knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

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Re: knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

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Kurumi would see that blow had been something effective, and best of all, she would be showing Lee she not only accepted that fight to be hit, moving little by little, she would try to get out of the corner, throwing small blows against the face by Lee, by way of using them as cover while moving out of that corner before Lee can return to powerful blows

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Re: knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

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Despite this being obvious that Lee was the superior one here in every way, she was still as careful as ever, readying her guard up instead of blindly rushing in again.
Of course, Kurumi wasn't just gonna wait there in the corner and was already making her way out with a surprisingly tactical approach by throwing jabs as she moved to keep the champ busy. It didn't keep her busy for very long as Lee ducked and weaved out of the way of the jabs while moving herself in tandem with Kurumi.
Every moment Lee would get between the jabs, Lee would respond with arched hooks at Kurumi's midsection, directed in a way that if connected, would be pushing the girl back towards the corner.
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Re: knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

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Kurumi might just seem like someone who took punches for fun, and although that was partly true, she also had her ability to plan short plans, and now it had worked, but unfortunately, it ended too soon, with Lee coming back attack her, and even though she had come out of the corner, it seemed like Lee was thinking of putting her back in, with powerful blows aimed at her midsection, Kurumi would partly enjoy it a bit, but without losing her posture, Kurumi would just try to move out of the way corner or at Lee, blocking any blows she could, and if possible, throw a hook into Lee's stomach

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Re: knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

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Lee was pounding Kurumi in the stomach with hooks, but the latter just kept forcing her way out of the corner. Lee was surprised that Kurumi was barely protecting her midriff. Well, she was either doing this for money, or she was a masochist. And the longer this fight went, the more Lee suspected that it was the latter.

A counter attack was making its way to the champ's belly, but unlike last time, the boxer was prepared for such rogue strikes and turned her body sideways to let the fist whoosh past her midsection. At the same time, Lee threw a quick right jab to Kurumi's face to disorient her before Lee would wind up a massive left haymaker for a knockout blow.


The bell rang out, signalling the end of the first round. Moonyoung's glove stopped just an inch away from Kurumi's face before it was retracted.
Lee could've just let it fly, but she wasn't one to cheese the rules. And so, the Korean just went to her corner, sat down, took a bottle of water and drank from it before she would just stare at her opponent for the rest of the break.
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Re: knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

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Kurumi could feel how each punch started to hurt, being something she didn't feel for a long time, blocking just some punches, but receiving most of them, when she launched her attack to be able to give a way to get free, Kurumi would see how Lee would dodge it nimbly, being hit and seeing a fist about to hit her face....... but she would be saved by the bell for her fortune.

The end of the first round had been quite surprising, Kurumi thought she was about to fall to the ground, but it was not so, seeing that Moonyoung went to her corner and rested, Kurumi would do the same, where Yukari was ready to support her, placing her on a small wooden bench, while Yukari checked her body, removing the protector and helped her with a bottle of water, then Yukari said to Kurumi
Hey, Lee gave you a good beating in this first round, besides..... is the first time I notice you react painfully to a punch in the stomach, you have to start taking the lead, the score went up a lot in favor of Lee, and if you ask...... are more than $2000 as additional prize for all the blows you are taking in his stomach.

Kurumi would still gasp, her stomach was a bit red, but at least the pain was minimal, but that wouldn't take away from the fact that it was legitimate pain, so looking at Yukari and listening to him as she "advised" her, Kurumi would reply
You're right, although I enjoy those punches, I think it would not be a good idea for Lee to become a millionaire in a single fight with my pay, hahaha, even so, I suggest you go call a doctor, because surely there will be many wounds, do you think Gwen can sew a wound? would say at the end Kurumi as a joke, recovering while looking at Lee and wondered what she could do in the second round.

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Re: knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

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Lee was looking at the other corner. Were they discussing strategy? Maybe not... Lee thought when Kurumi started laughing. It felt slightly irritating.
The bell rang and it was time to start the second round. Moonyoung walked out of the corner and punched her fists together before entering a boxing stance in the middle of the ring.
She knew the match was going clearly in her favor and she knew that most other people in LAW would trash talk their opponent in this situation, but not Lee. Lee was fully focused and fully prepared. Other than that, her face - expressionless. This wasn't giving the audience much content this way. Well, the thing is, Lee was different from most of the people here. She did not care for content. She came here to to fight and to win. And she was going to do that efficiently and methodically.
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Re: knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

Unread post by Lederface »

Kurumi would notice that Lee seemed to be looking serious despite everything, something that scared Kurumi a little, but then knowing it was time to go back, Yukari would give Kurumi the protector again, getting up and approaching the center of the ring, where Lee was waiting for her, knowing that now she should take some advantage, Kurumi would prepare her fists, and the moment the bell rang, Kurumi would take the offensive, throwing a punch against Lee's stomach, preparing her other hand if it was going to be necessary.

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Re: knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

Unread post by ragaz »

The two met in the center and the second round started with Kurumi initiating the first exchange with a left punch for Lee's stomach.
Not one to take free punches, Lee did something that she did before in this match. She pivoted her body sideways to avoid the oncoming punch while at the same time extending her left fist towards Kurumi's face.
However, there appeared a tiny bit of surprise on the Korean's face as Kurumi actually blocked her punch. The girl was learning, it seems. But was she learning enough? The question would be asked in physical format as despite a slight surprise, Lee would not slow down and just do what she intended in the first place - throw a hard, straight right, aimed to sink into the cute girl's solar plexus.
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Re: knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

Unread post by Lederface »

Kurumi would be happy, Lee's face seemed to be surprised by the technique she had done for her move, managing to block it, but the happiness would not last long, as she would be quickly impacted in her body by Lee's well trained fists, making a small gasp, Kurumi would try to respond to that blow with a blow against Lee's face, knowing that she should still have her other arm ready to block if Lee tried to make another surprise attack.

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Re: knocking some sense into you. Kurumi vs Moonyoung Lee. Boxing match

Unread post by ragaz »

After landing another blow to the girl's body, Lee went back into her stance again. Moonyoung had to admit, Kurumi was one of the best punching bags she's ever had. In a sense that Kurumi was soaking up the damage, yet was ready for more.

More would come alright, but first there was Kurumi's punch that she had address. For that, Moonyoung would do something that Kurumi might've not seen before. That is, Moonyoung would catch Kurumi's fist in her right glove, turn her body towards the right side while throwing a left hook, but not at Kurumi's face or body, but at her arm into her muscles, above the elbow to be more precise. After that, Lee would aim a wide right hook at Kurumi's cheek.
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