Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

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Thea's grasp may have been weakening with her continued efforts to exert herself, but that didn't make things any easier for Viper. She was still holding tight, bending the deathmatch veteran's body into positions it was never meant to move in, and with each passing second she felt the aches and pains going through her back, each movement she made awakening the tingles of nerves stretched and strained throughout her body. She snarled through clenched teeth, her body twisting back and forth as she tried to force herself forward and shrug off the pain. Viper would still give it her best shot in fighting her way to the ropes, but she wasn't sure how long she could hold out.

At last, though, Viper managed to pull her arm free. The moment she felt Thea's grip drop, Viper knew that she had to capitalize on this opportunity while she still could. With her newly liberated appendage, she slapped at the canvas before her, her fingers grasping at the mat to drag her little by little toward the ropes. It was an uphill battle, trying to drag herself with Thea still on top of her, but she was determined to make her escape. And, at last, her efforts paid off. Viper's hand fell onto the ropes, and with the referee proclaiming a rope break, Thea would have no choice but to let go.

As soon as the pressure was released, Viper rose to her feet. She did so slowly, getting her feet under her and pushing up off the ground, then straightening out her back and her neck as she centered her balance. Her body ached as she did, and she winced each time she brought her vertebrae into place - but she grit her teeth, bearing through it all the same. What mattered now was that she was free. And now, it was her turn to take control.

Saying nothing, Viper simply turned her head back toward the idol, her gaze fixing upon her with a cold stare. She then turned the rest of her body around, and began to storm toward her, slowly and carefully. Her eyes locked unblinkingly on Thea, and her fists were clenched on her sides as she stormed in toward her. She was leaving herself open, but Viper was hoping that Thea would take the bait - and when she did, she'd be ready for her.
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

Unread post by Monsy »

Her legs filled to the brim with water; impossible to move or balance and left her stranded against the ropes. Knees pressed into one, thigh-to-thigh. Hands open, fingers dangled and wagged as one shoulder slumped, the corresponding arm draped and the hand pressed against her knee. Brown locks vined over her eyes, and longer strands danced as she heaved out through her nose.

That was…. Some progress. I needed that. Maybe this isn’t so impossible. Yeah, just gotta push on and see it through.

“Feeling a little nervous yet, Viper?” She said with a dry laugh.

“Well, I’m getting fir-Hey-hey-woah-”

She sunk back into the ropes. Their march drained the colour from her cheeks, rendered pallid. Her sweaty back pushed flush against and slid back with her feet in tow. The ropes loomed a few feet beyond, where she peered over-shoulder and snapped her gaze forward again. Right, there’s only so far she could retreat. No matter the vibrations that stiffened her spine, the strain that infected her muscles, nor the dread within her soul, this was no time to flounder. So, in one big huff, she narrowed her eyes and tightened those lips. She stood tall once more and balled both fists, donned a bladed stance, drew her left leg back and threw it to pummel Viper’s exposed stomach. Her arms lurched in hopes to seize their wrists, so exposed and unmoved, where she pulled towards her person, elbows cocked back; finished by a leap where both knees pulled up to uppercut their chin in one - sudden - move called POP CULTURE!
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

Unread post by CaptainL »

When Viper rose from the ground, she wasn't quick to adopt a grappling stance. Instead, she kept her eyes fixed on Thea, standing stock-still but seemingly unprepared, her arms hanging at her sides and her head facing forward with a placid, disinterested expression. Many would question why Viper would let her guard down like this, so late into the match, when she had already seen what her opponent was capable of - and, indeed, when she had just been at her mercies a moment before. Little did they know, this was exactly what Viper wanted. If Thea seized on this opportunity, it was going to be her own undoing.

Even as Thea straightened herself, she still faltered, shrinking back toward the ropes. Viper smirked ever so slightly at how pathetic she was. Even when she had come so close to victory, now her strength was failing her. For all she knew, Thea would collapse here and now, without any other prompting from the deathmatch veteran. Still, the best part was yet to come. Thea still had something left in her, which she showed now, as she moved closer to Viper, swinging a kick out at her gut!

With a cough, Viper doubled over forward, bent at the waist. Thea soon made her move, grabbing her by the wrists to pull her body downward. But just before Viper's chin could meet Thea's knee, the green-haired girl glanced up at her, fixing her eyes on her. Thea had, in fact, fallen right into her trap!

She hadn't noticed that, as Viper was getting back on her feet, she took the opportunity to slip a capsule into her mouth. Now, she bit down on it, spitting green mist right into the idol's face and eyes! In pulling Viper down closer, Thea had only left herself open to an attack from point-blank range!
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

Unread post by Monsy »

Her throat ran dry, moistened by each long inhale. It ran deep into her lungs, so she kept her mouth ajar and found her reserves of focus allocated to controlling this process. Something about it kept her calm; a semblance of safety as the predator loomed in. Although the chills in her bones wanted to clamp up and defend, she felt like she owed more for her debut. For her opponent, that broke her into the industry, and the particular few she knew were watching. So she attacked; the cornered idol had nothing to lose, anyway. And for the moment that she did, it was as if she reclaimed her full strength for all but a few seconds.

Enough to pound their stomach with her leg, where it came down feeling fifty pounds heavier, but succeeded to gain a lurch, reach for their arms and ready for what would send this crowd into awe! But… Something else came into play. Where the knees were supposed to ascend into Viper’s skull, she failed even to get a lift. Instead, her visage bathed in a greenish mist. It stung her eyes and nose to set them alight and filled her maw with a bitter taste. Her features scrunched as she reeled, and she shrieked, then fell onto her behind, where she rolled on the ground to sob from the burn that devoured her hues. Every breath onward plods through a machine gun heart rate, and her chest clenched. She’d never felt so pale, so cold, yet so hot and overwhelmed by something so simple. Everything had collapsed, and she already felt exhausted.
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

Unread post by CaptainL »

When Thea landed the knee in Viper's stomach, forcing her to double over with a cough as the air was shaken from her lungs, a few of the fans cheered. Thea was new to LAW, and she seemed to have been facing an uphill battle to try and take down an opponent as fearsome as Viper when she herself was more used to performing on stage than wrestling. But she had stuck it out all the while, and managed to keep an impressive lead on the deathmatch veteran. Now that she had struck Viper in the gut, getting her set up to follow through with her next move, it seemed as though Thea was about to make an unexpected victory! She'd gone up against the odds, and still managed to prevail - and the fans were cheering her on for it!

But despite it all, there was one thing she overlooked. One thing she had no way of anticipating - Viper still had a trick up her sleeve, and she wasn't afraid to use it.

Just as Thea was about to connect with her knees, Viper opened her mouth, and a cloud of green mist poured forward, right into Thea's eyes! At once, she was forced to drop back, flailing around blindly on the mat below. The cheers that had mere moments ago filled the arena had turned to boos. Just when it seemed like Thea could win this, Viper had taken that dream away from her - and with dirty tricks, too!

Despite the reception she was getting, Viper wasn't moved. She stood stock still, facing the crowd with a bored expression on her face. At last, she huffed and shrugged her shoulders before moving in toward Thea. She had already intercepted her opponent and bought some time to finish her off. Now, it was time for her to bring things home.

As Thea was aimlessly rolling around, Viper stormed closer to her, using her last step to bring her foot down against Thea's back and hold her to the mat. She would pin her to the canvas so that she was on her stomach, before she leaned down, twisting Thea's legs behind her back so that she could lock her arms around them. At the same time, she grabbed the idol by her wrists, hauling her upward to dangle her above the mat for a rocking horse hold!
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

Unread post by Monsy »

Stranded upon the island, blinded eyes and a beast of nonchalance that preyed, the feeble did nothing but gripe with her internal suffering that kept her body motion-filled with writhes and whines. The mist infected her eyes, itched and burned; eyelids welded shut, pried open only to gander through a slime lense, sometimes full cloak; ready to bite into her iris to force them to close again. They were a monster that surrounded her on all fronts, and the hot boot that set her back alight cursed her into a scream until the breath squeezed cold. Her elbows pushed against the canvas; hands scratched the canvas to scrape an inch. It failed.

The strain became too much. Thea’s arms rattled, and her cheek kissed the canvas, as her hands reached back to grip their ankle, just as her hamstrings erupted, curled into a curved V, coupled with her wrists that were seized and pinned against the ankle. Another fresh wave of pain swiped her spine with molten fingers. Her back split into a U, body picked up into a droplet, suspended by ankles and wrists. Both shoulders suffered as though they’d tear or something would pop from its socket. It filled her green-drenched eyes with tears, and she screamed without stoppage, shook her head, so the light brown hair danced across her features and cloaked her eyes. Though, the mist ran runny and dripped down her cheeks like slime.

“L-Let m-m-.. M-me d-down!!”
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— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
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— Winter Songbird #8040FF
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

Unread post by CaptainL »

Thea wouldn't be able to see through the mist, and even if she could, the stinging sensation of the fluid seeping into her eyes was only going to make keeping them open an arduous and painful task. The world around her was being consumed by pain, and there was barely anything for her to focus on to ground her and guide her through it. All she could do was bide her time - and that was a luxury Viper wasn't going to afford her, as her boot came down against her back in a sharp stomp.

With a forceful push, Viper shoved Thea against the mat, digging the soles of her boot deeper into her spine. Then, as the green-haired girl took hold of her wrists, she pulled violently back on Thea's arms, twisting her body into an arc! The idol's screams were growing increasingly panicked as she realized she was running out of options. But despite it all, Viper's expression didn't change. The look on her face was as flat and placid as ever; she only glanced briefly down at Thea, her struggles barely giving her any second thoughts. It was as if the agony she was going through meant nothing to her at all.

"Hm," Viper mused aloud. She swayed her body back and forth ever so slightly, jostling Thea in place. But that wasn't the real reason she was here. She was just killing time, letting Thea linger in her painful predicament, as she prepared her next move. One that Thea, whether she realized it or not, had sealed her fate with in her protests.

"Let you down? ...Alright," Viper muttered. Still carrying Thea dangling between her legs, she began to amble over to the ropes, where she climbed up to the top. Turning around to face the ring, Viper would hop off the top rope to slam Thea into the mat, driving her full weight behind her to land her most feared finishing move, the AchE! She'd let Thea down, all right - but not in any way she'd want or hope for!
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

Unread post by Monsy »

She but an ornament which hangs; a trophy that loiters beneath its captor, bound by those more powerful than herself, and offers only the chatter of her muscles as they tore; and the skin that crawled, set aflame with pain and the wretched fishing hook inside her throat that kept her voice hushed beyond the ushering sobs for her dear shoulder-blades. There was no bitter end for her sentence, to dangle and feel the rip in her arms as though every atom began to slowly rip apart, or the swollen ache inside her shoulders from the past slam, as though the submission squeezed a bruise with a glove laced with pin-point needles. Only to suffer within the dark. Thea and her thoughts. It reminded her of some place four years ago. Perhaps she’d gone too long without its presence. That first taste of pepper spray.

Their movement only made it worse; but blissful at the same time. She wanted to submit, see, and then sleep. Though there was little space inside her head for any desire. Just a survival instinct, to cling on like they thrust her off the cliff, and her smooth-bore fingertips caught the grip of a stone lip. A little longer, she told herself. And just as the ringing inside her ears grew loud, an all-consuming numbness flickered throughout. Her world turned back; a face-full of canvas as her legs snapped back onto the ground, arms splayed straight-out from her shoulders, and this splatter of green shadowed a portion of her face that lay face-down into a pool of white. There was nothing more serene about her than the hushed breath she took as she took her first painless breath, lips half-smothered by the dear canvas itself, drooled onto like spilled liquor.
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
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— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

Unread post by CaptainL »

Thea had lost the match long ago. She might have made a promising showing, but once Viper had blinded her with green mist, it was all over. Now, blinded and defenseless, she was powerless as the deathmatch veteran lifted her up by the arms, dangling her body between her legs. The pain of being stretched by her own bodily weight would be bad enough, especially after all the punishment she had endured up to this point. But Viper wasn't done with Thea. Far from it.

Climbing the ropes with Thea in tow, Viper looked out on the crowd with a look of disinterest. Some high-flying wrestlers might take to the ropes looking for spectacle and the adoration of the crowd, hoping to wow the fans with their acrobatic expertise. Others simply wanted to make sure their moves landed as hard as they could. For Viper, all of that was merely a formality. She knew it was up to her now to end this match - and now that Thea couldn't fight back, she wanted to make sure it would be a conclusion no one would be forgetting any time soon, particularly not the idol herself.

She jumped from the ropes with Thea hanging below her, forcing her foe to absorb the brunt of the impact when they came crashing into the ground. The force of two bodies slamming into the ring shook the canvas, and caused many onlookers to wince. But it still didn't move Viper, who stood with a placid look on her face and Thea still twisted in her grasp. She stayed that way for a moment longer, still holding the girl up by the wrists and bending her backward, as though to let the moment sink in a little longer. Then, though, she let Thea go, allowing her to drop limply to the mat below face-first.

Viper didn't waste any time. Once Thea had settled, she grabbed her by the arm, pulling it to the side to roll her onto her back. Then, she would drop down, hooking her leg and going for the pin. The referee dropped to her side, beginning the count. But everyone knew it would take a miracle for Thea to bounce back from this.

"One! Two!"
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Re: Viper Hoshiwara vs. Thea Paradise [D]

Unread post by Monsy »

She was little more than a glass of spilled water that gone sour. Perhaps a puppet who had their strings cut? Maybe, just a victim. That made her the human instrument, one that had no strings; her limbs were held directly by another, commanded, and those same limbs are destined to spill when they grew sour within Viper’s grasp. There was nothing beyond what could be expected. What Viper moved wasn’t an idol; this was a carcass; one that shuffled onto her back, an arm flapped over aligned with her shoulder; the other laid flat against her side, down her hip and twitched. Her leg lifted and folded over their hand to clamp; nothing more than idle weight.

The reaper referee came and signed the death of her debut in two strikes as she frolicked within her head. You didn’t need to see past her unfixed head, that cheek pressed into the mat, those shut eyes behind strands of light brown tresses. Anyone knew all life was stunted, for now, far beyond the third strike that brought on the bell and concluded the debut of one Thea Paradise.
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— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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