Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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Schoolgirl Pin Match

Rules: Standard
Victory Condition: Victory can only be obtained by pinning the opponent for a 3 count with a Schoolgirl pin
Attire: Schoolgirl Attire

Roxy had to say that this was a rather interesting match for her. Usually she enjoyed having her opponent tap out or submit to her, tormenting her foe until she had had her fill. Though she figured that she could enjoy the same amount of fun in a match that required a specific type of pin....perhaps even more. Considering that now her opponent couldn't even submit to her to avoid further bullying. A smile crept up on Roxy's face as she would step out onto the ramp. Her music playing over the speakers as she made her appearance and wearing that red plaid skirt, white calves socks, a pair of brown loafers and of course that red school jacket. Though unlike many others she hadn't chosen to wear a shirt underneath. Instead nothing more than a white lace braw, matching the white lace panties she was chosen to adorn.

She walked her way down the ramp, her bust bouncing along with each step she took down to the squared circle. Rolling in under the bottom ropes as she would move up towards her feet. Walking around the ring a bit before she would stop at the center, placing her right hand on her right hip and cocking it out a bit. She had a smirk on her face as she looked up at the ramp, eager to see this newcomer and what she had to offer. As long as she was pretty she didn't mind walking all over her and having her fair share of fun.

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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It was time for Hakufu's first match already! It was an odd one to go with, though it mattered little to her since she was used to fighting in a schoolgirl outfit, just not with a large crowd and in a arena! She did her early stretches while her opponent's entrance was finishing up, with Hakufu looking up at the television to watch her opponent while she was doing so. She was quite the busty girl, yet seemed to be quite powerful, even when she hasn't met her yet! She was excited for it and once it was her turn she would dash towards the stage, hopping onto both feet and give the crowd a wave!

She did one last single armed stretch before she would run down the ramp with a excited smile on her face, quickly rolling under the bottom ropes and pushed herself up onto her feet within a matter of seconds. Her gaze quickly feel upon the green haired woman, placing a hand upon her hip and gave the girl a quick look over, eyes stuck at that cleavage for a bit longer than she wanted to but it was quite the alluring sight after all. Finally, Hakufu broke the silence and would give Roxy a grin. " Look pretty good! Let's see if you fight well.. Or at the very least be a comfy seat for me while I win! "
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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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Roxy would watch as her opponent came running down the ramp as she then jumped into the ring. She would gaze over her opponent, a Japanese cutie for show with some killer legs and from the looks of it a decent enough rack that Roxy might consider playing with it. The attitude of Sonsaku was a chipper one and it looked as if she was spoilin' for a fight. Roxy of course wasn't about to deny her one, but for the moment she placed both hands on her hips and let out a little sigh. Mockingly underestimating Sonsaku, or at least making it seem as if she was.

" Oh? You want to make me your seat huh? I'd like to see you try, sweetheart." Roxy mocked in a rather obvious manner as she began to walk up towards the center of the ring. She leaned forward a bit to give Sonsaku a better look at her cleavage as she had spotted those eyes lingering on them before. " So, cutie pie~ Ready to play with the big girls? Or are you going to be defeated and humiliated in less than 5 minutes?" Roxy teased.

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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It was like an open challenge at the very center of the ring, and it was something that Hakufu would not ignore, quickly stepping from the ropes so she could join Roxy at the very center of the ring, placing a hand upon her own hip while she would thrust out her chest right up against Roxy's! When it came to breasts, she considered her own to be second to none, even if she hadn't seen the rest of the League's chest sizes or how powerful they were, they were going to be mere stepping stones and she was going to start with Roxy!

" Such bold words! I last far longer than just five minutes, whether I am in charge or not! But that is besides the point.. " She would tilt her head to the side and take that last step right into Roxy, docking their breasts together for a bulging battle of supremacy while she leaned in close to glare right into Roxy's eyes with that confident smile never leaving her. It was clear that she was not intimidated by Roxy and welcoming the upcoming thrill. " But let's see if you can manage to even get on top in this fight at all, cause I am aiming to conquer you. "
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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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Roxy smirked a bit as the cocky newcomer stepped right up to her and closed the distance between them. Their large breasts docked and were now fighting for space against one another. Roxy didn't take a step back but instead leaned in a bit closer to Sonsaku, pressing her forehead against the strawberry blonde babe's forehead. Glaring into those eyes with her green eyes. Pressing her breasts even more against Sonsaku's, the Conqueror would raise her eyebrows a bit when Sonsaku said she would conquer her.

Those lips of Roxy curled into a bit of a smile. " Only if you can keep up, sweetie." Roxy let out as she would then suddenly wrap her arms around Sonsaku's body, hugging their frames tightly against one another before she quickly spun around and tried to slam Sonsaku down into the canvas. Starting them off right before the bell rang with a quick Belly-to-Belly Suplex!

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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The tension was at it's limit. If the bell wasn't going to ring soon then either one of them would turn it into a unverified start! Confidence simply oozed out of Sonsaku as the woman pressed up against her, grinding her forehead into Roxy's, her breasts were bulging, seeking to mushroom nicely over her new opponent while that smile never left her face. She knew the green haired fighter would not relent and neither would she, stubborn to a fault yet when it came to sizing up like this, it was hardly a vice.

Roxy was the one to start things off though, getting those arms wrapped around her body and getting hugged tightly against Roxy, really crushing their fronts together before being taken along for the ring and forced right into that suplex, forcing the blonde off her feet and come crashing down upon the canvas with Roxy on top of her, allowing her new rival get the first move and slam!
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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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Taking Sonsaku by surprise as she simply didn't want to wait anymore, the bell quickly rang after those arms of Roxy's came around the body of Sonsaku and picked her up off of the canvas. The Swift moves of the Conqueror taking full effect as she spun around and then slammed Sonsaku down onto the canvas! Landing on top of her with her generous bosom mashing down on top of Sonsaku's perky pair.

A smirk on her face as she looked down on that face for a moment. Though Roxy was a fast one, and she wasn't going to stay on top of Sonsaku for long. She quickly pushed up and in the motion tried to grab a handful of Sonsaku's hair, trying to yank the girl up to a seated position as she rose up to her feet. The second she was up, Roxy would swing her leg out and try and send a harsh shoot kick across Sonsaku's chest! Trying to flatten that impressive rack of her foe and knock some air out of her lungs.

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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The suplex had struck true, it was a quick, cheap attack that had taken Sonsaku off guard, dropped down onto the canvas with a nice, healthy bounce from her covered chest thanks to the harsh impact! She was definitely going to make Roxy pay for that, gritting her teeth together as not only did Roxy managed to bring her down, they now pressed nicely together, the little contest of chests went into Rxoy's favor thanks to the position, the pin that easily made Roxy's covered breasts mushroom over her own while all Sonsaku was doing was exhaling loudly with a faint tint of redness on her face!

The girl got off her but didn't let Sonsaku roll away thanks to her hair being used as a leash to tug her close and into a sitting position.. To which Roxy decided to strike tight at the chest she was pinning down! " Aaah! " She cried out from the savage kick across her chest, stunning Sonsaku as she was left breathless for the time being and quickly trying to regain that air after losing so much of it, things did not start off well for the her and she couldn't let Roxy gain a good advantage over her so soon!
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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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Roxy yanked Sonsaku up to that seated position and then threw her leg out, smacking her shin across that buxom chest of Sonsaku and knocking the air out of those lungs. She watched as Sonsaku dropped back down onto her back and would then smirk. Deciding to quickly try and roll the strawberry blonde over onto her front and mount that back.

Dropping down and taking a seat on top of her foe, as she would then lean down and try to slip her arms in under that neck and around that head. Trying to lock in a rear-naked choke hold on Sonsaku. All the while pressing her generous rack against that back and pushing her groin down against the shapely rear of her foe. She'd try and push off of her legs and roll them over, so she was underneath Sonsaku with the hold locked in. Which was where Roxy would try and snake her legs around Sonsaku's and spread them a bit, trying to lock in a grapevine hold to just add to the hold.

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Sonsaku Hakufu: Schoolgirl Pin Match

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Sonsaku's chest was already hurting, twitching as she was brought onto her back and laid there for the time being, doing her best to protect her chest with a single arm while the reddened color upon her face only grew from what just happened. She wanted to roll away once the pain lessened enough but Roxy was quicker to drop down and roll her onto her stomach, flattening those breasts and forcing Sonsaku to exhale in a pained groan while the woman straddled her, leaving Sonsaku wondering until she lowered to wrap those arms around Sonsaku's head and neck to start choking her!

Being forced into that mounted choke, she brought her hands up to deal with it while Roxy pressed into her, though soon she was rolled over to lay on top of Roxy instead, staring up at the ceiling lights caused her eyes to flicker closed because of the brightness while Roxy turned it up a notch by capturing her legs and spreading them out, revealing those white panties underneath while soft, choked sounds came from Sonsaku! " Gah.. Nngh..! " She struggled on top of Roxy while both hands came down to pull on the arm surrounding her throat, trying to pull it down enough to regain the access to breathe again while she was trapped at the center of the ring, caught by the skillful Roxy, whom had Sonsaku trapped and panicking!
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