Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

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Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

Unread post by winner3 »

Standard Match on the Beach - Victory to be awarded via pinfall, submission, knockout, count-out, or disqualification. Cynara Morgan will be at ringside in Ava's corner.
The winner will be featured in the Ladies of LAW Calendar

Last edited by winner3 on Sat Jul 17, 2021 11:33 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

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The time has come for LAW to herald the next woman they'll worship. A PPV match for Ava to prove her strength is above no other, her beauty and finesse. Long has she watched these lesser women scrap in the ring like barbarians. Stain the mats with their inferior blood, wrestle in grime, and fight full of filth. And yet these scrawny audiences bask in it like a mindless blob who knew nothing better. This match, this feud, this opponent are nothing but means to an end for Ava. Here, she'd offer something more stylish, grandiose far beyond what they're force-fed with. To set a precedent that they'll yearn for again and again! And as being the one who can deliver it... yearn for her! Yearn like they all did when she conquered the modeling world! Long has she prepared for this. Long has she envisioned this. This is her time!
Ava Rose
All eyes centered at the stage as her music pierced the pristine shores of California. And then came brimming out of the curtains, a goddess. And the girl fucking knew it! She strutted towards the stage as if she owned the whole place. She donned a bikini that presented her body like a fine jewel. There was no regard to modesty. It was the barest and purest a goddess could be seen. Divinity unsullied and unsheathed from its usual demured attire.

Two thin pieces of fabric curtained by frails covered her supple breasts, halved by a ribbon. Her groin lay hidden behind the most lilliputian of clothes, secured and looped all the way back by two delicate waistbands. Her legs were bare. Smooth and pale, white as the sand she's stepping on. Her arms were stretched behind her head, elbows folded and jutted upwards before she spun, presenting herself to the crowd neglected of beauty like that of hers.

Soon, she'd reach the apron, one hand on the top ropes, she blew a kiss to the mesmerized crowd, pulling them to her webs even further. Ava then weaved a leg across the middle rope, then the other, skipping in place as soon as both feet tagged the mat inside the ring. She'd then cease to her corner, waiting for her prey to come to her own den!
Last edited by Violet on Mon Jul 19, 2021 5:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

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For this match, Ava wouldn't be alone. The arrangements had already been made and announced as of the press conference for the event, and now, they were finally going to be realized - as Cynara Morgan would be making her first public appearance in the wrestling world in decades.

As Ava made her way to the ring, right behind her, the former champion came following at her side. Even when she was old enough to be Ava's mother, she was every bit as striking as her charge, from her impeccably kept figure to her graceful poise as she kept her back straight and lifted her chin to the sky. Fashionably dressed in a white sundress and sandals, she looked all the part like a wealthy, elegant beach-goer. The sun was shining, and the shores were lapped by gentle waves and a soft breeze. It would have made for the perfect day out. But for Cynara, there was far more at stake here than enjoying the weather.
With Ava taking to the ring, Cynara entered at her side. As the model took her place in the corner, Cynara stayed at the center of the ring. With one hand, she whipped the sunglasses off her face, her blue eyes catching the light as she tossed her hair back over her shoulder. With her other, she accepted a microphone from the announced, and began to speak into it.

Long Beach...your queen has arrived!" Cynara got a few cheers just from making her entrance, and it made her grin wider. After being out of the spotlight for so long, she had almost forgotten how good it felt to hear their praise, and to know that all eyes were on her. She took a moment's pause for the excitement to settle down, but then continued. "You know, the last time I had an audience like this, I was still a household name among those rare but cultured connoisseurs of apartment wrestling. I might not have been the last champion, but I was the first - and don't let anyone forget about that!"

"Today, though, it's a rare occasion, because we're not here to talk about me. We're here to talk about a young lady I'm here to represent. And believe me, I wouldn't pick just anyone to represent me. Whatever apartment wrestling is these days, in its heyday, it was an exclusive spectacle, and you'd better believe that only the most rich and famous of guests were even allowed to be in the same room as me when I showed them why I held the title I did. The same goes with who I work with now. When it comes to selecting my clients, I'm only out for the best of the best. And that's what I see here in Ava Rose!"

"Going into this match, Ava's out to settle a feud that's grown personal. A feud between her and a woman who can't bear to stand down and admit what's good for her...heh..."
With a chuckle, Cynara tossed her head from side to side. In her storied career, she had encountered many she would consider in the same situation. "Believe me, I know how it feels. Fact is, it was rigged from the start! Ava, hon, you already know you could take this bitch any day. We all know that. But she's chosen to stick it out, and if it takes you embarrassing her in front of everyone to finally shut her mouth...well, that's just how it'll have to be."

"Already, Ava's proven herself a force to be reckoned with. Believe me, I've reviewed her tapes, and I've gotten to see her train for myself, and I can tell you right now - I know what makes a good wrestler, and Ava, dear, you are it! The killer instinct, the will to win...you've got it! And Satomi...I'm sorry, she doesn't have anything more than a sour attitude, and that's not going to save that cute little behind of her here."

Cynara gestured to Ava with her arms, stepping over to her side. "Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking, right here, at the new face of LAW! Frankly, if Dave and the boys were still around, she'd be kept behind closed doors, worth the exclusive attention of those with the fortunes to earn the privilege of laying eyes on her. You should all be lucky that you're getting the chance to see her now, for the prices you paid - yes, even you folks in the front row, you don't know what a deal you've gotten! So get a good look at her while you still can, because this girl is going to the top!"

Holding the microphone up over her head, Cynara received an ovation from the crowd - and so too did Ava. But now, it was Ava's turn to take to the ring, and her manager stepped back through the ropes, handing things over to the Frenchwoman to take charge.
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Re: Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

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Satomi was nervous about the upcoming match as so much was already at stake that the young woman almost wished she had not agreed to this match. As not only did she have her debut match tonight , but even worse should she lose then she would not be able to get an spot in the LAW Calendar which meant she would lose out on an opportunity to promote Musashino Milk , but their was an bright spot to everything.

As should the Japanese wrestler manage to win the she would put that bitch Ava in her place , and even better earn that opportunity to promote the company she worked for .So with that in mind , Satomi wore an simple white bikini that was not really special as she waiting for the moment she could walk onto the stage. As she heard the lyrics of her favorite song being played as fripSide - final phase was being played.

An second later she got the all go to walk out as she would feel the sand beneath her feet as she saw Ava was already in the ring as the black haired woman walked down as the announcer said ''making her debut from Tokyo,Japan. Standing at 135ibs, It's Musahino Milk's favorite spokeperson Satomi Mii''as she climbed into the beach ring as she glared at the other woman.

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Re: Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

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Confidence spilled from her smirking lips as she took in the cheers and hollers of the crowd. Sweet Sweet California! Oh, how good it is to be back. The last time she was here she was the queen of the catwalk. Now she's the queen of the ring. And yet they fawn over her the same, if not more. There are some things that just don't change after all. Adding to that was there was another woman on her side. A woman of the same elegance and prestige. A pair of girls that already paved their name long before LAW. A pair of ladies just as lucky to be on the side of the other. The crowds must be losing their minds in this one-in-a-lifetime experience of seeing both two girls together strutting down the runway.

Ava draped her arms over the top rope as she leaned onto the turnbuckles, casually watching as Cynara took the spotlight. Her lips curled into a smirk that grew wider and wider as she basked in the praises of the veteran. She also looked to the crowds below, blowing kisses that stun and mesmerize.

Ava snickered at Cynara's quip of this match being rigged. It's true. She's far better and she owns it. For her, this is but a waste of time. But if this is what LAW wanted, seeing one of their prized wrestlers humiliated. Then she better just make the most out of it. Ava then walked to join Cynara at the center, her arms on her hips, posture narrowed and feet crossed just like a model. Her chin tipped up at Cynara's prophecy as the crowd erupted.

"Enough chit-chat. Let's welcome the chienne I'm gonna beat shall we?" She licked her upper lips in anticipation. Her foe's music then blared and she retreated to the ropes in kind.

She hopped on the middle and sat on it like a queen with a confident smirk on her face. Arms draped over the top rope, legs crossed and her perky butt barely covered by her outfit stuck right out of the ropes for the lucky crowd to ogle at. Her eyes never left her foe. And only when their music died out
did she step out of the ropes.

"Any last words, Mon cheri?" Ava sneered. Her arms were put forth as she wasted no time and took a stance. She's going to break this girl

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Re: Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

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''Wow what an reception.I like to see that bitch top this''thought Satomi as she was confident that the crowd would not react louder or better when her opponent come to the ring. Only to be proven wrong when she heard the other woman's theme song play as she glared as Ava received an standing ovation as she came down to the ring with an partner.

Which the Japanese wrestler decided was the only reason that bitch got the reception she did as the fans were clearly reaction to the other woman who came down to the ring. Seriously it was really pathetic to what lengths people go to try and seem popular thought Satomi as she saw that fucking bitch snickering at her as she would step forward as she heard the bitch run her mouth. As she for once was in agreement with the other woman as she wanted to get this match started as she looked at the other woman as she said ''that sounds good to me. Since unlike you I don't got all day to walk around and pose for the fans.

As some of us actually got to work for an living you bitch , and nothing would make me happier then to kick your fat ass all around this ring
''as she circled around the other woman as the referee called for the bell as the match was finally underway.

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Re: Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

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Ava held credence with her odds for this fight! And there’s no other thing that showed that but the sneer of her lips! Ava already read Satomii like an open book with the meetings they had! She was explosive, brash, and wore her feelings on her sleeves. Ava used that to her advantage ever since they met. And Ava saw no reason on how it’d be different from here!

Ava confirmed that right off the bat when they spoke. The blonde only scoffed as she circled the ring too, gauging their skill closely. “You’re pitiful.”

And when the bell struck the air of the lively Californian beach… Ava struck like a viper! She burst into a sprint, closing the distance between them! With her arms up right in front of her, she sought a lock-up. With momentum and surprise on her side, she would attempt to catch Satomii off guard!

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Re: Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

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Satomi would circle around her opponent as she wondered who would make the first move when Ava attacked her. As the Japanese wrestler would watch the other wrestler running towards her as she crouched down in retaliation. As she hoped to sweep the legs from beneath the other woman once she got close as she knew that matching her strength for strength was an bad idea.

So should her place work , Satomi would bend forward as she grasped her legs and spread them as she said ''well time to get some payback. As I wanted to make you suffer for what you cost me an few months ago''.

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Re: Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

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Ava kicked off the match with aplomb, blitzing through the ring in one swift gallop to close their distance. Ava was fast, her build was nimble and could cut through air. Her footfalls were light, like feathers, even with the malicious intent it carried!

Ava wanted to surprise and overwhelm the Ravenette with her speed and strength! But Satomii saw right through her and ducked in at the last second to sweep her right off her feet!

Her eyes widened as her feet flew off the canvas. Her vision careened upward to the blinding ray of the sun as she hit the canvas with a thud! Ava was stunned only for a second by the reversal. But that's all Satomii needed to get a hold of her legs and leverage it to make her vulnerable!

"Get off me, you filth!" Ava cussed as she tried to wiggle and squirm her legs off their hand

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Re: Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

Satomi had her opponent's number this time as she knew what to do , and this allowed her to take control as she got an hold of her opponent's legs. As she would just smirk as she watched Ava wiggle and squirm beneath her as she cursed her out as the Japanese woman just laughed as she said ''make me as I think it time I get to work. So just lay down , and it will all soon be over''as she leaped up and planned to land on top of her opponent's body with both legs as she went for an double leg drop.

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