Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Finella had waited for this day, finally she would stand in the limelight with her beloved Sister.
Both were busy doing a little stretching and putting on their getup.
In Harmonias case it was her golden dress which she introduced with a new theme at the LAW PPV in California,were she had a victory that gave her and her roster an enormous push.
Finella was wearing her usual skirt and a black and white bikinitop.
Also a tie which did'nt fit to the rest of her outfit but it was something of a "thing" of Finella to wear it as it belonged to their late father.

The twins could'nt be more different except for their nice busts that they were not afraid to show.
"But Moniiii, why not?"
"No dear,we are calling ourselves not the austrian wolves as we are the eagles..."
"Yeah,you, the mighty "Imperial Eagle" can say that,but you and the others christend me "Black Woodpecker!", she said and scoffed, crossing her arms before her big boobs and fell back onto the couch.
"The rookies don't get an eagle, they get some other...",Harmonia chuckled a little, "...birdies and have to earn their eagle titles."
"Hey, don't laugh! Or the woodpecker pecks your eye out! Maaaann this suuuucks! Moniiii, when do I get to be an official member..."
"If you win today and prove to our good Viktor that you are worth of being in the main team,he will let you know. Just do your best and have fun."

Finella rolled her eyes and sighed.
She started to play with her fake wolfears and looked up the match at her cellphone again.
"We are up in a Catch the Flag Match against The british Bunnies. Ehehe, Island Monkies, this should be fun!"
Harmonia sighed.
"I would be glad if you would hold back and don't cause an diplomatic crisis with such slurs. Just do your best."
"I have read about them they've lost more that they have won...huh..."
"Thats not a reason to underestimate them dear, they are much longer in the business as we are."
Finella lifted her legs in the air as she was on the couch and did some "imaginery cycling" as she called it and looked at her phone.
"Chelsea and Molly...pretty generic. I don't know...they don't look so tough, they look more like some mascots of a kids show..."
"Look whos talking...",Harmonia whispered.
"I heard that..."
Harmonia put on her lipstick and slipped into her shoes.
"Come on dear, what are you waiting for? Lets show our english friends how we do things on the main land.",she grinned and helped her sister up.
"Yes dear?"
"I am so glad I have found you again and that we are now kicking ass together!",the girl with the two different eye colours said as Harmonia smiled and kissed her forehead,hugging her.
"Am too sis...come on, don't want to be late!"

The arena was packed and full
of enthusiastic fans. It almost felt like a football game at the EM as there were fans with flags,painted faces and so on.
And it was some sort of EM as this was not only a wrestling match but a match of national pride as the team who captured the flag would be the winner.
The bookers of the match also pitched the idea to have the teams walk in to their own respective national anthems.
As the austrian anthem started to play Harmonia and Finella walked out, Finella wearing the red-white-red flag with the eagle over her shoulder.

"This match is capture the flag! The team that catches the rival teams flag will be declared the winner! First,from Graz,Austria,in their debut as Tag Team! Harmonia and Finella Edelsteeeeeiiiin!"

They were greeted with cheers but also some
booing but the cheers were louder and Harmonia was sure it was because of her having won the PPV and finally having risen to some stardom here at LAW, if not there would be much more negativity, she was sure of that,as there were much more Union Jacks then austrian flags.
But as it was, both Harmonia and Finella were greeted rather warmly as they entered the ring,waving and sending kisses to their fans.
Finella put the flag into a long metal flagpole which was so long that the opponent had to step to the toprope to get it out.
As she did, Harmonia opened the zipper of her dress and seductively stripped it down to reveal a golden bikini with expensive Swarovski-Crystals woven into it, stopping the last boos that quickly changed to wolfwhistles as she gave it to an official and put her heels into the corner.
Their anthem faded to make way for her opponents and Finella was jumping from one leg to another in exitement, making her breasts jiggle.

Last edited by RedShinigami on Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:51 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Chelsea Forster was a number of different things, and few would call the majority of them positive. If there was one thing that truly stuck out, though, it was that she was especially passionate when it came to sports, particularly when the matter of national loyalties came into play. She was a die-hard England fan through and through, and the team's recent loss in football had been a sore subject for her.

Which meant that when she heard she was being booked in a match that would put country against country, she was right at home. More to the point, she knew she had to do her best. The last thing she needed was for her home team to lose to a bunch of dirty foreigners again!

...Of course, she would've appreciated it if her sister agreed more to the plan. As the two of them stood side by side backstage, Molly slapped Chelsea on the shoulder eagerly, hopping up and down in place as she tried to contain her excitement. "I've never been in a Capture the Flag match before! This is gonna be fun!"

Chelsea sighed, crossing her arms. "Fun? come 'ead, Molly, this isn't about 'avin' fun, like." Given Molly's enthusiasm for Japanese culture, much to Chelsea's chagrin, she wasn't surprised that her sister wouldn't be as keen on the international aspect of this match. But she'd still try to talk some sense into her. "This is about winnin'! We need this win, more than anythin' else, like! This is about standin' up fe Queen and country! About settin' things rite! About-"

Chelsea was swiftly cut off mid-sentence as Molly heard the announcer proclaim the opposing team - and immediately, she jumped up with a gasp, her hands clasping over her mouth. "Oh gosh, oh my gosh!~ Harmonia Edelstein! She's really here!"

"And juss 'oo the 'ell is this Harmonica lady?"

"Back when I was modeling, she was one of the people I researched! She was really famous! I heard she was coming to LAW, but I didn't think I'd ever get to meet her! This is exciting!"

Chelsea nearly buried her face in her palm. "She's our opponent, Moll..."

All the same, the announcement soon came for the Bunnies to make their entrance!

"And their opponents, from Liverpool, England! Chelsea and Molly Forster, the BRITISH BUNNIES!!"
Chelsea Forster
Molly Forster
As the British anthem played over the speakers, Chelsea and Molly descended the ramp. They held up their arms, each one of them clutching one corner of a large Union Jack flag, while they used their other arms to wave to the crowd. They were greeted by cheers from many, but also with a few boos, to which Chelsea returned rude gestures. Eventually, though, they came to the ring, where Chelsea began setting the flag up on their own pole. Molly, however, jumped through the ropes, waving eagerly to Harmonia.

"Hiiii, Harmonia! I'm a big fan of yours, it's so exciting to finally meet you! Oh, and your sister's ears are so cute!! Do you think we could-"

"MOLLY!" Chelsea barked from the corner. "'elp me wi' this, would ye?"

"Sorry, sorry-!" Molly nodded back to the Austrian sisters before returning to Chelsea's side, rigging the flag up to the top of the pole. Soon after, Chelsea stepped into the corner, cracking her knuckles, while Molly did some stretches behind the ropes.
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Harmonia smiled as she saw the two "bunnies" arrive with a big Union Jack in their hands.
"Well Fin, they seem fun.",the model said and Finella rolled her eyes.
"Fun is for losers Moni! We are here to kick some butt! Did you hear?! Like Italy kicked your candyasses in your own stadium!",she shouted teasingly and laughed.
"To think...beaten by a country that our losers barely kicked out of the tournament...",she said laughing but Harmonia ignored her as she saw the enthusiastic Molly waving at her.

"Guten Tag, my name is Harmonia, I think further introductions are'nt needed huh? Are you a fan of modeling? Or have you modeld yourself? You really seem up to it! Molly was it, right?",she smiled and reached out for a handshake.
"I must say that I did'nt quite like this nation against nation thing but Finella was so excited to do it and I can finally throw my hat in some tag action again!",she said smiling.
"It's her debut so don't be too harsh...and by the way, Friends can call me Moni.",she whispered winked at Molly.

"I heard that!",Finella said and walked up to them,her breasts coming to jiggling halt as she stopped, those women were twins through and through. If Finella had decided to be blonde and wear the same clothes as Harmonia then both would have been undestingiushable.

Finella already saw that she had hit a nerve with the other sister who seemed to be fuming about her comments.
She grabbed a mic.
"Hello guys! We are the fabulous Edelstein-Twins with the rising star Harmonia Edelsteiiin!"
Cheers and clapping filled the hall as Harmonia blushed a little.
Then she looked at her opponents.
"So lets see a wolf against a bunny...does anyone see the mistake here?",she taunted again, really excited and determined to get under her opponents skin.
"Whats wrong the wrong adress? I think they are filming the Teletubbies down the street!"
Laughter filled the hall as Finella crossed her arms before her chest, awaiting the answer.

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Minutes had hardly even passed since the Austrians had brought up England's ignoble defeat. At this point, it was so fresh in everyone's minds that it was a question of when rather than if, but all the same, Chelsea hadn't anticipated the topic being raised from the moment they had entered the arena. But by no accounts did that do anything to temper the blonde's ire. At once, she stomped her foot against the ring apron, leaning in with a hateful grimace as her fists balled at her sides and trembled in anticipation of striking.

"Oh, come on!" she groaned. "You're really goin' thuz, like? I could think o' plenty o' things I could brin' up fe yous, but-"

Chelsea didn't have time to finish before Molly hopped into the ring, eagerly introducing herself to Harmonia. A grin spread over her face as the girl offered her hand, something that Molly took with a firm shake in return. Although Chelsea and Finella already seemed eager to go at each others' throats, their sisters were hitting things off just fine - something that only frustrated Chelsea further. Despite the angry grumbles coming from her sister, Molly continued with the conversation.

"Well, I'm primarily a cosplayer now, but I used to do some modeling as well. And I definitely took note of what you did when I was working on my portfolio!" She giggled, noting Harmonia's comments about how she wanted to be addressed. If she was telling this to Molly, the Englishwoman got the idea of why she would do so. "Well, okay then, Moni! It's nice to meet you!"

The conversation going on between the other half of the match was like night and day. As Finella grabbed the microphone to introduce herself, Chelsea scowled, clenching her teeth and fists alike as she stormed toward the brunette. "I 'eard dat! Ye really think it's dat much o' a wash, do ye? Ye think it'll be dat easy-peasy? You're gon'ter need ter catch me fairst, like, and I dun kun 'ow ye manage ter move wi' dose big saggin' bristlers o' yos!" Looking Finella in the eye, she jabbed a finger into her ample chest. "You're gon'ter brin' up wolves and rabbits, ay ye? Well, I'm gon'ter brin' up England and Austria, and last time I checked, we're ahead o' yous in two world wars! Oh, I'm sorry 'bout dat, dat must not count whun de second time around, yes asked ter roll over and be conquered?"

A mixed reception of boos and cheers alike sounded through the stands, as Chelsea turned back in their direction. "Let's cut to de chase, like. I'm Chelsea Forster, and this is me sister Molly. We're de British Bunnies - and we're takin' yous down!"
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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It was true, looking at Harmonia and Molly you could expect a professional and friendly fight but at the other side it looked like its gonna be World War 3 as Finella got hold of the mic again.
"First of all,learn proper english, Groundskeeper Willie!"
The fans exploded with laughter.

Harmonia sighed.
"It seems we both have some hotheaded idiots in our corners,huh? Well Molly, I just can say that we don't intend to lose, I want to become stronger and rise to the top!",she said and gave her a wink.
Harmonia imagined that Molly could appreciate this.
"And after the dust has settled how about we go out and talk a little more, does'nt seem the best of place for a chat.",she laughed.

Chelsea and Finella seemed to think otherwise as their foreheads were almost pressing together
"You know why I have those nice boobs you flatchested tramp? Its because on the mainland we eat real food you plumpudding eating,warm beer sipping gnome!",Finella almost growled like a real wolf as sparks of hate flew between their eyes and Finella shoved Chelsea with her rack to underminde
her point.

The crowd seemed to be very eager for them to get it on as the whole arena seemed to burst in a mix of cheers,boos, and laughter.
"So, Bunnygirl! Prepare to be eaten!",Finella said and grinned.
Harmonia smiled at Molly again.
"Give me your best, anything below would be an insult!",Harmonia chuckled and slipped through the ropes.
Finella looked back to her.
"Look Moni, I can show you what I have learned!"
"Eyes on the opponent Fin!", Harmonia warned her and finally,feeling like a release from pressure,the bell rang and Finella literally jumped at Chelsea as they locked up.
Finella wanted to start things off with a statement so she tried to move around Chelsea and grab her from behind in a nelson hold!

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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As soon as Finella opened her mouth, Chelsea was already sure she wouldn't like what she'd have to say. It came as no surprise when she was whipped into a rage, her fists balling tightly and trembling at her sides. Chelsea's teeth clenched, and the veins practically bulged in her forehead as she did everything in her power to not explode right here and now.

"Ay am speakin' English!" she snapped. "I AM English, ye bloody git!" The two of them pressed in even closer, pressing head to head and chest to chest. They were growing so close that they could feel each others' breath against their faces - which, in Chelsea's case, was coming in furied snorts. Every time she tried to get one over Finella, the brunette seemed to shrug it off and come back at her with an even worse blow to her pride, and her patience was quickly wearing thin. As they leaned in closer still, Chelsea could feel Finella's larger breasts threatening to envelop her own, which only made her angrier. Her eyelid twitched anxiously. Already, she knew that she was going to make Finella suffer.

Molly, too, could feel the tension rising from her sister. She was beginning to grow worried for Finella, not to mention for her new friend, as Chelsea would surely let her anger spill over to anyone she could get her hands on. Hoping to defuse the situation, she waved her hand, calling out to her. "Hey, Chelsea! Why don't you let me go first? I can handle it!"

"Nah, ye stay outi this, Molly!" Chelsea shouted back. "This 'ere is me fight - and it's not gon'ter end 'til I crack some skulls!"

When it became clear that Chelsea wouldn't be moved, Molly shrugged her shoulders, turning back around to face Harmonia. A smile came to her face as she met the fellow blonde eye to eye. "Yeah...I think at this rate, we can only leave them to each other for now. We can definitely go talk somewhere after this - but for now, we still have a match to win!" She struck a confident pose, placing a hand on her hip and lifting a thumbs-up as she cocked her head to the side - but she still winked at Harmonia, making it clear that she didn't mean any ill will toward the model.

With the bell ringing, it was Molly's cue to hop over the ropes, coming to her corner. Chelsea was quick to start things off, throwing herself toward Finella with all her pent-up anger as she latched onto her with a firm grip. But Finella was quick on her feet, and no sooner than the two had made contact that she circled behind the Englishwoman, pulling back on her arms to lock her into a Nelson hold!

Her back and shoulders compressed as Finella dragged back on her, Chelsea gasped and groaned. She twisted her body from side to side, glaring back at Finella all the while as she tried to break free. "Nngh-! Quit it, ye pastry-eatin' oaf!" When that proved futile, however, Chelsea would take a more direct approach - she would throw her head back, looking to slam it into Finella's! All the while, her sister cheered, pumping a fist in the air. "C'mon, Chelsea!! You've got her!"
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Chelsea was'nt so far of in analyzing Finella.
Harmonia sighed and thought of their childhood in Austria where her younger twin was always good in getting under peoples skin she could'nt like, like other children, the village priest, teachers, the nuns in the convent she was sent to because her parents couly'nt handle her anymore...
Finella and Chelsea may had more on common as it seemed and would'nt they have met at this petty "Nation vs Nation" Match they maybe could have become friends or at least friendly rivals but now all things considered it seemed that Chelsea wanted to rip Finellas head off.
But Harmonia was'nt to worried as she knew that Finella could fight and also take a lot.
She fought the older kids who tried to bully her, be it boys or girls, she fought on the streets when she was away at night with only thirteen, worrying Harmonia and their parents to death...she was a survivor but she also had a big mouth that she loved to run 24/7 and maybe, just maybe, of course Harmonia would'nt let it happen...she deserved a little beating.
But alas she loved her sister and was proud of her so she cheered her too!
"Good Fin! Don't let her go!"

Finella was on fire, she just loved to tease her opponents until they were raging like wild bulls.
And Chelsea seemed perfect for that.
The showbiz side of the wrestlingbusiness seemed to be in Finellas blood as she was quite the talker but she hoped that her fighting skills were good enough too.

She was'nt in wrestling training long before the opportunity for this match had came as she was more of a brawler and streetfighter , used to use her fists or a broken bottle here and there.
But this was wrestling and what she had in strength and speed she lacked in technique and moves , a fact that could easily fall back on her.

"Don't worry Moni, I-grmppffff!"
Her answer was cut short by the furious englishgirls head that gave her face a nice reminder that showtime and had changed to bruised body time!
"Ouch! Verdammt nochmal!",she cursed and had to let go of the Nelson but still had her arms wrapped around Chelseas midsection and in an sudden rush of adrenalin she just locked it tight and pushed herself and Chelsea forward into the ropes.
If everything went according to plan they would bounce off of it and than Finella would use the momentum to german suplex her opponent in the middle of the ring for a impressive start!
She had the strength to do so as her sister had, but Chelesea was fresh in the game and this action she took could totally get in the wrong direction but Finella lived by two words since she was a teen.
"Drauf geschissen" or "Fuck it" in english, and this two words went through her head the entire time.

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Chelsea and Finella had more in common than they were willing to admit. Aside from their fiery tempers, Chelsea too had a reputation for getting in fights long before she had taken up wrestling, and she knew well enough how to handle herself in a scrap even from a young age, as the numerous times her family was contacted over the altercations she got into in school proved. To her, this was just another opportunity as any, and it was one she was willing to take. Finella had done an excellent job, thus far, of wearing on her nerves, and now it was Chelsea's turn to show her how she felt about it.

The dark-haired girl had gotten off to a good start in catching Chelsea in a Nelson hold, bending her backward and trapping her arms. As her back bent into an arc little by little, the Englishwoman growled and stomped her feet as she twisted back and forth, struggling to try and break free. However, when that didn't work, she had other talents to fall back on. Throwing her head back to collide with Finella's skull was a move that some might call brutal, but as far as Chelsea was concerned, it was what anyone would do in such a situation!

The impact caused Finella to crack backward, as Chelsea looked back out of the corner of her eye to watch as she reeled from the hit. It was a moment later, however, that the blonde realized that Finella wasn't done with her. While she had let go of her arms, she only brought her grip lower to lock her arms around her opponent's waist instead - and Chelsea only had a few short moments to realize where she was going before Finella took off toward the ropes, carrying her in tow!

"Nngh..!" Chelsea groaned, her teeth clenched as her eyes squeezed tightly closed and she twisted her body from side to side. "I said, shove off-!" But Finella wasn't done with her - not until she launched the two of them into the ropes, ramming into them with enough force to send them bouncing back. And from there, she whipped Chelsea overhead, slamming her head and shoulders into the center of the ring! The impact was so great it sent a shudder through her body, and her legs kicked up in the air off the force of the landing.

From where she stood on the sidelines, Molly gasped, her hand raising to her mouth. She might have had faith in her sister, but Finella could hit hard! "Come on, Chelsea!! Don't let her keep you down!"
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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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Finella seemed to have taken the advantage with ease, having the crowd who were divided between to countries cheering and booing at the same time, but it was'nt like that at all as her face hurt like a bitch, especially after the sudden impact.

Harmonia looked away for a second, sure that a fountain of blood would gush out of her sisters nose any second...which thankfully was'nt the case but she was sure that the moves between those too will get brutal as Harmonia and Mollys turn would see more technical things...Harmonia asked herself what would happen if she had to face Chelsea, sure she was up for it, but Finella pissed the blonde off that much that she was'nt sure if she would make any difference between the twins or just looking to crack some austrian skulls.

Finella wrapped her arms tight around the blonde as if to hug her from
behind but there were nothing sweet or caring behind this as she moved them both forward and managed to send a strong signal at the beginning of the match.
Panting through her hurting nose Finella knew that she had to move on as she had the advantage now.
She did let go of Chelsea, rolled back and decided for a submission hold as another slam could give the english girl an opportunity to strike or kick her so she decided to keep things on the floor, wearing Chelesa down enough to slam her around the ring!

Finella decided to do something fairly unusal as she sat behind the blonde,wrapped her arms around her in a sleeper position and her legs around her midsection.
The fans and Harmonia knew exactly what was to be expected, the dreaded Austrian Eagle Finisher:
Eine kleine Nachtmusik, named after Mozarts fampus piece.
but the blonde did'nt think that it was a particulary good idea as only Sia was the true master of this move, even Harmonia, the top girl of the roster had just perfected it.
Now her sister who had just learned about the move applied it and a the begin of the match!
True, if sucessfully applied by a professional it was something of a sure way to wear your opponent down, send him to sleep or let him tap out as the sheer pain, because pressure points of the body were used, could drive the opponent insane with agony but Finella did'nt knew the proper pressure points yet so it was more or less a simple sleeper and scissors combo but what made Harmonia uncomfortable was the fact that Finella could seriously hurt herself and Chelsea by pushing the wrong pressure points.
"Fin, careful! You know the right points!"

Finella gritted her teeth as she pulled away on Chelseas neck and crushed her midsection, the Nachtmusik was a real nasty move as your airways were blocked not only by the sleeper and scissors but by the pressure points and the other pressure points that were pushed sent waves of unspeakable pain through the victims body.
But the downside to the move, even if properly applied was that a fresh wrestler with experience could break it while working through the pain, thats why it was a finisher. But Fin was new to the wrestling game and Harmonia knew that Chelsea was much more experienced and when she would get the chance than she would let Finella pay...
"Whats wrong, I don't hear your fucking mouth talking shit anymore!"

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Re: Capture the Flag! England vs Austria

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The sight of her sister crashing into the mat head- and shoulders-first had been enough to shake her as it was. But Molly gasped as she watched what happened next - as Finella grabbed at Chelsea's throat with her arms and her midsection with her legs, encircling her body with all four limbs at once! This was Finella's debut in LAW, and she had yet to prove herself, but even still, Molly couldn't help but be taken by surprise. This definitely looked like a brutal move, and if Finella was going to use it right from the outset of the match, she could hardly imagine what was in store for the two of them!

Chelsea gasped and sputtered in the brunette's grasp - her voice was drowned out in the sleeperhold, yet the pressure around her waist was also compressing her diaphragm, straining her attempts to breathe. For a few seconds she twisted and turned, her body writhing against Finella's own, but when it became apparent she was wasting her energy, she shrank back instead. From where Molly could see it, though, it looked as though her sister was in danger - and she was sure she would have to do something!

"CHELSEA!!" she cried, leaning over the top rope as she waved her hand through the air. The elder Forster was just out of reach, and Molly was left pawing at nothing as she tried to tag herself in - but she kept it up nonetheless! "Chelsea, just tag me in, I've got this-!"

Chelsea, on the other hand, looked up at Molly with just enough lucidity for her teeth to clench in a glare. "Wha' do ye take me fe, Molly? Ye think I can't get outi this?" She shook her head - and she was about to back up her defiance with effort, as she grabbed for Finella's arm with both hands as it encircled her neck! Her face went red and her veins bulged as she strained herself harder, but nonetheless she would push hard at her opponent's grasping arm, trying to break it off her by force!
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