Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championship

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Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championship

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Last Woman Standing, Sand Pit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championship - The contest will take place in a sandpit dug out on the beach. Victory to be awarded by knocking the other woman out for ten counts via climax

The winner will become or remain LAW's Hentai/Sexfight Champion

Last edited by winner3 on Fri Jul 09, 2021 5:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championsh

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Rei’s first defense as the newly renamed Sexfight Champion of LAW set the stage for an explosive encounter. Rindo had proven to her that she was more than enough of a woman to face her head to head with their first encounter ending with Rindo’s ‘victory’ as the Barbarian Red Head forcing herself to the front of the line to try and rip the Championship off of Rei’s waist. Instead of an arena, the two did battle in an large pit dug out from the Earth, with the crowd surrounding them in hungry fashion to see the two women sexually go at each other for her Sexfight Championship.

To prove herself a fighting Champion and as a woman, Rei was intent on avenging herself in whatever match that management threw them in. One could say that Rindo had the advantage in this settling, a fight with no rules in a simplistic and rural battlefield that would demand the utmost importance of stamina and the Barbarian was known for her savagery in both the physical and sexual sense, something that Rei got a taste of in their little shower tryst. But even with the pressure of elevated competition, Rei couldn’t help but be aroused and excited for fighting such an opponent in an exotic duel such as this.

Rei was the first to appear from out of the tent that served as the entrance, walking with her brand new Championship belt over her shoulder as she was dressed in a loin cloth bra and panties to reflect her opponent. The crowd around her cheered at the sight of her scantily clad body as she descended into the pit on a wooden plank down the slope of the sand, to not disturb the soft but packed sand until the beginning of the match. The bottom of the pit was flattened out, the sand having a bit of softness to it but was no better than the outside of the ring with the barely covered padding.

The Champion walked around the pit and surveyed their ring, it was absolutely barren. The slopes were at such an incline that escape was going to be a difficult task without slipping on the soft sand, not that either of them were planning to, and with nothing else in the pit to affect the match, it was going to come down to who wanted it more.

The Hungry Challenger or the Determined Champion.
Last edited by TheManVan on Sat Jul 10, 2021 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championsh

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Chance encounters sure can be amazing. That thought was at the forefront of Rindo Kobayashi's mind as she made her way to the rather unusual setting of her match for tonight. What had started as a fairly boring afternoon a few months ago had turned upside down after she happened to meet the then Hentai Champion Rei Tachibana in the showers, an encounter that soon lead to the two of them enjoying each others company in the steamy showers. Apparently that meeting had left quite the impression on the champion, because she would go on to choose Rindo as the first challenger for her newly patented Sexfight Championship Belt.

This naturally put a huge grin on the redhead's face, because not only had the champion herself deemed fit to specifically choose her to defend her belt against but she also seemed to be going out of her way to accommodate the Barbarian; arranging for the match to take place in conditions that a savage fighter like Rindo felt quite at home in. Her smile widened even further when she actually laid eyes on Rei, seeing her sexy figure clad in a loin-cloth outfit that almost matched the Barbarian's.

"Wow! You look amazing!" the Barbarian cried, giving Rei a surprisingly genuine compliment considering that in the near future she was going to be stealing her belt. Well, if she had her way that is. Rindo would unsubtly scan her opponent up and down, taking in the sight of the champion in her skimpy attire "I think this is going to be a lot of fun. Don't you?"
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Re: Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championsh

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Rei’s eyes turned her eyes back up the plank, seeing the familiar redhead descending down into the pit with her dressed in the loin cloth attire that had inspired her ring wear for this momentous duel. Her 2nd Title Defense was against someone who was just as, if not more dangerous, than her last opponent Rosy Reyes. Like Rosy, Rindo had gotten the best of her in their last encounter.

But unlike Rosy, Rindo definitively beat her in a battle of groins.

Rindo was ruthless and relentless, both sexually and physically. The look in her eyes however was what really put Rei on edge. Through the gleeful tone she used, Rei saw the ravenous look in those yellow eyes. The look of a predator, not only a challenger to her throne. But Rei was not going to be intimidated, this look and this feeling of danger was the sort of challenge that she wanted to spur and Rindo was a perfect candidate for that.

Her lips curled into a smile, beginning to circle around in the pit in her tense stand off with Rindo. “Why thank you, I figured I should dress for the occasion.” the Champion cooed as her bare feet dragged through the loosen dirt on the surface. “Oh it’s going to be a ridiculous amount of fun… You know...I couldn’t help but think of the first time we met, how you accepted my open invitation, and took me by storm…” Rei trailed off until her back was to the plank, standing in front of it “I figured I take you on in something more suited for you.” Rei slipped the Championship off of her shoulder and on the plank to be lifted out of the pit.

Leaving only the Champion and Challenger in it until only one of them was left standing.

There was no denying that Rei was already aroused by this point, remembering how Rindo handled her and how now they were locked in a sexual arena with no chance of escape until there was a winner. But it was this sensation that she lived for, proving to everyone watching on the cameras that she was the Undisputed Queen of Sexfighting or pave the way for a new befitting Champion.

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Re: Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championsh

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Rindo's eyes closely followed Rei's championship as she removed it and had it taken out of the pit, eyeing it almost as hungrily as she had been eyeing Rei. When she had last met Rei she had told her that she didn't care for titles, and while that was still mostly true she had realised that if she held the belt then she would have women lining up to be dominated by her in the hopes of earning the belt. With that mindset she decided that she very much wanted to become champion, and now Rei was giving her the chance to do just that.

Once it was just the two of them Rindo's gaze would return to Rei, locking eyes with her and smiling from ear to ear in anticipation of what was to come. The last time they had faced off had been exciting and heart-racing and ultimately had been some of the best sex she'd ever had, but there was nothing at stake other than pride! It wasn't a true competition, not really! That's why she relished the chance to compete with Rei in a sexual battle with everything on the line!

When the match began Rindo would rush over, wasting no time for foreplay as she attempted to lock up with Rei. A surprisingly normal opening for a match like this, one you'd expect from any old standard match rather than a Sexfight Championship match. If Rindo got what she wanted then she would attempt to push Rei back until she was pinned against the sand, if she succeeded that would be when the sexy times started.
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Re: Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championsh

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Standing across her Challenger, her feet sinking in the loose dirt as Rei’s eyes locked on the predatory eyes, watching them only leaving her for a split second to watch the belt leave the pit and leaving them the only two in the pit. Neither one of them leaving until one of them was the last woman standing with the title. Rei could from the look in Rindo’s eyes was the kind of woman that she wanted gunning for her newly branded Championship, the kind of woman that wanted to face every woman who came at them and beat them back to keep her title.

The smile on the Barbarian’s face matched Rei’s anticipation and excitement, Rei’s pride as a Champion was salivating at the chance to redeem herself against the red head from their previous encounter. “Well then, come on!” She let out as the two charged at each other!

Different from her usual matches but still within her blood was a wrestler as familiarity took over as they locked horns, grabbing on each other’s collar and elbow. Her hands dug tightly into Rindo as the woman did the same, the two of them slamming against each other in a contest of strength. Rei gritted her teeth as she bore herself into Rindo, their loin covered breasts shoving into the other as Rei dug her feet into the sand. Opposed to the coarse mat underneath her feet, the loose dirt slipped beneath her as Rindo’s power began to push her back!

It was a taste that she remembered, the unbridled power that Rindo had over her. But Rei was not stubborn to try and win a losing battle, twisting to the side to try and pull Rindo off balance and spin her around to shove her against the sand wall instead!

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Re: Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championsh

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With tension building up between the two warriors the moment they laid eyes on each other it was no surprise when the two of them both eagerly came at each other right from the start! They would lock up against one another and press their bodies together, feeling nothing separating their bodies but thin and flimsy cloth, a feeling that would make Rindo grin.

What also gave her reason to smile was feeling Rei give in to her advances as the unconventional arena they fought in didn't give her secure enough footing to resist Rindo's pushing, slowly and surely the champ got pushed back. Rindo had intended to push her right up against the wall but it seemed that the Champ didn't intend to let herself get bullied so easily as she took advantage of Rindo's enthusiasm and used her momentum against her, taking her off balance and shoving her into the wall instead "Ungh!"

Rindo quite literally had her back to the wall now, but it didn't matter that there was nowhere to run since she didn't intend on doing so anyway! Rindo would hold her hands out defensively waiting for Rei to get in close, and when she did so the redhead would lash out and attempt to grab Rei by the breasts, digging her nails in to make sure it would hurt! An unorthodox defence to be sure, but one that would hopefully bare fruit.
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Re: Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championsh

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Showing skill against power, Rei managed to turn all of Rindo’s growing momentum against the Red headed Barbarian, slamming her into the wall instead. Looking to keep Rindo under control, Rei lunged forward with the intent on squishing Rindo and her hot body against her Challenger, but Rindo was as crafty a sexual fighter as she was a powerful one, her hands extended out to grab Rei’s breasts!

The Champion gasped out, her breasts squeezed by the strong palms as her hands quickly shot up to grab Rindo by the wrists. The growing pain on her chest with her womanly pride being compressed was a two fold attack, Rindo striking at her pride as well as stopping Rei’s attempts for control!

“Aaaaaaaah!” Rei’s moans soon turned into cries as she was forced to back pedal, trying to break Rindo’s grip on her breasts, forcing the Champion to back near the center of the pit. The breast grab technique was something that Rei was more accustomed to being more focused on pleasure than pain, but that was the level of competition and intensity that Rindo brought. One that Rei wanted to match as Champion and Sexual Fights that she wanted to bring to the division!

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Re: Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championsh

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Rindo grinned wildly as Rei fell into her clutches, quite literally as Rindo grabbed the champion by the breasts and started pushing back against her assault. Distracted by the pain in her breasts and the attack on her pride Rei would not be able to stop Rindo from forcing her back to the centre of the arena, undoing her previous progress.

Rindo wasn't satisfied with just forcing a stalemate though, so she would relinquish hold of Rei's breasts before instead attempting to wrap her arms around Rei's waist for a hug that forced their bodies together and mashed their chests together. Though for once Rindo wasn't doing this for the sake of pleasure, even if rubbing up against the champion did feel nice, instead she was doing this with the intention of throwing Rei back for a Belly-to-belly suplex!
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Re: Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Last Woman Standing, Sandpit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championsh

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Showing skill against power, Rei managed to turn all of Rindo’s growing momentum against the Red headed Barbarian, slamming her into the wall instead. Looking to keep Rindo under control, Rei lunged forward with the intent on squishing Rindo and her hot body against her Challenger, but Rindo was as crafty a sexual fighter as she was a powerful one, her hands extended out to grab Rei’s breasts!

“Nnnnngh!” The Champion gasped out, her breasts squeezed by the strong palms as her hands quickly shot up to grab Rindo by the wrists. The growing pain on her chest with her womanly pride being compressed was a two fold attack, Rindo striking at her pride as well as stopping Rei’s attempts for control!

“Aaaaaaaah!” Rei’s moans soon turned into cries as she was forced to back pedal, trying to break Rindo’s grip on her breasts, forcing the Champion to back near the center of the pit. The breast grab technique was something that Rei was more accustomed to being more focused on pleasure than pain, but that was the level of competition and intensity that Rindo brought. One that Rei wanted to match as Champion and Sexual Fights that she wanted to bring to the division!

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