Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Emily had stopped paying attention to Anya to recover, so much so that when Anya charged at her like a bull, Emily could not stop her, being then charged by Anya and carried into the corner, where she would scream slightly in pain, that attack had been powerful and now she was at Anya's mercy and whatever she had in mind.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Anya successfully tackled Emily to the ground, the perfect advantage for her to try and force the maid to tap out. Rolling her opponent on her stomach before sitting on her back to keep Emily in place by using her weight. Grabbing the injured maid's arms and rest them over Anya's thighs as she reach for Emily's chin and attempt to perform a nasty camel clutch!

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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As Emily lay on the canvas, she would think of some way to take advantage of the situation, but her thoughts would be stopped when Anya would slowly bring her into a painful camel clutch, Emily knew very well what that move was, so she could resist for a while, but sooner or later her body would not resist anymore, so she would try to break the grip, not willing to give up so easily.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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"You're not getting out that easy..." Anya smirked, pulling Emily's head as far as she could with her back leaning back along with her upper body. Knowing she couldn't hold the move long but she wanted to at least do some damage before the maid could escape. Wanting to see the look on the maid's face however couldn't with that dumb mask covering it entirely. Slowly losing her grip around Emily's chin, she had no choice but to let go of the maid and tossing her body on the floor while sitting on top still. "I thought maids are submissive..."

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Emily after a while, was feeling her body under the pressure of Anya's movement, but in the end she would have the opportunity to be able to take a break, although she could still feel her back being crushed by Anya, so even though she would hear Anya's words, she would not respond, as she sought to free herself, knowing that if she stayed there any longer, she would be able to take a break, even though she could still feel her back being crushed by Anya.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Anya watched Emily trying to escape underneath her, sitting there and laughing at the maid. Giving a bored look as she rest her chin against her hand and looked down at her opponent. "I expect someone who could talk..."

After having her fun, she finally got off of Emily, standing back on her feet and making her way to the ropes. Watching Emily as she stopped crushing her opponent by her weight.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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emily would think about how she could get up from that move, though to her good or bad luck, anya would remove herself, giving emily a breather, so then when she got up, emily would back up a bit, but though with her hand she would place a fist, though raising a thumbs up, indicating from her point of view that she is grateful
so then emily would slowly approach towards anya, ready in case that woman had a plan.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Anya nodded to the response, watching the maid giving the large bunny woman a thumbs up before getting ready for another round. Her arms up in front of her as her legs spread out a little to stand her ground. Lunging herself at Emily to go for a lock up, wanting to go for another round against the maid. Her arms wrapped around Emily's with one hand grabbing her opponent by the shoulder while the other grabbing tight by the arm.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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Emily after a few seconds, would see how Anya seemed to prepare herself, Emily knew what she would try, but she needed some time for a strong move, so without many options, she would also close her body close to Anya's, holding tight and trying now to take this woman to the ground, Emily should be able to take the advantage and not end up under Anya again.

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Re: Emily Moore vs Anya Sokolov - a fight whit interesting masks

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The two maintain their position as Anya felt Emily getting a bit too close to her to prevent her from attempting to go for any holds on her. As the maid got close, she held tight onto the large bunny woman and manage to take her down on the ground. Leaving Anya underneath her opponent as she squirmed around to try pushing her off.

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