Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

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Re: Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

Unread post by Anon »

Alison leaned forward, assuming a traditional pro-wrestler stance. Feet spread wide apart, she bent her wrists back and extended her arms a short distance in front of her body. "And doing your best!" she was quick to disagree, somewhat uncharacteristically. Alison, taking her opponent's action as a signal to start, stomped forward, head lowered and leading with one hip. While she started with a bouncy jog, she slowed down carefully upon getting close, shuffling and weaving about as she inched into reach.

The blonde wrestler lunged in to cover the final distance, hands reaching out to grasp Charlotte's shoulders and upper arms -- or whatever she put forward to defend herself with. Alison's cautious offense did put Charlotte in a bit of danger, as she was not a delicately built woman. However, she had not extended her arms all that much beyond her breasts, so any resistance Charlotte put up might put her in danger of being smothered on the spot, or at least slapped lightly.
Alison Campbell (Heavyweight)
Noko Fujikawa (Lightweight)

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Re: Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Charlotte, now seemingly fully in her self entitled 'sumo-of-justice' mode, offered no response verbally. Now was the time for her to show her strength, she deemed, with words of what she suspected would be reconciliation for her victory to be given after!

Right hand outstretched with palms wide, albeit fingers bent at the end for a grip should she come within reach of one, Charlotte's left would be brought back just slightly, albeit still raised outwards. Advancing much more slowly and surely than her bouncier foe, Charlotte had not only taken note of the fact she was working very much against weight, but very much against the sheer bounciness of her foe! A somewhat comical image in her mind formed of every attempt to buckle the bouncy heavyweight literally pinging off her!

Shaking such silly thoughts aside, Charlotte's hands sought to latch to the bigger girls shoulders, by-passing the giants outstretched hands altogether. She'd resist the urge to drop her eyes to the mountain of cleavage below her target, as she now focused purely on grabbing a hold of Alison, to simply shove her back!

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Re: Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

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Alison's eyes widened as her opponent pivoted quickly. Rather than trying to escape, she lowered her body and lunged ahead herself, dropping her arms low and reaching for Charlotte's waist. As Charlotte grasped her shoulders, Alison focused on trying to wrap her arms around the other wrestler's waist. The end result was that Charlotte was given a split second view of Alison's cleavage swinging back and forth down her leotard before the two collided head on, Alison's face bonking into Charlotte's shoulder and making her scrunch it up in surprise. "Oof!" she grunted, a determined pout appearing on her round, pale face. Alison strafed back and forth, boots stomping on the mat heavily. Her hands slapped and grasped at Charlotte's waist and hips as she struggled to get a good grip.
Alison Campbell (Heavyweight)
Noko Fujikawa (Lightweight)

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Re: Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

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The two robust figures colliding with fierce intent, with Alison's monstrous bust mushing against Charlotte's lesser but no less-giant assets, the budding sumo of justice roared out to herself as she fought back, hands slipping up and around her opponents shoulders. Her own waist was gripped at relatively the same level, with now both dense figures locking onto one another with fierceness fitting of their grunts and roars. Charlotte herself had little intention to use the grip, with no intent to bring about a lift or slam on her top heavy frame. It was merely a grip to hold onto, and ensure her busty foe wouldn't be slipping to her side, as she exerted more force in shoving forward!

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Re: Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

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"Hff!" Alison forced the air from her lungs and stared off into space, frowning. Her cheek squished against Charlotte's collarbone. Dealing with the sturdy sumo wrestler required all of her concentration, as she shuffled her feet around constantly to avoid losing her balance. In fact, she seemed to have shut down a good portion of her brain for efficiency; her eyes stared blankly at nothing at all, unfocused, and she didn't even react to Charlotte's loud battle cries. As Alison struggled, mid re-position, Charlotte grew to be too much to handle. Alison's booted foot skidded across the mat, and she narrowly avoided falling to the ground helplessly by dropping to one knee.

Alison held her mouth shut tightly, rendering her high pitched, frustrated exclamation muffled and mostly inaudible. "Hrrmmmmmmgh!" Alison's face slid down Charlotte's body, until her nose pressed into the sumo wrestler's tummy, causing her to scrunch her eyes nearly shut. She gripped Charlotte around her waist, squeezing her harder and leaving a face shaped dent in her stomach. Adjusting to her new location on the ground, Alison grunted and raised her knee from the mat, while lowering her body even further. Releasing Charlotte's waist, she swung a hand beneath her legs, trying to grip behind her leg. "Hrrrrrrrrgh!" Flexing her thick thighs, Alison struggled to get below Charlotte and lift her from the ground entirely.
Alison Campbell (Heavyweight)
Noko Fujikawa (Lightweight)

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Re: Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Looking at Alison from a distance was simply not justice enough for the girl. Her chest was simply massive, and pressing against the figure only made Charlotte all the more uneasy. Charlotte herself wasn't greatly interested in the sexual dealings that went on in many a match, and was as strict a professional as there could be. But pressing against Alison's ginormous rack was certainly making things difficult!

"Ghhhh...Such a move...will not work on myself!" Grunting as Alison somewhat tightly compressed her robust figure, the purple cladded sumo found herself breathing a shade deeper as the busty figure did so, before she found Alison opting to take the ground from beneath her entirely. Swatting at air for but a moment, Charlotte opted to use her opponents new found position to her side, as she felt the beauties arms wrap around her leg for an attempt to lift her and likely bring her to the ground.

"Hi...ahhh!" Roaring out, the sumo turned her hips as much as she could, throwing her arms to the shoulders of her foe. Rather than give much more, she'd opt to simply drop from there; if Alsion wanted to lift this robust budding sumo, she'd have to sandbag her, as Charlotte began to lean on her with her dense frame entirely!

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Re: Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

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"Hff!" Alison made a small noise of complaint as she failed to budge the resilient sumo. She shuffled her feet into something closer to a lunge position, trying to maintain her balance. Slowly, Alison's face slid up Charlotte's torso as the blonde heavyweight settled in for what was shaping up to be a very long and difficult struggle. She managed to keep one eye open through the process; the other eyelid was squished shut and wedged against Charlotte's sternum. Alison's fingers slid over Charlotte's thigh briefly, before slipping away completely for an instant.

Alison, slightly adjusted, now threw her arms forward in a big hug encircling Charlotte's waist. "Hnf!" she cried out, her voice already unsteady from the exertion. While Alison did resemble a more shapely marshmallow, a lot of her mass was actually composed of muscle, and she put that muscle to work as she did her best to compress Charlotte's waist down a size or two in her arms. From this position, Alison's breasts sat comfortably under Charlotte's, pushing them up slightly, as if trying to offer a helpful boost. Of course, Alison did nothing at all to escape Charlotte's grasp, but she only had so many limbs to work with.
Alison Campbell (Heavyweight)
Noko Fujikawa (Lightweight)

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Re: Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Her thick frame gripped tightly by one that surprisingly, composed of as much strength as it did curves, Charlotte found herself turning her head a moment to let loose that huge gasp, before trying to affirm herself against her bubbly foe. Hands gripping tightly on the great amount of flesh on offer, Charlotte opted to pivot her biceps up and around the close figures head, looking for something of a headlock as she tried to turn her frame in that squeezing embrace, seemingly looking to get her side facing her foe.

"!" She'd snarl, trying in vain at first to pull Alison's head down as she somewhat hugged it against her collarbone, bending almost in an effort to do so. If she could at least begin to make headway, then she might just be able to escape the bigger figures embrace entirely!

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Re: Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

Unread post by Anon »

Alison's nose mashed against Charlotte's collarbone as the resilient sumo wrestler bent her head downwards. The blonde wrestler made a small noise of complaint as the hold stretched her neck muscles. "Nnf!" Struggling to straighten her body, Alison failed to wiggle free, but heaved with her legs, threatening to get Charlotte off balance or get one of her feet off of the mat briefly.

Accepting that she was stuck, Alison planted her feet and arched her back, pushing against Charlotte with her chest. The sliver of her face peeking out over Charlotte's shoulder took on a serious expression, as Alison jutted her chin out and grunted. "I'm not quitting without a fight!" protested Alison. Alison gripped her own triceps behind Charlotte's back, and stepped forward to place a thick thigh between the sumo's legs.
Alison Campbell (Heavyweight)
Noko Fujikawa (Lightweight)

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Re: Alison Campbell vs Charlotte Foster

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Her face adopting a smile as she began to bend the big woman up and over against her will, Charlotte let loose something reminisce of a squeal as her heftier foe not only began to power back, but slipped her leg between Charlottes own. Charlotte knew the implications well enough to know that now, forcing Charlotte to go over was next to impossible, given her foe could simply use the eager sumo's legs to stabilise!

"!" She'd groan, still pressed by that firm embrace from the girl, as Alison's gigantic bosom pressed into Charlotte's frame. Charlotte knew that had she failed to remove herself from the posture at hand, Alison would likely squeeze a few more shades of life out of the sumo of justice, and turn the spar utterly in her favour. Or worse, she'd simply force that bust upwards, and ensure Charlotte couldn't breathe altogether!

Obviously preferring otherwise, scissoring somewhat that thick thigh now between her leg, Charlotte would attempt to slowly but surely heave at her foe backwards. Shoving, one hefty step at a time, bringing her legs either side of her foe with each and every step, Charlotte's eyes would give away her intention; with them latching on the ropes, either to seek a rope break escape, or to simply shove Alison into them for a little flattening of her own!

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