The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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(Start at 1:21 for replays)
The sudden pounding of music brought with it lights that flared in time with the beat. The song was instantly recognizable. Music that had become synonymous with the League's Self-proclaimed Ace! Every pump of bass brought on another flicker of gold stage lighting. And with it another brief vision of the Venomous Vixen herself!

And when the beat dropped, the gold-toned lights flared fully to life! Gold confetti rained ceremoniously down from the ceiling. It refracted the light in a dazzling display of gaudy gold. And at the top of the stage stood the Lightweight Champion!
The woman who stood at the top of the ramp was undeniably Rose Gold. But everything about her seemed impossibly more... Radiant. Her trademark golden hair was tipped with brilliant pink. Her lips were painted as black as her intentions and highlighted her alabaster skin and the soft blush upon her cheeks. Her eyes were swept with black liner, angular and sharp. It made her honey-gold eyes glow, 24kt.

Gone was the headband, replaced instead by a spade shaped hairband made of her namesake, rose gold. Her attire was more complex. Sleeves and Leggings were both speckled with shiny rose gold highlights. A collared top with a window that exposed the valley between her firm, perky breasts. Like her hairband, this too was cut to the shape of a spade, though this one was inverted. Both symbolic of her status as Ace.

Her bottoms were practically lingerie. Barely there at all. So high-cut were they that the muscles of her kissable inner thigh were bare for the world to see. A centimeter or two from indecency. The back was cut like a thong, allowing her round, athletic backside to bounce with every step she took. Every aspect of her femininity was accentuated. One look at her was enough to make even the most vigilant of opponent feel their heart beat hasten.

And lastly, she carried the symbol of her reign. The crown that made her Queen. The Lightweight Title. It hung over her shoulder, clutched by one hand. It's face was showing, her name embroidered prominently upon it.

She marched towards the ring with a microphone in her other hand. It was brought to her painted lips with a wry smirk. She mounted the apron and slipped into the ring. With a flourish she turned to face the ramp and her expression then curled into a dark smile as she put her lithe, sensual body on display for the audience.

She brought the microphone to her lips. "LAW!" She demanded attention! "Welcome your ACE!" She threw the hand that held the title skyward and allowed the lights to shine upon it!

As always, the reaction was -deafening-. There was no denying that Rose Gold was among the most popular members of the LAW roster. And as far as she was concerned, there was no difference between fame and infamy. She put her hand to her ear and grinned, soaking in the adoration.

"Mmmn. If even one of you could give me even half the praise I deserve..." She lamented into the microphone as she looked over her 'adoring' subjects.

"I fear that the disappointment I feel from -you- subhuman pieces of garbage-" She paused to let the fans absorb the insult.. To let them respond with their boos and catcalls. And for the masochists and simps among them to shiver and worship her.

"Is what I can expect from the rest of the LAW locker room as well..." She let out a dramatic, heaving sigh. "Many 'wrestlers', if you can even call them that... Have stood in this very ring with me. And I have knocked them out. I have pinned them. I have made them tap. I have made them WORSHIP ME!" She flourished her arms skyward with a lascivious serpent's smile. It was clear which of the accolades she liked best.

"And so tonight! In light of this division being undeserving of my attention! I present to you a special guest! A legend of a rival promotion!" She paused as she gestured towards the ramp. The crowd began to murmur. Who could it be?

"Representing the Cuddleweights. Cerbera 'Maelstrom' Kayori. Tonight is your night! Come receive the Midas Touch! Come have your taste of Gold!" She gestured towards the entrance with a grin.
Last edited by SuckerPunch on Thu Sep 23, 2021 11:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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While her opponent seemed to have a splendid time riling the crowd for mixed signals, Cerbera was simply examining the woman backstage, gazing up at the television screen and watched as the girl was making her whole entrance and speech about what was about to happen. Cerbera didn't seem bothered by most of it.. Untile Rose decided to put her in a ' Cuddleweight ' category. How unfortunately for the girl to make such a mistake, which Cerbera was going to punish her for once she had the girl between her powerful legs. For now though, she simply gave the signalling staff member a nod and headed for the stage.
Her theme would blast through the speakers and soon the twin tailed fighter stepped onto the stage, dressed in what could only be described as a punkish geisha outfit, nicely cut below to show those generously sized, powerful thighs which she aimed to use to their fullest extend this match. She stepped down the ramp, ignoring the audience for the most part since she never cared much for how they reacted to her and her moves, using the metal stairs to bring herself up and to the very edge of the ring, then pushed the top and middle ropes apart so she could bring one leg past them, followed by her whole body and the other leg so she could stand upon the canvas, giving her opponent a rather irritated glare.

" ..Cuddleweight? Really..? " It did not take long for Cerbera to make that dissatisfaction vocal, though soon she would place a hand upon her hip and brought her hand up to briefly check her pink nails, more words given to Rose as she was doing that. " Looks like I have to teach another brat a well deserved lesson.. "

She then brought her yes upwards at her opponent, followed by a slow trail towards the corner to stand against while the referee was getting things ready, yet in Cerbera's eyes she was more than ready herself to bring this girl down and show what happens to girls who like to talk, yet should be using their mouths for something completely different, like worshiping her!
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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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Rose Gold watched with a grin as the woman made her way down the ramp. She watched her every move. The rhythm of her footfalls. The swaying of her hips. She was beautiful and petite and the perfect prey for tonight's segment. She carried herself with an aura of confidence and power. And her attire was cut just below the end of her thighs... They were pale and lovely. Kissable and strong. Rose blushed shamelessly as her mind was to imagine what might be hidden beyond them.

"Mmmn. That's a good look." She spoke into the mic as she met Cerbera's eyes. Intensity. Her taunt had gotten the other girl fired up. And her threat got the crowd just as excited.

"I hope you can keep that same energy when the match is over." She bit her lip imagining the matches conclusion. She closed her eyes and let out an appreciative sigh as her nipples tightened visibly beneath her slim attire.

When they opened, she thrust the title skyward as she made a proclamation!

"LAW! Tonight's match will be for the Lightweight Title!" She allowed the arena to scream.

"I'm putting my belt on the line! And for that, Cerbera, I expect you to gamble your pride!" Her attention moved from her 'adoring' fans to Cerbera.

"I'm sure that shouldn't be an issue for you, as skilled as you are, how could you lose... Right?" Her words were condescending. Disingenuous. Mocking. And meant to bait Cerbera into agreeing. It seemed unnecessary as the other lightweight was already chomping at the bit to fight. However, indulgent was Rose's middle name.

"Not only will the Winner be the Lightweight Champion. But the loser will relent and worship the winner. If you accept. Then I expect that when you lose, you will lay on your back and pay tribute to whatever part of my body I've chosen to dominate you with." She licked her lips. A slow, serpent's flick of her tongue to wet them. Perfect and pouty.

"Of course. I would offer you the same courtesy. But what's the point, hm?"

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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" Don't worry.. " Cerbera replied first, bringing her hand back to her hip and would gaze over at Rose, just taking the time to examine those curves before her mouth opened to speak once more. " I don't need much energy after the fight, I just take a seat on your face and let you do the work. " Was the sharp reply she gave Rose as the woman had finished saying her lines, words were like a potent venom for this blonde haired snake of a girl, whom had no problem raising the stakes for this match and to make things quite intimate by the end of it, if they had not become familiar with eachother's curves during it.

" I accept. If you can manage to take me down, I'll worship you the entire night for all I care, yet the reality will be you on your back, smothered under my ass while I wear that pretty belt of yours. Would be a good way to end the night, no? "

She mused, lips curled into a devious smile while her eyes betrayed the pure lust of bringing this girl down and break her down piece by piece. She then adjusted herself into a proper battle stance, waiting for the referee the start the match she could get her hands on Rose, and clearly the words Rose had thrown at her, worked like a charm. Cerbera was ready to fight Rose and did not back down from the stipulations Rose presented her!
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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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*Ba-Bump* Cerbera's words got Rose Gold's heart beating. Her pale cheeks flushed with a pink that nearly matched the tips of her hair. Her bottom lip was secured between her teeth and she purred privately. This lightweight from another league was perfect. She was a pristine beauty with the same lust for sex and violence as herself. Though she doubted their hearts held the same volume of hatred.

"I promise you, cuddleweight, a seat on my face is worth way more than this belt."

She ran her tongue around her lips, wetting them and offering Cerbera an unsubtle view of her mouth. "Win, and I promise, I'll take you to heaven." She devoured the girl with her eyes. There was a primal part of her that sought the stimulation of being pressed within Cerbera's perfect backside.

Her mouth closed with a gnashing of teeth. "But when you lose. I'm taking you and that ass you're so proud of to Hell!"

She tossed her belt over the ropes and into the hands of an attendant. In the same movement she assumed a fighting stance. Low and square with her arms out. A stance that any fan of hers would be familiar with. One that marked her heritage as a National Champion Judoka.

"I can't wait to taste you!" The words were a primal snarl as her muscles tensed. Every cell in her body screamed for her foe. It was time to fight. And to fuck.

*Ding Ding Ding*

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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While Cerbera was rarely in that certain kind of mood, not only this kind of match had a need of it, her opponent definitely was getting it out of her. Those words were sweet, yet the promises were sour. She was not about to lose to someone who considered herself above Cerbera already, and while the belt wasn't exactly something she really cared about, to make the girl succumb to her in a fight and underneath her ass was too tempting for even Cerbera to ignore, who would curl her lips into a devious smile and would speak out once more.

" It will be heavenly enough when I have your face stuck under my ass ,worshiping it while I just play with your body. You're decided to taunt me to the point where I will thoroughly dominate and tame you until you're nothing more than my little play thing for the night. "

Cerbera waited for her opponent to get ready, narrowing her eyes as the girl had a different stance yet it would not make her back down from her original plan. She would instead move in, bringing her arms up and lunging in to go for a quick lock up to see if she could guide the girl towards the nearest turnbuckle!
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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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The girls' banter made it obvious that tonight's Midas Touch segment was going to be something special. Cerbera wasn't a star struck rookie. She wasn't a talentless idol. She was a legitimate contender, even if Rose didn't think so. An eager combatant who had as much thirst for sensual violence as the champion. The crowd noise escalated. They knew they were getting a Pay-Per-View match on a regular night. A match where anything could happen. A heart-stopping clash between two women who were eager to humiliate one another.

"Big words for a pillow fighter. I can't wait to welcome you to LAW properly! To make you moan and drool! And to show the world your secret face as you whimper my name! Maybe I'll use that ass you're so proud of to do it!"

Both women lunged for each other at the same time! Their arms were bared like fangs and they bit down on one another's shoulders! Rose pressed her forehead against Cerbera's as her golden eyes blazed brightly, burning into Cerbera's.

Rose Gold was a technician, she wasn't a power wrestler. While her strength was above average, it would only meet the expectation of professional combat athlete, rather than exceed it. While this was a feat for the lightweight division, it might not be enough to budge Cerbera. However, Rose engaged her with utmost confidence. She felt that the women of other league's couldn't possibly compete with her!

But could they?

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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Cerbera's power laid within her legs, the twin tailed fighter took pride in them and she could not wait to give her opponent that first experience when she is crushing Rose between them! That very thought drove her into the lock up, though she knew it was not going to be an easy one, especially considering that her arms were not as powerful. Still, she pushed into Rose, glaring right into those eyes while her hands tightly gripped Rose's shoulders, not allowing Rose to move away but also not letting her own grip falter!

She kept a steady defense while she pushed into the girl, yet she quickly realized that her power did not seemed to be enough to make the girl step backwards and retreat. Instead, she would have to change her own plan if she wanted to come out on top, and what better wait as to distract her opponent? She would smirk, having the idea in mind and would taunt the girl first. " How about I give you a better glance at the ' pillows '? " She said, a bit cryptic at best though soon she would suddenly pulled instead of push, also purposely falling back to see if she could make Rose fall with her.. And to bury that head into her chest while her legs would try to wrap around the girl's waist!
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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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The two lightweight's appeared deadlocked in the center of the ring. Neither the reigning champion nor the intriguing interloper could impose their strength enough to budge the other. Neither girl wanted to give an inch. And neither one of them tore their gaze from the other's eyes.

Rose's lips curled into a snarl of effort, a flash of teeth. Her eyebrows knit with intensity! The muscles in her arms and legs worked as she attempted to get the better of Cerbera. To subjugate her physically.

"Eh?" Rose's visage of effort broke for a moment as she processed Cerbera's words.

"Fu-Mmph!" She tried to swear but the latter half of the word, like her face, was swallowed by Cerbera's breasts!

The two toppled to the canvas. Cerbera's was a controlled demolition. Rose's was a sudden upsetting of balance! She fell face first into the other girl's body. And found her slender waist entangled by the other lightweight's powerful legs! She braced her palms to the canvas defensively! But wouldn't have the opportunity to act before Cerbara was able to impose whatever she had in mind!

The first point went to the challenger as she pulled guard!

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Re: The Midas Touch, Episode 7: Crossover

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Cerbera knew that a stalling contest between the two fighters would not due her any good, yet she was far less stubborn to maintain it like most wrestlers would. She took them both down and her tactics served to both make sure to take Rose with her, it also served it's purpose of shoving Rose faceful into her covered bosom! She couldn't go for a full smother like she wanted but she definitely made sure that Rose's face was getting buried into her cleavage, a far more easier solution to her covered problems!

Her legs were quick to come around Rose's body as well, tightening her grip around that head first so she could deny the air the girl might be longed for, while at the same time shifting underneath the girl to get comfortable.. And to suddenly start squeezing her legs around Rose's body like a vibe! The proud legs of the Japanese would quickly show off their strength where her arms had difficulty to show in their test of strength, yet even Cerbera would have to admit that they lacked no challenger other than the very ribs Cerbera was trying to weaken and hurt!
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