LAW Magazine X-Ray

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LAW Magazine X-Ray

Unread post by CaptainL »


I've got a bit of a different proposal this time around, but I figured it'd be worth reaching out and gauging interest. In this case, I'm not looking for a match (my threads are pretty filled up right now). Rather, I'm looking for people to collaborate with on an article for LAW Magazine, and one that I've planned for some time.

If you've been around me long enough, you'd know that I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to old-school wrestling, despite being born long after the territory era ended. Among that, I'm fascinated by the London Publishing wrestling magazines (otherwise known as the "Apter mags," after their prominent photographer Bill Apter). They presented everything in kayfabe, made a lot of stuff up entirely, and were a lot of fun, as well as being one of the only ways to learn about wrestling outside of your area in a time when the Internet wasn't a thing and most TVs only got local stations. It's no secret that I've taken a lot of inspiration for these magazines in my contributions to LAW Magazine.

To that end, I had a new idea for an article I wanted to see to, but it's one I'll need help with.

One of the recurring features in the Apter mags was the "X-Ray" article - in which an up-and-coming rookie wrestler would be spotlighted, with a panel of veteran wrestlers giving their thoughts on them. To give you an idea, here's a scan from one such article:

from Canadian Bulldog's World

As of the time of this writing, I believe that LAW has enough characters established to be wrestling veterans (whether actively wrestling or retired and in managerial positions) to sustain such an article.

What I'll need is:
  • One rookie wrestler to be the subject of the article. This can be anyone who'd be interested in being profiled in this way. The owner of this character can send me a short summary of their career up to this point; a single paragraph is fine. This will be the lead-in to the article, so it should be presented as an in-universe account.
  • About 4-6 veteran wrestlers to be the panelists. The owners of these characters will review the featured rookie's profile and maybe a match or two, and submit a short summary in-character as the veteran giving their thoughts.
  • In addition, I'd like each veteran to include a 1-2 sentence summary of their career and accomplishments (for example, to use one of mine, "Cynara Morgan was the inaugural United States Apartment House Wrestling Champion, and boasts a nearly-undefeated career").
If need be, I can pitch in Akira or Cynara as one of the veterans (which honestly would be kinda fitting, since Cynara is based on a recurring character from the Apter mags), but if there's enough interest I may not need to.

I believe this could be a fun way to spotlight LAW characters, both as features of the articles and as panelists, and help get the community involved in showcasing some of the OCs here. If it proves popular enough, I'd be even more thrilled to be able to make this a recurring feature. Let me know if you'd be interested and who you'd want to use, and I'll get in touch with you to set things up further!
Last edited by CaptainL on Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LAW Magazine X-Ray

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

This sounds like a cool idea. Heck, I'd even put down Dana Ashford as one of the panelists if you want.

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Re: LAW Magazine X-Ray

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

I'd be happy to contribute as a panelist as well!

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Re: LAW Magazine X-Ray

Unread post by winner3 »

Love the idea! I'd love to put Katherine Hart down as a panelist if possible.
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Re: LAW Magazine X-Ray

Unread post by Devastated »

I'd be down with putting Aurora Lund as a panelist. Sounds like a great idea and a lot of fun that could be had.

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Re: LAW Magazine X-Ray

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Happy to put someone down as a good contrast to other panelists, so Karen if it needs brutal and cruel honesty, Silver if a more positive touch is needed etc.

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Re: LAW Magazine X-Ray

Unread post by Jaystar »

This sounds like a fun idea! If rookies are needed, I can offer my Isa as a potential candidate. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7194

She has one finished match so far, but three others started, so I believe I have fairly good idea on how her start in LAW will be for the purposes of the evaluation.
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Re: LAW Magazine X-Ray

Unread post by CaptainL »

Just to give an update, I've decided on who will be involved for the first edition of this feature. However, there's been enough interest and enough applicants to warrant me running it again! Feel free to come to me if you still want in, there will be plenty of opportunities to!
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