Welcome to my little shrine of requests
Currently looking for more matches!
I'm looking for matches or storylines for all of my girls right now. Bellow are just preferences for my wrestlers - i'm open for suggestions and new ideas, so don't hesitate to ask!
- Generally, i enjoy stipulations and special gimmicks in matches.
- Hardcore matches and blood are ok and even prefered for some characters.
- All girls are aviliable for intergender matches.
- All girls are fine with matches against different weight divisions.
- Hentai and lewdness are fine, but aren't my priority. Some characters are more reluctant to hentai then other.
- I don't have any plan/wish regarding win or loss for my fights. It's mostly up for discussion and depend on situation/storylines.
- If we can't find a common ground there's always room for a standard match!
- You can find a preview of my rooster here.
Erna -> Looking for crazier hardcore match as a sign up for Alice Gaster's Hades! event.
Emma -> Looking for any non-hardcore match.
Thembi -> Looking for light/middleweights she can bully or a heavyweight powerhouses.
Olivia -> Looking to face a simmilar character as her - arogant who need to be in center of an attention.
Sonja -> Looking for standard, maybe hentai match.
Eun -> Looking for softer kinds of matches.
PM here or on discord: JR#1620