Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Match Type: Hardcore Barbed Wire Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout. Participants cannot be disqualified for any reason. The ring ropes are replaced by barbed wire and weapons are present in the ring.
When most wrestlers were faced with the prospect of a barbed wire deathmatch, they recoiled in fear. This was no sort of match to go into lightly; the very name brought up images of blood, of cold steel, and of ever-increasing escalation in the combatants' efforts to outdo one another when it came to death-defying stunts, all in the name of inflicting pain on one another.

To Viper Hoshiwara, it meant...all of those things, yes. But she looked on it all with eager anticipation. Viper was a woman who rarely felt anything in the way of strong emotional response. To really get her heart pumping, it took something greater than what the average diversions - even the average wrestling match - could bring. It was in the middle of a heated deathmatch, when all was on the line, that Viper could feel like she was truly alive.

Tonight, she was about to set foot in the ring for just that. She stood at the Gorilla position, peering through the curtains at where the ring was being fixed with barbed wire ropes and loaded with weapons in preparation for the event. So too she knew that her opponent would be Skylar Jones - a woman with no shortage of experience when it came to danger and mayhem herself. Even if Viper's expression was as stony and unmoving as always, on the inside, she felt plenty of excitement - after all, she had her fair share of matches in LAW where she had demolished competitor after competitor in more standard contests, and each one left her feeling unfulfilled. It was about time she had a taste of real danger, with an opponent who she knew wouldn't hold back.

At last, the ring was set - and, as the voice of the ring announcer played over the speakers, it was time for the action to begin.

"Coming first to the ring, from Akishima, Japan! At 5'8 and 145 pounds, VIPERRRRRR HOSHIWARA!"
The arena was bathed in red light as Viper stepped out onto the entrance ramp, locking her glare on the ring. She whipped her switchblade out and swung it through the air as she advanced toward the ring, slicing through the air just over the heads of the spectators before stopping to run her tongue along the edge of the blade. This time, even Viper's most devoted fans, and even her most hateful detractors were silent. After all, this time around, there was nothing stopping Viper from using that knife, if it came down to it - and she was by no means one to shy away from such a thing.

When she came to the ring, Viper grabbed at the barbed wire rope to lift it up so that she could slide in between the cables. It was as much a psychological tactic as any - before the match even began, she wanted her would-be opponent to know she wasn't going to hesitate for anything.
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Skylar Jones pranced around the locker room excitedly, giddy in anticipation of the match to come. She was no stranger to hardcore wrestling. She remembered wrestling deathmatches in backyard promotions when she was as young as 16, but she hadn't been in a match this extreme in some time. She could hardly wait for the adrenaline rush, the thumping of fists meeting flesh, the dripping sound of blood hitting the canvas! Thinking about deathmatches though, she couldn't help but think of the brutal match between Yuki Kazikura and Amano Jaku. She let out a sigh. Reiko would forgive her eventually, right...? But, as her music came over the speakers, she shook it off, wearing an excited grin as she headed towards the gorilla position.
Skylar Jones
"And her opponent, from Perry, Iowa, weighing in at 162 pounds, the Brawling Puppet, SKYLARRR JOOONES!!!"

Skylar came down the ramp in good spirits, sipping a bottle of whiskey. Bizarre, given the nature of the match she was walking in to. The fans blew up with the usual mix of cheers and jeers, both of which Sky took with pride. She sipped her drink as she approached the ring. She hadn't missed how Viper had entered, and she wanted to make sure her opponent knew she had just as few reservations when it came to danger. Making sure to grab one of the sharp spots, Sky flipped over the top rope, drawing a good deal of blood from her right hand, not that she minded. With her feet on the canvas, she faced Viper, wearing a smile as she tossed her bottle behind her, causing it to shatter on the ramp. "Eyyyy!" She greeted, waving her bloodied hand before casually leaning against the barbed wire ropes, drawing blood from her back. "So, no hard feelings if one of us ends up in ER, right? Or, y'know, Heaven. Or Hell, I know that's where I'm goin', and you seem to be headed to the same place. But, I can't judge a book by it's cover. Who knows? You might be a good Cristian girl." Sky joked, before bursting out in laughter, picturing Viper reading a bible in church.
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Even for a woman as unshakable as Viper was, she had to admit, Skylar's response to going into one of the most brutal matches in the sport of professional wrestling was...unexpected. She was facing a dangerous match, against a foe who just might be even more deadly, yet she was in good spirits, celebrating and cheering with the fans. Was she that confident she was going to win? Did she not realize what she was up against? Or...did she simply not care?

Even in how she entered the ring, Skylar's bravado showed through - she grasped at the sharp point of the barbed wire, using it as a handhold to leap into the ring. Already, Viper was forming her game plan. Skylar was clearly going to be a tough nut to crack, in any sense of the word. If she could shrug off pain like this, she already had something going for her. But that just meant Viper was going to hit her even harder where it counted.

The green-haired girl stood at the ready, balling her fists at her sides. She straightened her back and placed her feet apart, squaring herself up to look Sky in the eye with a cold, unfeeling expression. She might have been joking around, but Viper wasn't going to hear it.

"Do you ever shut up?" she muttered. As soon as Skylar finished laughing, Viper would show her how she was going to approach things - she grabbed at her shoulders, giving her a shove before the match had even begun!
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Skylar was surrounded by barbed wire. Weapons like bats, steel chairs, and light tubes dotted the canvas, ready to be used to injure or maim the combatants. Despite her hellish environment, Sky was goofy as always, poking fun at Viper. "Nah, not really." The brunette shrugged, only for Viper to shove her before the bell. Standing only a foot away from the ropes, the shove sent her right into the cold sharp steel of the barbed wire. She learned quick that leaning on it was one thing, but being forcefully shoved into it was another entirely. "GYAH!" She screamed, before snarling at Viper. "You BITCH!"

Skylar lunged towards Viper, locking up with her and trying to shove her into the barbed wire as payback. The two already getting into it, the referee called for the bell.

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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Skylar's response was...all things considered, what Viper had expected from her. Either way, though, it wouldn't hold her back. She kept up the same disinterested look as ever, her eyes half-lidded and her mouth pulled into a frown, as she stared more through Skylar than at her. But it didn't take long for Sky to get back into the moment. When Viper gave a forceful shove to Skylar's shoulders, throwing her back with enough force to leave her slipping and falling into the barbed wire behind her, she quickly got serious.

All the same, the harsher words she took didn't bother Viper either. The green-haired girl calmly ambled forward toward Sky, with the slow, casual pace of a weekend stroll more than the charge of a fighter. "Ah. I see," she muttered. "Now you know what you're dealing with." But things were about to heat up.

Skylar was quick to grab Viper by the shoulders, swinging her weight over to the side so that the two of them would fall against the barbed coils encircling the ring. The deathmatch veteran grit her teeth with a wince as the barbs dug into the skin of her back, and she could feel the warmth of blood trickling down her side, far earlier into this match than she had expected. But to her...that just meant Sky was serious. And that meant this was going to be a match to remember.

"You think...that's the best you can do?" Viper hissed. "I've had worse..." She got her foot up in between her and her opponent, aiming to plant it against Skylar's stomach to shove her back - whether that landed her back in the ring, or into still more barbed wire, either would serve her purposes!
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Skylar was pretty pissed about being shoved before the bell, especially given she landed in barbed wire. She shoved back against Viper, and swung her into the barbed wire as revenge. She grinned, pressing the green-haired girl into the blades, making sure to get her stuck there, if only for a few moments. "Guh-!" The brunette gasped, sent staggering back from the kick.

Knocked away from Viper, Sky looked at the ground, and grinned, picking up a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat. "Oh, believe me, it ain't! Now, lemme show you what you're dealing with!" She grinned, before swinging the bat right at Viper's head!

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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Some wrestlers, upon being thrown headlong into a tangle of barbed wire, would be overcome with the pain. But Viper wasn't most wrestlers, and even before she had ever gotten in the ring for the first time, she had grown difficult to shake in general. After she'd experienced the sorts of death-defying stunts that had categorized her career on the deathmatch scene, barbed wire was little more than a nuisance. She struggled back and forth a bit to pull herself from the barbs, but soon enough found enough room to move to send a kick upward, knocking her opponent away from her.

Viper dusted herself off as she stepped forward, planting her hands on her hips. Sky, meanwhile, was just as willing to escalate things, arming herself with a barbed wire-wrapped bat. She was clearly getting into the mindset now, which only made Viper want to meet her head-on even more. Now, she knew she was dealing with an opponent who'd be making her work hard, and push herself to the limit. And Viper loved it.

She watched as Sky drew closer, drawing back the bat to set it on a collision course for the deathmatch veteran's head. But it was at that same time that Viper kicked off the mat, throwing herself forward. Holding her body out straight, she turned herself into a missile, going for a spear - and attempting to duck low underneath Skylar's swing in order to tackle her!
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Skylar picked up the bat, feeling the slightly heavy weapon in her hand. She smiled, looking at the sharp tips of barbed wire wrapped around the metal. The pain this object could cause was enticing to the brunette, and she couldn't wait to make use of it on Viper.

She turned around with a grin, looking at her prey untangling herself from the barbed wire. She prepared to swing her bat. "BATTER U-UURGGH-!" Just to be taken to the ground by Viper's body spear, dropping the bat as she fell.

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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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Even as Skylar reached for the bat, the deathmatch veteran didn't waver. Her eyes remained fixed on her foe, never breaking concentration or showing any concern. Viper was well aware that getting hit with a barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat was going to hurt, of course - but it still didn't concern her when she already knew how she was going to deal with such a situation.

Without hesitation, Viper hurled herself forward, turning the momentum of her charge into a weapon just as deadly as anything Sky could manage. Though she had grown infamous for her merciless demeanor and her apparent inability to be perturbed by anything, Viper's speed was every bit as much an asset to her. She sprung for her opponent before her blow could even land, flying on by underneath the arc of her swing, where she slammed into her with a spear powerful enough to take her off her feet!

Viper wasted no time in rolling back onto her knees at the prone brunette's side. She turned to where she saw the bat falling, and as soon as it touched the canvas she had already snapped outward to grab it. There, she looked it up and down, waving it back and forth in the air as though familiarizing herself with its weight in her hand.

"Oh...what do we have here?" she remarked calmly. It was almost teasing in how little importance she put on what she was about to do - but she followed through on that soon enough, as she raised the bat over her head before going to bring it down hard right onto Skylar's chest!
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Skylar Jones - Barbed Wire Deathmatch

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In the blink of an eye, the advantage had been swiped from Skylar's hand. Before she even knew what'd happened, she was on the ground, and the bat rolling away from her hand. "Ghhh..." She groaned, trying to gather herself, only for her face to contort in shock as she saw Viper raise the bat above her head.


That was probably the worst pain she'd experienced in her career thus far. A blood curdling scream forced it's way out of Skylar's mouth as the barbs pierced through her hoodie, and sliced through her skin, blood bursting out of her chest. Only one thought went through her mind: She couldn't let that bat hit her again. In an attempt to get the weapon away from her adversary, the brunette grabbed it by it's barbed-wire wrapped ends, eliciting a sharp pain in her hands as she tried to yank it away from Viper, and toss it aside. She then went limp for a moment, breathing heavily with a shell shocked look on her face, bleeding profusely.

Suddenly, her foot shoots at Viper's knee, hoping to bring the woman to the ground, and grant her time to rise to her feet.

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