Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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"Oh man! Oh man! Oh man!"

In the backstage area of the LAW arena, Samantha Roberts was scrambling. She was running past locker rooms, hallways, anywhere she could in search of someone that seemed approachable enough to want to team with her tonight.

"They put me in a handicap match! Partner! Gotta find a partner!" The blue haired woman said to herself frantically as she continued searching high and low for anyone that seemed free and available. As she ran down yet another hallway, she'd feel a tap on her shoulder and realized that someone was running with her.

"Hi!" said Lexy Alan to the girl. "I heard you say you were looking for someone to team up with. I heard you say it about 20 times actually, so I thought I'd help you de-stress by volunteering, heheh..." She finished with a warm smile. A smile that was reciprocated by Sam.

A few moments later, after the pair had figured out the logistic (like who it was they'd be tagging against) the lightweight and middleweight would make their way into arena. The production crew was nice enough to use a mix of both their theme songs to accompany their entrance.

As the two waved to the fans who greeted them with cheers, they made their way to the ring while conversing discreetly.

"You have a plan?"

"Nope! But we've got this!"

Sam and Lexy
The two women would take their place in the ring at their corner and begin to converse about who should start as their awaited the arrival of their heavyweight foe.
Last edited by winner3 on Sat Nov 04, 2017 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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Michelle had seen nearly everything in wrestling. Teams forming, breaking up, champions crowned and wrestlers screwed over and buried, despite her long career, she always had a soft spot for one type of match. Handicap tag matches. Given her enormous size and weight, she had to hold back in a lot of matches so she didnt injure her fellow competitors. Of course everyone took bumps, and were trained to do so, but Michelle knew if she dropped her entire 275lbs on a 130lbs girl, they would have to scrape her off the canvas afterwards.

She was the gentle giant of LAW, and had signed up on the request of the internet, who coaxed her out of early retirement to build other wrestlers up. She had so many wins and losses over her career that she didnt care now which way the matches went. For Michelle, entertaining the crowd and helping younger, smaller wrestlers get over was all the thrill she needed.

So when she got the call for a handicap match, she jumped at the chance and signed her LAW contract right away. She did her homework as always on her rivals by scrolling through the roster pages on the LAW site, and seeking out youtube clips.

Lexi Alan who was a great wrestler, and the fact she wrestled to help her family business immediately hit a chord with Michelle. The gentle giant would be sure to make her look great tonight. Her partner in the match, Sam Roberts was markedly different. Quick, ready to fly when needed and with all the skills to be a long standing champion of the promotion. It also made Michelle chuckle that she was "lucky." The much bigger wrestler could see how she would be a hit with fans

"Hmmm only 100lbs, well better not splash the little cutie, at least not too hard!"

As she worked out he gameplan, she got the call at the door of her dressing room. Michelle, who wore her blue bikini and matching boots walked towards the entrance and awaited her cue. As "Riot" by Dance with the Dead blasted out across the arena, Michelle entered to a loud cheer. She was a face, a good girl who despised cheaters and so with her long standing internet fanclub she always was assured of a warm reception. Michelle waved and slapped hands as she walked down the ramp finally getting to the ring. She climbed the steps and simply stepped straight over the top rope such was her size. She looked at the pair of Lexy and Sam and smiled.
Michelle didnt go for intimidation and taunts like Sandy White, Chris Kelly or Natalee Vivian Florges. She didnt have to resort to those tactics, even if she was a good girl, standing 6'6" and weighing 275lbs was enough. Getting on Michelle's bad side was not something to take lightly.

Stood with her hands on her hips she called out to the pair.

"Hello girls, lets see what we can do together, I promise you'll be superstars after this!"

She waited for the bell and to see which one of the pair would come out first
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Sun Oct 29, 2017 5:29 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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The pair who were already in the ring knew that they were in for a match against a mountain of a woman. But it wasn't until Michelle made herself known via her entrance that the two came to the realization that "mountain" wasn't all that figurative a description.

"Why'd I let you talk me into this?" Lexy said to Sam with a nervous smile.

"Hey! I didn't! You offered!"

*siiiigh* "You're right...if we win, somehow, free deserts for you!"

Sam nodded excitedly before turning her attention back to their opponent. She stepped forward to greet their amazon-esque foe head on, seemingly volunteering to start things off. With an optimistic smile on her face, Sam looked up, way up at Michelle and extended her hand.

"Let's tear the roof off this place!" Against these odds, the young rookie seemed to be looking forward to the contest. The lightweight and middleweight didn't know exactly how they'd go about posing a threat, but Miss Roberts knew that she was going to give it 110 percent with her fellow competent rookie, Lexy backing her! After introductions were made, Sam would widen her stand and prepare to take on Michelle. At the sound of the bell, she'd attempt to outspeed her foe by circling around her. Roberts would attempt to repeatedly kick Michelle's hamstring while circling her, in an effort to begin taking her down!

Meanwhile on the apron, Lexy began to worry. She thought that might fair slightly better, or at least for longer than Sam would. She was slightly larger than her partner, after all. The green haired girl would lean over the top rope with a look of concern on her face. At the first sign of trouble, Lexy would extend her hand and try to get Sam to tag out.
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Re: Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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Michelle came out to greet Sam who seemed keen on starting. The young skillful wrestler gained massive respect and bonus points with Michelle by extending out a hand to shake. Michelle smiled and duly clasped her hand against Sam's, not squeezing it for intimidation or to show off her power, but just to show that the much bigger wrestler had a soft spot for her rival. As Sam spoke Michelle broke off the shake and raised her hands, the bell ringing to signal the start of this 2v1 contest

"Dont you worry, and dont hold back. Give me your A game, Ms Roberts!"

The bigger wrestler would circle a few times, the crowd roaring as the combatants went at it like gladiators in the Colosseum. Sam was fast, of this was no doubt. Michelle would have her hands full, just as she liked it. Deciding to start things off strong, the big veteran wrestler would step forward arms out in a hug like motion ready to scoop Sam up and draw her in close for a little squeezing.

However, quick as lightening, she was gone.


Michele gasped as she swiped only thin air, a confused look on her face which was soon replaced with a grimace of pain.


Michelle looked pained and felt the source of her discomfort at the back of her leg. The big girl placed a hand on her hamstring and leaned to her left. Her breaths short as she tried to power past it. Before she really had time to think she felt the same pain in her right leg.


She arched the opposite side. Sam was literally running rings around the big wrestler much to the crowds delight who cheered and clapped, "LETS GO SAMMY!" Despite the pain, Michelle felt heartened that Sam had already won over the crowd. Now Michelle had to ensure she went over big time throughout!

Another kick followed and this time, the gentle giant was toppled. Michelle sank down to one knee. The same pained expression on her face, as she puffed her cheeks and struggled to get the feeling back in her legs to move. The crowd loved it. They wanted Michelle on her back and urged Sam to go all the way and take down the big girl.
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Re: Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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Sam was lively, earnest, and committed. The spunky petite wrestler knew full well that she could hardly take on, let alone take down the titan that stood before her. But Roberts was determined to face Stratesburg with a smile. She shook the read head's hand and looked her in the eye before declaring that they'd put on a show. Sam had a partner and a crowd to honor, as well as an opponent that she, herself was happy to share the ring with. When the bell sounded, Sam took a fighting pose and steeled herself. She circled the ring and waited for Michelle to approach before quickly sidestepping and launching a couple of swift kicks aimed at her foe's hamstring!

As the blows connected, the crowd would begin to get behind Sam, cheering the lightweight on even this early in the match! When Sam saw Michelle take a knee, she ran towards the ropes behind her and sought to capitalize on the opportunity.

"Lexy!" Sam cried as she bounced off the ropes. She'd extend her hand out and the green haired middleweight on the apron would respond by nodding and doing the same. The two would tag as Sam propelled herself towards a kneeling Michelle. Once the tag was made, Sam would let out a battle cry and sprint energetically towards her foe before leaping up and attempting to take her down with a Dropkick!


If the kick connected and the soles her her boots hit the premiere heavyweight's face and/or chest, Lexy would begin to climb the turnbuckle. The crowd would roar as Alan took a second to find her balance before soaring through the air and attempting to land atop Michelle with an Elbow from the top rope! If the impromptu pair made it this far, the bikini clad middleweight would then hook Michelle's large leg and attempt to pin her, and Sam would join in by straddling Michelle's chest and resting her modest posterior on Michelle's face for a reverse schoolgirl pin!

"Stay down!" Lexy would murmur under hear breath.
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Re: Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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Michelle was down on one knee and just about got her composure back from the assault of kicks by Sam. She felt proud of her rival at this point, Sam was wrestling with her brain, not just her body. Taking the bigger girl down was smart, as the lightweight certainly didnt want to get into a grapple or strength contest with Michelle. The giant wrestler went to stand back up when she lost sight of Sam.

She soon however found the girl again, coming in fast with both feet.


Michelle hit the canvas on her back and clutched at her chest, trying to get the wind back in her sails. However the team of Sam and Lexi had made the tag and Lexi took flight. Michelle saw the girl at the last minute and then WHACK! The elbow landed hard


The giant wrestlers body jolted and she felt Lexi move into the cover. Had this been later on in the match, she may well have pinned Michelle. This was exactly the sort of teamwork that Michelle admired. It seemed Lexi and Sam could be a slick well oiled tag team who would have a lot of success in the future if they decided to stick at it. As she contemplated, she could hear the crowd make a noise, which told her something was up.

Instantly Sam's cute bottom was descending and planted itself right on Michelle's face which made the big wrestlers squirm and groan. It wasnt the worst place to be, Sam was a very attractive girl. Michelle herself was known for her "Ass of Doom" that either Sam or Lexi may well experience tonight. A double pin was again, the most sensible way to keep Michelle down for the count, but not yet. As much as Michelle admired the view and as much as she loved two smaller girls pinning her, it was way too early for this

As the ref slapped for ONE! Michelle placed her hands on Sam's waist, fumbling a little across the girls body and managed to grab those sexy plump cheeks. With a grunt that Sam no doubt felt, Michelle would push Sam off her face over her head and once clear, would slap a big palm down in Lexi's back to break the count.

If she could Michelle would push to power clear of Lexi and Sam to roll to her side and come to rest laying on her tummy breathing in and our deeply. If she could she would catch Sam's gaze and smile, it was a smile of respect that the pair of them were exactly the rivals she loved

The giant wrestler would attempt to get back up to her feet, however if Lexi as she legal woman was smart, she would keep up the assault
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Re: Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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The crowd roared as the ragtag tag team actually managed to string together some convincing and hard hitting tag offense. This type of combination and team work was going to be essential if they wanted to emerge victorious tonight. Upon straddling the giant, Samantha, being the more optimistic of the pair, actually believed that it could very well end here. She raised her hand excitedly as the one count was made. And Lexy held onto Michelle's leg with both arms while wearing a worried expression on her face, hoping that the red head would let the two of them get off easily by staying down.

Of course, things wouldn't be so easy, the Sam and Lexy had almost picked up a two count. But in a display of wrestling ability and raw power, Michelle would get a firm grip on Sam's bottom, causing her to let out an abrupt "Eep!" before Stratesburg used her strength to practically toss Roberts up and off her person, a couple feet away! What soon followed was a hard, open-palmed slap to Lexy's back! The sound of the smack could be heard from the audience. Lexy would be forced to roll of of Michelle and arch her back in pain!

"AIIEE! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Lexy cried.

Sam would attempt to work her way up to her feet. She'd see the heavyweight red head smile at her and return the gesture with a smile of her own. Roberts would attempt to run forwards and try to keep Michelle down by getting in another move, but as soon as Sam ran forwards, the official would call out to her to get her to stop and return to her corner. The sudden grasp at Sam's attention caused her to trip. The sudden momentum from trying to run ensured that Sam would fall and roll towards her corner. She'd end up on the canvas next to the bottom turnbuckle, channeling her "lucky" gimmick by experience bouts of both good and bad luck. Once she found her composure, Sam would need to take her place on the apron to continue complying with the handicap match rules.

While this was going on, Miss Alan in the ring would fight through the sharp pain in her back and begin to work her way up to her feet. If left uninterrupted, she'd attempt to grab hold of their foe's head while Michelle tried to rise. Lexy would attempt to wrap an arm around the red head's head and fall backwards to hit her with a DDT!

"We can do this! We can win!" Lexy would say to herself as she tried to set up the move, trying to instill herself with the levels of confidence and faith that her partner Sam had.
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Re: Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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Michelle broke free of the pin and the pair with a smile on her face. She loved the whole wrestling game, she loved the roar of the crowd, and even though she was primarily a face wrestler, tonight it seemed that she should play the part of the heel, especially given that Sam, who Michelle adored, and Lexi were so bubbly and full of confidence.

As the big veteran wrestler got up, she took her eyes off Lexi, and the middleweight took advantage. Michelle still on one knee, found her head hooked by the smaller wrestler in a front facelock position. The redhead gave a grunt and reached to paw at Lexi's body, hands on her waist. Before Michelle would react, Lexi sensibly fell back and planted the big wrestlers head with a DDT

The crowd roared and loved the slick teamwork as the giant crumbled flat to the canvas. Those watching would urge Lexi to press home the advantage, as Michelle was already starting to stir. The big girl would roll over and both hands would come to hold her head as she tried to stop her brain from rattling. Playing to her heelish role, Michelle noticed that she was close to the ropes and made a move for them, rolling on her side and grasping the bottom rope with her hand.

The ref girl would come over and check on Michelle, who was still dizzy and as the big wrestler got to her hands and knees, she would gesture with her fist, motioning that somehow Lexi had some sort of weapon or something. The ref girl brought it and Michelle stayed kneeling back, gasping and checking her head with her other hand. As the ref girl moved toward Lexi to check her, Michelle spun around and flashed a smile with a playful shrug at Sam on the outside. She was getting into her role as the "bad girl" and Michelle knew all the dirty tricks of the ring

The crowd now changed their tune and booed loudly at Michelle who got up to her feet and turned to lean over the ropes. The big wrestler would throw a gesture out at them which was less then complimentary, offering those on the front row to dare to challenge her, but in the process ignoring both Lexi and Sam again.
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Re: Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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Lexy was able to keep her momentum going by hooking the red head's head and driving it into the canvas with a DDT! The execution of the move spurred the crowd and Lexi found Sam's enthusiasm contagious enough to believe that she could start holding her own with the likes of a heavyweight veteran like Michelle. As the wrestler clad in the green bikini got up, she'd notice Michelle make for the ropes. Miss Alan would begin to slowly walk towards Stratesburg. Lexy had every intention of keeping this match moving. The barefoot wrestler would get almost step within range of Michelle when suddenly the ref would attempt to pull her aside.

"If we can just pin her one more - HEY!"

"Ma'am, she says you've got a weapon!" The referee girl said as she took Alan by the arm.

"W-what?!" Lexy would begin to protest and argue with the ref. Sure, the referee hadn't patted down any of the women in the ring prior to the start of the match, but Lexy, who was wrestling in just a bikini, would be the one least likely to be concealing a weapon. It didn't help Lexy at all that she hadn't noticed Michelle subtly trying to tip the ref off with a gesture. As the two began to argue, Michelle would proudly show off her handiwork and finessing by leaning over the ropes and gesturing further. Sam would have just made it onto the apron when she saw this. The spunky bluenette would shake her head to find her composure from having tripped earlier and then call out to her partner.

"Lexy! She bluffed! Hit her!"

If Michelle hadn't taken action by this point, Lexy would run towards the giant while yelling out and replying to her partner, Roberts: "Oh! With Pleasure!" clearly voicing intent to try and get back at the heavyweight for her antics. Lexy would try and stun the larger woman by getting a running start and leaping into the air before attempting a running dropkick! If the green haired lady was able to strike her foe towards the ropes, she'd attempt to quickly rise up and reach for the top and middle ropes. Lexy would attempt to entwine each of Michelle's arms within the ropes one after another. It would be a simple knot, but one that the rookie tag team would bank one in the hopes of keeping Michelle occupied for a moment. A crucial moment that they could use for yet another double team maneuver!
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Re: Handicap Match: Michelle Von Stratesburg vs Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan

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Michelle was busy arguing with the crowd, she loved being given the opportunity to play the heel and despite her skill at this role, a small grin appeared on her face. The crowd played their part booing loudly and started a chant of LEXI LEXI which further, "angered" Michelle causing her to gesture more to the masses who were buzzing with anticipation of the smaller pair.

The ref girl would consult with Lexi, and Michelle kept a sly eye on her ready to turn around and look to capitalise when the right moment presented itself. She heard Sam call out and knew this was her cue. The big heavyweight left the crowd along and turned. Lexi planted her feet into Michelle's big breasts


The giant wrestler was knocked off her feet and crashed against the ropes, so much that the ring shook with the effort of trying to hold up the big girl. The crowd roared at the smart move and Michelle with a wince sat against the middle rope. Eventually she slumped down to the bottom rope to sit on it. Michelle watched as Lexi moved to tie her up and shook her head, swaying with the motion. As her arms were tied Michelle struggled but couldn’t get free

"Ref ropes!"

Michelle would call out to the ref girl who was more than frustrated with the antics of the Heavyweight heel. The crowd cheered on Lexi to make the most of the situation. However the ref girl never started a count, she simply waved Lexi on and looked in the direction of Sam with a nod and smile. Many of the fans saw it and a ripple of applause was heard.

Michelle was learning that her cheating would not go unpunished, so the ref girl would be more lenient to the team of Sam and Lexi
Last edited by RiotGrrl on Sun Dec 10, 2017 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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