from her scared opponent, tilting her head to the side before, with all the grace of a high noble woman, she stretches her hand out and gently brushes her soft fingers against Sophia cheek. ' Come now, my prey, you can do all of us a favor by surrendering to me right now.' While she's speaking, she starts to walk around Sophia in a circle, her hand moving from her cheek on down to her body. 'All you need to do is don't even fight me and kneel down and beg me to not hurt you.

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Re: Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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There was no denying that Alcina was certainly in Sophia's head. The normally stern and serious German Fighter was visibly not quite herself. She held herself well enough, but those small ticks were as clear as day to someone like Alcina, and even those of a keen eye within the crowds. The confidence simply did not look to be there, and even as Alcina approached Sophia, she struggled to hold her ground, taking a few steps back when the larger woman got close. After all the attacks backstage, it was clear Sophia on edge around this devious woman... but even with all this apprehension, Sophia had not forgotten her training with Thereisa. Slowly, both hands clenched into tight fists, and Sophia managed to build the courage to face her tormentor as she peered close.

"Niemals!" Sophia spat out to Alcina's request for surrender. She said it loud enough that the watching crowd heard her and immediately began to cheer loudly for their fan favourite, stamping their feet and chanting so loud it felt like they might bring down the roof of the arena. Despite the initial doubts, it seemed Sophia with her fears was still ready to confront her tormentor. Her expression went to the more stern nature she was known for, as she brushed past the taller Alcina to take her position in the ring. The German began to adjust her straps, now staring at Alcina, not giving her the pleasure of seeing how visibly scared she was deep down.

She hoped Thereisa was watching her in the crowd somewhere. Alcina would no doubt be one of her biggest challenges within the LAW. She had already been attacked, beaten and crushed backstage, as well as within the ring before this challenge was issued. It was time to put an end to this one way or another. If she lost... Sophia knew Alcina would have her way with her... but if she could defeat her, maybe she would finally be free of the devious woman's terror! It was worth the risk... It was all to play for.

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Re: Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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Thereisa is backstage, watching the match in her own locker room. Her arms are crossed watching Sophia do battle against a foe even she would have avoided, only due to the fact that Aclina is more of a sensual hentai wrestler instead of an actual wrestler. Which is something she doesn't plan on doing anytime soon and another reason is the other woman must be at most power since she took a sure fire knock out blow and shrugged it off with ease, and that shook her to a core since her bread and butter kick didn't even faze the woman and basically just scared her off enough... But right now her focus is on Sophia. 'Remember your training. You can do this, and remember when you have a good shot, take it.'

The ref comes between both women. Making sure that both are ready for the match to start and calls for the bell. Stepping away and allowing both women to go at it, since she is only there to count the pin fall or submission. "DING DING DING

"So Sophia, are you ready to face your fate and surrender to darkness.?'' Alcina asks as she starts to circle her opponent slowly. Almost going in a stalking like manner as she licks her lips eager to get her hands on the woman body, tilting her head to the side with that crazy hungry look in her eyes at the thought of dominating the Wolf with her holds and soon to be mark on her neck. "Here we go, let see what happens when I do this' she says lunging at her opponent. Going for a grapple to get her hands on the woman and press her against her body.

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Re: Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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The bell rang, signalling the start of the match. Sophia held her ground, her fists tightening as she watched Alcina begin to slowly stalk and circle her like some form of shark. The manner in which she was dressed was disturbing to Sophia, seeing that she opted to wear lingerie within the ring instead of her normal attire... the same attire she wore when she first captured Sophia and tormented her. No doubt it was all part of her mind games, yet to some extent it was working.

Soon enough Alcina came at her, sensing weakness, longing to no doubt try and get her hands upon her after Thereisa had saved her last time. All the training Sophia had gone through unfortunately went out the window. There was about five things she could have done to stop Alcina or at least move out of the way... but the smaller German panicked. She gasped out, becoming caught off guard as Alinca pressed forwards against her, managing to grasp at her shoulders with her powerful hands. Sophia grimaced, prying against her wrists, feeling the larger woman press against her until she was squashed into the corner!

The crowd began to rage as Alcina pressed further against Sophia, crushing her against the turnbuckle as the referee began to warn Alcina given Sophia was in contact with the ropes. Her scantily clad form pressed against Sophia, her breasts near smothering her face whilst her larger body dominated her own with her superior strength. Sophia tried to push her away but could not, as the crowd chanted for her and jeered the larger heel. It was only thanks to the countdown of the referee that Alcina would have to retreat... but she was taking her time, no doubt taking advantage of every single second that passed!

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Re: Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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Alcina let's out a small moan of pleasure, feeling the close body to body contact against Sophia. She even wiggles her upper body from side to side smothering the smaller German face between her breasts, feeling the woman struggle by trying to push her away but it more like weak attempts, almost like an ant trying to push a mountain around. 'Are you enjoying yourself sweetie, hmm... You must like being against me so much you just allowed yourself to be captured like the prey you was meant to be, dear...' Her honey whispered words as she only sees the tuff of Sophia hair between her massive bosom, much to her amusement and entertainment, just keeping her pinned there and not moving at all.

The ref seeing enough steps between them and tells Alcina to back away now as the taller woman does so slowly. Smirking and with another insult for good measure, Alcina pats Sophia head like she is nothing but a disobedience puppy, before backing away, wanting to see if the younger woman is going to try and fight her now or just accept her fate and cower and submit to her powerful presence.

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Re: Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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The crowd continued to reveal their rage over Alcina's antics. She made no attempt to hide her pleasure at pressing close against her prey, squashing her into the corner, smothering her as moans of pleasure and joy began to escape her lips. Despite being smothered, Sophia heard those ecstatic moans, making her shiver in disgust as she tried to push the heavyweight from her. Her body continued to dominate her own, her chest near absorbing her face whilst the rest of her body powerfully pressed against her own. It was only thanks to the intervention of the referee that Sophia was finally free, gasping out breathlessly from the suffocating press.

Alcina ruffled her hair, mocking the smaller German further. The notion made Sophia glare at Alcina, her teeth gritting together in a rare sight of anger getting the better of Sophia Wolfe. Whilst Alcina backed away, Sophia rushed in towards her headlong, looking to try and retaliate quickly. It was a reckless move, one no doubt Thereisa would disapprove of, but Alcina was getting into her head. To Sophia's benefit, she still had speed and precision, giving her a potential chance to get away with her reckless approach. She moved swiftly, looking to throw a powerful kick towards the back of Alcina's knee to try and bring her down to her own level. If she was successful, Sophia looked to try and follow up with a haymaker of sorts.

Her punch lacked technique and was driven by anger alone, making it potentially telegraphed.. but Sophia went for it all the same, trying to put the hurt on Alcina after everything she had done to her!

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Re: Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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Alcina knew that she had her opponent beaten. Everybody could see it as any little thing she did to the younger woman would be met with almost no fight or fire that Sophia is known for, it is almost like she is terrified of the giant woman, and she is making sure that it's going to lead her to victory in this match. She just needs to keep pushing and prodding before finally breaking Sophia with her moves and holds, just a bit more before owning and claiming the wolf as her new pet for the night, as she has been preparing for this match for months now. "What wrong dear, too much for you already? Are you even trying or are you just play fighting to make it look like you are before surrendering to my bear hugs.' her mocking tone makes the crowd boo as they clearly are behind Sophia in this match up but could their cheers rally her and fire her up to win remains to be seen?

As Alcina was planning, her opponent was on the move again. "AHH my, is that some fight left in her." taunting as the younger woman was able to land a kick to the back of her leg, that forces her to stumble a bit forward before falling down to one knee in front of everyone much to the cheering of the crowd. But to Alcina she knew what was coming a mile away as soon as she saw Sophia rushing forward with her arm cocked back, eager as she lunges to meet her head on and spreads her arms wide before snatching the woman in a tight bear hug. 'Come to Momma little girl' Alcina says, making sure that Sophia face is smothered between her massive breasts again while squeezing.

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Re: Wolf vs Vampire POW: Sophia Wolfe vs Alcina Dimitrescu

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With Alcina down, Sophia felt it was her time to attack... However, anger was ruling her thought process rather than her usual logic. She should have known to back away or at least approach from a different angle, but with all the taunting coming from Alcina and the threats, she simply could not help herself. In a rare moment of loss of control, Sophia actually shouted in anger as she looked to plant a haymaker, a strike she was not known for that carried all her rage with it. Little did she know, Sophia was simply playing right into Alcina's trap! Using such a heavy handed strike, for all her strength and power, it meant nothing if she could not hit Alcina. The large heavyweight giant of a woman was able to telegraph Sophia, seeing all her wasted movement and reacting accordingly.

Her strike hit nothing but air, as Alcina was able to shift herself, pressing forwards before her large and powerful arms slowly came in to wrap around Sophia Wolfe's lower back. Sophia gasped out, trying to correct her stance, trying to pull back, trying to do anything just to get out of arms reach... but it was far too late for her. All at once she felt the terrible pressure of a bearhug around her slender waist, as Alcina pulled her in almost lovingly and longingly. There was nothing loving about the pressure however, as Sophia moaned in agony, feeling those arms press in against her spine, forcing her stomach to stomach tight against Alcina. What was worst, Alcina began to dip forwards, arching Sophia into a C like shape, pressing her breasts into her angelic face to smother her. The crowd began to rage, as Sophia fought and struggled, gasping out as she realised she was in big trouble... feeling the squeeze drive the air from her lungs, whilst the breast smother prevented her from breathing back in!

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