The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

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The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

Unread post by Kreydos »

Match Type: Multi-fall
Victory Condition: Secure falls via pinfall, submission, or KO. First to two falls wins.

Awaiting the start of her next match, Emaline leaned into her locker. She outfitted herself in her typical ring outfit of an emerald green bikini paired with two chrome wristbands, her long silky pink hair well groomed and shaded in a vibrant hue of pink.
Appearance Reference

With her phone in her hands, she amused herself with clips of her opponent's rather entertaining performance in the ring. She especially took note of this "Gil's" nigh boundless optimism and persistence. "How delightful." Her lips curled into a cruel smile as she mused to herself. "A plucky stepping stone, ripe for squashing."
Eventually, a member of LAW's staff arrived to inform her that it was finally time. She replied with an offhand wave and put her phone away, then she limbered up for a couple seconds before heading off.

Entrance Theme
Her theme heralded her arrival as she sauntered into the arena, her elegant stride filled to the brim with conceit and her dignified expression thinly veiled the arrogance within. Heedless of the audience or their reaction, she neglected to even wave at them. Instead, she opted to grin intermittently as she made her way down the ramp.
She climbed atop the ring apron, turned around to face the titantron, and grabbed the ropes with both hands. From there, she leapt up and using the ropes, the Viper nimbly backflipped into the ring. Upon sticking an graceful landing, she strolled over to her corner and perched herself atop the turnbuckles. She then laid across the top ropes and lazily rested her head on her hand, adopting a tranquilo pose.
Pose Reference
Last edited by Kreydos on Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

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Gil had heard plenty about Emaline since joining L.A.W a short while ago, most of them were... Less than favorable, to say the least...! But Gil wasn't going to let other do the judging for her, she'd have to meet her herself before passing any judgement on her character. Even still, the words of her peers weren't easy to shake, the supposedly cruel, and relentless woman she'd be facing, couldn't be that bad, right?

Only time would tell, Gil had a really endurance match ahead of her, multiple falls meant practically multiple matches, at least in her eyes, it did. The last time she did something remotely like this, she ended up with less than desirable results, and that match was her specialty as well...! Gil shook her head, these thoughts couldn't stop her from trying, she had the heart, and that's all she needed.

Gil awaited her introduction, and once the time came, a boom of confetti popped out, along with the blaring sound of Gil's entrance theme, as she danced her way out onto the ramp with a smile as wide as she could give! Gil did her typical entrance, giving high-fives, hugs, and selfies to some fans as she took her time getting to the ring.
Entance Theme
After a good minute or two, Gil would meet the ring-side, slipping herself under the bottom-most rope before shooting up to her feet, setting her eyes on Emaline, who seemed to be making herself comfortable up atop the turnbuckle and ropes. "Hey, hope we can have a good match...!" Gil chirped, hopping backward into her own corner, never taking her eyes off her prideful pink-haired woman. Gil had one goal in mind, to kick some serious butt, and there was a ripe butt for the kicking right in front of her!

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Re: The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

Unread post by Kreydos »

With a faint smirk and haughty eyes, Emaline watched Gil walk down the ramp. The girl was just so outgoing and happy-go-lucky. Eventually, she completed her entrance and entered the ring before passing some words to Emaline.
"Hmph." The Viper's smirk grew wider as she hopped off her makeshift bed and ran a hand through the back of her scalp to comb her hair. Then, she strolled towards the centre of the ring. "The feeling is mutual." She replied in such an overly polite tone that it came off as condescending. "Unfortunately, I fear that our definitions of a 'good match', may differ." She paused to chuckle. "Unless of course, you happen to be a masochist who enjoys being thoroughly squashed."

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Re: The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

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Gil's never-fading smile was still shown wide across her face, despite the condescending attitude of Emaline. She glanced up and down her opponent's body, scaling her up. She stood just slightly taller than she did, but other than that, size-wise, they were mostly similar, so there weren't many advantages to be gained there. Both of them were middleweights, but their body-types were a bit different. Gil could work with it!

"Squashed, hmm? I think I'll be doing a little bit of squashing of my own...!" Gil giggled, not letting Emaline's words faze her in anyway. "...Though, we may also have different ideas of what squash means too...!" Gil stepped forward slightly. Pushing her stomach forward, creating an arch in her back as she stretched.

The best way to sum up Gil's journey in L.A.W so far would be, baffling, she never really fell into the jobber status, despite her many losses, she usually put a pretty good fight against anyone she faced, but she really struggled to finish. She was aware she couldn't end a match nearly as well as she started it, and she knew why too, but her solution for fixing the issue wasn't exactly the way most people would.

Gil struggled to let herself rest a bit during a match, her mind, and body alike, would move at a million miles an hour. So if her opponent could outlast her energy, or shut it down completely, they were almost guaranteed victory! Most people would solve this by conserving their energy better, but Gil looked to push herself further, until she could keep going, longer and longer every single time she stepped in the ring...!


The bell rang out, signaling the start of the match!
Last edited by Arista on Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

Unread post by Kreydos »

"I concur..." With a giggle, Emaline snidely agreed. Unlike her opponent, she didn't spend any time limbering up or anything of that sort. Instead, she simply crossed her arms and awaited for the match to officially start, though she did rhythmically tap the canvas with her right foot. When the bell rung however, she retained her nonchalant posture as she strode over closer to Gil.
"I will admit that I find your spunk to be quite commendable." The Viper passed a patronising compliment before she presented two open palms and proposed a challenge. "Shall we test if you possess the strength to match that spunk? Come, face me in a test of strength."

However, her challenge was a ploy. Should the brunette fall for it and lock hands with Emaline, she would hop up and wrap her legs around her opponent's waist, squeezing tightly for a devastating bodyscissor. At the same, she maintained a tight grasp on Gil's hands to prevent any attempts at breaking free.
Last edited by Kreydos on Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

Unread post by Arista »

The two, to everyone watching, appeared to be completely opposites in terms of energy, and attitude! Gil had fought a few who shared a similar outlook to that of Emaline, this high and mighty, I'm better than you kind of attitude wasn't unseen in L.A.W, but one thing was for sure, they all brought something different to the table, a different kind of pride all together. Gil couldn't explain it, but even though they all shared one thing in common, she was sure they would be the worst of enemies if any of them ever met.

"Hey, you know... You remind me of Miss Rose Gold...!" Gil blurted out, pointing her finger in Emaline's direction. "Just a little less... Umm..." Gil tapped her chin with her index finger, tilting her head to the side. "...Scary? Sensual?" Gil struggled to find what she was looking for, exactly. "Maybe less nice?" Gil spoke to herself, under her breath.

Many might see being compared to Rose Gold as an insult, but to Gil, it was the opposite! Despite their encounter being less than favorable for Gil, and all around being a sour situation, she had a lot of respect for Rose Gold, a large part of her thought she was still training under her, even though that was clearly never Rose's real intentions.

With the bell ringing out, Gil's focus all turned back to the opponent at hand, Emaline! She offered a test of strength to Gil, but unlucky for her, Gil rarely ever accepted a test of strength, and she wasn't about to start now! "I have other plans, but I'll be fair and give you a warning, so, watch out...!" With that, Gil would back against the ropes, before zipping herself forward, like a rock out of a slingshot, turning and sending a flying hip attack right for Emaline's face! A typical match starter for her, looking to put cheeks to cheeks from the get go, even if they were two different kinds of cheeks all together...!

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Re: The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

Unread post by Kreydos »

"Well, I am championship material." Emaline accepted her opponent's compliment with a haughty voice, flicking her hair with one hand as she did so. "Though, I am also vastly superior to Rose Gold in every conceivable manner but I digress."

Her arms drooped down in mild disappointment when Gil declined the test of strength but the pinkette remained composed nonetheless, especially when she witnessed the brunette back up into the ropes before launching herself forward. Being who she was however, guessing the move she would attempt proved to be a rather easy task. "Hmph." Emaline scoffed as she ducked under Gil's flying hip by literally bending over backwards.
After dodging the attack, the Viper would retaliate by spinning around while throwing a kick at the same time, performing a full 180 degree roundhouse kick aimed at her opponent's head. Should the her foot connect with its intended target, she would use the momentum from the kick to spin around and face away from Gil. From there, she would backflip backwards and if it went as she planned, it would end with her arms crossed, her lips grinning disdainfully, and both of her knees crashing onto Gil's midsection.
"The warning was unnecessary." Emaline would taunt if she pulled off her fancy manoeuvre. "That said, it would be discourteous of me to not thank you for the gesture."

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Re: The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

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Maybe a warning so far in advance wasn't the wisest choice, she could have waited longer, or not have done it at all, but then, what kind of wrestler would she be? She wasn't about to throw her values to the side just to crash her butt into someone's face...! That was all besides the point, though.

Gil flew directly overhead, Emaline showing off a fair bit of balance and flexibility by dodging in such a manner. "Nice dodge...!" Gil praised, landing softly down on the mat, keeping herself upright with a graceful landing! "But there is-" Gil's words would be cut, as she caught a foot to the side of the face, sending her down in a small whirlwind-like spin before landing on her back.

She could play hard too, if that's what Emaline wanted, she'd be sure to deliver, but playing hard, much like squashing, meant very different things to the both of them, all in all, the two could be considered complete, polar, opposites.

A kick to the head hurt, there was no questioning that, but on kick, no matter how hard, wasn't enough to keep her down or long! She had to get back on the move, she wasn't worth much on her back. Her plans for reversal were also foiled, however, by the grace and poise of a backflip mixed in with a hard landing on the knees, which was flawlessly pulled off by Emaline, and all in a fashion which seemed more of a way to show off rather than being practical. "Ack...!" That showing off wasn't a mistake though, it made her look good, and landed a devastating crushing blow to Gil's gut, forcing her to cough up any and all air she had sucked into her, leaving her wheezing for air.
Last edited by Arista on Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

Unread post by Kreydos »

Seeing Gil gasping for breath, Emaline couldn't help sniggering. "Oh my, are you struggling to breathe?" She sardonically asked. "Here, allow me to assist you." Without missing a beat, she took a hold of her opponent's wrist and held it close to her chest. And at the same time, she snapped her thighs tightly around the brunette's bicep, completing her cross armbar. "In fact, we can both acquire what we desire." The pinkette mockingly commented as she slowly but surely pulled Gil's wrist back and squeezed her bicep harder, thus increasing the strain and pressure on the hold. "I will help facilitate your breathing via excruciating pain, and you can grace my ears with your scream."
Moreover, after maintaining the hold for a couple seconds, Emaline would briefly ease the pressure, granting Gil a fleeting moment of relief. Invariably, the Viper applied the hold at full pressure a split-second later. "Kindly please keep an eye on your free arm." She snidely advised. "It is in neither our interests, nor the audiences, to see you to tap out so early in our bout."

Of course, throughout the course of the armbar, she repeated her cruel process of lightening the pain only to re-apply it once again.
Last edited by Kreydos on Thu Jul 29, 2021 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

Smother Princess
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Re: The Armadillo and the Snake: Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Emaline "the Emerald Viper", Multi-fall match

Unread post by Arista »

Getting hit hard in one of the softest parts of her body was sure to shake her to her very core, her stomach was toned, but it wasn't exactly rock-solid, and granting her the ability to brush off the full body-weight of someone of Emaline's size, much less anyone larger.

Any relief granted by Emeline was sure to be short lived, but feeling the air re-enter her lungs was refreshing either way, even if whatever came after was going to make her wish she just stayed breathless. "Ah!" Gil felt tension rise in her shoulder and elbow, her teeth grit together, still sucking in deep breathes, trying to slow them down.

"Stop it, this isn't- OW, OW, OW!" Gil cried and kicked her legs. Emaline was playing the submission game, in a way, that was the same game Gil often played, though not inflicting pain like this, and especially not with such a pompous attitude spilling over onto her opponent. With every second that passed, Gil's shoulder ached more and more, a sharp pain shot through her entire arm, at this rate, she was sure to suffer some kind of an injury if she didn't break away with some kind of plan soon.

"Get off..." Gil's voice shook, trying to sound stern but she was obviously in a fair bit of pain. One option came into mind, she could bite Emaline, but she would resort to such tactics, they were hardly justified at this point. Her next plan was to roll over and hope for the best, but give the grip the snake of a woman had on her arm made the idea scary, one wrong movement might end badly for her, so as it stood right now, Gil was in a sticky sittuation!

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