Vora Blacksummers

170+ lbs / 76.657+ kg
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Vora Blacksummers

Unread post by Ria »

Name: Vora Blacksummers
Sex: Female
Age: Unknown (Appears to be in mid-20s)
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 220 lbs
Hometown: Blairstown, NJ
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Managed by: Lexi Borden


Tactics: 2/10
Strength: 9/10
Endurance: 9/10
Speed: 6/10
Technique: 3/10

Wrestling Style Breakdown: Vora wrestlers at a methodical pace. That being said, she's deceptively fast. She tends to use her speed in quick bursts, to catch opposition off-guard before moving on to a power move. Vora doesn't tend to work limbs much, nor does she bother doing any planning headed into a match. She does keep spacing and ring positioning in mind, but that's more instinctual than through any training. The moves Vora does, she does well. However, she won't out-wrestle anyone. She doesn't counter with technique, but with size and power. On top of all of that, she's very durable. Despite her size, she's extremely tough to tire out. Those two facts make a match with Vora an exercise in survival. In the past, she had been known to get disqualified for both referee abuse and using weapons. She has also been counted out before, as she can get distracted at times.


  • Punching
  • Headbutt
  • Eye rake
  • Double hand choke lift
  • Shoulder block, running and as a counter
  • Choke STO takedown
  • Hair mare
  • Corner foot choke
  • Body slam
  • Back breaker
  • Side slam
  • Twisting Spinebuster
  • Stalling suplex
  • Boston crab
  • Canadian back breaker
  • Big boot, be it running or as an Irish whip counter
  • Overheard belly to belly suplex
  • Release German suplex
  • Powerbomb
The Mask
Any time Vora puts her hockey mask on during a match, it means things are about to get graphic
Final Chapter
A fireman's carry swung into a Tombstone Piledriver
Machete Massacre
A suplex lift dropped into a knee lift to the face
Entrance Music: "You and Your Friends Are Dead" by Mega Beardo


After a hard fought battle
History: Vora Blacksummers did not have a typical childhood. Her parents, Mordechai and Elizabeth, started their romance in junior high school. As they got into their late-teens, the two experimented with drugs and alcohol. As they were young and hormonally charged, one thing lead to another. Soon enough, Elizabeth was found to be pregnant. The moment she found out, she immediately swore off drugs and alcohol, a vow she kept. Mordechai made no such promise. As time went on, it became apparent that the was something off about Vora. During an annual checkup, the doctor diagnosed Vora with Autism. After receiving the news when he arrived home, Mordechai flew into a rage. He started viciously beating Elizabeth, blaming her for Vora's condition. Elizabeth attempted to flee out of their woodland house, but Mordechai was in hot pursuit. As he closed in, Elizabeth grabbed a machete in a panic and swung. The blade lodged itself into Mordechai's jugular, killing him rather quickly. The police ruled the murder to be in self-defense, meaning Elizabeth was in no legal trouble.

Though it may not have been the greatest idea, Elizabeth decided to enroll Vora in public school. Her autism diagnosis (that Elizabeth was still in denial about) lead her to be placed in specialized classes. Things seemed to be going okay, though it was obvious Vora wasn't progressing educationally as hoped. There was a day while Vora was about seven that things changed. As a kid, Vora was a bit chubby, very much awkward, something of an ugly duckling. One day, a rather rotten child found Vora out by herself on the playground. He made fun of her looks, her clothes, just about anything he could think of. That was all before he spotted Molly the Dolly. Molly was a doll Elizabeth handmade for Vora. The bully took the doll, starting to rip it apart. It didn't take long for Vora to attack, brutally assaulting the child. Though Elizabeth apologized profusely to the child's parents, she praised Vora behind closed doors for standing up for herself. Vora also learned something that day; the name calling, the nastiness, all of it ended when she gave into her anger and attacked. It felt liberating. The parents of the bully wanted to press charges, but things were settled out of court as their legal counsel thought Vora's mental deficiencies would clear her.

If Elizabeth was protective of Vora before, things were about to go into overdrive. She pulled Vora out of public school, opting to home school her instead. That was their lives from then on. Though Elizabeth did her best, she simply wasn't equipped to properly educate someone with Vora's conditions. One thing she did instill in her daughter was a strong work ethic. Vora helped gather and chop wood, make home repairs and various other survival techniques. Sometime during Vora's teenage years, Elizabeth started to weaken. It wasn't unnoticed by Vora, who picked up the slack as much as she could. Though she was never diagnosed as such, Elizabeth had cancer. Unable to really afford health insurance, Elizabeth withered away, though she fought to survive. On Vora's sixteenth birthday, Elizabeth passed. As they lived off the grid for the most part, Vora was alone now. She buried her mother and cried, the last time she would for a last time. Though she was able to see to the upkeep of the house, Vora could only survive there for so long.

With only a few clothes, her father's old hockey mask and Molly the Dolly (Elizabeth had re-sewn the doll together the same night the bully destroyed her), Vora set off into the wilderness. One day during her foraging, Vora found herself in the town of Morristown. It was late, so few people were out. That's how she preferred it anyway. She came to a dimly lit alley where it appeared two men were harassing a young woman. Vora stood, surveying the situation. The men eventually noticed her, caught off-guard by the sheer size of her. They barked at her to leave, yelling threats at her. When Vora didn't leave, one man charged her with a knife. He was quickly dispatched with a skull cracking headbutt. The other man also pulled a knife, taking a more defensive stance. As Vora approached him, he lunged at her with the blade. She caught his arm with one hand before shooting the other one to his neck. Try as he might, the man couldn't escape Vora's grip. She swept him to the ground with a sickening thud. Vora took a second to survey the carnage before beginning to leave.

"Wait!" The woman called out, scampering towards Vora.

"Thank you." She said, gently touching Vora's arm. The contact caused Vora to reflexively jerk away.

"I'm not going to hurt you." The woman softly assured Vora, taking the large woman's hand in hers. She noticed how rough and calloused Vora's hands were.

"I'm Lexi, and I think I owe you dinner." Lexi stated, looking up at Vora's face for the first time. Lexi couldn't stop herself from blushing a little.

"You're very pretty. What's your name?" Lexi kindly asked. Vora stayed silent.

"Not much of a talker, huh? The world could use more people like that." Lexi stated with a chuckle. She started walking ahead, hand in hand with Vora, leading her. They came to a diner, where they took a booth. Lexi ordered for both of them. Once the server left, Lexi reached into her purse, pulling out a pen and notepad.

"Can you write your name?" She asked as she handed the materials to Vora. It took her a second and her print was elementary, but Vora eventually handed the items back to Lexi, who looked the paper over.

"Vora? That's such a unique name. I love it!" Lexi said with a smile. Once their food was brought, Lexi more picked at it and talked while Vora pigged out. Once Lexi paid their tab, the two left.

"So do you live around here, or?..." Lexi trailed off. Vora showed no type of response.

"Well, I have to head home." Lexi stated, starting to walk off. She looked back after about ten feet to see Vora hadn't budged. She thought for a minute before marching back up to Vora.

"Come on." Lexi insisted, taking Vora's hand once again and leading her. From that point on, Vora stayed with Lexi. Lexi tried to find some way for Vora to make money, but time and time again, things didn't work out. It wasn't until watching television that inspiration struck; Vora could be a wrestler. Using her savings, Lexi signed Vora up for a wrestling school. Though there were some rough spots, Vora seemed to be a natural. In six months time, Vora had started having real matches.

Personality: Vora is not much more than a destructive force. She can't speak, she's rather emotionally crippled... Rage and anger are about all she knows. She shows next to no emotion, at least not through facial expressions. Most of Vora's feeling is expressed through the body language she does use. All that said, she does have a few quirks. If something confuses or mystifies her, she'll tilt her head and stare. Most of Vora's movements are stiff and rigid. She doesn't like people staring directly at her face, due to her past. She's quick to act, usually responding to any problem with violence. She's a very primal person, someone who follows instinct rather than logic. There is no reasoning with Vora. The only person she positively acknowledges is Lexi. Anyone else that captures her attention needs to be worried, as they're assuredly a target for destruction.

  • Torturing
  • Lexi Borden
  • Molly the Dolly
  • Her mother
  • Everything else

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