The Newbie and the Upstart: Nuo vs Emaline

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Re: The Newbie and the Upstart: Nuo vs Emaline

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"Hmph." Emaline smirked as she pressed all of her weight onto the foot stepping on Nuo's throat, even going as far as to balance on one foot while the other hung in the air. The fool made the mistake of attempting to pry off the foot currently choking her, leaving the rest of her body exposed, a fact the Viper swiftly exploited. With her free foot, she brutally stomped on the masked newbie's unprotected crotch.

The agonized screaming that followed filled Emaline with genuine euphoria as she indulged in her sadistic sport. "~Music to my ears.~" She made the extra effort to ensure that her arms remained crossed as she lifted her foot off her opponent's neck and instead shifted all of her weight onto her newfound target. And when Nuo diverts her arms to push off the foot rubbing into her genitals, her now undefended breasts would be stomped on by the pinkette.

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Re: The Newbie and the Upstart: Nuo vs Emaline

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Nuo was getting crushed by Emaline as she found her next target and began stomping on her crotch brutally, enough to have her eyes widen. As Emaline stood, she finally lifted her foot off of the newbie's throat as she stand on her breasts as well as if she was on a skate board. Ending up with Nuo feeling Emaline's weight crushing against her feminine charm as she felt her crotch being rubbed.

"G-get off," the troubled newbie moaned in pain as she squirmed underneath the pink Viper. Hoping to have her opponent lose balance as both of her hands grabbed Emaline's legs and weakly struggling to push her away as her legs stomp against the mat.

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Re: The Newbie and the Upstart: Nuo vs Emaline

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"~Get off?~" Emaline mockingly repeated Nuo's request. "I suppose I can acquiesce." The Viper planted both hands on the canvas and performed a handstand, lifting both legs sky high in the process before letting them fall seamlessly. If all went according to plan, her knees would smash onto her opponent's ribs for a destructive handstand double knee drop.

However, she didn't stop there and rolled forward shortly after backwards the knee drop, springing back to her feet and sprinting towards the closest ropes. Then she leapt up onto the top ropes and moonsaulted off them, once more executing her signature Reptilian Skyfall to stomp on the masked newbie's stomach with both feet.
Last edited by Kreydos on Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Newbie and the Upstart: Nuo vs Emaline

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Nuo wouldn't believe what Emaline did, sighing in relief as she lay back with her entire body not moving an inch. A perfect situation for the Emerald Viper to do a handstand with both of her legs in the air as everyone knows where it was going while Nuo didn't. Soon, Emaline's knees fall, crashing down against the newbie's ribs as she let out a loud screech, "AHHHHH!"

After the painful handstand knee drop, the masked newbie was done for as she could barely move with her breasts sore and the rest of her body not moving a inch. However, the Emerald Viper wasn't done as she took one more leap from the closest ropes and launched herself from a moonsault and her signature, Reptilian Skyfall!

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Re: The Newbie and the Upstart: Nuo vs Emaline

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Emaline couldn't help smiling as she pulled off her flashy signature, keeping her arms crossed as she once more stomped both feet onto her opponent's midsection. Afterwards, she took a moment to assess Nuo's beaten form, giving her arm a light kick and seeing that she was well and truly out of it. It was at that moment that the Viper realised that the match neared its end. Not content with a simple pin, she opted to spend the closing moments of the match utterly humiliating the masked newbie in a long, drawn out fashion.

With a malicious grin, Emaline hit Nuo with a punt kick to the head to daze her before dragging her around by her foot. The pinkette positioned them near the ropes but not too close, and ensured that they directly faced the cameras. From there, she nestled her opponent's head on her groin and then she leaned over, grabbed the blackette's calves, and then leaned back while spreading her legs apart, inflicting just as much physical pain as it embarrassed her. Of course, the cameras received the optimal angle of her crotch during the leg spread, broadcasting the scene on the arena's titantron as well as screens across the world. "I recall that I mused about unveiling your face before this match started." The sadistic snake sniggered. "But this is a delectable alternative."
Leg Spread Reference
Emaline spent a moment indulging her cruel desires before deciding to end it all via her finisher, the Viper's Vice. While keeping the leg spread in place, she coiled her legs around Nuo's throat for a figure four headscissor, aiming to render her unconscious for the umpteenth and final time.

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Re: The Newbie and the Upstart: Nuo vs Emaline

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Nuo had been taking nasty kicks to the face and a few knee drops to the rest of her body, wondering if the match could just end. Soon the Emerald Viper would do one last kick to Nuo's face to have her dazed as she gets ready to score just one last point. "F-fu..." The dazed newbie moaned, rubbing her cheek as she slowly rolled around in pain as Emaline placed her head on her groin and have her in a humiliating position as she spread her legs wide for the camera to get a nice shot .

"This isn't that type of match..." Nuo whined, looking away from the camera as her feet dangled around in the air as she was forced to spread her legs. "I-Is this because I spread you legs from b-before..?"

Emaline was sure she was gonna get most of the fun out of the match before it ends, humiliating Nuo with a similar leg spread move from the Qipao Cover Spread. Later finishing the poor masked newbie off with the same figure four headscissors while at the same time spreading her legs. Wouldn't take before Nuo would pass out as she was knocked out once more but in a humiliating position.

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Re: The Newbie and the Upstart: Nuo vs Emaline

Unread post by Kreydos »

"That much should be self-evident." Emaline answered Nuo's whining with a sneer. "I promised you a cornucopia of pain and suffering and I shall see that promise through to the end." Invariably, when the time came to finish the masked newbie off with a figure four, the Viper had the biggest, most malevolent smile on her face. The referee confirmed the knockout soon after. The bell rung and Emaline's theme started playing throughout the arena.

However, she didn't leave arena. Not yet anyway. After nonchalantly tossing Nuo's body aside, the pinkette exited the ring, approached the announcers table, and silently gestured to a microphone. The commentators shot each other a confused glance but one of them tentatively passed her a microphone. Mic in hand and with her lips curled into a contemptuous grin, she slid under the bottom ropes to re-enter the ring. She tapped the mic twice to test it before making request in a haughty manner. "Kindly mute my music please." Her theme quietened down. "~Arigato gozaimasu~" She gave her thanks in her native tongue when her request was met.

She strode over to the masked newbie's body and planted a foot on her cheek. "I am not unaware of the existence of a certain green-eyed brunette." Emaline arrogantly announced. "And I am not unaware of this aforementioned brunette's relationship with this pitiful jobber." She crouched down and pulled the blackette by the hair to force her to sit up. Then, the Viper placed the microphone near Nuo's mouth and began opening and closing her lips. "That is correct, Emaline." Emaline mockingly mimicked her opponent's voice. "I am just a weak and useless jobber who requires a slightly less weak and useless jobber to avenge me whenever I inevitably lose."

She giggled and released Nuo's hair, letting her flop back to the canvas before again planting a foot on her face. "Now, as many of you may be aware, I have faced this brunette before and the match ended in a tie. I fully intend to rectify that." Emaline let out an exaggerated sigh. "However, I fear that she may be hesitant to face me again because she knows that a rematch can only end in defeat for her. After all, her record indicates that for all her vulgar bravado, she is nowhere near the level that she would have you believe." She winked at the camera. "And so I thought I'd provide her with proper motivation."

Emaline paused before finishing her half-monologue, half-call out. "You may resume my music." And with her theme blaring through the speakers again, she casually tossed the microphone over her shoulder and exited the arena, heedless of the crowd's reaction.

Score: Emaline 5 - Nuo 1
Victor: Emaline

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