a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

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a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

Unread post by Lederface »

Type of fight: Tornado Hentai Macth
Victory condition: When one of the fighters runs or gets knocked out, they will be eliminated, the fight will end when one of the 2 teams has been eliminated.

Hanayo was a bit worried, their last hentai fight had been very bad, both for her and Rin, but now that they were together, she knew that the chances of winning were high or at least .... not impossible.

When they were told that it was time to appear, their music would start to play, so then with joy the 2 girls would appear, showing their outfits suitable for the occasion.
so then when both chicanes were in the ring, they would greet the audience, to stand in their corner, waiting nervously for the arrival of their opponent.

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Re: a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

Unread post by Frodouken »

Tonight is there first match and to make matters more interesting, it was hentai tornado elimination tag match. The young married couple come out to the arena with mixtures of boos and catcall whistles, Valerie confidant with a hand on her hip as Vanessa leans against her. The walk down the ramp and as they step through the ropes, straddling the center, they lock eyes and share a passionate kiss.

They enter the ring and go to their corner. Valerie has her back against it as Vanessa presses close to her, locking loving eyes yet again with her lover. Val grips her butt and pulls her closer, spanking her behind and vibrating it. Van lets out a pleased moan, before both look to their opponents on the opposite end. Both lick their lips anticipating to decimate the Twin Stars.

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Re: a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

Unread post by Lederface »

Hanayo and Rin would finally see their opponents arrive, seeing that they had no shame in the way they acted, when they were finally face to face, Hanayo and Rin would try to be threatening, though they wouldn't accomplish much, Hanayo and Rin would have to think of who to attack.
face to face, Hanayo and Rin would try to be threatening, though they wouldn't accomplish much, Hanayo and Rin would have to think about who to attack, So when the bell rang, Both girls would run to try to do a combined clothesline, hoping that that initial attack would be enough to give them a small advantage.
Last edited by Lederface on Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

Unread post by Frodouken »

The two idols charged at the Vixens with a combined clothesline, making it obvious how desperate they seemed at the start. The blonde beauties would lower down then attempt to counter with a leg takedown on each of them. If they accomplished that, then they’d put the two girls in leg lock and rub their feet against their crotches, trying to make things easy at the beginning.
Last edited by Frodouken on Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

Unread post by Lederface »

Although Hanayo and Rin thought that their attack would have an effect, the only thing they had done was to make the situation worse, since not only had they been dodged, but they were also knocked down, and now on the ground and close to their two opponents, Hanayo and Rin would feel their crotches being touched, making Rin grimace, but Hanayo would groan a little, even so, the two girls would try to escape, using their feet to try to affect the posture of their opponents with a kick.

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Re: a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

Unread post by Frodouken »

The idols started kicking with their other leg to the Vixens annoyance, so they decide to turn things around by literally doing it. They lift themselves off the ground and turnover with their opponent’s facedown while keeping hold of their leg, putting the groaning idols into a Single Leg Boston Crab.

As they sit on the girls’ backs, they would pull back on the leg with one arm, then both have a sadistic look as they reach their other hand towards the crotches of their opponents, rubbing two fingers against their womanhoods.

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Re: a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

Unread post by Lederface »

Hanayo and Rin felt their crotches ache, but at least the kicks would have stopped those movements, but it had only been a change, for before they could do anything, Hanayo and Rin would be trapped in a Half-Crab, feeling with pain as her leg was brought in an awkward position and some pleasure when her crotch was touched, Hanayo would look firmly at the canvas, and with her arms, she would try to throw whoever she had on top of her, Rin would not stand idly by, so she would try to get to the ropes, knowing that they would not be far away.

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Re: a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

Unread post by Frodouken »

As the high-flyer Vanessa was pulling on Hanayo’s leg, she felt the girl use the ground to help kick out of the leg lock, breaking free from Vanessa’s grip. The flying fox stumbles a bit forward, but is stable. She turns to look down at her opponent who had to put so much effort into getting out.

“Nice job slipping out, but you’re already looking tired to me. Why not just finish yourself off there and lose already?” Vanessa berates her Hanayo, hoping it would make her attack recklessly so she could counter with a powerful knee to the gut.

Meanwhile Valerie is still tormenting Rin, who tries reaching for the ropes.

“Hahaha! What you think that’s gonna do for you? You can’t rope break out of this, idol!” The feral fox leans back further, pushing the girl’s leg to its limits while still rubbing her off.
Last edited by Frodouken on Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

Unread post by Lederface »

Hanayo after having made that hard effort, finally managed to free herself, seeing that the woman seemed to want to bother her, but when she saw how Rin seemed to be in a worse situation, seeing how her crotch was more touched, Hanayo would appear to approach Vanessa to make as if she was going to attack, but she would quickly run to throw a kick against the woman who had trapped Rin, knowing that she had to help her best friend whatever the situation.

Rin felt her crotch getting more aroused, but knowing how her debut ended, she would resist anything and try to overcome that.

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Re: a clash of personalities Twins Stars vs The Voluptuous Vixens

Unread post by Frodouken »

“Ah!” Valerie feels the kick land against her chest, Hanayo’s shin bouncing off of her breasts from the impact. Vanessa, angered by the idol’s assault to her wife, she went over to her throw a knee against her gut.

Valerie was able to keep hold of Rin, but decides she wanted revenge on the idol who kicked her. Before letting go of the one in her grasp, she’d angrily punch her in the groin and toss her leg away to go help Vanessa.
Last edited by Frodouken on Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:27 am, edited 2 times in total.

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