A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs Mary Clarisson

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A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs Mary Clarisson

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The crowd was abuzz as it was announced on this particular night of LAW tv that a unknown wrestler would be issuing an open challenge! The reason for said excitement amongst everyone was the track history open challenges had within the promotion. They were always exciting and sometimes full of drama depending on who was issuing and who would answer.

Luckily for the antsy crowd they would soon have a answer as in a flash of orange and green accompanied by a
familiar alternative rock song as one Alizeh Midori came out. She was still rising up in the ranks of LAW, a favorite by some to be a contendor for the upcoming open weight belt. Especially after her promo in the I Am The LAW promo series. For this she was dressed in her black and purple alternative attire with matching black and purple boots and a confident smile stretched acrosss her face.

Making it to the halfway point of the ramp Alizeh broke out into a run and leaped up over the bottom rope and into a crouched position in the ring. Thrning sharply and pooping to her feet she threw her arm into the air and smiled earning a cheer from the crowd. Walking to the edge of the ring she reached out gesturing for a microphone from the official who quickly gave it to her bringing a smile to her face as she walked back to the middle of the ring where she raised it to her lips.

”Helloooooooooo LAWWWWWWW!” She said exuberantly getting a cheer from the crowd making her smile even wider before continuing. “Man I can’t get enough of that I really can’t. I know it hasn’t been that long since my last match but it feels like forever since I’ve been in the ring.” She said letting the crowd react before continuing. “Getting passed up for Fight the Law either doesn’t help.” she added with a wink to the camera as the crowd reacting raucously making the girl smile at the confirmation of wanting others to see her in the ppv. And true to what she said she really was disappointed that she had yet to be in a ppv but that was why she was here.

”Especially since I JUST GOT a new bikini that would have been perfect.” She joked getting another loud reaction from the more degenerate side of the fanbase. “But I’m here to partially remedy that. See I’m out here because I haven’t had an opponet in a while, and I’m bored and frankly I just REALLY wanna face someone. And I’m sure yall want that too right?!” She asked loudly to the crowd getting a very loud reaction in response. “Thats what I thought. So anyone back there that wants to take a crack at me…” She said while turning to the entrance ramp with a grin. ”Bring it on!!!” She declared loudly as she waited to see if anyone would come to answer her challenge.
Last edited by Bare on Thu Jul 15, 2021 6:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs ???(Reserved)

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The crowd was waiting for whoever was gonna answer Alizeh's open challenge. Sooner rather than later, they got their answer as the rock song began to play and the girl in the Blue leotard and hair made her way to the ring.

That girls name was Mary Clarison, a wrestler that already had fought Alizeh Midori before having defeated her in her debut match. Ever since then, her record had been mixed since then, and with a match against Eclarie coming up soon for the upstart, Mary needed a win soon.
Mary Clarison
Mary went to the ring as the crowd cheered, her walking up the steps and going under the second rope before walking up towards Alizeh.

"Hello Miss Alizeh, you don't mind if I accept this challenge." Mary asked Alizeh as the crowd cheered, her waiting for an answer.

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Re: A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs Mary Clarisson

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Alizeh waited with anticipation for someone to come down and answer her challenge, eager energy practically pouring from her skin as she bounced from foot to foot. Would it be someone new? A rookie out to prove herself maybe? A guy? Or someone she had faced before? What weight class would they be in? All these questions and more surged through her mind as finally when she felt ready to blow music cued up.

Music she recognized as a familiar blue haired girl came out to the ring. Breaking out into a wide smile Alizeh couldn’t help but feel immense satisfaction as Mary entered the ring and asked if she could accept. ”Hah. You kidding? I’ve been wanting a second go with you for ages!” Alizeh said as she placed her hands on her knees and leaned forward eagerly. ”Tell ya what since you’re the one accepting the challenge I’ll even let you pick the match type we fight in.” Alizeh said silently hoping in the back of her head that Mary ended up picking the match type that the greenette knew both of them were experts in.

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Re: A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs Mary Clarisson

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Mary was surprised to see that Alizeh was so friendly with her, even though maybe she shouldn't been considering they literally kissed after their first match. So Mary had to make the careful decision of what kind of match she wanted.

"Hopefully this would be okay with you Alizeh, but I want a Submission match!" Mary let her words slipped out as the crowd popped.

Mary was blushing, waiting for Alizeh's answer.

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Re: A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs Mary Clarisson

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As Alizeh waited for the answer from her soon to be opponet Alizeh was unashamedly checking the bluenette out. It was no sectet Alizeh was rather flirtacious and open about expressing her attraction, especially given she kissed most opponets she fought, Mary included. But that being said what was drawing Alizeh’s eyes to Mary’s form was something else… comtrary to the girl’s debut she seemed so much more… confident and ready now. It was practically palpable to the point Alizeh had a hard time believing it was the same girl.

Smiling in excitement upon receving Mary’s answer Alizeh had to resist the urge not to cheer and pump her fist at Mary’s choice. ”Hell yeah thats exactly what I was hoping you’d say!” She said excitedly as she bounced from foot to foot in anticipation before turning to the ref. “Hey lets get that bell rung and get started I’m psyched!” Alizeh said eagerly before turning to look at Mary while raising her hands up, already eager to lock up with the woman across from her, even winking at Mary as a extra show of promiscuity!

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Re: A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs Mary Clarisson

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Mary was ready for this, Alizeh had agreed to her match stipulation. Mary could actually feel the excitement of this match run through her body. Mary was way more ready for this then she was in her debut. Let's give this crowd a show.

"Alright, Let's go." Mary said eagerly as the bell rang. Mary met Alizeh in a lock up, testing her strength with her similarly sized opponent, hoping to put her in a Side headlock, hoping to gain an early advantage.
Last edited by Epicsnivy on Wed Aug 04, 2021 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs Mary Clarisson

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Alizeh smirked eagerly as she darted forward, hands clasping with the bluenette’s as the two met in the center of the ring. Pushing against her opponet Alizeh smirked as their bodies came close, just about pressing against one another and making Alizeh practically giddy with the contact. More over however Alizeh was stronger. She could feel muscles besting Mary’s, if things continued as they were she would end up overcoming her fellow submission speacialist.

However Mary was playing smarter not harder. In a split second Alizeh found herself turned and pressed up against the side of her opponet’s breasts in a side headlock! ”Mfh!” She grunted out as her arms instinctively wrapped around her waist.

Thinking quickly Alizeh would grab one of Mary’s arms and attempt to lift it up a bit to create some space. If she was successful in doing so Alizeh would pull her head down and away from Mary’s grasp. If she managed this than Alizeh would hold onto the arm and spin around behind Mary to pull the girl’s arm behind her back! “Heh I may have to do more than kiss you this time.” Alizeh whispered to the girl flirtily as she pulled up on her arm to inflict some pain

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Re: A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs Mary Clarisson

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Mary got Alizeh into a headlock, showing she had the early advantage in the battle of the Submission specialists. Alizeh's head was pressed against Mary's breasts, causing her to blush, her face turning a noticeable red. She wouldn't blush for long as Alizeh put her in a hammer lock, wrenching her arm behind Mary's back,

Mary was in pain, her arm being wrenched behind her back, her face bushed at Alizeh's callback to their first match. And thus Mary had to react, trying to position herself so she could hip toss Alizieh onto the mat and get out of the hammerlock

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Re: A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs Mary Clarisson

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Alizeh smirked as she could practically feel the heat from the blush on Mary's face from her position behind the girl wrenching back on her arm with a smirk on her face. Pulling back on the limb and earning a nice cry of pain from the girl, cementing the advantage she had taken in the battle of submissions. However even so the bluenette currently in her grasp was of course no slouch and wouldn't allow herself to be controlled so easily.

As such it wasn't really a surprise for the greenette to find herself being countered by a hip toss! But her being unsurprised by the move also meant that in turn Alizeh was prepared to counter Mary's counter! Holding onto the limb as tightly as possible even as she was thrown over Mary, Alizeh would pull down on the other girl's limb, in turn throwing her opponent over herself with an arm drag! If successful in bringing Mary down to the mat than Alizeh would capitalize on the position by maintaining the grip on her arm and pulling her legs up and across the girl's body before pulling back for a cross armbar!

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Re: A Storm’s Open Challenge Alizeh Midori vs Mary Clarisson

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Mary managed to hip toss Alizeh to the mat, but to the Bluenette's surprise she got countered when Alizeh wouldn't let go of her arm and forced Mary down to the mat instead. Mary has never really fought anyone who countered her counters, and it definitely shows that Alizeh and Mary have wrestled before.

And then Alizeh put Mary in a cross armbar, causing Mary to start inching herself towards the ropes as her arm was being pulled. She had to stay calm, she must show Alizeh how much she's grown.

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