The War: Linda Halloween vs CyberWidow

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Re: The War: Linda Halloween vs CyberWidow

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Letting out a loud choke like gasp from her abs slamming into Linda knees. Widow is laying on her side clutching her already hurting ribs, coughing as what looks like red is coming from her mouth. Her feet kicking the canvas as she keeps coughing up blood, to weak to try and fight back at this point as she slowly tries to get t her feet.

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Re: The War: Linda Halloween vs CyberWidow

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Seeing her chance , Linda would get up as she began to realize she had no submission finisher in her arsenal as she would just go for her favorite hold instead.As she would bend down to grasp her opponent's legs as she forced Widow onto her belly as she would trap the bitch in an Boston Crab as she yelled ''time to make you admit defeat''

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Re: The War: Linda Halloween vs CyberWidow

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Her legs grabbed but at this point to weak to fight back. As Widow is rolled over onto her stomach and placed in a Boston crab submission hold, feeling the strain on her lower back and body. "AAAAUUUUGGHHHH I WILL NEVER ADMIT DEFEAT TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU." she screams out, struggling to try and crawl her way to the bottom ropes to break up the hold.

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Re: The War: Linda Halloween vs CyberWidow

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''Yes you will as you don't got another choice''screamed Linda as she had the other woman where she wanted her. As she would go through her knees as she tried to make the Widow submit as she had to make her submit. Since that was the only way she would feel better about having left all those lightweights suffer because of her even if she did not knew that was why other woman attacked them

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Re: The War: Linda Halloween vs CyberWidow

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'AAAAAHHHH" another scream is torn from Thereisa lips. The pain in her lower back is reaching it max as she keeps struggling to try and reach the ropes. But she is still to far away to make it, as she refuses to surrender to someone like Linda as she bites her bottom lip and refuses to submit. 'Fuck Youuuu you Bitch.." letting out another scream before going still. She would rather pass out from the pain then surrender to the former champion.

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Re: The War: Linda Halloween vs CyberWidow

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''That's not the right answer bitch , and I can put an lot more pressure on your back so think hard on what you are suppose to say''growled Linda as she would sink further through her knees to put as much pressure on Widow's back as possible. As she was going to get the bitch to say those words or else let her suffer until she fainted.

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Re: The War: Linda Halloween vs CyberWidow

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"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" another loud scream comes out of Widow mouth. Being bent in a ugly looking position as her opponent refuses to give a inch of mercy, wanting to force her to verbally submit to the submission hold. But Widow is a stubborn woman and refuses to give Linda what she wants in the end.

A pop is felt inside her lower back as her eyes roll up into her head, her tongue sticking out as the pain is to much to overcome in the end. She passes out from the pain keeping her pride and even in the end refuses to give Linda what she wanted in the end.

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Re: The War: Linda Halloween vs CyberWidow

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''What will it take for her to crack as the bitch is tougher then she looked''thought Linda as she was certain that most people would have already tapped by now as she was about to crouch down further through her knees when the referee yelled ''let go of her ''as the American was surprised to hear that. As she turned around after she released Widow to see the other woman had passed out as the referee would raise her hand three times to see if she was out.

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Re: The War: Linda Halloween vs CyberWidow

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The ref seeing that Widow arm falls limp to the canvas and is out calls for the bell. Raising Linda arm in victory much to the shock of the crowd since they just seen something amazing since Widow rarely taps out in matches. Medics make their way down to the ring coming to check on the woman as Widow is still out on the canvas as they come to check and help her by rolling her out of the ring onto a gurney.

As she is loaded up and strapped in they take her backstage to be checked by a doctor. But the match was lost and she was humbled in a big way by the former champion.

Winner By Knock out Linda Halloween

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