Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

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Re: Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

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The agony of the stretch muffler was like nothing Hana had ever faced in her life! Hana clawed at her hair, just trying to process the agony that was shooting from her leg all the way up to her spine. Her toned body was quivering, muscles heaving with pain as Karen cranked on the hold, pushing Hana toward her limits.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaooww," Hana shrieked, face reddening as incredible agony shot through her body. Despite this, Karen's taunts till echoed through Hana's ears, adding a layer of humiliation to proceedings that the bodybuilder wasn't ready for. Tears brimming at her eyes as pain compounded on shame, Hana reached out futilely for the safety of the ring ropes.

Hana let out a sigh when Karen released her leg, but the relief was short lived. "Aah!" Hana squealed, as Karen released the hold. Hana began scrambling away, only to have her leg trapped again beneath Karen's powerful body. "Noo ..." she whimpered, realizing she was still at her brutal opponent's mercy!

Hana pounded a fist on the mat, out of frustration. This was not the track she needed to be on, if she was going to become the respected wrestler she wanted to be. There wasn't chance Karen was going to let up, unfortunately.

"G-gotta keep fighting," Hana groaned, when Karen tauntingly offered a 'time out." Hana planted her hands on the mat, and began trying ot unseat the powerful woman. Hana's focus would be broken and her attempt effectively countered, however, as Karen began to slap her cheek.

"Stooop iiiiiit~!" Hana whined, the tears brimming in her eyes again as she moved her hand to attempt to swat away Karen's. Her cheeks reddened, her body beginning to show marks from Karen's domination. The rookie weakly swatted at Karen, twisting her muscular, toned body beneath the powerful woman's and attempting to writhe her way to freedom.
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Re: Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

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If there was one thing the sadistic amazon loved, it was fear in a foes eyes. Whilst Hana had little in her, there was something greater forming in her eyes.

"Wait...are you fucking...BAHAHAHHA!" Pulling her figure off Hana's leg inadvertently amidst her loud laughter, Karen brought her hand back to her stomach, giggling as the other pointed at the poor redhead. Beside herself, Karen's guard somewhat nonexistent as she fell back to her knees, Karen filled the arena with her chuckle.


Her own eyes beginning to show tears, purely out of laughter, Karen would be forced to cling onto the ropes as her figure fell back. Purely, because she felt that if she didn't, she'd either fall flat, or slip through the ropes entirely!

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Re: Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

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Hana felt some relief as Karen let up on her leg, allowing her to start crawling away from the powerful amazon. Karen's mocking laughter, however, stopped the bodybuilder cold. Hana froze, realizing what was being said.

"I ... I-I ..." Hana didn't know what to say. The tears were flowing down her cheeks, and being mocked over them certainly wasn't helping. Wide-eyed, the redhead looked out across the audience, realizing that everyone was seeing Karen bully and mock her in the middle of the ring. What kind of respect was a blubbering crybaby going to garner from the fans, let alone her opponents?

"Sh-shut up!" Hana demanded, pushing herself up to her feet. She could feel her leg twitching, the pain making her slow to get up. Fortunately, Karen seemed to be having too much of a laugh against the ropes to push her advantage. Red-faced, her shame slowly burning into anger, Hana lunged forward in a full run! The bodybuilder would jump at her opponent, trying to smoosh her against the ropes with her muscular, powerful figure utilizing a flying cross body!
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Re: Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

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Ever one to be caught out only by her own cockiness, Karen would quickly find herself paying for the laughter she had at Hana's expense. Roaring yet still, hands to her thighs and slapping it in excessive laughter, the raven haired figure seemingly couldn't even conceive the idea that the redhead would not only be ready to fight yet again, but dare to. Herself the definition of an open target, Karen would open her watery eyes too late, only to find a firm set of abs and a stern bust flying straight towards her!

"OOOPH!" Roaring out as her back hit the ropes, the redhead mostly following, the humiliated amazon could but wheeze and catch herself, as she brought hands to the top ropes on either side of her, in effort to gain some stability.

"You...Little SHIT!"

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Re: Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

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Hana couldn't help but let out a mild, muffled grunt when her body impacted with Karen's, against the ropes. Her oponent was a hard-bodied woman, muscular and powerful, and crashing into her felt like flying into a brick wall! Fortunately, Hana had momentum and gravity on her side, and it seemed that Karen got the worst of the exchange!

Landing against the ropes, Hana could feel the two women's bodies leaning into the ropes, building tension but fortunately not spilling out to the floor below. Hana backed off, feeling a bit dizzy from the impact. Still, after all the bullying and humiliation she'd already endured in this match, it felt good to turn the tables. Karen's insults and groans felt like music to the rookie's ears.

"I'm not done with you yet!" Hana shouted back, as she widened her stance to steady herself. Looking at Karen wheezing against the ropes gave Hana an idea, Karen's heaving chest presenting itself as a target.

Reeling back her arm, Hana opened her fingers wide before laying into Karen with a heavy, body rocking chop. Gritting her teeth and squinting her still-wet eye, Hana wanted to put every ounce of embarrassment and pain she'd suffered thus far at Karen's hands behind this chop, and teach the meaner woman some respect! Hana swung from her hips, putting her entire body into the chop, looking to produce a spectacular sound as her hand smacked across soft, helpless flesh.
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Re: Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

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The experience on Karen's side offered little protection against such a powerful frame ramming into her; one that had her feet off the ground to boot. Great busts mashing as Hana's abs too pierced into Karen's tout tummy, the amazon could only rest so long before the redhead opted to follow-up with further assault. Karen of course deserved it, but she'd respond with outright spite all the same.

"GHH-CK!" A line just above her bust serving as the marker for the redheads strike, roars from the crowd would match the resounding sound of flesh colliding, with many of the crowd almost laughing at the amazons peril. Being slapped in such a manner was bad enough; add in the fact that Karen had acted almost godly in the fight thus far, and the moment was damn right hilarious.

Trying to save what she could of her pride, keeping her lips still locked to keep that roar within, Karen attempted to simply pace from the corner, arms to her side, with all the care in the world apparently dropped before her. Make no mistake; the chop hurt like hell, and even seconds after, Karen was struggling to stop her eyes tensing somewhat. To Hana though, she'd do her best to form the impression of a woman completely unhindered.

"That...all you little...fuck..."

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Re: Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

Hana winced as he hand struck Karen's waiting flesh. The blow was ringing in her ears, and she surprised herslf with the force that she'd struck her opponent with. Hana's body was still aching from the pummeling that Karen had been giving her, but the rush of getting some offense in was starting to at least take the edge off.

Hana shook her hand out as Karen reeled from the blow. In the crowd, she could hear laughter. It confused the bodybuilder, as she looked self-consciously into the crowd. What was so funny, she wondered? Were the fans laughing at her? Should she have tried something more "serious" than a chop to the chest? The bodybuilder was distracted a moment, giving Karen plenty of time to nurse her aching body and get herself out of the corner.

"I-I'm just getting started," Hana said, trying to talk tough when Karen challenged and insulted her. Hana needed to keep moving, she told herself. The momentary distraction of trying to read the crowd would have given Karen plenty of time to rest and recover, so Hana knew she had to step things up if she was going to keep her advantage.

Stepping in, Hana leaned her buxom body against Karen's, trying to push her into the ropes with her chest as she clutched the bigger woman's wrist. Then, she would use the tension they would build there to try and pull back, attempting to whip Karen across the ring and hopefully make her bounce back from the opposite ropes.
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Re: Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen tried as she could to retain the position of someone completely unhindered, but even with less experience, Hana's power was nothing to mock. The slap that Karen tried so hard to play as weak had already left a fine red line on the woman's collarbone, with Karen's face contorted in anger simply to hide the ache. When Hana moved to latch onto the woman's arm, Karen tried again to play the move as weak; holding her ground with legs spread wide to no-sell the redheads efforts to budge her.

Again, a failing effort.

Soon opting to roll with the force now on her arm, simply to save herself being yanked to the ground in a failed resistance of the Irish whip attempt, Karen would return from the opposing ropes with speed increasing all the while. Grunting with every movement, Karen would attempt as she could to bring the moment back in her favour; her arms up and wide as she returned. Given her simple predicament, Karen seemingly opted for an simple attempt at taking back control of the match. Namely, ramming her thick bust and powerful abs into her redhead on return, in a somewhat standard bodysplash!

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Re: Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

Hana was starting to feel some momentum build, for the first time in this match. Feeling confident in the ring was a new sensation to her, but as she hooked Karen for the Irish whip, Hana couldn't help but grin. Hana pulled hard, Karen offering resistance at first, but Hana's power was enough to get the big woman moving! Hana spun with her, but then planted her feet and waited for the powerful woman to rebound and come flailing back to her.
Hana braced herself, ready to catch Karen on the return. The Japanese woman held her hands out, wanting to catch Karen around the waist and hoist her up for a hard back body drop! Hana practically shivered in anticipation. Her opponent, however, had other plans.

Hana's eyes went wide when Karen came back, faster than anticipated, and lunged up toward her for a cross body block! "No!" Hana cried, her stance dropping as the unexpected attack threw her totally off her game.

Karen's generous bust came crashign down on Hana frist, knocking the wind out of the bodybuilder and taking her down to the mat with ease! For a moment, Hana could feel Karen's abs grinding on her, intimidating her with how strong the woman must be! Hana kicked her legs and twisted her body, trying to squirm out from beneath Karen. The move was more motivated by shock and fear than any sort of tactics, however, as Hana's mind scrambled to cope with the sudden reversal putting her on her back!
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Re: Body vs. Bunny: Hana vs. Karen Starring!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen had rarely learnt from such risky attempts to throw her body at her foe. More than once she had been caught, and even more often, she had been spun to the ground in return. This time however, whether it was surprise or otherwise, Karen not only landed on her foe, but did so in the most painful of manners. With the entirety of her notable weight pressing down via busty front or toned abs, Karen not only crushed Hana on landing, but assured that her figure would not be easily rolled from atop of her.

"So close...!" She'd roar, cockiness instantly returning to her despite a very prominent red mark still being on her chest, as the audience was briefly treated to the sight of both fighters giant bosoms mashing together. Lifting her top half up just a tad, Karen's hands would slowly but firmly latch to the redheads wrists, as her thick thighs simply rested atop Hana's legs. She was rare to use such an attempt at a pin, but pushing Hana's hands above her head and holding them there, she didn't exactly find fault in watching the redhead's face contort as she attempted to gain that pinfall victory.

"Stay still..and I might not break you..."

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