A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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"Nnnnnngh! Hrrrrrrghk... Why... did... I think... this was smart... Ggghk!" Came a strained groan from the corner of the gymnasium, likely unheard by most of the patrons, though for a lack of volume. Plenty of folks came and went in the gym it seemed, LAW wrestlers all looking to keep themselves in shape, but today seemed to be far more quiet than usual, and it meant that the lone figure in the corner of the gym had quite a bit of space to herself, though it was perhaps not all good!
Claire McAllister, a lightweight underdog with a affable attitude and a passion for wrestling, currently found herself falling victim to that very passion, as she had perhaps pulled a bit of a boneheaded move in the gym! While quite strong for her size, the short cowgirl was currently sweating nervously as her legs shook, courtesy of the bar that rested across her shoulders, the weight of which threatened to floor the poor southern blonde!

"Aw... man... Just gotta lift... liiiiiiiift... nope, that's not workin..." The cowgirl groaned, attempting to straighten back up and rack the bar, but she found herself unable to get the weights back up to the height that they needed to be! She had squatted quite a bit before, working on a farm had definitely given her a surprising amount of strength despite her status as a bit of a jobber, but squatting nearly double the weight that she normally did with nobody there to help was most definitely not her smartest move!

"Nnnngh! Come... on... This ain't good..." Claire groaned, struggling to get out of this sticky situation that she had gotten herself into, in quite the need of a helping hand!
Last edited by ADarlingDucky on Wed Jul 28, 2021 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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That's what you get for messing with shorties!
#tamedcheetah #thicc #knockedthefout #booty

Ember Sykes grinned as she read her Instagram post she had posted a few days ago. On top of the captions was the selfie she had taken while sitting atop Alexandria Wild's unconscious face, the poor woman's unmoving body splayed out underneath her while she herself smiled! The had snapped the pic after destroying Alexandria in a much deserved one-sided match, then posted it to her Insta feed once she left the ring. The pic quickly went viral, becoming Ember's most popular photo ever, earning her a huge number of followers just hours after it had been posted! Who knew that teaching a bully some manners with her big butt would resonate with so many people? Certainly not Ember, but she welcomed the extra exposure regardless!

Upon seeing that the number of likes had gone up in her pic again, Ember smiled happily. She then put her phone away and set off into the gym from the locker room. Dressed in yoga pants that clung to her thick legs and big butt as usual, Ember also wore a sports bra to match. Her intentions were to get a good workout in. Lifting weights, running the treadmill, maybe asking if anyone wanted to spar; all things that would keep the short gal in tip top shape in case she needed to humble another bigmouth!
Alternate Attire
But as she as going to head to a machine to get her flex on, her blue eyes landed on a small blonde girl in a corner of the gym trying, and failing, to lift a barbell with a substantial amount of weight! It was clearly too much for her to handle. Ember gasped aloud, looking around to see if anyone was supposed to be spotting her, but finding no one in the vicinity was even looking at the blonde, let alone helping her!

Instinct kicked in, and Ember rushed to the woman quick as she could. Coming up behind her, Ember would would take the bar in her hands and lift it off the blonde's shoulders. It was heavy to be sure, but Ember had lifted heavier in the past. The muscles in her arms stood as she took on all the weight, and with a grunt of effort Ember would would step back from the other gymgoer to put some space between them. Then she would drop the bar to the ground with a loud crash!

"Are you okay?" Ember asked the woman with concern in her voice. "Geez, you gotta be careful! If you're gonna try that much weight you should always have a spotter!"

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Re: A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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Puffing her cheeks out as she tried to keep the weight on her shoulders, Claire's legs were beginning to shake more and more as time went on, and the cowgirl stubbornly tried to get the weight back up onto the rack once more, still unable to do so! But just as it seemed like things were about to go too far south for Claire to salvage, she suddenly felt the weight become lighter, much lighter, until she was no longer bearing at all, the bar being lifted up and off of her shoulders completely!

With the threat of being squashed no longer on her shoulders (literally), Claire would suddenly collapse, falling backwards onto her butt with a grunt, as the weight was taken off of her by the mysterious stranger! And the massive crash behind her would alert Claire to the fact that her savior had managed to get it down without hurting themselves, Claire letting out a low groan as she leaned back, closing her eyes and catching her breath for a moment!

After a brief moment to recover from her weightlifting mishap, Claire was greeted with the voice of the person who saved her, causing her to sit up and turn around, taking a look at the short cutie who had saved her! A gorgeous, very curvy girl with purple hair and a pretty face, and hips that nearly caused Claire to gawk openly, and a booty that the cowgirl could see from the front! Briefly tongue tied, Claire would shake her head before she would respond to her!

"Ah, sorry! I was just liftin and I thought I could do it, and... bad idea..." Claire said, before her eyes would move back up to the girl's face, and a contemplative look came over her!

"Wait a gal darn second... I know you... OH! Yer Ember Sykes! I follow your Instagram! I just saw yer match with that mean blonde too!" Claire popped off of the ground, eyes nearly sparkling as she realized that she was standing in front of an up and coming star in LAW, excited to meet someone climbing the ranks just as she was!

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Re: A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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With an effort that made her strong shoulders and biceps stand out, Ember lifted the heavily weighted barbell from the blonde that had been carrying it. Once that was done, she dropped it to the floor safely, although it did make a loud metallic crashing noise when she did! Sighing in relief that no one got hurt, Ember proceeded gave the stranger a short lecture about proper gym safety. Having a spotter for such a large amount of weight was essential for any weightlifter. She knew this as a weight lifter, and as someone who watched a lot of Gym Fail videos! Not to mention, this person looked way too skinny to be attempting to squat that much iron!

Ember was going to make sure the blonde was okay before heading off to do her own workout, when unexpectedly the woman recognized her! The thicc woman blinked in surprise, not expecting the girl to know her name, let alone be a fan of hers! She was a smaller woman, though not as short as Ember herself, with a thin but well defined build common of a pro wrestler. She wore a skimpy outfit that was either a very unique piece of cowgirl themed gym wear, or her in-ring attire!

When the woman gushed over Ember's recent accomplishments (using an adorable southern drawl), Ember was didn't know what to say, unprepared for this encounter when she stepped in to help! "U-Uh, wow! Thank you!" Ember finally managed to get out with a laugh. "I didn't think anyone in LAW even knew me yet. Thanks so much for following me!" Ember gave the blonde her brightest grin, honestly touched that someone on the roster followed her!

When the cowgirl mention her last match, Ember went a little red n the cheeks and looked slightly embarrassed. "Y-Yeah. Guess I got a little carried away in that match," she admitted sheepishly. "I can be a bit sensitive when it comes to my height. I mean, she totally had it coming but, you know...." Trailing off a bit before shaking her head, Ember would extend her hand towards the stranger with a grin.

"I'm Ember. Oh, you already knew that! Duh!"

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Re: A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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The short middleweight would manage to save Claire before disaster could strike, and the cowgirl would catch her breath as the weight clattered to the floor behind her, Claire catching her breath now that she no longer had to bear such heavy weight! The decision to attempt such a lift, even if she might have been able to do it if she was a bit less tired, was no doubt quite the boneheaded one, and Ember let her know as much before Claire would turn around and recognize her, sparking a much different conversation between the two!

As Claire stood up and exclaimed that she was a follower of Ember's, the cowgirl's eyes lit up as she said so, Ember going from a slightly scolding tone to being quite flattered that she found a follower! And as Claire brought up her contest with Alexandria, the shorter woman would look a bit embarrassed, but Claire herself soon made it clear she felt there was nothing to be embarrassed about!

"Nah nah nah! You ain't get carried away, you gave her exactly what she was askin for with that kinda attitude! I loved watching it! And ya don't need to be sensitive about your height, you're plenty pretty and strong! Ya saved me just now after all!" Claire said with a warm smile, reaching out and grabbing Claire's hand, shaking it enthusiastically as Ember introduced herself!

"Mah name's Claire! Claire McAllister! A pleasure to meet ya!" Claire introduced herself with a smile, before stepping back and offering Ember an eager smile, not wanting to pass up the chance to chat with someone she happened to be a fan of!

"Really though Miss Ember, that was quite the match! Really amazin stuff, and really impressive! I mean, ya practically won the whole match with yer butt! How'd you learn to smother like that? How'd ya get so good at it? It was amazin!" Claire asked enthusiastically, her attention shifting to Ember's fantastically smothery offense!

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Re: A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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Despite her embarrassment about her handling of the Alexandria situation, the young blonde before Ember assured her that what went down was entirely justified; not to mention entertaining! It did make her feel better about it, and Ember had to admit her popularity had risen sharply after that match. An entire one sided beatdown of another wrestler at the hands of a gal much smaller than her had generated a lot of buzz, especially when that same gal had done it using solely ass based attacks! Thanks to that, all kinds of offers for matches with Ember were pouring in, and people were starting to take the pint sized fighter a lot more seriously! After all, they had seen what Ember can do to people who don't!

Shaking the hand of the cowgirl who introduced herself as Claire McAllister, Ember grinned back at her enthusiastic greeting. "Nice to meet you, Claire! Happy to help!" It was refreshing for Ember to meet someone in the gym who wasn't trying to bully her. This was turning out to be quite the pleasant encounter!

When Claire gushed about how well her match went and how much she enjoyed it, Ember didn't know what to say! It was one thing when a fan in the audience said those things, it was another when an actual colleague said the same! It was a little embarrassing to be honest. "Oh, no it was nothing special," Ember giggled, playing the humble card. "She just underestimated me big time and I took advantage of that. If she had taken me seriously from the get go she might've won." Ember then got a bit of a mischievous smile on her face. "It was pretty fun to shut that big mouth of her's though!"

Then Claire asked how she got so good at smothers, which made a slight red color rise to Ember's cheeks! "O-Oh, well...y-you know," she stammered, suddenly quite bashful. "I've always had a big butt, and I had a few boyfriends and girlfriends who were......into that sort of t-thing." The more she spoke, the redder Ember's face seemed to get! "Sometimes they would p-pass out by accident. And o-one of the ways to win a fight is to make your opponent pass out so I kept doing it and-"

Ember realized in her embarrassment she was starting to ramble, so she shook her head clear! "W-Why the interest? Do you......do that that stuff too?"

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Re: A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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After a friendly introduction between the two of them, Claire McAllister and Ember Sykes would exchange formal introductions between the two of them, Claire already feeling quite comfortable as she expressed her admiration over Ember's win against the mean and mouthy Alexandria Wild! The small blonde cowgirl was a big fan of most wrestlers in the company, as she was a diehard wrestling fan and still watched quite religiously despite also competing, but she was especially a fan of Ember's after she had seen what the short, thicc powerhouse could do, and it was quite the experience to be able to talk with her here in the gym!

Ember seemed a bit bashful about her win against Alexandria, but with Claire assuring her that it was every bit as impressive that it sounded, she seemed to show a bit more pride in it, Claire nodding happily along as Ember explained how she was able to get the upper hand so easily! While she did say that Alexandria could have won, Ember's smothering (literally) offense from the get go helped her secure the win, and Claire gave a happy giggle as Ember stated how happy it made her to shut the mean blonde's mouth!

"It sure was awesome! I thought it was an amazin match!" Claire said with glee, before returning to an attentive listener as Ember described her former experience with smothering, face lighting up red as she described doing it to past boyfriends and girlfriends! Ember stammered and blushed, but Claire didn't seem phased in the slightest, letting out a slight chuckle before Ember would ask her if she had any interest in that stuff as well!

"Ya mean girls? Or smotherin? Or smotherin girls?" Claire asked thoughtfully, perhaps making Ember's embarrassment worse on accident, but the cowgirl kept going in spite of that!

"I guess I'm into all of it! Girls and smotherin! It sure does make the crowd happy, so I do it in a lot of mah matches! And I suppose I fall victim to it too, heheh... Like with Tracy, or Rainbow Mika... Or Miss Yuna... Er, I guess I get smothered a lot..." Claire seemed to trail off, as if realizing this fact about her career for the first time! Rarely did the cowgirl feel bad at all ending up under the hefty rear end of another lovely lady, but she seemed to realize that it had cost her quite a few matches!

"I guess like ya said, it is a good way to win! ...Say, Miss Ember... Could ya maybe help me with it? I sure could use it, so it would seem! And ya seem like a smother expert!" Claire asked happily, proposing some impromptu smother training with the small but thick middleweight!

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Re: A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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Being born with a small body but a big booty had given Ember all kinds of attention growing up. Some was bad, but a lot of it was positive, and she couldn't deny it gave her an edge in the dating department. Butt smothering was new to her until one of her ex-boyfriends requested such a thing. He wouldn't be the last, and over time Ember began to enjoy the act of dominating another person with her plump behind. It was a private kink she had, one that she never thought she would use in an actual professional fight. Until she met Alexandria Wild that is! It was embarrassing for Ember to break down, but Claire didn't seem bothered by it. If anything, she seemed pleased that Ember had opened up to her!

Thankfully, they had shifted the topic over to Claire, who did not hesitate to acknowledge her love of the booty! It seems she had a taste for smothering as well, both in the giving and receiving area! "Wow, you know what you like. I'll give you that," Ember chuckled. It was no wonder she had enjoyed her match with Alexandria!

But then it seemed Claire grew a bit more contemplative as she listed her some of her matches here at LAW; namely ones that ended up with her nose deep in another woman's behind! This caused her to ask a question that caught Ember off guard: that she wanted training in the art of smothering! "W-What?!" Ember stammered. "Oh, I don't know...." Ember had been looking forward to her workout, but Claire had been nothing but sweet to her since they first met. Not to mention it would be in poor form to turn down a fan's request for help.

After a brief internal battle, Ember smiled at Claire affirmatively. "You know what? What the heck! Let's do it. Oh, and you can just call me Ember if you want." Grinning at the taller but light blonde, Ember beckoned that she follow her to another part of the gym. One that was a lot more private for what was about to occur! "So it sounds to me like you have a bit of a problem when it comes to taking smothers," Ember surmised on the way to their destination. "Maybe I can put you into a few and see just how well you can take them!"

Ember would end up leading them to a small deserted studio she often used for yoga. If Claire ended up agreeing to her proposition, she might just be thankful for the privacy!

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Re: A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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Meeting Ember and striking up a conversation with her had served to be quite the pleasant experience for Claire McAllister, and as the two began to converse more and more, they soon managed to move onto the subject of smothers, which was quite a familiar topic for both women! Ember and Claire both expressed a fondness towards smothers, and both women were shown to use them in their matches, but it was Claire who ended up noticing that a key difference seemed to be that while they both smothered, she was far more often a receiver of smothers than Ember might have been, perhaps noticing a weakness for the first time!

And since the two were in a gym, and had become fast friends over the topic of smothers, it seemed natural to ask Ember for a bit of help in that regard, given that the big butt middleweight was quite the smotherer! Claire approached the topic with little subtlety, asking Ember directly if the purple haired babe with the butt made for smothering would help her train for that exact kind of offense!

Ember seemed quite bashful at the suggestion, but before long, she would come around, Claire watching her the whole time with a gleeful smile on her face, nodding excitedly as Ember agreed to help her!

"Really?! Thank ya Miss... er, thank ya Ember! I really appreciate it!" Claire said as she bounced on the balls of her feet, unable to contain how excited she was as she began to follow behind Ember! "I could definitely use yer help! You seem like ya know what you're doin, I think you got the right idea and yer certainly... well equipped for helpin me!" Claire commented, a slight red tinge moving into her own face as she followed behind Ember, unable to help but look down and ogle the short gal's plump, jiggling rear end, her massive buttcheeks shaking as she walked!

Following behind eagerly, Claire and Ember would soon make their way into a private room, closing the door behind them after they entered the yoga studio, with Claire at the ready, looking to begin her smother training!

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Re: A Different Kind Of Short Cake - Claire McAllister & Ember Sykes

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On the way to the studio, Ember took the time to think of ways she could help Claire with what she asked for. She had never taught anyone before, let alone in a subject such as this! Ember had a few ideas.....but those might be shot down by Claire when she brought them up, depending on how into smothers the cowgirl really was! Despite her uncertainty, Ember didn't want to let Claire down seeing as how she seemed to look up to her. The purple haired woman would just have to do her best and hoped that it would help Claire out in the end!

The studio Ember had led Claire to was one she had used before for yoga, both by herself and for group sessions. Today it was empty, having reserved it for herself at the time. The floor was covered in padded mats and one wall was made up entirely of mirrors, reflecting both shorties as they entered and closed the door behind them. Now whatever occurred in here would only be between the two of them!

"Okay!" Ember declared, clapping her hands together as she turned to face the lightweight. "Since you seem to have a habit of getting caught in smother attacks, I thought maybe we can start working on ways for you to escape those smothers!" Now came the embarrassing part, one Ember hoped Claire wouldn't be too offended by. "So with that in mind.....I thought I can place you into a few smothers of my own. That way you can work on how to escape them! So when - er - if it happens in a real match you'll know just what to do!"

It sounded like a simple enough idea to Ember, but it was still embarrassing to offer! Though it was a standard training drill in order to compensate for certain situations, she never imagined she'd be helping for one involving butt smothering! "So, uh, what do you say? That sound good to you? Totally understand if you're not up for it!"

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