Tiki Lowell vs Eirika Karlson (d)

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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Eirika Karlson (d)

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Tiki's defense had been broken through by Eirika. Now it was a matter of what she would do with the advantage she had gotten, and how Tiki would respond. What Eirika ended up doing was a rear chinlock, sticking her knee into Tiki's back and wrenching back her chin. Tiki recognized this as a low intensity hold that Eirika was most likely using to catch a breather.

Tiki actually smiled in relief, because she knew Eirika was not getting her breather. If Tiki ever chose to become an instructor, the first lesson about submissions that she would drill into every rookie that came before her would be to never perform a hold that leaves the victim's limbs free and in striking distance. Both of Tiki's arms were free and easily in range of Eirika's face and body.

"Should've gone for a camel clutch," Tiki strained out as she threw one fist back at Eirika's head. Then the other fist, then an elbow in the ribs, all the while pulling her body forward to make her escape by force.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Eirika Karlson (d)

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Eirika locked in the chin lock, and was hoping for a slight breather. Sadly that wasn't ment to be as Tiki used all her free limbs to attack Eirika, hitting her with blow after blow, and then squirming out of the hold.

Eirika was still gassed, and was on all fours. She was huffing as Tiki could make her next move.

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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Eirika Karlson (d)

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Tiki was sitting pretty in this match after escaping Eirika's chinlock. She was able to hold a small edge even from the beginning, really. And the gap was only getting wider as the difference in the two girls energy was only getting larger in Tiki's favor. The bluenette was clearly on fumes, while Tiki's stamina reserves were still well in the green.

"I think I can try to end this," Tiki said more to herself than Eirika has she moved in for the kill. She would try to grab around her torso and lift her upside down, and then Tiki would pull Eirika's body up, then slam her back down with a sit-out powerbomb. A move Tiki called the Dragon Bomb. If it worked, Tiki would then drop Eirika onto her back and attempt to end the match with a leg hook pin.
Dragon Bomb
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Eirika Karlson (d)

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Eirika was dqmn near gassed. She couldn't keep momentum for long at all, and she had been outdone at every way. She was picked up by Tiki, no energy to move, and dropped straight on her neck with a Sit Out Powerbomb. As soon as she hit the mat, Eirika had fainted and was out.

She was definitely out for the 3 count.

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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Eirika Karlson (d)

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Tiki slammed Eirika down to the mat, and as she went to go for the pin, she could tell that the bluenette had been completely knocked out. Hmm, I didn't think I had dropped her that hard. I didn't want to KO her, but I guess it can't be helped now. Tiki thought to herself as she covered for the pin.




Tiki held Eirika down for the three count as if there was ever any thought that she might kick out, and was declared winner of the match. Then, she crouched over Eirika and tried to speak to her, "Hey Eirika, I don't know if you can hear me, but good fight. Focus on stamina training and I promise you'll go somewhere." Tiki would then move to exit the ring.
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Re: Tiki Lowell vs Eirika Karlson (d)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Eirika was out for a few seconds,her head crashed onto the mat. She was barely awake when Tiki told her those words. She slowly raised her head up and thought to herself.

"Don't worry Tiki, next time I'll be stronger." Eirika promised

Winner by pinfall: Tiki Lowell

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