Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Emily succeeded, by the time she would slowly take Anya to the canvas, Emily's ideas were few as to what moves she could perform, but confident in her abilities, she would first launch an attack with her knee to Anya's jaw, if her attack was successful, it would not take long for Emily to place Anya with her body facing the canvas and thus safely place her body in position and take her into the air in a Romero Special.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Anya was not looking so good as Emily was about to slam her knee against the large bunny girl's jaw. Leaving her stunned as held onto her jaw and cursed herself as she felt like she bit her lips from that knee attack.

While she was stunned, the maid grabbed her arms and legs as she lay on her stomach. Slowly being lifted up in the air with a amazing Romero Special, forcing Anya in the air in some sort of display. Moaning in pain as she was completely trapped with both her arms and legs being caught.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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As Emily successfully placed Anya in the move, she knew she had to make the most of the moment, tightening her grip as much as she could, knowing that it would wear Anya down quickly, although it was gradually becoming more difficult to maintain the position due to Anya's weight, although the audience was thrilled to see that the maid seemed to not only take the blows, but that she was delivering them as well.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Anya needed to stay strong, no way she will lose to this maid as the crowd cheered for Emily. All she could do is wait for Emily to get tired from the hold thanks to her weight taking somewhat of an advantage. Trying to squirm her way out of the move but with no avail. "S-shit... M-mind if you put me down... Please..?" She asked, saying it in a polite manner as if it was the only option she had.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Emily felt how Anya seemed to be starting to suffer from the movement, but it didn't seem to be physical, as it seemed to be humiliating for her, listening to Emily's words, she knew she really didn't want to be there, and although Emily could have simply applied more pressure and forced Anya to surrender, she knew what it was like to be humiliated, but she knew what it was like to be humiliated, so Emily would slowly move Anya's body and lay her on the ground, backing up a little and standing up, giving the rabbit-masked woman a chance to get up and recover.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Anya groaned as she was hanging in the air until Emily finally put her down as she lay on her stomach. Watching the maid standing up as she gave her room to catch her breath before trying to get back on her feet as well. Feeling sore and a bit tired as she stared at Emily with a confused look on her face. Before she could think any further, she realized they're still in a match as she try shaking off the pain. Getting ready to make her next move while watching Emily's movements.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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One of the things Emily knew how to do very well besides being a servant, is to be a great observer, seeing how Anya seemed to be in a rather deplorable situation at the moment, which would make her vulnerable to another such move, but knowing that Anya was dangerous even in that situation, she would slowly advance, but would stop, forcing Anya to come closer, Emily wanted to see what her attack would be

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Anya slowly advanced in front of Emily, standing there face to face as they stare at each other. Attempting to slam her elbow against the maid's chest again and again before locking onto her opponent once more. Purposely trying to tire her opponent with a good couple of elbow strikes before moving behind Emily and wrapping her arms around the maid's neck for a sleeper hold!

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Emily would see Anya in an unexpected moment she would start throwing blows against her chest, making her recoil, with each blow she would gasp, in the end she would try to cover her chest to block the blows, but that would leave her unprotected for Anya's move, which left her standing with her neck being squeezed tightly by Anya, slowly sitting up, Emily would throw blows with her elbow against Anya's body, before the air went out of Emily's body and she would fall unconscious.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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"Hngh..." Anya winced, her hold loosen as Emily slammed her elbow against her body in retaliation. Watching the maid like she was about to be unconscious as she tried her best to maintain the hold. Dragging Maid around the ring as she tries getting into a sitting position to go for a rear naked choke hold. Wrapping her legs around Emily's waist and began to squeeze her with her legs as well, resting her chin against the back of her opponent's head.

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