Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina

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Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina

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Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina
Normal Match
Win by submission , pinfall or count out

Anula had just finished getting dressed into her wrestling attire which consisted of black pants with a white zigzag line across the sides , a tank top which exposed much of her belly and shoved off plenty of cleavage and shoes while her long hair tied into four ponytails. With two ponytails on either side of her head as she had a pink and yellow ponytail on each side as she hoped 2021 would begin like she ended 2021. As the Samoan native hoped to continue her winning streak in 2021.

As she made her way towards the backstage area she began to realize that she still had not picked an unique entrance theme as this meant she would likely be making her way to the ring in some generic unrememberable theme that would not help her become more known to the fans. So once this match was over she would really need to pick something that was just perfect for her.

After reaching the backstage area , and waiting in the gorrila position for her cue she would hear what was likely the most generic theme begin to play as she was giving the signal it was go time. So with that in mind she began her walk to the ring , and got her first glimpse at the woman she was facing tonight. Halfway down the ramp he announcer would say ''now entering the ring from Apia,Samoa.Weighing in at around 180ibs , it's Anelu Anoaʻi''as she climbed into the ring as she heard the fans start to boo her in responds to her ignoring them. Still who cared about those losers anyway as she was here to fight , and win against her opponent.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Alyssa Davis vs Velvet Scarlatina

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Velvet can be seen in the locker room, adjusting her bunny ear while wearing her casual outfit, skin tight, her Midriff exposed outfit, and her short jeans, all black skin tight, brown cloth, and gold edge on her cloth, cause her to stretch a bit as she ready herself, patting herself on her face, with a smile on her face to hype herself back up

She would make her way out of the locker room and toward the backstage area, cause he to have a smile as her theme begin to play, she would exit the area with a smile on her face, also waiting in a Gorilla position as she ready herself, she would make her way toward the ring "next to entering the ring from Japan, Tokyo, Weighing at 172 lbs, Welcome Velvet Scarlatina" She would wave at her fans as she run toward the ring "Heya" Velvet said with a smile as she wave at the other woman
Last edited by Void-Effect on Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina

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As the Samoan woman watched her opponent walk to the ring she could not believe her eyes as she watched as Velvet approached her as she began to laugh while bending over.As the heavyweight tried to control her laughter as she replied ''I'm seriously fighting some idiot who comes to the ring wearing fake bunny ears.You do know that this ain't the playboy mansion right loser'' as she finally got her laughter under control as she stood up.

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Re: Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina

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"E-Eh? I-Is something wrong? I think Bunny ear are kind cute really, so I wear it just because it's cute and all that" She said as she poke at the ear with a small smiles as she stand there, wondering why Anula is laughing as she stand there with a confused look on her face, pretty shy really as she took a deep breath and ready herself
Last edited by Void-Effect on Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina

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''Yeah they sure are cute on an little kid , but not on an grown woman. Seriously they make you look dumb , and caused me to think your an playboy bunny reject''mocked the Samoan as she would approach the center as she circled around her opponent as the referee called for the bell to begin the match.

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Re: Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina

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She would fold her arms as she pout a bit, looking at other woman as she make her way toward her, ready herself "I can be a Grown Woman and be cute as the same time" Velvet object to Anula as she look at her in the eyes, ready for the bell to ring as she ready herself, as soon as the bell ring, Velvet make the first move by challenge the other woman to a test of strength

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Re: Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina

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''No you can be an grown woman , and look like an absolute fool. Which is exactly what you currently look like as no self respecting woman would go walking around wearing bunny ears like you do''taunted Anula as she would entwine her hands with her opponent as she tried to catch Velvet off guard with an knee to her stomach.

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Re: Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina

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She would look at her before she would felt herself being kneed in the belly before she would reply, yet, she would held on as she cough a bit, the only negative result is the pain in a bit while she is felt herself being pushed back few feet before she would regain her stance, then she would attempt to give a headbutt to Anula as she try to push her back

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Re: Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina

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''Come on you aren't the type to back down after taking an hit are you bunny giurghhhh''mocked Anula when she got headbutted mid sentence as she stumbled back. Holding her nose to check if it was broken as she glared at the other wrestler as she had not seen this coming from the other wrestler.

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Re: Anula Anoa'i vs Velvet Scarlatina

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As she saw Anula stumble back, Velevet would attempt to make her way toward the other woman before does a spin kick, aiming at her face as she send her backward, attempt to gain her early advantage against the pink hair woman as she can be seen pouting, seems like Anula's taunt made her a bit mad as try to follow it up with a punch

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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