Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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Re: Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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"haha can't I admire such a beautiful body?" She would his aiming to force Rose arms above her head as she would try coil her leg around rose's legs too and if she was successful she would aim to lock in the Grapevine pin forceing her muscler legs to pull on rose's legs as she would push her breast into her face.

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Re: Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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Rose could see that Lex seemed to want to have a lot of fun, but when Rose noticed her legs seemed to lose strength in the grip, this would alert Rose, who would end up with Lex's breasts in her face, knowing Lex had also accepted to undress her breasts, Rose would take it as an opportunity and start sucking on Lex's nipples, licking and biting on occasion.

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Re: Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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Lex would smile as she would now push her powerful legs more working roses but soon found she felt something on her breast causes g her to moan as she looked down at rose with a grin she would let her legs go and sit up on Roses grabbing her head pulling it into her breast. "MMM I wonder how good you put your mouth to work on the rest of my body?" She asked pulling the girl head back before locking her lips with roses kissing her deeply. The fans would cheer enjoying the sight that was go in my on as they would snap photos of them.

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Re: Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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Rose enjoyed too much to be able to enjoy Lex's breasts, but soon she would be discovered by Lex, who seemed to have enjoyed it too, Rose would laugh a little at that, before having Lex's lips again with hers, enjoying it but now feeling her body getting more horny, while Rose tries to use her tongue to take advantage, if successful, Rose would try to turn so that now she is the one on top of Lex

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Re: Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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Soon as Lex was too busy making out with rose trying to place her arms around the woman she had not realized that the young had some how got her self top mounted on her though she was still lost making out. "Aren't you the distractful type haha" she asked soon noticing as she would attempt to get her self free and up off the floor but she still had rose to contend with, lex would slide her hands down rose's back down and soon grab her ass gering it a real squeeze in hopes that would throw rose off.

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Re: Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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Rose would be able to be on Lex now and seeing that she seemed to want not to allow him, Rose would try to break the grip on her back, knowing that if she did not do it as soon as possible, her body would begin to wear out, something that was not very convenient knowing that she is It would be a long fight, but even so, Rose would try to break the grip, but after a while, she would prefer to go for the second option, moving her free hand, she would place her fingers to ..... cover Lex's nose, and to combine that strange movement, Rose would launch herself towards Lex to kiss her again, now with the intention that Lex could not breathe and thus force her to release her to save herself

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Re: Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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Lex would smile as her arms would wrap around rose's body as she was enjoying the kiss not paying much attention to the possible danger she was in as rose had blocked her nose now stopping her from getting any air and would start to try to pull away from the woman.

If she could not pull away she would decide that she would wrap her arms around roses and slowly aim to crush her with raw strength, before she would be knocked out by the kiss smother.

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Re: Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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Rose shortly after having obstructed Lex's nose, she could feel and see Lex seemed not to want that, feeling satisfied with that, Rose would soon feel like she began to tighten her body more and more, but Rose knew that she could resisted more, so Rose would risk and continue to block the nose, and even if it would affect Rose, the fact is Lex was unable to gain air, would make the grip lose strength sooner or later, and as an extra touch, Rose would use his tongue to try to dominate the kiss between both girls

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Re: Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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Lex's was starting to feel a bit light headed from the hold that she was placed in so she diced she had to act faster to get out of soon, with this in mind she would ramp up the crushing strength with her raw might.

At the same time thou she would also move both fighters trying to get on to her own knees even if she had to carry rose with her, if she was successful of getting out the hold and back to her feet she would grab rose with a evil grin hugging her from behind.

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Re: Lex Jones vs Rose "The Rose of Lust" Erotic Hentai Submission Match

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Rose was not so sure about how much damage she was causing with that movement, but when she began to feel how Lex was tightening more and more, she would really say that a considerable damage was doing, Rose in that case she would decide to maintain the position, but first If she could do something, Lex would start moving along with Rose!

With Lex's movements, Rose would quickly realize what she was up to, without being able to help it, now they would be on their knees, although Rose could still hold her nose and the kiss was not yet broken, but after Lex applied much more strength to get out of that movement, finally Rose would give in, breaking the grip between both girls, the public screamed with emotion when they saw that neither of those 2 girls are willing to be the first to be sexually subjected, although Rose did not know how much damage In the end it was Lex, it was clear that her back was the most affected, complaining a little, Rose would not see Lex anywhere, at least not until she felt like they hugged her from behind.

Now with Lex behind her and in a position to perform different movements, Rose would know that she should do something, and quickly!, so taking advantage of her hands, Rose would direct her hand towards Lex's crotch, ready to try to attack Lex's pussy so that she has more desire to follow his game than to throw in a suplex or make a bear hug from behind

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