A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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The sweet mixture of pain and pleasure was enough to have Gil submit, for the first, and hopefully last time. She couldn't swallow a match going down like this, but she knew to call it quits now and get out of here as soon as possible.

"Y-yes ma'am! I'll do anything, anything at all...!" Gil spoke with a slight shake in her voice. She wasn't cut out for the Hentai Belt, that much was clear. She really only hoped that things wouldn't be too bad, and that Ayana wouldn't be too harsh.

Gil scooted even closer, as close as she could be, even, to Ayana as she squeezed her backside. "...Can I put some clothes back on...?" Gil asked, but it was more of a plea than anything.

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Ayana's lips curled into a smile, seating Gil on her lap. "I'm afraid not. What fun is it for me if you're little body is all covered up~?" The ojou coos, kissing Gil's neck.

Suddenly, Ayana reels her hand back, and goes for a hard smack on Gil's ass!
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Sun Aug 15, 2021 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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"Eek!" She yelped out. Ayana's open palm crashed down on her rear, sending her scooting further up into the woman's lap, hugging her body against her own. "I promise, I can think of several different ways that it would be more fun...!"

Ayana, if she persisted, would find a weakness that Gil thought she had done a fair job at hiding, but judging purely just by how much she had fallen victim to spanking after spanking.

"I can even put on a show, I can do a lot of things if I have my clothes...! I can make it worth your while...!" Gil's pleading wasn't likely to convince anyone like Ayana, but given the situation she had been thrusted into, she couldn't really think of anything else to do...!

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Ayana sighed at Gil's pleading, delivering yet another hard spank to her rear. "Shut it, girl..." She hisses in a whisper. "You're voice is annoying..." The ojou kisses Gil in the cheek, before slowly laying the smaller girl down on the mat.

Ayana crawls on top of Gil, pinning down her arms. She'd had her fun, and now it was time to put the girl away. Lowering her breasts onto Gil's face, Ayana cooes. "Night night..."

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Annoying? Her voice wasn't annoying...! Gil stuck her lip out in a pout, yelping again from another smack down onto her naked bottom. She opened her mouth to speak, but that might get her another spanking, so she quickly shut it.

Gil offered little in the way of protest as she was laid flat down onto the mat, at this point, it was best for her to remain still, any movement might result in more punishment, which was the very last thing Gil wanted...!

Anaya hovered her chest above Gil's face, showing her exactly what was about to be her place of residency for the next few minutes. She sucked in a deep breath, holding it tight in her chest as her face quickly was enveloped by her boobs. Groans of displeasure, her legs thrashing, hands on the hips, the whole nine yards! Anaya gave her the business, and was sitting pretty now! Gil's protests would slowly become lesser and lesser, weaker and weaker, any longer, and she'd be drifting off...

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Throughout the entirety of the match, Gil had disappointed Ayana endlessly. The only thing the little runt was good for was that sweet period of time in which Ayana could play with her opponent in any way she pleased. As an opponent however, she was anticlimactic. Although, Ayana would admit there was one other thing she was good for: an example. A declaration of war on LAW's hentai division, showing just what she could do. She would be there queen!

As Gil slowly lost consciousness, a venomous grin spread across Ayana's lips. She gives the unconscious girl one last kiss, before rising to her feet, raising her arm in victory as she placed her foot on Gil's relatively small breast. The crowd cheered. Normally, how harsh Ayana had been to a sweetheart like Gil would be met with jeers, but not Ayana. The audience knew better, they knew she was the daughter of Akemi Suzuki, the best hentai wrestler of all time! Spitting down on her opponent, Ayana makes her way out of the stadium, walking gracefully down the ramp.

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Arista »

Maybe she wasn't cut out for this kind of match, maybe she should focus solely on smothers, or at least stay out of arms reach of anyone who tried to drag her back into a hentai match...!

As Ayana made her exit, the ref went to Gil's aid, bringing her her clothes, and slowly, she regained consciousness. Once she did, she let out a sigh, not really one of relief, but not really one of disappointment either, just one that said she should have expected this, but at the same time, she expected better of herself. She put her clothes back on in a rush, not wanting to be seen like that much longer. Despite the terrible loss taken, she wouldn't let it keep her down! She knew her value, and a jack of all trades was bound to be a master of none, at least that's how the saying went, not that she believed it, but it made her feel better in the moment.

Gil rose to her feet without assistance, the crowd cheered for her loss, but cheered as she rose up on her own as well, good sportsmanship...! Gil had a long career in L.A.W ahead of her, and this was just one of many matches she'd have. She slid out of the ring, waving to the crowd, holding her head high, Ayana had won this match, but Gil was far from defeated. She would rebound, and maybe, she'd get a chance to take down Ayana in her own kind of match one day...!

Winner; Ayana Suzuki

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