Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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Smother Match
Victory Conditions: Pin or submission from the opponent specifically via a butt smother.
Normal rules apply

This was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous! She was doing wonderfully, wasn't she?! Sure her debut was down to the wire and left her aching for what felt like weeks on end, but she won! Now, why was the illustrious, incredible, impeccable Eclaire Maitre booked against a lightweight? A lightweight jobber?! Eclaire couldn't help but roll her eyes at her own thoughts for a moment, after all lightweight and jobber basically meant the same thing.

How demeaning, utterly demeaning! This was the first time since Eclaire could remember that she had lost an argument with her staff. Every member whether it be her management or the ones on her payroll at the hotel practically begged her to pick an easier opponent after her nail-bitingly close match with Dana Ashford. After all the tycoon, strong as she was, was only a rookie and the idea of another injury against somebody that strong with how sore she was now? Apparently impossible according to literally everybody she had talked to. How dare they doubt her, what reason could they possibly have? Besides the fact that she had been bedridden for nearly a month and a half after her debut.

"I went from locking arms with a veteran of the wrestling world upon my arrival, to babysitting somebody from the jobberweight division?! I've never felt so insulted in all my life!" Eclaire rambled on, her usual sweet expression replaced with a terrifying scowl as she stormed out of her overly elaborate dressing room. Each and every member of her staff who greeted her on the way out trembled in fear at the sight of a never before seen death glare on their employer. Making it all the more jarring when the tycoon suddenly went from unholy fury to her typical smiles and kisses for the public as she graced the ring.

Though even as she made each and every person she so much as winked at faint from bliss, Eclaire's thoughts remained riddled with rage. She was not only entitled to glory, she had worked too hard to be denied it! Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!
Last edited by SisterSelect on Thu Aug 12, 2021 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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In quite the sharp contrast to the woman who would be her opponent tonight, the affable lightweight known as Claire McAllister was quite jovial as she prepared for her match tonight, the small blonde humming happily to herself as she prepared for her match tonight! The mere act of competition was enough to have Claire happily buzzing to and fro, and the match stipulation filled the blonde with excitement and anticipation, as she was eager to test her hand in a compeition of butt smothers!

The cowgirl had been well versed in receiving them, but she hoped that her recent training with one big bootied Ember Sykes would help her in this match, regardless of who her foe was! So with a quick clap of her hands, she would stand up and happily make her way out of the locker room, rushing out to the entrance ramp, and stepping through to make her entrance!
"Howdy y'all!" Claire happily cried as she stepped onto the entrance ramp, the cowgirl giving a lively performance as she made her entrance, waving to the fans before she began to walk down the entrance ramp, interacting with those on the way! She was quite the fan favorite despite her status as a bit of a jobber, and eventually, once she had made her way to the ring, Claire would climb up the steps and into the squared circle, looking across to see her opponent, a massive, muscled, and utterly gorgeous blonde!

"You must be Miss Eclaire! Oh my gosh, I love yer outfit, it looks so darn fancy! And yer so beautiful! It's a pleasure!" Claire bumbled happily, stepping forwards and extending a hand with a giddy smile on her face, offering a very polite and happy greeting to the heavyweight wrestler, simply overjoyed to be in another high profile contest!

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Re: Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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Eclaire's rage was so righteous, so positively overwhelming that not even words of earnest praise could extinguish her flames! That dulcet, sweet, adorable southern accent reminiscent of her lovely personal assistant? It wouldn't even come close to snuffing out the all-consuming wildfire of fury! Eclaire began to turn around and look down to get a better look at this low born commoner she towered over in every way. Ready to lord her superiority and unleash a verbal lashing unlike the world had ever seen!

Yes, she certainly would! Just after her heart stopped skipping every other beat, her cheeks stopped glowing, and her mouth picked itself off the floor from how adorable the cowgirl standing under her was!

Eclaire was at a complete loss for words. Even with her frustration and pride tearing at the seems at being faced against a jobber, how could she say a single rude thing to somebody so jovial and precious?! How could she justify her righteous anger now?! Her pride demanded satisfaction, retribution for being pitted against a jobber, but to take it out on somebody so charming? Eclaire would be better off running her mouth off against a newborn puppy! Those who booked this match and everybody who convinced Eclaire to take it would never hear the end of it from her, but Claire was going to get exactly what she deserved.

Taking a step forward and reaching out, Eclaire would bow down and reach for Claire's hands with both of her own! Wanting not to shake, but to instead smooch the back of the lightweight's hand as if greeting a fellow social elite or even a princess. "Hearing that from a fellow fashionista and pursuer of beauty is a pleasure, Miss Claire! I almost feel underdressed for the occasion! Trying to outshine me already, are you? Ooohohohohoho!"

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Re: Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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Making her way over to where Eclaire stood, it was very clear to Claire that the woman who was set to be her opponent tonight was not only much larger than her, being a heavyweight in comparison to the lightweight that Claire was, but that she was quite the muscled woman! And yet, despite how toned her arms were, making it clear that Eclaire was in tip top physical condition, the blonde couldn't have appeared any more busty, her massive chest and generous hips making sure Claire knew that in a smother match, she might be in lots of trouble!

And yet despite the almost comical size difference between the pair of them, Claire didn't seem bothered at all, as she greeted Eclaire with a smile on her face, staring up at the larger heavyweight with a twinkle in her eye! And before long, Eclaire would grasp hold of Claire's hands, kissing them as she greeted the cowgirl with a series of compliments!

"Oh! Oh gosh Miss Eclaire, yer far too kind! Yer really sweet, but it'd be hard to take the spotlight off'a ya!" Claire said with a smile, continuing to look up at Eclaire with a warm look on her face, quite happy to meet someone so kind!

"I'm really excited for match tonight Miss Eclaire, I think it's gonna be a real heck of a time! I hope you're excited too!" Claire said, a bit giddily, as she was quite looking forwards to this match! Eclaire might have been a fair bit bigger than her... well, a lot bit bigger than her, but Claire was going to do as much as she possibly could to impress in this match!

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Re: Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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Given the walk back to her corner could have only lasted a second or two, Eclaire's thoughts must have been burning at lightspeed to process everything that was happening. Compared to her last opponent, Claire was absolutely minuscule. Lilliputian. Diminutive. Positively pocket-sized! All qualities Eclaire dreaded in an opponent. After all what fun was there in quite literally squashing such an adorably petite foe under her body's supremely supreme supremacy? Eclaire was still more than dead set on making those who booked this inexcusable match against this delightful daisy pay for their outrageous crime, but that rage couldn't wait until she could get her hands on them! Though she could not lash her tongue at Claire and release her venomous fury, perhaps a single explosive, unruly, and unrefined showing of power could quell the tycoon's ire?

What could be the harm? This was a country bumpkin after all! Eclaire recalled hundreds, if not thousands of stories regaled from her southern belle assistant about how rough and tough these sweet ranch gals could be on the farm. Wrangling all sorts of unruly animals all the livelong day. Surely then, this cowgirl could take the brunt of a single wrathful blow from a spotlight stealer scorned! After that, she'd mesmerize the crowd with a plethora of dazzling, dreamy, dizzying displays of dominance while dragging this dance out. Back to the regularly scheduled fabulousness!

A plan well thought out and deserving of praise! Eclaire would've taken a second longer to congratulate herself and those who assisted in this grandmaster plan: she, herself, and Eclaire but the sound of the bell ever rudely interrupted her train of thought. Speaking of trains, the bullet variety was an apt comparison to describe the speed with which Eclaire whipped herself back around to face Claire. And unquestionably unfit to express the rate she was closing in! Normally breaking into a sprint was beneath Eclaire. A true refined lady like herself need only to take her time and let the darling crowd admire her statuesque body, and her opponent tremble to the natural intimidation she exudes. But just once, just this once Eclaire needed to blow off this scorching hot steam even if that meant charging like a rocket powered bull in heat!

Eclaire jumped into a full force lunge with arms outstreched with every intent to coil her diamond crushing biceps around Claire's neck! If they found their target with no issue, she'd have more than enough momentum to whip around the little lightweight! Almost executing a full spin around before she'd try to pull her weight back and personally introduce Claire's head to the floor with the world's most extreme tornado DDT!

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Re: Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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The difference in size between Claire and Eclaire was almost comical in nature, as the cowgirl could have quite easily laid across Eclaire and not even been close to touching the canvas as she did so, and that wasn't to say anything about Eclaire's muscles, having a physique that one could only describe as "ripped." There was a David and Goliath level of size difference, though track records would point to the fact that this perhaps wasn't going to have the same result as the aforementioned story, though there was little malice from Claire, and Eclaire had was quite taken by the lightweight, if furious at the person who booked this match!

As the two returned to their respective sides of the ring, Claire would do a few light stretches while waiting for the match to begin, her mind blissfully blank as she focused simply on making sure she was ready! It seemed that the lightweight cowgirl was completely unaware of Eclaire's building anger, or the plan she had concocted to take it out quickly!

But as the match began properly, the bell ringing, Claire would look up to see Eclaire suddenly breaking out into a sprint that carried her across the ring in the blink of an eye, all too fast for Claire to react!

"What in tar- UUUGH!" Claire began, but before she was able to fully articulate her surprise, a muscled arm would cinch around her neck, and the cowgirl would be forcefully spun around by the heavyweight leaping onto her and holding tight to her head! And the momentum would not only swing poor Claire around and off her feet, but drill her head to the ground with such force that she bounced off the canvas after impact, flopping all the way over onto her back, landing with a thud, motionless and completely destroyed by the devastating maneuver!

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Re: Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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Oh the sound of somebody else meeting the math after such a wonderfully extreme impact, courtesy of Eclaire's majestic technique! How wonderfully therapeutic for the raging soul! A wave of euphoria and serenity fueled by dopamine rushed through Eclaire's mind the instant she stood back up and towered over the fallen cowgirl. Giving Claire her reward of a lovely, mouthwatering view of the finest French cake! With how good she felt, Eclaire had almost forgot about how she planned on chewing out the staff who booked this match. Of course, the keyword being almost. For now though, a match was at hand and a show to put on! The tycoon glanced over her shoulder expecting to see a heavy blush across Claire's cheeks and hear the precious sound of a hot, heavy breath. After all who wouldn't be mesmerizing and dizzy after a DDT like that and a view like this?

Well somebody who was knocked out.

Eclaire's expression went from the definition of smug to absolute horror in an instant as the reality of the situation hit her harder than that DDT hit Claire! She had woefully miscalculated how much punishment she could dole out without laying out somebody this small! Not only that but her grace was easily going to come across as needless brutality against somebody cute enough to make a puppy swoon! Hell if she didn't do something, her reputation would likely be better off if she outright DID kick a puppy instead of dunking Claire into the canvas like that!

As luck would have it, the ref and crowd hadn't fully registered Claire's status. The latter was too busy cheering and the former was just starting to finish cringing, thankful she wasn't the one on the receiving end. There was a clear goal now: buy time for Claire to wake up and hope nobody noticed she was out like a shattered lightbulb! Fortunately thinking under pressure was nothing new for somebody of Eclaire's position! Especially since the solution was so wonderfully obvious! She would reach back with both hands and take a firm grip of Claire's limp wrists. Pulling the cowgirl up with one swift motion until she was on her knees, and gently pulling her face between the softest pillows the Maitre Hotel had to offer: a.k.a Eclaire's ass! The sheer size was more than enough to envelop and eclipse Claire's face from view, though not wedged deep enough so that she couldn't breathe. After all Eclaire was hoping Claire would wake-up in this heavenly smother, not put her in a deeper sleep! Though Eclaire made sure to swing her hips up and down, side to side, all around to keep up appearances!

"Sleepy so soon? Well then allow me to get you the FINEST pillows my family's boundless fortune has to offer! Wakeupwakeupwakeup! How's the V.I.P treatment feel, darling?"

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Re: Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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A tornado DDT coming from a woman as large and as muscled as Eclaire most certainly would have been enough to put down near enough any heavyweight on the roster, but being done to a lightweight like Claire, it very nearly put her head clean through the canvas and left her completely out cold! It seemed that nobody, not even Eclaire, had realized what a massive impact the cowgirl had against the canvas, until she turned around and saw Claire unmoving on the mat, the referee to busy wincing at the brutal DDT to realize that Claire was out, but Eclaire would be the first as she turned around to find the lightweight still, realizing what had just happened to her foe!

It sent a panic through the Ruby Tycoon, and unbeknownst to Claire, Eclaire was already panicking and thinking of a way to cover up Claire's state, while simultaneously keeping up the act that she was dominating the lightweight! It seemed that fortunately for the both of them, Eclaire was a quick thinker, and she would move to grab hold of Claire's wrists and pull the cowgirl up to her knees, before giving a tug on the small blonde's wrists and forcing Claire's face into her ass!

The crowd hollered in approval as Claire's face was pulled deep between Eclaire's large, soft cheeks, smothered in the hefty ass of her heavyweight foe, with Eclaire giving a teasing remark at Claire's expense, swinging her hips in all directions to really grind her thick ass into Claire's face, all as she prayed for the cowgirl to wake up! Her huge, pale cheeks jiggled against Claire's face as the cowgirl was smothered, and it seemed like all of Eclaire's efforts to make sure that Claire was well hidden and given enough time to rouse herself were doing the trick, as the cowgirl would slowly begin to stir, waking up to a faceful of ass from her heavyweight opponent, giving a few light struggles that showed she was back awake!

"Mmmph... mmmh..." Claire groaned from between Eclaire's cheeks, her fingers starting to move and twitch as she woke up, still in a daze and weakly trying to pull away from the muscled woman holding her!

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Re: Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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Eclaire couldn't begin to describe the relief that washed over her once she heard Claire's little groans! The exact sign the tycoon needed to know she didn't completely screw up with her rather...excessive starting move! All that possible scorn and rage she could have been on the receiving end on? Gone like the wind! Consequences avoided! Absolutely no repercussions except for Claire possibly telling everybody about how she was brutally KO'd after being given such a warm greeting. Eclaire was once again sweating bullets at the idea of her reputation taking quite the shot. There was no way a sweetheart like Claire would tattle like that...not if she came out of this match having experienced heaven!

With her hands still having a firm grasp on both of Claire's wrists, Eclaire put her impromptu plan into action. Her left hand lowered down to below her waist while her right held Claire's corresponding arm nice and straight. The tycoon then once again gently threw her ass back and buried Claire's face between the softest pillows the Maitre Resort had to offer! Surface level wasn't enough, she had to feel that the only thing between Claire's nose and the deepest part of her ass was the slim fabric of Eclaire's leotard! Once Claire's face was right where it belonged, Eclaire didn't shake or bounce her hips even a smidge! No, instead her right arm pulled Claire up, and with it her face slide up Eclaire's bottom. And directly after her left arm pulled down, and Claire's face would soon follow. The alternating pulls began going in rhythm. Up and down, face embraced and sliding down the cushiony cheeks that would have jiggled with just the slightest touch! Now they were bouncing endlessly like a waterbed as Eclaire did what could only be described as using Claire's face to floss her butt!

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Re: Eclaire Maître vs Claire McAllister: Diamond in the Rough!

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It was quite impressive that despite violently robbing Claire's consciousness from her, Eclaire had managed to maintain her composure and stall for time in a fashion that left everyone in the stands, and even the referee , completely oblivious to the fact that the lightweight wrestler had been out cold! Of course, the fashion in which the Ruby Tycoon covered up her accidental KO was perhaps even more humiliating for Claire than being knocked out cold so early into the match, and that was by grabbing hold of the cowgirl's wrists, before using them as handles to pull Claire's face right into Eclaire's soft, round ass! The poor lightweight would be forced ear deep into Eclaire's buttcrack, the soft cheeks of the ojou hugging her face as she groaned and slowly began to stir, still quite dazed, but becoming more conscious by the second!

And when she had enough wherewithal to think about where she was, she was met with a dark, squishy, suffocating prison, groaning and squirming as she recognized the feeling of two large, round cheeks on her face, beginning to piece together what was happening! Of course, it didn't mean anything even if she had a complete understanding of the situation, as with the greatest of ease, Eclaire would shift her grip on Claire's wrists to gain a bit more leverage, before beginning to tug one way on Claire's left arm, before another on her right, forcibly moving the cowgirl's face between her ass!

"Mmmph! Mmmh! Mmmmph!" Claire grunted each time that Eclaire pulled on one of her arms, and soon she found herself being manipulated in such a way that her face slid up and down between Eclaire's massive rear end, forced to suffer the humiliation from her foe! Claire was reduced to a near toy as Eclaire happily tugged on the cowgirl, flossing her ass with poor Claire's face, the lightweight wrestler forced to endure it for as long as she was able, only giving those muffled groans into Eclaire's phat ass as a sign that she was awake!

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