Standard Match : Kanata Yamamoto vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Standard Match : Kanata Yamamoto vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Standard Match
Victory Condition : Pinfall, Submission, Knockout, Count-out or Disqualification

This was the first time Kanata matched up with a male opponent in LAW. Though she's no stranger to it before she came onto LAW. Putting on her mask and shrouded her body with a white cape before walking out of the locker room. The arena then darkens to a blackout before her music plays. She walked towards the center of the stage. With the arena adorned with phone lights from the crowd, She stood there as a bright spotlight goes over her shrouded figure. Taking a slow walk to the ring, she looked determined but it wasn't obvious with the mask covering her face.

She then walks up the steps to the ring. Walking along the apron as she glances to the crowd. Her right hand reaching for the white cloth, while her left hand goes to her mask. In the same time, she removed those to reveal herself. Wearing a black leotard underneath with nothing else, except her visible scars. The announcer then announced her name as she looked around the crowd. Narrowing her eyes lightly as the arena lights turned back on. Gripping the top rope with both hands before she hops up and flips over the ropes to get into the ring.

Once in the ring, she walks to her corner and glances over to the entrance to see her opponent. Gripping her wrist and cracking her neck as she readies herself for the match.
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Re: Standard Match : Kanata Yamamoto vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Ryu was getting ready for another event at LAW. The male wrestler decided it time to take up a new challenge where he knew he would be facing new opponents which also meant new challenges. Tonight, he was excited to be facing a fellow Japanese wrestler who was in the heavyweight division. That meant that Ryu had no reason to pull any punches and this clash would be an exciting one for him. He wanted to test himself up against her and see whether he could fair up against the best that LAW had to offer.
Ryu Hiroshi
The male was pacing back and forth in his locker room, clad in his blue wrestling briefs and matching fingerless gloves. He would put on similar coloured wrestling boots and a knock on the door was his signal that his match was next. He would look himself in the mirror, nodding confidently at his reflection. He had a serious and determined look on his face as he made his way out of the locker room towards the gorilla position. Once his theme cued, the male wrestler would make his way out to the LAW arena and march his way down towards the ring. He was focused and showed no signs of nervousness whilst entering the ring.

The chiseled male would stand in the middle of the ring, doing some light hops on his heels and loosening his arms before walking up towards his opponent who was clad in a black leotard. He would get up to her face to face, eyeing her from head to toe to signal he was not intimidated by her at all. "It appears you are a woman of mystery. The mask and the scars....hopefully you won't disappoint me" he said before taking a step back and offering her his hand for a handshake.

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Re: Standard Match : Kanata Yamamoto vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Kanata gazed onto her opponent making his entrance. Sharpening her eyes as she watches him making his way into the ring. Carefully watching him while doing light stretchings on her corner. And with him approaching her, she stopped her stretching and stands face to face. Her serious gaze eyeing all over his body. "Likewise." She replied before looking down at his offering for a handshake. To which she lend her hand forward and grips it tightly while shaking it a bit as she gazed straight to his eyes. A little sportmanship won't hurt.

After he went to his corner, the ref then checked up on both Kanata and Hiroshi before raising his hand to signal the match to begin. Kanata walked along the ropes right after, keeping her eyes on him as she slowly approached the center of the ring. She spread her legs slightly and reaches forward with her hand, wiggling it lightly to offer him a grappling test. "Well now, how about you show me your strength then?" She said with a light smile.
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Re: Standard Match : Kanata Yamamoto vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Both of them were supremely confident and were well built. It was clear that this was going to be a good bout. Staring his opponent down, Ryu would mention that she had a mysterious aura about her and her expressions were stoic and serious which were similar to his own. The Dragon and Kanata would silently watch each other before shaking hands and exchanging formalities. Her grip was tight and Ryu would give her hand a firm squeeze as well to show that he was no slouch either.

Both of them then backed up to their corners and the referee would check them both for any hidden items before signaling for the bell to ring. As soon as the bell rang, Kanata would walk along the ropes then move to the center of the ring. She would spread her legs and extend her arms forward towards him. Ryu would smirk and mimic the movements of Kanata, approaching the center with his hands out infront of him and legs spread wide. "Fine. Lets agree not to break the grapple until one of us is backed up to the corner then" he proposed.

With that, Ryu would lunge in and lock up with Kanata in a classic collar and elbow grapple. Immediately, Ryu would press himself against Kanata to go chest to chest with her as he attempted to push back and try to back her up. "Nrgh! Ughhh" he grunted.

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Re: Standard Match : Kanata Yamamoto vs Ryu Hiroshi

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Kanata nodded at his offer before she lunge in and lock up with Ryu. Grunting out as their chest pressed against each other. Kanata glared at Ryu intently as the two are locked up close to each other. All the while trying to power out and pushes the other back up. The two wrestler's feet shuffles around as they spun around the ring in the struggle.

"Ghh... Not bad..." She let out, grinning lightly as it felt as if it's a stalemate. "How about this... Hrrggghh!!!" She let out as she pushed Ryu back in a steady pace until his back hits the ropes. The ref seeing it quickly gets between them and called for a break. Kanata complied as she lightens her grip on Ryu while waiting for him to let go of her. Her hands travelling to his chest as she backed away after being let go. "I win this time." She said with a smile as she pats his chest before taking a few steps back.
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Re: Standard Match : Kanata Yamamoto vs Ryu Hiroshi

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

He was eager to test his strength and ability against a worthy opponent. Both of them would circle each other around before pushing up against each other, chest to chest while locked up in the grapple. Their intense gazes met whilst the two struggled to gain control, shuffling around and jostling for position. Ryu had his teeth gritted in effort, continuing to press himself up against Kanata while trying to force her backwards into one of the corner turnbuckles.

"I-I agree, it seems we are evenly matched...for now" he said returning a confident grin. However, he did not anticipate Kanata turning up the heat and she would suddenly let out a grunt in effort and would use all her might to push forward. She would ultimately push the Dragon back a step and then another, eventually all the way until his back hit the ring ropes. He was surprised, his eyes widened and his cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as he looked on at Katana who would pat his chest and take a few steps back.

"Tch, time for round two then" he said, walking back to her but this time raising his hands up above his hand for a test of strength instead of a grapple battle.

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