Victory Conditions: Opponent fails to get up after a 10 count
The ring is located in the Maître Hotel Eclaire manages and has been heavily modified. There are no ropes, no turnbuckles, and the ring itself is surrounded by a small pool of water running 6 feet deep. There are various objects such as beach balls, floaties, water guns, and the like floating in the pool which are all completely available for use. There is both a diving board and a running waterslide to the left and right of the ring respectively. Both are 9 feet above the ground and are intended to be used for attacks.
This was it, the day had finally arrived. Months of bartering, haggling, debating, and just outright arguing had finally led to the moment Eclaire Maître had been oh so desperately waiting for since the day she first donned her leotard. She would finally get to host an official LAW match at her very own illustrious resort hotel! Now that this glorious day had come everything had to be perfect, nothing less would suffice for such a momentous occasion! This would be Eclaire's, no her hotel's finest hour!
The staff had prepared the custom ring in absolutely pristine condition! Everything from the bleachers to the waterslides was so clean one could see their reflection in them! The water was so clear that one could see the bottom in a single glance, which was also blindingly clean and polished! Not a single seat was empty with the staff having to bring in extras just to accommodate each and every lovely patron who came to witness true perfection this day. And of course, the ring itself was plastered with those lovely 3 letters that Eclaire had yearned to see atop it for what felt like centuries!
There was no need for a spotlight with the beaming through the windows, but everything else went into full throttle the second Eclaire was ready to make her appearance. The fog machine emulated a pleasant early morning mist, the pyrotechnics went ablaze and nothing short of a full live orchestra was playing for the manager's grand entrance! Eclaire herself however seemingly nowhere to be found. At least until an obscenely long ladder unfolded from the ceiling and right down to the ring's center. Not even a second after came the ever so infamous laugh...
The Ruby Tycoon slid down the ladder in an overly theatrical spiral until gracing the mat with microphone in hand. Given the nature of the ring, she had donned her usual attire albeit swapped out her boots for ebony stirrups. Everything else had stayed the same as no less than her iconic attire would do for this match! Her rippling biceps, chiseled abs, and generous assets practically glowed with majestic radiance as the sun beamed down on her.
Eclaire practically danced around the ring as the ladder she arrived on began to roll up. Embracing the deafening cheers and applause and rewards each and every viewer with a blown kiss, some onlookers even fainting from so much as a wink! Though most would presume this was Eclaire's method of killing time until her opponent showed up, in reality she was one hundred percent focused on the sound of praise over anything else!