Raina Jaeger

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Raina Jaeger

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Name: Raina Jaeger
Age: 19
Hair Color: Brown with pink tips
Eye Color: Pinkish red
Height: 6’1
Weight: 186 lbs
Alignment: Babyface
Nationality: American
Hometown: The Bronx, New York, New York
Entrance music:


Raina is, to say nothing else, a free spirit. She has no real cares or worries in the world, nor any particular drive in life beyond seeking thrills and exhilaration on her own terms for her own reasons. Through extension of this she is extremely carefree and relaxed, not caring about most things people say or do to her as she’d rather just let most insults slide off her back. The sole exception to this is when it comes to matters of family.

If a family member is ever insulted this is an instance in which can earn her ire and anger. Even by those means however it usually takes something exceptionally severe to fully earn Raina’s wrath, such as humiliation or severely beating or an exceptional grave insult towards someone she cares about. However conversely speaking her sister Tara is someone that Raina has a.. complex relationship with.. And while she won’t stand for insults or slights to her she also has issues if she is being compared to her sister and gets annoyed or even angry if her sister is put on a pedestal over her.

None the less Raina does still love her sister, and despite her issues with her she will have her back when the chips are down. In any case however one big thing to note about Raina is, as a result of her carefree and optimistic nature she is extremely charismatic and likable. Most people she meets and talks too are early charmed by her and her bubbly nature which seems to charge those around her and pulls people to her side. Likewise she is extremely flirty as a result and loves to tease or have fun with others, not to mention she’s very affectionate and fun loving, so as a result she’s very eager about the idea of competing in things like hentai bouts.

Finally while not very competitive on her own its not to say she can’t be if given the right incentive. As noted before this can include the anger that comes with trash talking or humiliating a family member. But she also isn’t as noble as some other women in the industry. Not to say she is underhanded or anything of the sort. Butttt she does put more weight into things that affect her on a surface level. Such as money or opportunity for a good time. If motivated by such a thing as an extra big pay day or maybe a chance at a date with a beautiful man or woman she can be motivated to fight much harder than she ever normally would on her own.

Wrestling Style: Power Wrestling

Preferred matches - Standard, NHB, Multifall, Softcore and Hentai

Preferred Move(s): Chops, kicks, slams, suplex variations, splash moves, crossbodies, stink faces, bronco busters, and smother type moves.

Signature Move(s)

Raina Maker: Grabbing an opponet from behind Raina will push them forward while grabbing and holding onto their hand. Keeping a tight grip as they get pushed Raina will then pull them in. Releasing her grip Raina will then lift her arm while throwing herself forward for a rip cord clothesline/rain maker.

Bronx Bomb - Done from either a standing position or from the top rope Raina will leap forward while rotating and tucking her body in a bit. Angling herself as she comes down to perform a senton bomb where she lands but first on an opponent as opposed to her back.

Finisher Move(s)

Pearl Lightning Crash - To start off Raina will gran an opponent by their arm and forcing it behind their back in a hammerlock. From there she throws the opponents arm over her head and grabs the opponent by their tights. From there she will heft them up into the air in a vertical position, holding them there in a display of strength. Finally Raina will drop down bringing the opponent head and shoulder first into the mat with a delayed hammerlock brainbuster.

Speed - 5/10
Stength - 9/10
Stamina - 6/10
Agility - 5/10
Charisma - 9/10
Strikes - 6/10
High flying - 6/10
Submission - 3/10
Power - 9/10


Raina grew up in the middle of The Bronx, a borough of New York that at the time was pretty rough and dangerous. However in spite of this the young girl never really noticed nor cared since more often than not she was either in the care of or just near by her older sister Tara. Being the eldest and also toughest kid on their block Tara made it absolutely clear to all kids and even some adults that messing with Raina was a one way ticket to having you’re lights punched. In spite of being pretty much untouchable her father all but ordered her to take self defense lessons like her older sister.

Unlike her older sister however Raina didn’t take to combat anywhere near as well as Tara, at least in the mental capacity of wanting to fight. Ironically enough Raina was actually far more physically adept for it and sports in general given she inherited far more of her fathers’s genes and ended up developing a lot more and a lot faster than Tara did. In fact more often than not she would often get mistake as the older sibling, something that often annoyed Tara and gave Raina endless amusement at her sister’s expense. But that wasn’t the only way the two were compared. In fact pretty much everyone, especially their parents who compared the two girls pretty much all the time.

Tara in particular, while not intentionally doing so made things worse by being such an overachiever. Because of her fiercely competitive nature and desire to win anything that was remotely close to a competition Raina ended up being unintentionally pushed in a similar route as her sister due to her parents wanting Raina to have similar success as her sister. Unfortunately however… Raina just wasn’t into any of that.

She didn’t really have a huge interest in most combat sports, or sports in general with the exception of basket ball and weight lifting. Largely cause those latter two just appealed more to Raina’s sensibilities and active lifestyle. Likewise she had no idea at all what she wanted to be by the time she was in high school like her sister did. Really Raina was just focused on having a good time. She much preferred to go shopping or parties with her friends, and just having a good time so despite her parents best efforts to force her Raina dropped any advanced classes they gave her and quit an sports teams they tried to sign her up for outside the ones she enjoyed herself.

As a result of the tension created from Raina’s resistance at her parent’s insistence on being like her sister Raina ended up resenting Tara a bit. Not to the point she hated her or anything but Raina just always felt… annoyed and angry that she’s consistently forced to do things she doesn’t want too just cause her sister did. In any case when she was seventeen Raina ended up going to a pro wrestling show near by her home. At first she wasn’t that interested or excited at the prospect of some sweaty muscle heads beating each other’s faces in.

That was till she saw it first hand. Admittedly unlike many combat sports she had been nearly forced into this actually looked interesting! Not only were people who were a lot more attractive than Tara initially expected rubbing up and pressing against one another, but the moves they were using was a lot more dynamic and athletic. Things that played to Raina’s physical strengths without a bunch of annoying rules in the way. Or as she’d come to learn later a few, but not as many as say boxing or mma. Either way Raina had finally found her calling and she was eager to jump into it.

Finding a local school nearby was easy enough and the majority of training even more so. Being a weight lifter she had a physique practically built for wrestling and her background in basketball and aerobic workouts in general made her naturally super athletic and capable of long matches and flashy athletic moves. Though Raina did find she didn’t have the patience or temperament to set up more technical or submission heavy moves outside of some tried and true basics. Instead she focused more on what she was good at, slamming people into next week and jumping off the ropes into people. 

Within the year Raina was already making her debut and racking up a good amount of wins with only a few losses, most if not all the local promoters practically throwing money at her to perform at their shows given her physique and natural charisma with crowds. However it was around this time that Raina discovered something, or more specifically someone in the wrestling world. Namely her sister Tara had apparently ALSO become a wrestler in her time away at college. Something that genuinely ticked Raina off since the one time SHE found something SHE liked and wanted to do TARA found the SAMe thing and was apparently really good at it as well!

Needless to say Raina’s next few matches saw her trying harder than she normally would, further impressing promoters and earning her several contract offers from some big names. But the only one she was interested in was from the company her sister had signed with. Eventually after a few more months and putting on some great performances Raina managed to finally get an offer from LAW and soon she found herself on her way to Japan. Now that she is in LAW Raina is interested in proving herself different from Tara and becoming the most popular and lucrative wrestler LAW has, titles and accomplishments be damned but all she cared about was that she’d be remembered for her OWN self and not for her being Tara’s sister.


- Raina was on her varsity basketball team and competed in the state finals her senior year -
- Raina is a huge fan of Game of Thrones even though the last seasons were pretty terrible -
- Raina is lesbian -
- Has a huge collection of pokemon plushies, especially of gen 4 pokemon -
- Is an amateur parkour enthusiast and has been arrested for it before and spent a night in jail -
- Outside of wrestling Raina does have a interest in acting and has been part of some small projects including a martial arts short film produced by some friends of hers -

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