A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

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A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

Unread post by xalex »

Match Type: Standard match
Winning Condition: Pin, Submission, KO or DQ
Erin was jumping up and down, she was pretty fired up right now and really looking forward to her first match. The leader of the spirit squad was about to show the world what these girls are here for… to spread good and positive energy!
Unluckily tonight she was alone here, the others weren´t allowed to join her at ringside… seems like the management wanted to test Erin on what she could do on her own. That was fine for the blond. She would smile a bit when she was done and started walking over to the entrance area where she gave a sign to the workers, who made her music hit… they would try out a few different things, starting with this tonight: Worlds Appart

Without wasting no time, Erin would run outside into the open and would directly throw both of her hands up into the sky to give the crowed a warm welcome. Luckily the crowed welcomed her pretty warm as well. In every of her hands Erin would have a pon pom and she would wave them around while she was walking down to the ring jumping and spinning around. Halfway down to the ring she would throw these two away and smiled. Time for her A game. The small girl would start running forwards and would do a wheel before using all her momentum to do a back flip ending up standing with her back to the ring. She was breathing pretty heavily already before she turned around to face the ring. The small girl would smirk and them jump right up onto the apron where she would fall down into a split directly. She would throw her hands up into the air one more time before grabbing the ropes and pulling herself up into a standing position and entering the ring.

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Re: A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

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Doing a little bit of stretching Rebecca would get ready for her next match. She was still pretty upset about her last match, she didn't know what came over her but just thinking about it made her upset and angry. she thought she was very uncute in that match. Sighing she would hear her cue to go to her match. Nodding to the stage hand she would head over to the ring.

She would wave at the crowd as she smiled at them but didn't acted her cute self. she would walked down to the ring clapping hands with the crowd and then enter teh ring. Looking at her opponent she would smiled and wave at her. "hello I'm rebecca its nice to meet you lets have a great match " She smiled and would wait in her corner. she was wearing a basic pink leotard that hugged her curves but was barefoot.

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Re: A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

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Eri would smile at her opponent and wave back. “Thanks, hope we have a good one. Just call me Eri!” not long after that the ring bell would finally start to ring and the match was on his way. The small blond girl would try to rush over to her opponent nad lock up with her in the center of the ring for a small test of strength.

“your pretty cute… let´s see what you can do in a fight!”

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Re: A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

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"okay Eri yeah lets have a good match." Rebecca smiled at Eri as the bell rang and Rebecca would make her way to to Eri and lock up. "nnnnggh yeah i know im cute your cute to." Rebecca said and smiled at her as she pushed against Eri as best she could

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Re: A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

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Eri would smile. "~Thanks a lot... I really must say big fan of your work!"in the next moment eri would try to sidestep her opponent while pulling her forward and into a side head lock before tearing her down to the mat.

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Re: A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

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Rebecca smiled a little at Eri as she would Push against Eri more but her small stature made it alot harder for her to be able to put alot of power in her pushes. "thanks but what work are you talking about Eri..." Rebecca said before getting caught in a head lock and would be brought down into the mat wiht a thud and groan. "ugh..." Rebecca was now in a bad spot as she would wrap her arm around Eri's waist as she tried to get onto her knees.

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Re: A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

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Eri was just about to roll backwards away from her opponent when she felt two warms warping around her waist, stopping her before she even started. She would think for a moment while noticing that her opponent was trying to get back to her knees already. Eri would smile for a moment before reaching out and putting her arms around the midsection of her opponent as well. Then Eri would try to pull her up from the mat and roll with her opponent over it before ending up in a roll up pin with her. Eri would try to take her by surprise and go for a cover.

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Re: A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

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Rebecca would continue to hold onto Eri's waist before she was suddenly rolled up and looked at the girl. "hey get off!" Rebecca said as she tried to push her off of her. she would break the pin befor the ref counted and and start to crawl away. She should of done that befor but wasn't thinking straight.

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Re: A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

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Eri would try to pres her opponent down to the mat as good as she could. She hopped that Rebecca would stay down for a moment but unluckily for her Rebecca was reacting really fast and was able to kick out in the very first moment. Eri would roll backwards over the mat after Rebecca shoved her away so easily. The cheerleader would roll over the mat for a moment before jumping up out of the roll and land right on her feet. She would look around with a smile on her face. She would see that her opponent was crawling away from her and she needed to giggle. Who was the rookie here? The cheerleader would start to lean forwards before sprinting after her opponent. She would try to catch up to Rebecca as fast as she could before she would jump up into the air and flip forwards performing a summer sault, before pummelling down onto the back of Rebecca with a senton.

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Re: A positive Debut: Erika vs Rebecca

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Rebecca would shake her head before looking back at Eri who was sprinting at her. Rebecca had an idea as she would roll to the side when the girl was on the air so she would land on the mat instead of her back. "so glad i looked back or that would have been bad." Rebecca said giggled as she got onto her feet and would go over to Eri and pull her up to a sitting position. Getting on her lap Rebecca would press her large breast Against Eri's face in a smother while her arms wrapped around the girls head.

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