Royal Thunderstorm vs TealTastic - Royal Blues

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Royal Thunderstorm vs TealTastic - Royal Blues

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Tag Team Elimination Match: Falls to be awarded via pinfall, submission, knock out, countout, or disqualification. Wrestlers so suffer falls are eliminated and forced to leave the match. Victory to be awarded when both ladies on the same team are eliminated

Tonight, the popular and adorable pair known as Teal-Tastic were booked to go up against the debuting team: Royal Thunderstorm. Having worked backstage extensively, Lexy Alan had her ear to the ground when it came to the decision-making from management. She had learned that Royal Thunderstorm was a newer team. And that this would be their LAW debut!

Cameras and a crew followed Samantha Roberts and Lexy Alan as the pair made their way through the backstage area and towards the arena. Lexy would be walking at a composed, steady pace. She was reading off some papers of notes that she had with her. Sam galloped beside her. The bluenette began to walk backward and speed up to get in front of Lexy as they continued making their way down the halls towards the Gorilla Position.

"So whaddya know about these guys, Lexy? They haven't debuted here before so they're rookies, right? We can totally beat some rookies!" The boisterous lightweight nodded as she brought both her fists up, seemingly ready to fight.

"Well...yeah! That's what this seems like at face value, at least! It's the team of Noelle Silva and Ishtar Vasiliev. They only recently got signed to work at LAW. And neither has any matches here in singles or in tag-team competition. I checked online and there's not a ton of info about their wrestling history in the indies or outside of LAW, either. On paper, we totally do win!" Lexy exclaimed after shuffling her papers about. She'd hand them to one of the backstage crew before jogging ahead to catch up with Sam.

"And you say in the pessimistic one!"

"Hahaha! Hey, you usually are!" The pair joked. Fans in the arena cheered as the pair got close to the entrance area. This exchange was being broadcast on the giant monitor in the stadium for all to see! After just a few more seconds, the blue and green pair would burst through the curtain and their theme song would play!
Fans would welcome them with cheers and roars is approval. No matter how many times they appeared, the combination of cuteness and popularity between Roberts and Alan made them a hit with fans in any town they wrestled in!

After posing together, Lexy with her fingers interlocked beneath her chin and Sam with her hands on her hips, the pair would make their way down to the ring! And the announcer would introduce them!

"Introducing first, making their way to the ring! LAW Show Host and Interviewer Lexy Alan! Lightweight Superstar Samantha Roberts! The team of Teal! Tastic!!!!"

As the announcer's voice echoed, the pair used the steel steps to climb into the ring. Sam helped her partner through the ropes by widening the gap between the middle and top ropes. The two would take their place in their corner and strategize together.

"Let's talk this through, Sam." Lexy would say politely to her partner. Although she was keen on refining a game plan for tonight, Sam was a tad too energetic to listen properly.

"Lemme at em!" Sam would say while hopping in place. Lexy would facepalm and direct her attention to the entrance ramp. There was no doubt that Royal Thunderstorm would arrive soon enough. And Teal-Tastic had little idea of what to actually expect from the rookie tag team!
Last edited by winner3 on Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Royal Thunderstorm vs Teal-Tastic - Royal Blues

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Two silver haired wresters stood in the backstage of a LAW arena, moments from their debut. They were the Ishtar Vasiliev and Noelle Silva, together forming the tag team known as The Royal Thunderstorm. They were currently discussing the match that was about to unfold.

"So Noelle, you nervous? Excited?" Ishtar asked her partner. She was a confident, Russian beauty whose defining ability in the ring was her overwhelming strength. She was the anchor for this team, and the superior wrestler between the two.

"I'd say I'm in the zone. I feel that combination of calm and excitement that makes you feel like you can take anyone." Noelle answered. She was an elegant Spanish women whose resilience and determination let her carry on through the hardest hits to win. She was the lead, and usually spent the most time as the active wrestler.

"Glad to hear it," Ishtar said with a chuckle. "So what were you able to dig up on Teal-Tastic?"

"Right. First off is Lexy Alan. As you probably know, she's more of a face in LAW media than the ring, and with good reason. She's lost a fair bit more than she's won. As for Samantha Roberts, there was less on her. She's a a little undersized, even for a lightweight, but she's the stronger of the two from what I've seen. She'll probably be who I need to focus on wearing down." Noelle explained to her partner before looking up at her with a smile. "With Lexy's skill and Samantha's size, I'm confident saying you should be the best wrestler in this match."

"Well well, somebody's confident today," Ishtar said with mild surprise. Noelle kept her speech measured, but it was clear that she was fully expecting victory already.

"What can I say? It's always a relief knowing you're behind me Ishtar." Noelle said before turning her head towards some music. "I hear our theme, let's go!"

"And now, making their LAW debuts, Noelle Silva and Ishtar Vasiliev! Together, the are The Royal Thunderstorm!"
Noelle Silva
Ishtar Vasiliev
Music: Thunderstruck - ACDC
The two women walked to the ring with focus and poise as their song built up. But once the beat dropped, they exploded along with it. They began charging towards the ring, hands out to give high fives to anyone in the front row with their hand out until the reached the ring. As the lead, Noelle stepped in the ring with a hand on her hip and a cocky look in her eye. Ishtar leaned on the turnbuckle with an excited smirk on her face as she looked to size up their opponents.
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Re: Royal Thunderstorm vs Teal-Tastic - Royal Blues

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Samantha and Lexy continued their attempt at strategizing in their team's corner. Sam was still raring to go! Before they could make any headway on what their game plan was or which member of Royal Thunderstorm to focus on, however, the debuting team's theme song was heard all throughout the arena! As the announcer introduced Noelle and Ishtar, Teal-Tastic took note.

"Ah, well there goes any attempt at making a plan." Lexy would say with a deflated expression on her face.

"Winning's the plan, silly! I'll start us off!"

"Oh, man! Here they come!" Alan would warn as she noticed Royal Thunderstorm change up their pace and storm their way down to and into the ring! Lexy would take note of Ishtar's expression. As she felt her team being eyed and sized up, she attempted to break the tension.

"N-nice to meet you guys! Hope we have a great match!" Lexy would say sheepishly from her corner while Sam took a more direct approach. Ever the thinker of the team, Lexy intentionally tried to paint the image of Teal-Tastic being less capable than they appeared.

"You guys seem neat! Lexy and I are definitely gonna win this thing, but maybe later we could hang out and talk through a new team name for you two! "Royal Thunderstorm" is just a lot, you know? Maybe try something like "Silver Sirens"? Since you've both got the silver flowing hair thing going on." Roberts would tease whilst gesturing broadly at both of her opponents. Sam engaged the opposing team with lighthearted banter, but she was clear in announcing her intent to win the match! She'd extend her hand to Ishtar for a handshake in a show of sportsmanship.

"You gonna be starting off for your team?" Roberts would ask with a confident smile on her face.
Last edited by winner3 on Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Royal Thunderstorm vs Teal-Tastic - Royal Blues

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Once Ishtar and Noelle had entered the ring, the members of Teal-Tastic moved to greet them. Lexy seemed a bit nervous, while Samantha seem excited and ready to fight. "Hmm," Ishtar said. "If that's what you think, then we'll just have to show you how well Royal Thunderstorm can live up to its name."

Then, as Samantha reached out to shake Ishtar's hand, Noelle cut her off and took the handshake for herself. "I'm afraid not. I'm who you're going to have to deal with first."

"Yep, It's all yours Noelle. Take her down."

The two leads would return to their corners as their partners stepped out of the ring. Noelle turned back to speak to Ishtar, "She's totally gonna rush me, right"

"That or a test of strength," Ishtar replied. "Either way, let her come to you so you'll still have me to fall back on if you need my help."

"Your help for a combo move maybe," Noelle said confidently as the bell rung. She would follow Ishtar's advice, taking a few steps forward, but still staying far back enough that the invitation to Samantha should be clear.
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Re: Royal Thunderstorm vs Teal-Tastic - Royal Blues

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While both members of TealTastic were amicable enough, Noelle and Ishtar were seemingly happy to skip most of the pleasantries. Royal Thunderstorm seemed ready to get down to business!

"I hope you do live up to it!" Sam answered Ishtar with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. All the while, Lexy looked on while muttering under her breath.

"Kiiiiinda hoping they don't..."

When Ishtar revealed that it would be Noelle starting and not her, both members of TealTastic reacted with surprise. Royal Thunderstorm was a tag team comprised of a middleweight and a lightweight, same as TealTastic. While Sam and Lexy knew little about their opponents, the decision struck Lexy as odd, especially.

"You got it! We'll get our hands on the tall one, eventually! Just you wait!" Roberts would say in a spirited, loud tone as Noelle and Ishtar moved to change places. As the silver-haired pair passed by one another and spoke to each other, Lexy curled her index finger under her chin and contemplated to herself before speaking up. Sam couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but she knew it was worth noting.

"Sam! Be careful, okay?"


With that, Sam would step forth to meet Noelle in the center of the ring. The bell rang out! It was finally time!

Rather than charge right in, Samantha began to circle the ring. She kept her eyes fixed on her legal opponent! If Noelle circled with her, Roberts would pick up the pace, circling faster and faster until she could get in range of Noelle! When she was close enough to touch her, Sam would look to jump up and snake her arm around the back of Silva's head! She'd hope to start this off by securing her opponent in a Headlock!

If she could manage that much, the lightweight would slowly but surely try to muscle Noelle over to Lexy in the Teal's corner! All the while, Lexy would cheer her partner from the sidelines!

"You've got this, Sam! Let's show 'em that we can weather their storm!!!"
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Re: Royal Thunderstorm vs TealTastic - Royal Blues

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The bell rang and the fight began. Noelle and Ishtar had both been expecting Samantha to rush Noelle, but she didn't. She just started circling, eyes fixed on Noelle as she waited for the princess to make the first move. Noelle just circled along with her, not having planned to be aggressive to start out the match. Then Samantha started circling faster, and Noelle kept pace, then Samantha started going even faster, almost running.

"What is she doing?" "What is she doing?" Both members of Royal Thunderstorm asked themselves at the same time. It was like she was charging at Noelle as expected, but she was charging in a circle instead of a line for some reason.

Though confused, Noelle had an idea of how to respond. When Samantha got close, Noelle would stop circling and cut back into Samantha, lowering her shoulder square into her chest as she did so. But all didn't go quite to plan. Once the two girls were close, Samantha jumped and swung her arm at Noelle's head. Noelle's maneuver caused her to dodge the attack, but her own didn't land clean, a glancing blow into her hip at best.

Noelle's next move would be dependent on whether or not Samantha could land on her feet. If she did, Noelle would back off and regroup. But if Samantha fell, Noelle would try to follow up with a quick ankle lock.
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Re: Royal Thunderstorm vs Teal-Tastic - Royal Blues

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Having had the impression that Royal Thunderstorm did their homework on The Teals, Lexy advised Sam to play it safe. Rushing in and quickening the pace of the match surely would have worked in the lightweight dynamo's favor sooner or later. Instead, Samantha took a very traditional approach. The bluenette circled the ring and grew close to Noelle!

"Gotcha...Ung!" Roberts had lunged in to go for a Headlock! But Noelle her gone in for what seemed to be a shoulder to the midsection at exactly the same time!

Samantha had jumped up into her foe's side! She winced for a moment, but the tenacious lightweight did not let that stop her!

"I got ya!" Sam would yell as her feet returned to the canvas! The moment they did, she'd charge right in, pursuing Noelle the moment she recognized that Silva wanted to regroup!

Sam would look to dart by Noelle's side, grabbing hold of it with one hand! If she managed that much, Samantha would try to swing momentum in TealTastic's favor by jumping up behind Noelle to try and scissor the opposing lightweight's other arm with her legs and apply a Crucifix Hold! Samantha would try and rock her bodyweight back to pull Noelle down to the canvas and roll her into a Crucifix Pin!

"Wooooo! Go get her Sam!" Lexy would cheer from her corner as she saw her partner go for a pinning combination early on in this match to try and catch Royal Thunderstorm off guard!

If Sam was successful, there was no doubt that the referee would work diligently to check the shoulders before starting a count!

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Re: Royal Thunderstorm vs TealTastic - Royal Blues

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After their awkward opening exchange, Noelle figured that even if Samantha was able to land back onto her feet, that she would have to take a moment to steady herself and regain her balance. A moment which Noelle would also use to take a step back a collect herself. But she was wrong. The moment Samantha touched ground, she was right back on top of Noelle.

"Wha-?" Noelle cried out in confusion as Samantha swung around her and jumped sideways onto her back, scissoring Noelle's arm to hang on. And before Noelle could figure out what that even was, Samantha was already pulling her down and trying to roll her up into a quick pin already.

"Noelle!" Ishtar cried out as she reached out for Noelle.

"Not a CHANCE!" Noelle roared as she twisted her body out of Samantha's pin. But she still had to deal with her arm being trapped between Samantha's thighs. She saw her partner reaching for her, but waved her off. "Don't worry Ishtar, I'm not even close to done."

"Alright then, you got this!" Ishtar said as she pulled her hand back. Noelle had talked big, now it was time to back it up. Samantha was still at her back, and she had grabbed Noelle's side instead of her second arm as in a proper crucifix, so Noelle's course of action was clear. She would try to throw elbows back at Samantha until she could pull her arm free and stand up.
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Re: Royal Thunderstorm vs TealTastic - Royal Blues

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Sam had relied on her speed and unpredictability to try and catch Noelle by surprise. And surprise her, she did!

"Come on, come on!" Roberts would demand as she managed to roll Noelle onto her shoulders and stack her into a pin!

When Ishtar called out to her partner with concern in her voice, Lexy stuck her tongue out at her. She seemed quite confident that Sam would garner some momentum for TealTastic here with a near fall! And their confidence quickly turned to worry when Silva roared and kicked out before even a 1 count! Lexy would put a hand over her mouth with surprise. Sam would lose the grip she had ok Noelle's arm with her own arms as the opposing lightweight kicked out!

"Aw jeez! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Roberts maintained her scissor hold on Noelle's arm, but her legal opponent used the free arm to batter her with elbows!

Sam guarded with both arms and clammed up! It wasn't long before Noelle managed to get both arms free and bring herself up to a standing position! It was clear that Silva wasn't bluffing! She was very much not even close to done!

"No, you don't got this! Not if I have anything to say about it!" Sam would protest as she tried to rise up to her feet to meet Noelle. If her opponent didn't cut her off or intercept her, Samantha would take initiative with a knife-edge chop to her foe's ample chest!
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Re: Royal Thunderstorm vs TealTastic - Royal Blues

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Despite Noelle getting taken down and put into a surprise pin by Samantha, the princess was successful in gathering herself and escaping the elimination attempt on her. Then Noelle waved off Ishtar's request for a tag and pounded Samantha with elbows until she was able to escape her opponent's grip completely and stand up.

Outside the ring, Ishtar made sure to return the tongue that Lexy had stuck out at her when the greenette had thought Noelle defeated. "You seriously couldn't have thought she'd stay down that easily, Lexy," Ishtar said as she returned her focus to the fight in the ring. Currently, Samantha was trying to get back to her feet herself.

Samantha tried to stand up with Noelle standing directly next to her and ready to strike, something the princess did not intend on letting the bluenette get away with. As Samantha tried to come up, Noelle would try to come down on top of her with an elbow. If she wasn't careful, Samantha would stand up straight into the attack.

If Noelle's elbow connected, Samantha would be stunned by the blow. And Noelle would use that opportunity to move behind the bluenette and lock her into a full nelson. Once she got it locked in, Noelle would start walking/dragging Samantha over to the corner where Ishtar was, hoping to set up a combination attack. "Ready to lay a smackdown Ishtar?" Noelle would ask as she approached.
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