Winning Condition: Pin, Submission, KO or DQ


Unluckily tonight she was alone here, the others weren´t allowed to join her at ringside… seems like the management wanted to test Erin on what she could do on her own. That was fine for the blond. She would smile a bit when she was done and started walking over to the entrance area where she gave a sign to the workers, who made her music hit… they would try out a few different things, starting with this tonight: Worlds Appart
Without wasting no time, Erin would run outside into the open and would directly throw both of her hands up into the sky to give the crowed a warm welcome. Luckily the crowed welcomed her pretty warm as well. In every of her hands Erin would have a pon pom and she would wave them around while she was walking down to the ring jumping and spinning around. Halfway down to the ring she would throw these two away and smiled. Time for her A game. The small girl would start running forwards and would do a wheel before using all her momentum to do a back flip ending up standing with her back to the ring. She was breathing pretty heavily already before she turned around to face the ring. The small girl would smirk and them jump right up onto the apron where she would fall down into a split directly. She would throw her hands up into the air one more time before grabbing the ropes and pulling herself up into a standing position and entering the ring.