Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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Standard Match
Amazon Classic Match
Open Challenge - Karen's Opponent Is Initially Unknown To Her
Victory by pinfall, KO, Submission Or DQ

Running an open challenge carried a hellish amount of risks. For all Karen knew, there was a seven foot tall, hulking brute waiting backstage to dismantle Karen from bell to bell. Or some internationally ranked judo prodigy, who'd studied Karen's matches without pause. How was she to know?

Likewise, the opposite could be said. An over keen jobber - a new recruit who'd bitten off more than she can chew - or simply a figure built from bad luck. A clean win over Karen Starring in her own challenge was a welcome note to many a wrestlers profile. At least, Karen hoped.

But since her creation of said challenge, there were two figures Karen was more aware of than most, at least in terms of women that she had yet to face within LAW. And without consideration of champions - out of the expectation that they'd simply be too busy to answer her challenge when they would have been making their own.

One, was a blonde, Swedish powerhouse, whom had signed with the company some time ago yet had seemingly opted for the slow road at least for now. Karen could hardly be blamed for being wary of them. Given this individual in particular had handed Ms. Starring her first loss in professional wrestling.

And the other? A more recent addition. Though little else had to be said of them - not as Karen turned to the entrance ramp upon sliding into the ring, with a eager look to her eyes.

One that was about to disappear...

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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While she had aimed to take a more slow approach like her lover Cecilia was following, she couldn't deny the challenges she got and found were interesting. She started off with the giant Mary, a woman who would probably have no problem squashing everyone around her but Karina proved to be the one who could defeat the large woman and humiliate her. The second was a rather adorable idol, which almost made Karina feel bad, were it not for the things that happened during the match. She would have to speak with the idol at some point about it, though.

But now.. She was going to face someone who was not only familiar to her, but also what one might call a heated rival that she didn't have the luxury to face all to often but now it was time to take things to the ring and show Karen that Karina had not only grown stronger, but tougher! She stepped onto the stage, doing a single stretch before she marched down the ramp and headed straight to the ring.

She wasted little time to take the metal stairs and to slip herself between the top and middle ropes, stepping in one foot at a time before she moved to the very center of the ring, looking over at Karen and gave her a rather irritated look and crossed her arms underneath her large chest, finally speaking to the woman. " ..I hope you're looking forward to leaving this ring unconscious and over my shoulder.. "
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Re: Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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When Karina appeared on the ramp (naturally Karen was unfamiliar with what theme the beastly beauty would have) Karen's teeth appeared all at once. Baring each and everyone of them at the woman soon descending to join her, Karen was livid. She knew the meeting with Karina was a case of when, not if, but she was evidently frustrated at once more being upstaged at her open challenge.

It was hard for her not to be, given the stature of the woman who was still relatively new in LAW. Though Karen knew such did not stretch to wrestling as a whole.

"You little fuck.." Karen shot back with pure venom, at a woman whom was the absolute perfect match for the shorter haired beauty. Where as Karen had the heavier and larger bust, Karina's abs looked more solid than ever. Besides such advantages, the two beauties were near enough shockingly even...

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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When those three words came from Karen, the difficulty of maintaining that grumpy expression was at an all time high. Clearly she struck a nerve and while Karen definitely was build like a busty barbarian woman, Karina did not lack on bit in the muscle department, her abs were already glistening because of the ceiling lights shining down upon her, showing her battle hardened prowess with that steely front, arms ready to dominate her opponent within them whenever she catches her opponent and her legs were definitely not slouching behind. Those big thighs were more than enough to crush Karen's head!

" I will make submit.. Loudly. " She finally said, removing her arms from her chest and would crouch low once the referee had everything ready and waited for the two opponents to get ready as well. The bell went off not long after and Karina would march her way out of the corner, not bothering to circle Karen and would instead move to the center of the ring with her hands raised, lips finally curling into a knowing smirk. " ...Test of strength? Mutual bear hug..? Your choice.. "
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Re: Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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Karen tried not to suffer the same mistakes from her previous encounters - namely the fact that the audience had already shifted towards Karina, despite it being Karen's event of sorts. She couldn't take it personally; Karina was a hot new face within the company, whom most certainly had room to spread and show off her wings. Karen herself was established, known, and if anything a little predictable. It was up to her to show to the audience that their cheers were naturally misplaced.

"You'll do jack shit, except leave crying..." Karen snarled. Locking eyes with Karina was still enough to give her peripheral vision enough of a gaze of Karina's body. Whilst forever slightly behind in bust size, Karina had abs that Karen simply couldn't compete against. Though she'd never let the feral beauty know it.

"Shut the fuck up..." Was the only verbal response Karina received in response to what seemed to be a genuine query, as Karen gave her answer in tandem with the referee ringing the bell. Evidently intent to save the body crushing for later, she'd grab at Karina's hands to force them high. Before shoving into her with nought but power, to make this woman kneel from the get go!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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Karina's lips turned into a mocking grin when those first words were said back to her, making sure the front of her body got properly acquainted with Karen's massive chest yet she knew that when it came to her abs, that bare, steely core would grind Karen's to dust if given enough time! Karina did not protest as Karen decided to grab her hands and forced them upwards, the bell going off at the same time caused her to push around the same time as Karen applied pressure, which quickly turned things into a contest of strength and muscle!

Not being one to be outdone, she would push into Karen without pause, narrowing her eyes while the woman was trying to hove her onto her knees, which was going to be a hard earned victory for Karen, especially if Karina had a similar mission in mind! She shuffled her legs, trying to keep a steady ground to prevent Karen from outmuscling her while at the same time putting pressure to Karen's foundation, fully intent on seeing if she could bring Karen down onto her knees and face-to-face with Karina's warm, proud abs instead!
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Re: Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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Karen was no fool - she didn't actively believe she could outright overpower Karina Rine here and now. Not whilst fresh. But just like each and every encounter with Cecilia Northman, she and Karina were destined to forever compete. And what better way to start off said competition, by seeing if her opponent had grown weaker over time?

Karen naturally found the answer quickly, as Karina not only held fast but pushed back. Little space was to be gained by the bustier gal, but such could be said of Karina's own shove. The beastly beauty had opted to go lower with her own frame, thrusting her abs and hips into Karen in an attempt to dislodge her, but such a motion left her quite vulnerable. For those busty pillows of Karen's would serve as a buffer, not only stopping Karina getting too close without first flattening them, but arching Karina in the process.

Simply put - If Karina was to indeed force her hips and abs tighter into Karen's, she could be leaving herself vulnerable to a chesty body shove from Karen's top half. One that might have outright tripped her, given how intense the shove between them was!

But until Karina opted for such a risky step, Karen was forced to merely heave against her beasty foe until one of them backed down!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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Karina could do this forever, especially since she knows that Karen would only budge into her and drive her entire on her knees or backwards to the corner if she faltered even a single step. Still, those lips of Karina's curled into a big grin, this time trying to even the playing field by going for a full front to front assault. She might have the smaller breast size, yet their perkiness rarely let her down, making sure that they pressed and bulging into Karen to really test the endurance of her zipped top while her hands tightened into Karen's, not allowing either one of them to back out until a full body superiority was decided between them.

" Alright Karen.. Time to give you what you like.. " She teased, wasting little time to start grinding and flexing her bare abs into Karen, looking to distract the large woman with subtle yet accurate motions that would practically glue their abs together! Karina would also press her forehead into Karen, staring deep into those eyes while every muscle that needed to co-operate in dominating Karen, would work over time to try and achieve it. Karina always had a solid built, battle hardened from countless matches and it seemed she had no slacked one bit when she came to LAW. In fact, it looked like she was easily flustered from Karen's large bust smothering her own, it looked more like she welcomed it since she was licking her lips and showing that she was shifting herself to overdrive in order to break Karen's front and force the woman down onto her knees instead, pushing with her chest to make sure it was a pure wall like push, ready to collapse upon Karen should the woman even lose a bit of stability in her legs!
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Re: Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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Karen was banking on using her top half to force Karina back and down, when it became quickly apparent Karina was hoping to do the same with her lower. Though she had the benefit of an arousing ground to her motion!

Wincing with her entire face contorting, Karen didn't take to Karina's ploy moves one bit. This was to be a serious encounter, in which she threw the beastly woman from one side of the ring to the other before damn near snapping her in two. It wasn't to be a grind fest, with a few humps thrown in. Something she knew Karina wouldn't oppose, given the chance!

The desire to find out who was superior on strength alone would go unfulfilled, as Karen looked to instead remind Karina that under the LAW banner, she wasn't to simply be hugged nor kissed. Nor taken lightly in any regard for that manner, as Karen pulled back as if rearing away from Karina's might.

Only to instead raise a right knee right into the abs of Karina! One that might have very well smashed the wind right out of them, given how pushed out Karina's stomach was!

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Re: Karen S. Vs. Karina R. - Beastly Ambition

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Karina was focused fully on dominating Karen through sheer strength alone, pressing into the woman to the point where not even air could slip between their fronts! Karina was never one to pull out tricks in Tests of Strength unless provoked, though she considered it a sin when it came to such a specific contest, one she would burn into her opponent through intense pain if her opponent decided to go for cheap attacks, which was exactly what Karen was planning! Karina's rather smug yet focused glare changed into a look of brief surprise and a flinch when Karen pulled her in and instead slammed that knee right into those steely, warm abs!

" Guh..! " She coughed, briefly loosing her pushing power thanks to it, along with the air that she had stored into her lungs since every bit was preserved to be used and burned within the contest, but not Karina's head raced for a counter of her own in order to stop Karen from gaining momentum from her successful strike! She leaned into Karen and would instead try to release those hands, just to see if she could wrap her right arm down around Karen's head and pull her right into a side headlock in an attempt to halt her!
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