Now this was a match Eclaire had been champing at the bit for since the day it was booked! A contest against the terrifying demon of Germany herself! Another true heavyweight veteran with experience to match Eclaire's radiance! This was the kind of opponent she deserved, one whom she could take pride in conquering! Many would say otherwise given Theresia's recent record and how she was subjugating herself to match after match each week. Eclaire on the other hand couldn't disagree more! Who wouldn't consider it to be an honor to match against somebody with such a burning desire for victory and impeccable strength?! What were a few losses to Theresia's strength in the long run?! Nobody could take away the feeling of accomplishment Eclaire was feeling now, even before the match had begun!
Eclaire had spent what felt like an eternity and a half the night prior thinking about how she should make her entrance. What meticulously planned routine and modeling step should she greet the wrestling world with in a match against another heavyweight veteran? Something new, something spectacular, something that would probably get her into a major argument with the staff in order to make happen! Which driving a gold-plated, ruby-encrusted sports car more expensive than every V.I.P seat in the venue combined down the catwalk certainly did. Between that, the stunner shades, and the velvet robe Eclaire adorned as she cruised down to the ring, she might as well have had the titantron say "I'M RICHER THAN ALL OF YOU COMBINED!" and it still would have been more subtle!
Fortunately, parking was a breeze and Eclaire found a wonderful little spot just beside the apron. Her staff rushed over after she stepped out of the obscene gaudy car to take her robe and glasses, all without Eclaire missing a step as she waltzed over the ropes and into the ring.
As her staff cleared the ring and left their manager to her own devices, Eclaire was having quite the time sizing her foe up. Usually she was the one towering over her opponents, yet here she was looking up at a woman with more defined muscles than her own! Clad in a leotard that showed off all her best features, even with her body far from top condition, Theresia quite easy on the eyes! Eclaire reached between her breasts as she continued to marvel, pulling out a small fan she instantly snapped open to cover her mouth before a blush could overtake her cheeks.
"Ooohohohoho my, my are we already quivering? I'm sure you're honored to be facing the prestigious Eclaire Maître darling, but please do keep yourself together. I know my beauty is breathtaking, but try and fall for my charms after I've won. I don't know what's falling apart faster: your body or your will to resist me! OOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!"