face me! and let's see how long you'll last before you fall!
Profile[/size]Real Name:Susumaru Sasozira
Nicknames:"the Cobra"
Eyes:Yellow (contact lenses, his eyes are brown)
Hair:black with Orange highlights
Height:1.74 M
Weight:115 Lb
Nationality: Japanese
Alignment:Face (Neutral good)
Entrance Music:
Susumaru is someone with too much, but too much energy, who could be talking to 2 people at the same time, but even so, she does not become annoying, always wanting to be on the move, in addition to knowing more about the culture of America
Wrestling Information
Strategy: Susume's strategy is to always attack the limbs with powerful submissions, and see how much her opponent can take before screaming in pain, and usually ending with forceful knockouts or surrenders provoked by her submissions.
Style: Sumisiones dolorosas y contundentes golpes Noqueadores
Type:Wrestling, Submission and StreetFighting
Preferred Attacks: submissions in the legs and Arms, Headscisorss
Preferred Matches: Susumaru really doesn't care about the type of fight, but he has a taste for trying harder fights ... and more erotic.
Attitude To Hentai: I think I can use those submissions quite well to make someone cum
Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★★
Strength ★★★★★
Speed ★★★
Defence ★★★★
Technique ★★★
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★
Submissions ★★★★
Powerhouse ★★★★
Aerials ★★
Counters ★★
Libido ★★★
Will ★★★★
Match Ending Moves
Signature Moves
sail the ship!
the storm before the calm!
pain and pleasure united!
your upper part succumbs! (Cradle roll into dragon sleeper)
the ultimate Armbar!
The Ultimate domination!
the last thing you will see in this fight ... is me !!
Susumaru when you are interested in the knockout and not his movements, she will take advantage of when her opponent is stunned and lifting him, she will launch a combination of blows, small kicks to the stomach with her knee, to finally finish with an Irish whip to launch a powerful punch straight into your opponent's face
Susumaru es una chica de Japon, pero a sus 2 años, ella y sus padres se fueron a EUA, donde su padre tenia mejores oportunidades laborales, viviendo entonces 15 años de su vida en Florida, ella pronto seria una persona de interese ya que para muchos ella era alguien interesante por su nacion de origen, pero ella siempre tuvo que explicar que no sabia mucho de su pais y cultura, es en ese momento que ella empezo a ver mediante internet conforme creia mas sobre su cultura
- She love the Cheese
- Although it may not seem like it, she has experience playing the trumpet, having once played in a cafeteria as a child
- Susumaru once wanted to be a darts champion, but she gets used to being the champion in bars
- She has a list of things she wants to do in Japan, including this one:
-Dress up as Maid
-Use a Katana
-be "visited" by a Maid Ninja
(DEBUT) Fight against: Erna Alatas (Defeated by knock-out)
Fight Against: Katherine "Drifter" Scarlet (Ongoing)
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