A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Arista »

Match Type: Hentai Match

Since her debut in L.A.W, which wasn't all too long ago, Gil had avoided matches like this... That's not to say she shied away from the lewder sides of wrestling, as a matter of fact, she indulged in it, basked in it!

But something this explicit was something she steered clear of. Her confidence was high, she knew what she was good at and used that to her advantage, but something so outright like a Hentai Match, she couldn't even think about it without burning up inside and out!

She could rack her brain all day, thinking how she would even win a match like this, but she'd figure it out when the time came...! At least, that's what she told herself. Her biggest reason for accepting such a match was to help her deal better with other humiliation tactics used against her. Her logic being, if she could face the outright lewdness that came from this, she could face anything...! Whether or not that line of reasoning would hold up was yet to be seen.

"Tonight's match is a special one, a debut, as well as a battle, a bout between to confident young wrestlers! Armagilo, The self proclaimed future Smother Champion, and Ayana Suzuki, who spoke earlier about her goal to obtain the Hentai Championship!" The crowd roared, already, it was shaping up to be one fantastic match!

"First, on her way to the ring, the American, standing at 5'7 and weighing in at 131 lbs...! AR-MA-GILOOO!" The commentator bellowed out.
With a familiar sound of bursting cannons and confetti falling slowly, met with music to match, Gil pranced on out down the ramp, she was nervous, but she would never let that show on her face, putting on a big smile as she hugged and high-fived all she passed!

Once meeting the edge of the ring, she would slide under, shooting back up to her feet, waving and blowing kisses to the crowd! She took deep breaths, it would be alright, after all, after what Miss Rose Gold did to her, she could take this!
Last edited by Arista on Sat Jun 19, 2021 4:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Ayana Suzuki took a deep breath. She took special care not to show it, but she was nervous. This wasn't her first time wrestling in front of an audience, but it was the biggest audience she'd been in front of. Everyone already knew her. She was the daughter of Akemi Suzuki, widely proclaimed as one of the greatest hentai wrestlers of all time. Ayana was determined to live up to her mother's legacy, no matter how many pathetic wrestlers she had to crush.
Entrance Music
Ayana entered the ring with a cold look on her face. There was a certain elegance in the way she slowly and gracefully made her way to the ring. The crowd cheered loudly, welcoming the daughter of Akemi Suzuki to LAW. Ayana ate it all up. She knew she deserved every bit of praise she got, and anyone who dare say otherwise would be quick to reconsider after having a taste of her.

She slips under the ropes, and sizes Gil up. The girl was skinny, and a little on the short side. She was nothing but easy pray in the eyes of Ayana.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:33 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Arista »

As soon as the music began and Gil saw Ayana make her appearance, she began to regret ever accepting this match... Every step closer she took to the ring, Gil felt like her heart sunk deeper, and deeper into her stomach.

There was no getting cold feet now though, she had to not only face her insecurities tonight, but win! She was going to make it known that she was capable of such a match, and that she could hold her own in one as well!

As the woman slipped into the ring, and eyed Gil, looking her up and down, like she was scanning her body for weak-points, Gil inhaled, sucking in a deep breath, holding for a second, then letting it go out through her mouth. Ayana didn't say a word, but her eyes pierced right through her, and they said way more than her words ever could.

"N-nice to meet you, I'm Gil! I hope we can have fun...!" Gil extended her arm out, offering her hand to Ayana. There was a stillness in the air, and ice that needed to be broken, she hoped the woman wasn't as cold as she let on...

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Ayana ignores Gil's offer to shake hands. With someone as pathetic as the scrawny girl in front of her, there was no need for pleasantries. "Ayana Suzuki. Please do your best to last, or the audience might ask for refunds." She sighs, giving Gil a cold, icy glare. She was insulted the management would put her against someone so below her. What were they thinking to put someone who'd never participated in a hentai match against a Suzuki!?

Ayana turns her back towards Gil, and goes to her corner.

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Ayana's glare was a like a knife in the chest, Gil couldn't handle someone like this, every single part of her mind was telling her to just forfeit... But why? Why was she so scared of this woman? She had face plenty bigger, plenty stronger, at least from what she could assume based off of Ayana's frame, and she had face much meaner as well! There was no reason for her to be so frightened, she could win this, she just had to keep telling herself that.

"Refunds...?" Gil frowned watching the woman turn her back to her. She wanted to please the crowd, but the two might have had different ideas on how to do that, it only really occurred to her now, smothers might not be the best thing for her in this kind of match given... Well, a few things...

She really could only hope Ayana wasn't the kind to use that reversal on her, but seeing she was chasing after the Hentai Championship surely would, so there was no denying she may.

Another deep inhale, and exhale. Gil needed some guidance for this, Rose Gold could have told her about a few things during their match, maybe then she wouldn't shaking like a cold kitten on the inside.


The bell rang just as Gil had stepped back into her corner. She had to get her head in the game now, there was no turning back! She thought over a few things, she really just had to feel out how Ayana fought, maybe she was good at the more deviant moves, but maybe her offense was lacking! "You know, by the time this match is done, your face will be so far up my butt, they'll have to get a crowbar to pry it out...!" Gil taunted, trying to make herself feel better.

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Ayana was sickened by her opponent. The little girl could easily be mistaken for a child. From what she'd heard about Gil's win records, it was clear the company only kept her around to appeal to degenerate perverts who were turned on by people who looked like children. Ayana would send a message to LAW management by humiliating this pathetic child.

The woman merely scoffs at Gil's juvenile taunts as the bell rings. She charges forward, and grabs Gil by the hair. She pulls her opponent's head between her legs, and drops to her ass, trying to catch the girl in a pile driver. If all this is a success, Ayana tries to tear off Gil's panties, and start licking at her pussy.

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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It wouldn't be the first time someone had thought that, but Gil was a more than capable fighter, she could get rough and tumble with the best of them, not to mention, this was a debut for Ayana, so she wasn't going to allow herself to be put in a position where she was being patronized, not that she was going to throw that back in Ayana's face, she had been talked down to by plenty of people since she joined L.A.W, and the only thing she could do to prove herself was kick some butt...!


With the ring of the bell, Gil immediately become aquatinted with Ayana's rash attitude and hasty fighting style, as she practically lunged toward her and got a fist full of her short, brown, hair. It wasn't an ideal start, but she could turn things around in a split second! Ayana's was a little to rushed for her own good, she wanted to start things off with a bang it seemed, but Gil was a little bit trickier than that, she'd slip herself out of her grip, through her opponents legs as she tired to place her between them, ending up behind her!

"You tried, but it's not that easy...!" Gil popped her head up over the woman's shoulder, getting a tight grip on her bikini bottoms, before giving them a big tug upward, wedgieing the newest face (heel) in the world of L.A.W...! Her grip was relatively loose, but there wasn't a chance that was comfortable...!

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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Ayana tried to pull Gil into a pile driver, only for the little rodent to slip through her legs, and give her a wedgie! "Gyah-!" She gasps out. Her fists twitch, her face growing red. The audacity of this little runt... making a mockery of her debut! She was royalty in the world of hentai wrestling, and she deserved to be treated as such! Ayana wouldn't let Gil get away with this.

With a sneer, the ojou turns around, hitting Gil with a back-hand slap! If this stuns the little runt, she tackles her to the ground to force a kiss onto her.

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

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"Daww, you have such a cute butt...!" Gil snickered, teasing the woman as she tried to bounce her up and down, but it was more better put as digging her bottoms up her butt, picking them out, then riding them up again...!

Gil could be considered a smother-specialist, but maybe it was more accurate to say she was a humiliation-specialist...! Smothers weren't her only mode of embarrassing her opponents, wedges, verbal taunts, even some compromising positions could be thrown into the works...! Or maybe, she could be called a butt-specialist, since it was what she smothered with almost exclusively...

Her fun would soon be up though, as Ayana, rather than breaking away, she simply turns, and backhands Gil, hard across the face, sending her stumbling down onto the mat! "Eek!" A shrill yelp escapes Gil, her face throbbing from the limp-handed slap!

"So mea-" She opened her mouth to speak, sitting up a bit, but she would be cut right off, as Ayana tackled her right back down and locking her lips against Gil's! "MMM!" Gil wiggled her hips from side to side, placing her hands under Ayana's belly to attempt to lift her off!
Last edited by Arista on Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Dominant Debut! - Ayana Suzuki (D) Vs Gil "Arma-Gil-O"

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

Ayana had Gil pinned under her, forcing a kiss on the little runt. She wanted to make an example out of Gil, show every wrestler in this promotion what happened when she didn't get the respect she so rightfully deserved! She was the daughter of Akemi Suzuki, and soon she would be the greatest hentai wrestler in the world! There were few above her, and she would surpass every one of them, for she was a Suzuki. She was the only one fit to wear the Hentai belt.

The ojou begins to tear at Gil's cloths, hoping to strip her of her hideous rags and put her naked, flat chested body on display for the world to see.

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