‘The Deadgirl’ Morgan Romero

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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‘The Deadgirl’ Morgan Romero

Unread post by Bare »

Name: Morgan Romero (real name Alice Ainsley
Age: 22
Hair Color: White (dyed. Actual color black)
Eye Color: Pink
Height: 5’2
Weight: 115 lbs
Alignment: Tweener leaning towards heel
Nationality: Welsh
Hometown: Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Entrance music:
Appearance Gallery
Main Attire:
Coming for you!
Bubblegum pop!
Walking a fine line
Even dead girls gotta use make up
Ya calling me?
Bring it on!
Personality: Morgan is what many would consider a classic goth. Being a massive fan of the occult and macabre she has always come across as weird and scary to most people. And they’d be right. She has a very dark sense of humor, usually making jokes about death or dying or various other things of that nature. Likewise things like death, decomposition, monsters, etc don’t freak her out at all, contrary in fact they excite and interest her.

However despite being a ‘typical’ goth in terms of interest and humor, she can actually be quite bubbly. Or rather she is very easy to relax and have fun and be capable of expressing it. That is no problem for her, rather what does bring her joy and get her interest.. is very concerning for others.

Thats because on top of the various creepy things she’s interested in, Morgan also has what many consider to be a death wish. Many times she’s done things that seem crazy to others, such as bungee jumping off a bridge, staying the night in a cemetary and letting a spider crawl on her. Things that seem to defy death or normal boundries are what excite her most and in that sense she is totally and completely fearless.

Finally Morgan is extremely blunt and comfort in her own skin in spite of what many think of her. In fact she seems to thrive with the disapproving, disturbed and disgusted looks thrown her way. Simply put she doesn’t care at all about what others think. In turn she is extrmely blunt and direct with anyone and everyone. She will call out who she pleases, insult whoever she wants, and flippantly disrespect everyone with a smile on her face if she chooses too.

Wrestling Style: Morgan is a few levels above a street punk in how she fights. As such she uses mainly brawling techniques in matches, especially any kind of hard punches and brutal kicks. Not to mention any crushing or scratches that she can get in. However her daredevil nature also lends itself to makkng her a adept highflyer which she uses in between strikes.

Preferred matches - No holds barred, I quit, Grave Consequences, Anything with weapons, cinematic matches

Preferred Move(s) punches, kicks, eye rakes, ddt variations, stunners, headbuts, suicide dives, stomps, stunners

Signature Move(s)
Off with her head: With an opponet kneeling or on the mat Morgan will run forward, leaping in the air and swinging her foot down to curbstomp them face first into the mat.

Black Death: Running at an opponet Morgan will lift her leg up, timed to where her foot will just miss their face. Then she will bring her foot back down to collide with the back of the opponet’s head or back with a shining axe kick

Stygian Southpaw: Swinging her her open hand with fingers in a claw shape as she’s running at an opponet or vice versa, Morgan will swing her hand around to swipe at an opponet’s face with a scratch. If it works successfully than she will go with the momentum and swing her left hand around again for a backhand fist targeted to the opponet’s face!

Finisher Move(s)

Socket Wrench: Laying stomach first on an opponet’s arm Morgan will wrap legs around it while curling one calf over the opponet’s head. From there she will lean up, violently wrenching on the opponet’s arm for a reverse cross armbar!

Flatline: Leaping off from the top rope, or in some cases the middle rope with a springboard, Morgan will catch the neck of her opponet before swinging her back and then up, pulling her body down with her momentum to drop her opponet with a reverse sto from the top rope or from a spring board position.

Speed - 5/10
Stength - 7/10
Stamina - 8/10
Agility - 6/10
Charisma - 4/10
Strikes -6 /10
High flying - 8/10
Submission - 4/10
Power -6 /10

History: Morgan Romero, born originally as Alice Ainsley was a small girl from Wales that virtually everyone found odd. Things that should have freaked her out or scared her like spiders, heights, spooky places, etc just… didn’t. She would let spiders crawl along her skin, climb up the tallest trees or towers, even spend nights in haunted places just cause. Not even on a dare, literally just because it interested her and she wanted too. It was as if the part of her brain that experienced fear or panic was absent, and as a result she was totally and utterly fearless.

But naturally her own fearlessness inspired fear and weariness from others. Those other kids that didn’t find themselves terrified of her or the things she liked, were themselves told not to hang out with her by concerned parents. Alice’s own mom and dad weren’t much better. Finding it extremely concerning that their daughter was so willing to do such dangerous things. Not to mention the negative social impacts it had on her.

So they did what any parents did and took jer to doctors, both medical and psychological. Despite numerous tests however they all came up fine. On paper Alice was a completely healthy normal girl. As such with parents with no other clue what to do Alice’s mum and dad tried to hook her on several extra cuticulars. Their hope being that if she can get involved in something productive than her lack of fear or hestitation may actually end up benefitting her in the long run.

The only problem? Nothing was of particular interest to Alice on its own. Dancing? Way too boring! Chess? Too many rules! Any kind of team sport? No one wanted her on their team. Despite her parent’s best efforts there was only one thing that actually interested Alice that she would be able to actively partipate in. That was you may ask? Pro Wrestling.

Young Alice had seen the videos, the death defying stunts, the bloody and brutal battles fought between pros. It was absolutely EXILERATING to watch, because not only were these people doing so with complete permsision but they were being PRAISED for it as well. It was awesome! Once more she took to the sport like a fish to water, her lack of fear and naturally fit body making her quite skilled in nearly all areas of wrestling. While her parents were a bit… concerned at how much she took into a sport that led to a dangerous and unstable career. But what was done was done and Alice now had a aspiration to be a pro wrestler.

Around the time of her teenage years Alice dtarted going by a new name… Morgan. Morgan Romero. At first it was merely her ring name. Chosen due to her love of horror movies, specifically director George Romero, as well as a developing interest in the occult and all things creepy or scary. Hence the first part of her ring name being derived from the legendary arthurian witch. But it also heavily influenced her developing in ring character. She started to dye her hair white, applying grey make up, and designing her own skull and bones themed outfits to wear.

Soon she graduated highschool which, as part of an agreement with her parents, meant the now newly named Morgan was free to start her career in earnest. Up until that point Morgan had only participated in spats and training matches. So when she was finally able to officially start wrestling full time instead of college she jumped at the chance. Soon she was in local promotions, astonishing all with death defying and brutal moves that few thought possible.

Within a few years she was moving all through england’s wrestling scene. She didn’t always win, her style being far too chaotic and dangerous to lend her consistent victories. However she always made an impression wherever she went. Whether good or bad EVERYONE rememebered her for either her striking apperance, her death defying and bold nature, or her blunt in your face style. Something about it, somewhere always left her known and before she knew it she had a storied reputation in every major indie promotion in england. As such she wasn’t fully surprised when she was made an offer by a scouter for a certain promotion in Japan known as LAW. So since she was starting to feel bored with her current position decided to leave her plce of birth and move to Japan, eager to see what new adventures awaited her.

LAW Record


Morgan Romero vs Brook Fox - Win via Submission
Morgan Romero vs TORA in the house - ongoing
Morgan Romero vs Alice Gaster - ongoing
Last edited by Bare on Thu Oct 07, 2021 6:58 am, edited 3 times in total.

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