Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

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Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

Unread post by xalex »

going on from here

Samus took one last look down and made sure everything was sitting well. She was wearing some thigh sitting and very reviling lingerie. A blue bra that was having problems holding everything in place and a slip that was sitting perfectly around her round butt.
Samus would stretch her arms over her head a bit and turned sideways only to show off what she got. After a few moments she would turn back and began to talk:
“So I think you and I both felt the spark that went between us last time we meet in the gym… and to be honest I was kind of sad that our fight was cut short. Since then we have been teasing each other back and forth with messages and whatever so how about we finally do it?”
Samus would slowly lift her arms upwards and hold them next to her head and flexed them showing off her whole body.
“we fight again! this time at my place! Just you and me, a fight off the books and off the grid no referees and no gym people interrupting us! NO rules no holding back either.”
Samus slowly turned around and showed off her muscular thighs and back. “what do you say… if you’re interested just come to the address at the date given in the email, and bring some toys along!” With this samus walked forwards and turned the camera off… now she only could hope that Elm was interested in her like she was into elm!

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Re: Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

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Elm let's out a groan, relaxing in the locker rooms. A big grin is on her recalling the fun she has been having in LAW, but more of the fun how she were flirting and teasing that blond woman Samus for the past few weeks. Mostly it was her leaving teasing photos of her either in lingerie or very skimpy booty shorts that shows off her toned plump backside, but the best part is sending Samus the videos of her doing some light trainings with moaning out the woman name before cutting the video off. "Oh another email hmm let's see what she's going to send me now." Elm chuckles seeing the email in her account and clicks to open it.

Getting comfy as she watches the video. Eyeing every inch of the woman toned fit body, every curve from her round firm hips all the up to her perky plump rear "Mmm Momma likes what she is seeing." Elm says licking her lips in a hungry manner from seeing the video. Seeing the end of the video and the address that was given, Elm checks it out with her phone, seeing that it is only about five minutes away. Eager to have some fun and some action as well, she goes to grab her things after texting her sister to go hang out with her friends, deciding to doll herself up a bit and places her ruby red lipstick on her lips. "Let's see if you can handle me Samus..

Fifteen minutes and a short cab ride later..

Elm smirks, standing in front of the door. Deciding to be the good girl for once, she holds her hand up and knocks on the door waiting to see her new girl- friend.

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Re: Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

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Samus would swing the door wide open as soon as Elm had knocked onto it. The blond was standing in front of her new girlfriend with a smile on her face, happy that she came and looking forward what was about to go down! She would be wearing a black bathrobe and would grab the shoulder of Elm. Without any words she would pull the brunett woman into her house and slam the door shut behind her. She would make sure to lock it before she shoved her new friend into her bedroom and slammed this door shut behind her too. Samus would lay her head to the side and smirk. “so you came… was worried you got scared and backed out…” would the blond say with a smile on her face looking over to Elm.  

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Re: Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

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Elm would smirk, seeing the bedroom door open. But before she was even able to say anything to the bath robe wearing woman, she is yanked in the room and the door is slammed shut and locked by the over eager blond. Wearing her party outfit consisting of her tight blue hip hugging shorts and black crop top, with only a thong and no bra, Elm is ready for any fun and games Samus may have for her. "oh please, not like I was going to miss this, you know. Beside…" She says strutting forward and places her hands on the bedroom door pressing her body against Samus own. " I wanted to make sure you're still able to keep up with me S-A-M-U-S…" she says leaning down and gently nips the woman neck with her teeth.

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Re: Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

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Samus would feel how her blood started to rush thoughout her body when Elm stepped in close and leaned down to her nibbling her neck. The blond woman would moan while laying her head to the side and giving Elm an easier access.
But after a few second samus suddenly lifted one leg upwards and tried to hook her one leg behind the back of Elm to pull the huge amazon in close, her arms would help her and pull elm close for a thight hug before one hand grabbed elms hair. Samus pulled back at the hair of elm and samus placed her mouth on the mouth of elm giving her an intensive kiss over a few seconds.

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Re: Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

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Elm let's out a small purr like moan due to getting access to Samus neck. Being able to nibble and bite the other woman soft neck with her teeth to leave marks on her pale skin. Wanting to leave her mark on the blond, but more of the fact to tell any rivals that may have feelings for Samus to back off, because she is the one that going to end up with her in the end, nobody else.
Getting lost in wanting to dominate the other woman, Elm doesn't even realize till it too late, and her hair is pulled back, allowing the other woman to claim and kiss her deeply. But not wanting to be out done again, she decides to one up the woman by sliding her hands down the broad woman back, before coming to rest on Samus toned backside before lifting her up off the floor. "mmm, there we go right where you belong, Blondie... Now how about we skip the foreplay and get right into the action already."

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Re: Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

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Samus would smirk as her friend would lift her up from the floor and hold her in the air using her increasable strength. The blond would only pure for a moment before she would nod in agreement. She suddenly put her hands against the wall behind herself and tried to shove herself forwards hoping to drop all her weight ontop of elm and throw the woman backwards onto her back. She hoped to end on the belly of her opponent and push her down shoving her shoulders down on her back.

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Re: Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

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'Oh, sneaky move' Elm would say as she falls backwards and slams to the floor with Samus on top of her. Feeling her shoulders being pinned down by her crush gives her a feeling she hasn't felt in a very long time, that feeling of being dominated by someone who can go toe to toe with her and still come back for more. That feeling sends pleasurable shivers up and down her spine, as the spot between her legs start to moisten from being aroused

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Re: Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

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Samus would suddenly try to slide up along the frame of elm and push her knees down onto the shoulders of the powerful woman, as her butt would be placed down on the chest of Elm. Samus went fo the simple but very effective schoolgirl pin to press her foe down on the carpet. At the same time samus would lift her arms upwards into the air and brough her arms next to her head. Samus began to slowly flex her bicep and showed off th her opponent while pinning her down. “I am going to break you and make you workship me as your new goddess!” would samus declair to her opponent before throwing a kiss at her.  

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Re: Wild like animals: Samus vs Elm (unofficial)

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Elm groans, feeling her opponent being able to pin her down. The only thing is that Samus is too busy showboating and showing off by flexing those mouth watering muscles of hers in front of her face. What really set's her off is hearing the words 'worship me as a Goddess...' that just sends an annoyed glare to her face as Elm grunts using her brutal force and power to get her shoulders off the floor. "My turn, you sexy bitch...' Elm says as she pushes Samus off balance, that will allow her to sit up and get back to her feet with that big smirk like grin on her face.

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