A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

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A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

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Shibuya vs Yoko
Softcore Bedroom Match
Win Conditions - Best 3 out of 5 falls. Falls achieved via KO, submission or orgasm.
Rules - Mouth is not allowed below the waist. Hands and feet in the crotch area are not allowed.
Strikes are only allowed to the torso.

Yoko was quite excited to have another bedroom match, especially since this one promised to be more challenging than most others. That was mostly because was only about 2/3 the thiccness of her opponent. If Shibuya got on top of Yoko, the sniper would be in trouble. Then again, Yoko was looking forward to it, to pressing her body against Shibuya's or vice versa, to push each other to their physical and sexual limits and past them.

Yoko walked into one of the LAW's bedrooms where bedroom matches tend to take place. She was the first to arrive, so she would just do the standard procedure before laying herself onto the bed. The standard procedure was taking off her scarf, her shoes and her gun and then place them in the corner.

There were cameras everywhere as usual, though most of them well hidden. For now they were just filming Yoko's figure that laid on the bed, waiting for the opponent. Yoko was thinking some strategies on how to fight this foe. The redhead had looked her opponent up and found it amusing that both of them had the exact same style of attire, unlike the size of their chests. Yoko's breasts were of respectable size, but they were nothing in comparison to the size of Shibuya. Yoko figured Shibuya might try to smother her. While the prospect of hugging and grinding with such a woman felt very appealing, Yoko knew that she would have to exhaust other options first before resorting to that. The strikes were limited, but Yoko figured she could still soften Shibuya up with some belly punches before the two would inevitably end up in a very close-up grapple...

Yoko was taken off her thoughts when she heard the door open. Hello there! Yoko would greet her opponent cheerfully while sitting up on her knees in the center of the bed.
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Re: A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

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Yuko was delighted for today's match, where she would participate in a bedroom against a redhead named Yoko. Furthermore, her opponent was someone who has a lot of experience in this kind of match, so Yuko can expect a hard fought tussle, which she'll win of course. The thought of making the middleweight orgasm fills her with aroused feelings, but she'll save them for later. After all, she needs to find the venue first.

So this is the place? Yuko is now standing in front of a big door leading to one of LAW bedroom, the place which supposed to be their arena.


Yuko enters the room, and the first thing she saw was Yoko, the red haired beauty, laying in the middle of the king sized bed. Noticing that someone else has entered the room, Yoko gets up to her knee and greets her. Why hello to you too. It seems that you're eager to face me~" After some teasing and exchanged greetings, her eyes darted to other places. Nothing much to see except a few cameras, could be for recording or even streaming the whole match live, and a rifle leaning in the corner. Of course, it's not loaded right?

After finished scanning the room, Yuko walks to the bed, climbing up to sit on her knees, directly face to face with Yoko. No ref was present, so they need to make an agreement before starting the match. "So, how do we start?"
Last edited by KnightViva4869 on Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Kazuya Kiyoshi
Arai Hanako
Shibuya Yuko

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Re: A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

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Her opponent just entered the room and was already fueling Yokos friendly sass reserves.
"Was there ever anyone who wasn't eager?"
Yoko replied while enjoying the sight of Shibuyas visage.

Yoko had to restrain herself from licking her lips when her opponent got onto the bed and the two were sitting on their knees, face to face.
"You are a bit impatient, aren't you? Well, we can start it ourselves when the both of us are ready or if the ref gets bored, they will sound the signal over the speakers" Yoko explained.
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Re: A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

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"Yup, they're eager to be dominated." After getting up the bed and hearing Yoko's explanation, Yuko nods her head and prepares herself by raising her hands to her chest level. "Okay then, how about... NOW!"

Suddenly Yuko charges forward, taking the first action by placing her hands on Yoko's shoulders, trying to push and pin her down, going in a surprise for an early breast smother. If she manages to catch her opponent off guard Yuko can secure the first fall.
Kazuya Kiyoshi
Arai Hanako
Shibuya Yuko

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Re: A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

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"I can imagine why...." Yoko said that as she intentionally stared at Yuko's rack.
Yoko would soon realize that her opponent was the naughty type as the pinkette charged in at Yoko without caring whether the latter was prepared or not.

The ref didn't seem to care either and just went along with it, sounding the bell sound over the speakers.
"Uuhhaahhgghhk..!" Yoko couldn't catch Yuko's hands in time with her own and Yoko was pushed back. Leaning back at first, but then she would take a few steps back and try to lean forwards to try and push back, or rather hold back against Yuko's push without using her hands. That is because Yoko figured she could do what she had already pre-planned - soften up Yuko's belly with punches.

So, while they're in the before mentioned position, Yoko would keep throwing uppercuts into Yuko's belly, sinking her fists into the opponent's flesh again and again, not stopping until she would manage to stop the giant from pushing into her. "Hhg! Ha! Hhgr! Hnn!" Yoko would let out after every blow.

However, if the punches failed to stop Yuko, then Yoko would eventually be overpowered and fall back first onto the sheets with the pinkette right on top of her.
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Re: A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

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Yuko’s little mischieveous trick works like a charm, and the ref accepts it, as the sound of the bell echoes from the speakers, signaling the beginning of the match. This caused Yoko to be pushed backwards, enabling Yuko’s hand to come forward and meet with the back of her opponent’s head, pulling it to meet with her huge rack and smothers her with a little bit of teasing. "Please be acquainted with them, you'll meet them more often later!"

As Yuko continues to smother, it was clear that Yoko wouldn’t just stay down and do nothing. For starters, she keeps struggling to keep her back away from the sheets, which must’ve require a big amount of force to withstand a girl like Yuko. Yoko also prepares a countermeasure, which is to ram some punches into Yuko’s midriff, doing it continuously as if she’s pounding mochi.

At first, Yuko pay no heed to the strikes, as she felt that she could take a few of them, but the longer she resists, Yoko shows no sign of stopping. “Ouch! Ow! A feisty one, aren’t you?” Feeling the pain starts to accumulate in her belly, Yuko releases the smother and tries to stop the punches by grabbing Yoko’s hands. If she succeeds, their position will be Yuko sitting on top of Yoko’s thighs in a some kind of lap sit.
Kazuya Kiyoshi
Arai Hanako
Shibuya Yuko

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Re: A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

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Yoko's punches sunk deep into Yuko's body, but it seemed like there was still plenty of room to sink much deeper there. Continuous punches were enough to make the big girl grunt, but that was pretty much it.
A moment later, Yoko's arms were grabbed and the punching stopped. However, that meant that there was nothing holding Yoko's head in Yuko's tits anymore. Yoko' face re-emerged from the soft and breath-takingly cruel confinement.
Yoko was taking some deeper breaths as she jokingly contemplated how big and dangerous were Yuko's milk gallons. It was as if they had their own gravity.

"Hhnnmmkkhh!" Yoko tried wrestling her hands against Yuko's, but the latter proved to be too strong. Also, since Yuko was sitting on her lap, Yoko couldn't move much.
Yoko was in a position where she couldn't overpower or outmaneuver her foe. It was clear for her that she needed to change her approach.
"You know what? I think we've started off on the wrong foot. Yoko would slowly lean into and try to rise up to Yuko's lips at least. "I think we should try to get to know each other better first..." Yoko would coo to her opponent before engaging in a passionate kiss with Yuko.
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Re: A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

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Yuko grabs a tight hold on Yoko's hands to stop her punches, allowing Yoko's head to come out from her voluptuous breasts. Yoko tries to wrestle her arms away, but fail due to Yuko's strong grip. Yuko also sits on top of Yuko's knees, restricting the amount of moves she can do. "So cute~" Yuko murmurs to herself.

Yoko then lean in for a kiss, bringing up her lips to Yuko's in which she accepts her invite. Yuko wrapped her arms around Yoko's waist, pulling her closer to savor the kiss, with her large breasts pressed against Yoko's chest, as their tongue explores each other mouths. "Mmm..." Yuko moans softly.
Kazuya Kiyoshi
Arai Hanako
Shibuya Yuko

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Re: A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

Unread post by ragaz »

Yoko really was out of options so soon in the match. So, in her current situation Yoko could only try to seduce Yuko and use that to maybe get a better position over her.

"Mmhmm..." A little bit of saliva dripped down the lips of the two women as they were passionately making out, their tongues brushing against one another. Yoko felt her adversary's arms hug her in a loving embrace. Knowing that Yuko could easily turn this into a bearhug at any time, Yoko had to make her move but remain soft in her approach.
Yoko's arms would hug around Yuko's torso gently. Yoko would use the tips of her fingers and nails of her left hand to gently brush and massage Yuko's back while her right hand was holding onto Yuko's right shoulder.
In this position Yoko would start lightly thrusting her hips forward in order to teasingly bump and brush their bellies and breasts.
"Hhmmphaahhmm..." Jolts of pleasure were coursing down Yoko's spine as she was fighting to not lose herself in the sensations while she's at it.
The little thrusts would slowly get stronger and stronger. Yoko would hope that in their passion, Yuko would eventually allow herself to be pushed onto her back with Yoko on top.
If/when Yoko would notice that this isn't gonna happen, then she would attempt to push the hot woman onto her back with all the force she could muster.
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Re: A Snuggle With a Struggle - Shibuya vs Yoko

Unread post by KnightViva4869 »

Yuko's heart starts pounding from the intense kiss. Her body tensed as their tongues dancing together, exploring each other's mouth. From the outside they seem just like a lovely couple sharing intimacy, but they both knew it wasn't just that. This is a game to see who fall first. Yuko was tempted to immediately pull Yoko in a bearhug, but somehow Yoko's gentle hold combined with the caressing of her fingertips send shivers of pleasure down her spine.

Yoko began to tease her with the light thrusts of her hips, Yuko's breathing quickened and she responded with grinding circular motion, countering the thrusts. The sensation of their bellies and breasts rubbing against each other was undeniably arousing, and it took all of Yuko's willpower to focus on the match. "Ahn... ahh~"As her thrusts grew stronger, Yuko could sense Yoko's hidden desire to pin her down. Yuko felt herself getting lost in the moment, resisting to maintain the deadlock, but slowly goes down until she fully lay on her back, gazing up at Yoko's lovely eyes.

"Well, what's next?" Yuko seductively taunts Yoko, letting her know that just because she's at the bottom doesn't mean she'll be submissive.
Kazuya Kiyoshi
Arai Hanako
Shibuya Yuko

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