Fight The LAW Press Conference

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Fight The LAW Press Conference

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Robin had always found things fun to promote so when LAW announced its newest PPV Robin made it her priority to be a part of getting things ready for the new event and setting up a conference to let anyone in the area know what was taking place. She knew that the most important part of these events was to talk about it as if it was the first time someone heard of it.There were a few stadiums to choose from in the area but taking advantage of the beach for their own purposes. Robin brought the mic up once she was given permission to begin. “For years now LAW has been happy and eager to have an event take place outside of Japan, Despite its roots Japan has been multicultural since its creation and we are well aware of the fans who have been dying to see their loved stars live. California fans especially have shown us so much love that this was a no-brainer starting point. Ladies and Gentleman I welcome you to the conference for Fight the LAW!” She was met with cheers from the crowd before she motioned for them to quiet down. “Tickets went out and already nearly sold out so I strongly advise anyone who hasn't gotten one yet to try and do so, in the meantime I will try and explain how things will go and the great card that is being done as well as many other things as things go on. But first I feel its important to address how the matches will go down first. You see, unlike a normal situation where all matches take place in a stadium, Fight the LAW this year will happen in two different places, a local stadium and on the beach where a ring is being set up as my cohort currently at the location will explain.” Robin backed up letting the tron behind her come to life. When it did there was a beach with a ring in the middle and a somewhat recognizable face of LAW’s staff in it. “Can they hear me? Oh okay good. Welcome all of LAW’s lovely fans, announcer Tammy here, and as you can see LAW has begun a set up for the PPV in the coming week taking advantage of Cali’s lucious landscape for a special beach setting for some of its match ups, every participant in the upcoming PPV was given the ability to fight either here on this beach or in the stadium for a normal setting, there's no one here now but when the matches take place a crowd of paying customers will also be allowed to see the action up close, something I'm sure they are more than willing to see, I mean two hot girls throwing each other around in the sand maybe getting closer to the waves? Who wouldn't want to see that? And don't worry, while fans in the stadium won't be able to see this action up close, It will be placed on the Titantron in the stadium with the best pictures broadcasting so they don't miss a single hot second! Unfortunately no such titantron will be available for the ones who are on the beach itself which is why tickets for them will be cheaper as a compromise. The card is mid update so there's no word on how many matches will be here yet and how many will be in the stadium but rest assured LAW will do everything in its power to assure you get your money's worth.”

After the focus turned back to her Robin quickly adjusted herself. “As stated earlier LAW’s card is far from finalized but there is still more than enough of it to discuss now, not to mention We are being fed information about the card so if it does update you will here it first before anyone else. Now with that in mind Let us look at the PPv card as it stands at this moment.”

Main Card

Kyoko Akan vs Da Xia - Fight Pit Match for the Belly Belt (unofficial)
Danielle Degardin vs Alexa Taylor - No Disqualifications Beach Match
Wicke Sykes vs Sienna Smith - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match
Rei Tachibana (c) vs Rindo Kobayashi - Sand Pit Beach Match for the Hentai (Sexfight) Championship
Astrid Ostberg (c) vs Selket - LAW Heavyweight Championship Match


Holly Matheson (c) vs Ossi Shamar - "Special Delivery" Match for the Loser's Championship
Jennifer Walters vs Zangief
Gil "Arma-Gil-O" vs Amelie Roux - Queen of The Beach Match
Ava Rose (with Cynara Morgan) vs Satomi Mii
Katherine Scarlett vs Eve Summers

“We will be going over each and every one of these matches to help everyone understand just how big this event is. And we have some interviews and other things planned but I don't want to spoil all the surprises. With that being said, let's begin..”

This is an idea I toyed with for some time but the general idea is to hype up each match on the card which I plan to do before the PPV starts on the 9th. My main method is simply talking about the characters and there history with each other if any or comparisons. Keep in mind Robin is a heel so don’t take anything she says as gospel she’ll try to maintain an appearance of being unbiased but will lean heel anywhere she can find. If anyone has any ideas to work into the conference like a few people have already offered to do I’m happy to hear it and I’ll do my best to do each and everyone one of your characters justice.

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Re: Fight The LAW Press Conference

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Loser Champion Holly Matheson vs Ossi Shamar
With Tammy still at the beach, Robin was instead joined by another LAW commentator at the main conference area Jenna. The two were sitting as the camera went on to show the first match they would be discussing. “As most know Title belts are a thing to be cherished in wrestling.” Robin had opted to start things off. “So many memorable moments in wrestling were a result of winning or defending title belts, Companies have been carried on the back of the prestige of their champions, everyone knows that when you hold a belt you are considered at the top of a companies profession in some form of fashion.” But then the titantron showed one of the matches planned for the current LAW PPV Holly Matheson vs Ossi Shamar for the Loser Championship.. “This is not that kind of title match. The Loser Championship is a pretty self explanatory title as my coworker Jenna will explain.” “Gladly Robin. The Loser Championship is a belt met to single out the weakest of the bunch and put a well deserved spotlight on them? Why because nothing makes the other wrestlers put their foot on the gas then a reminder that there's always some place they can go lower if they aren't fighting at their best. And poor Holly, well lets hope she hasn’t been fighting at her best because so far her best isn't cutting it. This belt is unique in that you win it by...well losing! That’s right a belt that is a reward for poor performance, if you get your hands on this belt well lets just hope you don't end up being its longest reigning champion and heaven forbid you win it more then once!” “The belt was brought early on between the two biggest losers of LAW, the first loser being Karin Shin and since then has been a shining beacon of LAW’s worst performer since then with there pay being docked and being forced to keep the belt on there person at all times in LAW buildings.
But to focus on the match at hand let's look at the current champion herself Holly Matheson, Holly first came onto the LAW scene alongside her partner Gemma Faraday in a team called the British Bombshells. Together they were loved by the fans of LAW though sadly that support didn’t get them a strong record-” “No it did not Robin! The Bombshells were jobbers through and through with 6 straight losses and no wins to their names, most of those losses being short affairs where the fans got to watch them struggle, scream and be used as wash rags for stronger teams.” Robin shot Jenna a glance but maintained her demeanor even if she agreed they still had to act like professionals and she didn't like being interrupted. “After the last loss Gemma and Holly had a falling out that ended with Gemma turning on her partner and just walking out post match leaving little Holly to the wolves. Now blame Holly if you want but at the end of the day Gemma has not fared much better since the split losing her first match as a solo act. Still Holly is undoubtedly in the worst position given her current situation.” “At We are LAW 2019 Holly was in a Triple Threat elimination match to decide the next Loser champ, Holly, Lauren Fredericks, and Inaugural champ Karin Shin fought in honestly what was their best performances up to that point. An understandable stance to have none of them wanted to be the girl who lost twice as the rules of the match stated. Lauren won first, eliminating herself from the match in the process and just leaving Karin and Holly to decide amongst themselves and after another intense showing Karin finally ended her reign beating Holly clean as a sheet in the middle of the ring. And from that day Holly’s iconic reign began.” “Holly felt as if the loss vindicated Gemma’s split from her and since then has done her best to end her reign so she can prove she's not the biggest loser. Sadly her reign has consisted of her proving herself unable to overcome the odds no matter who they are. With losses to people such as Suzume Sheka, Cyrena Eros, Devil Cat, and at the last PPV the winless Piper Sherwood.” “Well she’s not winless anymore.” “They know what I mean. Holly has fallen far down the ladder but her popularity hasn’t been shot either.” “Understandable, she’s doing all the same things she did as a Bombshell, looking cute getting beat up. Keep in mind Holly gets to pick her opponents now and she’s STILL losing! That's almost impressive.” Robin couldn’t wait for Tammy to show up, she was a face leaning commentator but she was also unbiased it was clear Jenna was the color commentator. “So with that in mind fans still hope to see her end that record and she has another shot today this time against its newest challenger Ossi Shamar.
Holly may be the biggest loser as of now but Ossi is not far behind her! With a 2-17-1 record Ossi has faced a number of opponents and been beaten by almost all of them. With her needing 15 matches before she saw a victory. 15! And 3 of her 17 losses are to the other losers in the triple threat that made Holly the champ, Ossi has even been bested by Lauren twice. I will say if there was anyone Holly could have picked, this one might be her best choice.” “But we must also mention that one of Ossi’s two wins is to Lauren in what was their third encounter. Her only other win was to Daisuke the Wrestling Prince, in their second match against each other.” “That sounds even better, this means that Ossi has never beaten anybody on her first try, Holly better put her all in this performance or she might not get a second chance.” “I actually agree with that sentiment 100% you see despite what people may think Holly actually does have 1 win on her record, and in singles action when she beat Hikaru Sawazaka in there first encounter, it stands as Holly’s only win and for the record it was her first singles match in LAW ever meaning she’s had no such luck since, but its proof enough Holly has the ability to get the job done. And while many of her losses were embarrassing, her loss to Cyrena Eros was actually one many consider to be a fluke that Holly should have won.” “Okay but what's Hikaru's record? She a jobber too?” “Her record isn’t the most impressive I’ll admit but it's currently at 8-16. Fact is Holly has the ability to win matches, so the matter is how much of her struggles are mental ones?” “And what will Ossi do now that her feet are under the fire? Sure she doesn't have many wins but she’s looking to take Holly’s place at the bottom, the incentive might be enough to bring out the fire in her and get her that 3rd victory over Holly. I’ll tell you folks Im dying to find out!
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Re: Fight The LAW Press Conference

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Ava Rose vs. Satomi Mii
"As we get ready to introduce our next match," Jenna continued, "we'd like to make an announcement. We have a new personality joining the crew here at LAW, and it's someone we're very proud to welcome aboard! So we'd like to ask everyone to give a warm welcome to-"

"Excuse me," a voice came from backstage, "but I'm perfectly capable of handling things from here."
As music began to play, a stately woman in an elegant gown emerged from the curtains. Her head was held high, and she walked with a measured gait, her long legs taking poised and deliberate strides. Although her greying hair and weathered face told of her age, she was in impeccable shape, with the figure of a model, and the way she held herself exuded confidence. When she scanned the crowd with a smirk, the twinkle in her blue eyes was enough to catch the attention of many in attendance. Already she had gotten a few cheers as she walked up to a podium on stage - some from those who recognized her, though that was a select few. Others, however, were from the glamorous image she put forth alone, looking all the world like an elegant and wealthy woman who had aged in no way but gracefully.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as I understand it, there have been many - in this sport, and in this league - to claim the title of queen. Of course, we all know there can only be one. And today, you see before you the once and future queen - Cynara Morgan!"

Just the mention of her name alone was enough to trigger an even greater roar of cheers and applause. And if that wasn't enough, what played on the screen behind her certainly was. Behind Cynara, the screen lit up with video clips - grainy and outdated, but still with undeniable energy and appeal - of women in bikinis wrestling on the floor of a well-furnished apartment. In each of these clips, no matter who she was facing off against, one of these combatants was a voluptuous blonde, her figure accentuated by the skimpy black swimsuit she wore. When comparing her features to the woman on stage, it became clear that they were the same. This was the same Cynara who, years ago, had become the first champion of apartment house wrestling, during the sport's heyday under Dave Moll - and here she was, making her first appearance in LAW!

"Make no mistake," she continued, "I might have married into a life of fortune and luxury in New York, but I'm a Cali girl, born and bred. This was where I grew up, and when I wrestled my first match, all thanks to the folks who gave their money and attention to make apartment wrestling what it was. No one thought I could do it, but I rose to the top - not just as the winner of the tournament to crown the west coast champion, but as the best of them all! West coast, east coast, Chicago - I took on all comers! It might have held the title for only a few months, but for those few months, I was on top of the world. I had millionaires, investors, captains of the industry, coming from all over just to see me, the same little girl who grew up in the LA suburbs all those years ago."

After hearing a few more cheers, Cynara spoke up again. "You know, I missed those days. Even after I settled down, I never wanted to leave them behind. But by the time I had gotten myself situated, my star had faded, and it just wasn't in the cards. You know, if the last champion hadn't decided to drop the title right after she won it - or maybe if Dave wouldn't have let her get away with it - maybe things would've panned out differently." At this, she shook her head with a sigh, as though the thought was a discomforting one. "But I suppose that it's for the best. When I retired, I got to go out with only one loss to my name - and by the way, Salome, if you're listening to this, I still think you got lucky. Of couse, we all know I would've won just as much if I were to keep it up, anyway!"

Cynara cleared her throat. "The fact of the matter is...the attention never went away. It was thanks to apartment wrestling I met my husband, and I was able to achieve the life I live today. It was thanks to apartment wrestling anyone knows the name Cynara Morgan. But even then, I wasn't satisfied. Why be content with your place in life when you know it could be better? When you've seen for yourself what it feels like to have the world eating out of the palm of your hand? The rich and famous squabbling over the mere chance to see you prove yourself superior to all who challenge you?"

"It's with no shortage of regret that I have to say that I'm in no place to continue wrestling, by this point," she said, causing a few sighs of disappointment to be heard. "But when I saw LAW was coming to California, I saw my chances. If my star is going to burn, I don't want it to burn to embers. I want it to shine in a burst of brilliance! And it's thanks to the fine folks at LAW that I'm able to enjoy the spotlight once again - for I've signed a contract with the company to offer my talents in helping the rookies of today become the champions of tomorrow.

"When LAW comes to California for Fight The LAW, I'm proud to announce I'll be making my debut as a manager. And I'm especially happy to announce that I've already met a fine young lady who has what it takes to carry on my legacy - and when she enters the ring, she'll have a legend in her corner! Without further ado, I'd like to introduce my client - AVA ROSE! Ava, come on up here!" To the sounds of cheers, Cynara stepped to the side, giving room for Ava to take the stage.
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Re: Fight The LAW Press Conference

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The lights danced upon the stage as a familiar tone struck and blared through the arena! The crowd erupted in cheers, recognizing the goddess it would herald upon them. And without further ado, Ava graced their presence as she came out of the curtains! The crowds sighed in awe. In that very moment, every eyes, lights and camera were set upon her! All to adore everything she has to offer.
The pool of golden tresses that sat upon her divine face. So meticulously dressed and fixed to deserve being able to touch her features. Her tight outfit accentuating her hourglass body. The feminine curve of her hips hugged by her skirt. The line of her fine thighs and slender legs that must have been so fine yet selfishly hidden by her pantyhose. Down to her very feet, clad with boots, that might as well make the floor underneath her turn to gold at each step.

“Bonjour, mesdames et messieurs.” Ava spoked with the sweetest voice. “I have come here today before you to tell you that I am disappointed.” Her right hand clenched to a fist and pressed onto her chest and her expression looked dim.

“I am disappointed by how LAW thinks of beauty. Of finesse. Of gracefulness. We have forgotten the art of maintaining flair whilst in combat. Once in the ring, the wrestlers of LAW turn to sauvages without flamboyance and panache. Dirty warmongers out to tear each other’s flesh.” Ava spoke those words with utter disgust, her hands whipped at each sentence as if trying to throw them away.
“We have forgotten that a win most decisive is one where the victor stands tall, and with poise even after the gruel of combat. Just like Cynara here in her time, every chienne that comes her way, she knew, with utmost confidence, that she’s gonna leave them mewling in the apartment. And it radiated in her body every minute of the fight.”

“I think this low standard is the disease of LAW, these wins achieved without fashion. That’s why they even dared to pair me with a lowly japanese ringarde in a photoshoot!” Ava let out a short whine, as if she herself can’t believe it was true. The crowd gasped in sympathy.
“And so, she’s going to be my first example for you. I will defeat her as a strong yet exquisite wrestler would! And with the wonderful, stuff of legends, Cynara by my side, we’re going to bring color and style to this dark, untamed promotion! And no one would be able to stop us!”
“Ava Rose”
Robin and Jenna were dumbfounded by the reveal, Though Robin managed to keep her composure Jenna in her usual fashion was nearly jumping out of her seat. “Unbelievable! I am amazed at the team up here. Cynara Morgan’s wealth of knowledge was already a major win for LAW by itself but the fact that she is putting time into training and mentoring up and comer Ava Rose is a breathtaking development!” “Yes, Ava has proven herself well in her debut, her I quit match with Wisteria Khan a close affair, showed Ava to be as dangerous as she is beautiful. She made mistakes, what rookie doesn’t? But with Morgan at her side she has a chance to tighten up those mistakes really quick.” “She’s going to need it, its okay to make mistakes in a debut match, but in your first PPV match with stakes this high? Unacceptable.” “While we are on the subject, let's talk about why Ava is competing tonight, since its not just for the sake of a win on a PPV, which is an accomplishment in itself.” Robin pointed to the screen which showed the Ladies of LAW calendar.

Starting this year LAW introduced the Ladies of LAW calendar. Each month a new member of the LAW roster is photographed for a calendar with an interview allowing fans to see a bit more of their favorite wrestler or learn more about wrestlers they didn’t know about and maybe take an interest. A simple proposal and one of many that were focused on making sure LAW continues to provide quality content to you.” “But LAW is a place where ego’s run wild, sometimes justifiably other times less so. In this instance LAW for there March or April shoot wanted to showcase two new girls, the Brusque model herself the lovely Ava Rose.” Jenna gave a motion to Ava, her voice indicating her approval of the jaw droppingly stunning blonde.

And fellow model, known mostly for her work at Musashino Milk, a lovely gal herself, Satomi Mii.” “Things didn't go as planned, we are not privy to who started it but before our camerawomen for the shoot, LAW’s own Nanako Sen who is already in California taking pics of the area where the girls will be doing battle and of course will photograph the winner; more on that later, could even show up Nanako returned to a scene of the two models in a fight ready to tear each other apart.” “What do you mean ‘were not privy to who started it?’ Satomi has a history of taking things too far; she’s beaten up rival models before. Surely you don't mean to suggest that the lovely Ava here would start a fight unprovoked?” Jenna looked back at Ava with another smile while Robin rolled her eyes.
“Satomi Mii”
Right...Well Sanako has been around the block long enough to know a lost cause when she sees one. Rather than try and make a doomed photoshoot work and potentially ruin her high grade equipment she opted to cancel the double shoot then and there.

Then, because Nana is no fool as to deprive LAW’s fans of quality action both in the ring and out of it, she smelled money and instead proposed that Ava and Satomi slug it out on PPV! Winner takes all! That’s right the winner of this match which to my understanding is currently a standard bout meaning it will take place in the stadium, will be the sole chosen one for a future spot in the LAW Calendar.” “Both women accepted, and once Dan was informed he made it so, since then both wrestlers have been preparing for this day, both think they are not only the sexier treat but the superior combatant, well LAW faithful you are free to quibble amongst yourselves who’s the former but they will prove who the latter is tonight.
Honestly when you look at this fight on paper, you have to imagine the odds favor Ava. Satomi’s cute sure but cuteness doesn’t win matches and she’s only beaten models which was done to get into sponsorship with Musashino Milk. This is her debut match in LAW, I don’t doubt she’s been training but training without ring experience only gets you so far.” Robin sighed. “At least here you have something well thought out to say.” “Everything I say is well thought out.” “Remains to be seen...To focus back on Satomi, her preferences don’t lie in standard affairs, and her lack of known ring experience does put her behind Ava Rose’s own which doesn’t even take into account the fact that Ava will be managed by Cynara in the match itself. Satomi’s only advantage would be to have watched her match with Wisteria to see how Ava acts and thinks. An I quit match can be mentally and physically draining pushing Ava to her limits would provide great insight provided Satomi has the foresight to have done that.I’m glad you didn’t overlook Cynara Robin! She is in my humble opinion the trump card in this match. Ava’s already a rough striker with crafty skills and endurance, she proved that in her debut. Taking all that and having a legend act as your pair of eyes in this match, what can Satomi do to compete?” “I'm sure Satomi will try, but it is clear where you stand on this matter Jenna. So instead lets focus on people who will be involved in this match more, Cynara and Ava? I’m sure you two must be busy but we must know what plans you have that you are willing to indulge with us?
As Robin and Jenna were discussing the match, Cynara stayed close by Ava's side the whole while, with a smirk on her face. She stood with her arms folded and a cool, smug expression; she wasn't the least bit worried about her chances, and it showed in her posture and body language. She was already assured that any wrestler she lent her aid to would be unstoppable - and already, Ava was proving her potential.
She was even more pleased to hear that the reporters favored Ava in the matchups. Already, going into this match, she seemed to have the upper hand - but the guidance of a tried and true veteran like Cynara would surely push things over the edge and turn this into an outright massacre for Satomi! Standing up a little straighter and raising her chin, Cynara beamed with pride, as though she were a parent presented with the news of their child's academic success.
Now, it was time for Ava's new manager to add her thoughts on the situation, and she leaned in closer to take the microphone. "Very insightful, I'll say. Very insightful. I think you've hit the nail on the head when it comes to what makes Ava here so special as a competitor - not just her strength, but in her intelligence, and in her ability to outsmart her opponents and keep her guessing. I've been doing my research on this girl right here - reviewing the tapes of her old matches, and in watching her spar myself - and I'll tell you, I know what I saw, because I saw in her the same thinking, and the same qualities, that led to me holding the title of United States Apartment House Wrestling Champion for eleven months straight. I'll admit it now, what won me the championship wasn't my physical power so much as my keen mind. All those ladies I fought? Didn't matter how strong or how tough they were, because if they couldn't see my moves coming, they couldn't do a damn thing about them. I see it in Ava, too. Already, Ava's got the makings of a champion in her, and that's something I say from experience.
"But all of that is before you factor in that she'll have one of the best teachers a wrestler could hope to ask for leading into this match. Take all that talent, add someone who's lived and breathed that for years, and you have yourself a force to be reckoned with."
"Leading into this match, I intend to keep coaching Ava and making sure she knows what to do out there. For the most part, though, I'm going to take a step back and let her work her magic. She's already capable of anything I could hope for out of her. I know a lot of folks still debate over whether or not I was worthy of the championship, with all the tricks I took to get where I was. I'm sure a lot of people are going to be watching my corner like a hawk for when I'll overstep my boundaries. Sorry, honey, but I don't plan on that happening. Ava's not going to need it! Aren't you?" Cynara turned to her client, the corners of her lips turning up into a smirk.
A lopsided smirk painted Ava’s face as she heard the opinion of their hosts. Jenna seemed to be captivated the most by her allure, something Ava thought they wore right on their sleeve . Ava winked at Jenna the moment their eyes met when Jenna pleaded her innocence from the brawl as if they already knew her. Her confidence never waned the whole time. Something she radiated from her narrow posture and laid back demeanor. Since when the hosts discussed their prediction for the fight, something she truly thought they nailed. Down to the very question where Cynara answered it with grace as she would have expected from a former champion. And Cynara then lending the spotlight back to her.
“Of course, ma belle. Cynara here already gave me more than I expected to have. And more than I would need to dismantle Satomii in the fight.” she chuckled, the thought of Satomii begging for her mercy.
“Her knowledge and experience as an undisputed champion back then are invaluable to me. You can expect a squash match from us while Miss Cynara here leisurely watches the spectacle from ringside without any worry in the world while I pick Satomii apart!”
"Such confidence, can never get enough of well earned confidence! I look forward to calling your match and enjoying the sight when you end up in that calendar spot!" Jenna had been swooning over Ava the whole time which only increased when Ava seemed to be appreciating her comments and looks which of course inspired more praise. Robin just wanted to groan. "No match has been decided and over confidence will be the end of anyone. No disrespect intended of course. Rest assured I do believe you have all the tools to win this match. Satomi will need to bring her best to win and even with Cynara taking a backstage role this will be a real test of her worth." "Oh yes the model cutting her teeth with Ava will show just how much she has in her. If Ava's words prove right and this fight is a squash it would be smart of her to reconsider her profession good sponsors or no." "We thank you for your time with us Ava. Same with you Cynara and let me be the first to properly welcome you back to the world of wrestling. We know you will be a massive asset to our company."

Post finished in Discord alongside Captain and Violet
Last edited by Taskmaster12 on Sun Jul 04, 2021 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fight The LAW Press Conference

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She-Hulk vs Zangief
LAW’s next match takes the battle of the sexes in a rare form of what I expect to be a straight power brawl when our own She-Hulk takes on the large mountain of a man, proud Russian Zangief.” “I’ve never understood how she can get away with calling herself She-Hulk! That’s a comic book character, am I the only one who notices that? It's a blatant rip off not even named differently!” “Jenna, I'm sure upper management squared away any concerns they had long before they let her sign on here. If there was going to be a lawsuit or cease and desist it would have been sent out already.” “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” “ Well when we care you’ll be the first to know. She Hulk impressed fans from the get go, her green skin attracted eyes while her muscles and beauty kept them there. While not the fastest or the most fundamental member here she takes hits that would floor the average fighter and keeps going and has raw power that matches even the guys on our roster.” “So much so that she’s earned herself the watchful eye of Zangief who wants to see just how strong this green skinned babe is when feeling the frost burnt might of the near 300 pound Hunk of meat. When I tell you this man has muscles on his muscles, trust me I’m NOT exaggerating.” “Zangief has not been with LAW for very long signing mid April, just a few short days after She-Hulk did but his match with Fernanda Guererrero or Goldy as most would otherwise know her showed us what he’s capable of. The raw power he has alone would be enough to handle the average star, but he’s more technical than you would expect him to be. If a man of his caliber gets a grip on you, you better make sure he lets go quickly or it's going to hurt.” “That’s not to say he’s going to be the next Bret Hart or anything but when you are his size you only need so much honestly. How do you counter someone like that?” “She-Hulk hopes to find an answer or at least she better. In her match with Aesira she showed a bit of brain to go with that brawn, and her handicap match with the Booty Princesses was another way to showcase her power. She clearly does not fear a fight, honestly with how similar they are its almost as if they were meant to meet. This is a Boulder meeting a Boulder.
Let me rephrase my question. How does anyone like She Hulk expect to win when every area you excel the enemy has you beat? As you said it's a boulder meeting a boulder and I agree but one boulder is bigger, and more likely to send the other one tipping off assuming it doesn’t break her first. I mean look at these stats Robin! 290 to 255, that's a 45 pound difference she has to overcome. Her endurance likely won't be on par with him, easier what she can do that he can’t. This is simply not an opponent she can try to match pound for pound and expect good results, if this is just a matter of trying to slam the other until they stop moving or even a brawl I have to give it to Zangief.” “It does look bleak when you take into account her best source of offense seems neutralized but remember She-Hulk in her matches showed she’s far from a meathead, and she’s fast enough, certainly faster then Zangief and arguably more skilled in grappling from what we have seen. Having said that you are right that with such a disadvantage she has less room for error but with her power she can afford to make more mistakes then most of Zangief’s opponents, and to win she’s going to have to.

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Re: Fight The LAW Press Conference

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Gil “Arma-Gil-O” vs Amelia Roux
This next match is one that will happily be taking full advantage of the Long Beach setting with a newcomer who has taken LAW by storm Arma-Gil-O vs a well recognized face in Amelie Roux...Say Robin didn’t you have some fun with Amelie?” “That woman wouldn’t know anything about fun or a good deal when it hit her, the big tittied mongrel tried to smother me after she bumped into me in the hallway and had the audacity to be mad when I was less than pleasant about it. Still because I’m a professional I will call this with an unbiased lens.” “Hehe, Sure you will.” “Sorry I couldn't hear you over the drool still in your mouth from Ava looking at you.” “Oh stop it, let's talk about Amelie.” “She’s a far easier one to talk about. Joining LAW sometime in 2018 Amelie has not been wrestling as frequently as some of the heavy hitters but does try to make an impression whenever she does wrestle.” “Often with her breasts! As Robin can attest!” Robin took a deep breath and counted to 10 before she did something bad like wack Jenna with the microphone. “Amelie debuted in a match with Alisha Grace who was also in her first LAW outing that match and that relied on grappling and body control due to a no striking rule in this Flexi-glass match where the winner had to get a specific submission to win. This match had Amelie showing us her at her best. Alisha gave her a tough time but by the end she had Alisha whimpering like a helpless cat before submitting.” “Amelie’s style is a mix of using that sexually charged body of hers with her to not only drive her opponents wild but trap them in marshmallow hell that they don't want to escape even as the oxygen runs dry. The way she handled Alisha showed that's very effective.” “Her success since then has room for improvement if we are being honest. Nayla Ameera bested her in a well received bed match where it was Amelie who was left the mewling kitten in the hands of Nayla. Her luck didn’t shine much brighter in a smother match with Lola Morgan and she was subjected to another submission loss to avoid passing out.” “You seem to be smiling at that.” “I’m just doing my research, which I love.” “Well then you should love talking about Gil just as much.” “I will.”
Gil is a new girl but you wouldn’t know it by how popular she has gotten since she arrived, and already working up a sweat, in just a few months here she’s gained a 3-9 record with matches still in the cards before the PPV.” “I would like to emphasize that as well. Keep in mind, LAW does not have a weekly show sometimes days or even a week or 2 can go by without one and wrestlers can go even longer between matches. We have people here who have been here for years who are only 5 matches in. Gil in not even half that time has competed 12 times, even with most of those being losses you have to admire her determination.” “I wish I could admire her attire choices, looks like a damn child half the time.” “The fans don’t mind neither do the wrestlers. Gil hasn’t just won over the people; the staff and peers she meets have glowing praise for her.” “That’s all well and good but what does her fighting record show, work ethic or not, that 3-9 is damning.” “Gil’s skills seem varied and her debut match against Danielle showed us that cute can still be dangerous. Danielle made the mistake of underestimating her on looks alone.” “Probably thought she was a child too.” “And was humiliated by how much she underestimated her before Gil proceeded to pin her. Gil showed remarked fortitude, skill and played off to the crowd to not only get their support but rile up Danielle. This win was followed by a string of 5 losses, one to Lightweight champion Rose Gold but she continued to show off admirably in each.” “But she didn’t win. Who cares if it was a good showing.” “Well you would best do so. How she loses is important, her third loss was a smother match afterall, which could play into Amelie’s game.” “Now those are stats I like. Seems obvious Amelie can take it from there if she’s ill prepared.” “Her second win was also a smother match.” “Oh” “Yes. Oh. This is why it's best to let me finish before running your mouth.” Robin would look back at the cameras. “The match will be a Queen of the Beach match while we are still learning the type of match that is given Amelie’s style she would never agree to a match that didn’t incorporate smothering, and Gil has shown several times over she’s willing and waiting to do them. She’s even been calling for the creation of a championship for smothering.” “If she is I imagine Amelie agrees 100%. In fact I bet this match is her spotlight to show what she should be considered the first pick for such a thing. Should it ever come to pass. Besides looking at these stats now Gil has lost more smother matches then she’s won, since she’s already lighter then her opponent this feels like an open shut case, Amelie wins with Gil trapped between her melons.” “Gil’s fortitude and diverse skill set compared to her opponent says otherwise. I think Gil can find a way to provoke the beast and take the win.” “That unbiased lens didn’t last long did it?” “Shut up.

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Re: Fight The LAW Press Conference

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Ayame Akan vs Diana Ricci
Just as the two were getting through the next match they got word from Management. Jenna smiled at the announcement before bringing it to the conference. “Now LAW faithful, we told you that the card was subject to change and of course we don’t lie. As of now because of the changing landscape of this great place the card has been drastically updated with matches both on the undercard and main one, but to keep the focus on the main one here’s the next match on the list. The champion bodybuilder turned wrestler LAW’s Luscious One Dianna Ricci will be facing The Young Wolf Ayame Akan.” Robin quickly looked at the notes sent on her phone, updating her. She knew both women but to the fullest extent and the news being dropped on her left her with little prepared to go off of. Thankfully she was a professional and quickly adapted to the situation like she would any other.
It seems LAW decided Zangief vs She-Hulk wasn’t enough power for the undercard. Truly we continue to spoil people.” “We should anyway, even though we have never had a show here, California has shown us nothing but love!” And we will give it right back as will the wrestlers like fellow American Diana Ricci. If you don’t know her for wrestling she’s surely known in the world of bodybuilding.” “And what a body it is Robin! Honestly it's not a shock this girl won championship after championship, she could bench press me with one hand.” “Which she would do to show off no doubt. No one ever sees Diana enter a room quietly, she is a woman of great skill and talent and has always caught attention everywhere she goes. She was offered spots in other sports for years, professional wrestling just being one of them.” “And I thank LAW every day she’s here that we persisted in getting her. I’ve seen this unit of a wrestler use moves like spinebusters and Torture Racks to great effect during her training session videos. I shudder to think of the fate she could inflict on someone trapped in that rack, for any future opponent or anyone who dares piss her off, better tap fast.” “Physically this should be an opponent both easy on the eyes and tough to handle on the mat. Having said that, her record stands at one loss for a reason.Uuuuhgh. Don’t remind me of that. To those that missed Diana’s debut which was a stunning affair of power and beauty she lost the match to Roseline Lebeau in an absolute travesty. There she was dominating this small fry for a solid 5 minutes when I swear Roseline pulled something on her to stun her and get a sneak pin.” “The match has been recorded a hundred times at least Jenna, Diana lost because she got arrogant and played with her food until she got tired, allowing the more experienced Roseline to counter and take her down while she was tired and pin her with a facesit.” “There was probably some sleeping serum on her pants. Diana had that fight.“I won’t deny it was an upset, Diana showed the world what she could do. She played off the crowd much like she did in her body building days but spent too long playing the bully, which I hear got her in trouble in the bodybuilding world in the first place. I guess some people never learn.” “That was then, now we have a new day for Diana to pick up a win in Long beach! Provided her opponent doesn’t try anything nasty.
Said opponent being the youngest daughter of Denji Akan and Touka Akan, and baby sister to LAW’s well known midcarder Kyoko, the bright and vibrant Ayame Akan.” “Seriously, how the hell are those two sisters there nothing alike? And are we sure she’s the little one? She’s got like several inches on her.” “We can’t choose where we are born or who our family is, only who we wish to be and Ayame has strived to be her own woman both proud of the Akan name but independent of her sis.” “To give her credit she at least looks good so the crowd will eat her up.” “Her looks won’t help her win matches. Thankfully she’s more than capable of that, using her impressive speed with power Ayame has a small record like Diana’s but far more positive currently at 2-0 and looking to pull a hat trick on the beach.” “Now let's get into the matches themselves and be fair to everyone, Diana included. Ayame’s 2 wins come from a has been and a part timer. Her debut was against Mizaki Tantka and while I will admit Mizaki is a decent submission wrestler and smotherer, the match she beat her in was a standard match Mizaki was out of her element in such a thing.” “Mizaki is not some helpless mule, nor should be accepting standard matches if she’s not prepared. She underestimated Ayame and was simply crushed by the women’s power.” “Fine whatever. You still can’t tell her her victory over Audrey Hunter is something to be impressed about.” “Nor was I going to, Audrey’s string of losses heading into the match showed she simply was not in a place to handle a younger and stronger foe, Ayame’s victory over her was something to be expected and a bad sign for Ayame if she had lost.

Having called all of these matches, one place I think will be a tell-tale sign of who can win is who’s better at holds and wrestling. You’d think Ayame would be the obvious choice there since she’s from a wrestling family and all. It should come with the training that you know what you're doing but everytime she applied submissions, you could tell she wasn’t doing them the way she should.” “Not all of them but enough that you could tell it was a weakness for her, and fortunately for her it's a similar weakness to Diana. Her submission not being properly applied was what kept Roseline from being crushed in my opinion and if she’s improved on that with her power it would be a game changer for her.” “Took the words right out of my mouth, get better at locking in submissions and grappling and we have a whole new animal in the ring in the form of the Luscious One, double for that Torture Rack which already looks like a move brought down by heaven in her hands.” “Another area of improvement is stamina. Diana seemed gassed out when Roseline was not getting beaten as fast as she expected and that cost her when facing a middleweight. A heavyweight gets her hand on a gassed opponent it will end up being far uglier.” “Ayame is powerful I admit, even our magazine's resident expert Avalie Reza made note of her power, but you can’t honestly expect her to be stronger than a proper champion bodybuilder it's clear she crushes Ayame in that. If Ayame is smart, which I doubt she is, she will try to use that speed she bested Mizaki with to get the better of Diana. Furthermore we have never seen Ayame’s endurance on full display. Mizaki nor Audrey did enough to really test how much of a hit Ayame can take and if she falters early it will be Diana playing with cute prey.” “Ayame also has not wrestled since getting attacked by an unknown assailant and spending some time recovering, with that she must play things safe, no one comes back from time off as good as they were before unless they are prodigy’s.” “Which this Ayame certainly is not from what we have seen. Yeah..I think Diana’s got this.

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Re: Fight The LAW Press Conference

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Aphrodite vs Marissa Valentine
Further updates from LAW confirmed this little match as well which I’m sure will go over well with our fans, especially those who love to see hot women go at it on a sandy beach wearing almost nothing. Now we up the ante and bring them a literal goddess to the field.” “Alleged Goddess. Real name Aisha Norman who goes by the ring name Aphrodite will be taking on Marissa Valentine who has the nickname the Booty Witch. And yes this match will be taking place on the beach as Jenna said.” “Nothing else about the sort of match it is is known to us now but we can do more then enough with that looking at both girls capabilities, while both of them are new signees having joined LAW earlier this year, in the case of Marissa it was last month, They have shown more then enough promise to be loved and adored by fans. Aphrodite especially given she’s not a rookie and had some popularity in other companies before she made this place her new home of worship.” “You seem awfully happy with her, I’d have expected you to treat her with all the same confusion you did She-Hulk given she pretends to be someone from a bunch of stories.” “Don’t go there Robin, the difference is Aphrodite is merely encompassing the virtues of a goddess not trying to truly tell us she is one. I mean look at her! That flowing blonde hair, those gorgeous breasts, and those elegant thighs all scream a goddess in some form to me.” “To focus on skills that will actually help her in a match we have seen Aisha go toe to toe with some of LAW’s toughest competitors when faced against Tara Jaegar, Kitty Page, Nadia Fortune, and even former Hentai champ Eirina Makishima.”Not only did she fight those gals she put on a strong showing almost every time, it quickly became noticeable that her strength lied in her ability to simply wear down her opponent with her impressive striking ability or bring them down with submissions. Plus as one would expect of someone with such a name she was giving Eirina a run for her money in every way possible and we know how diverse her skillset is.” “Aisha has a great deal of skill and talent, that much is clear but her temper seems to get the better of her. She is often quick to resort to dirty tricks if her opponent proves a bit tougher than she expected.” “Hey if she’s clever enough to avoid the ref while doing it.” “In a ring but a beach setting is different.” “I’d argue it's even easier to pull off something dirty here, how can you know a slap to the face didn’t put some sand in your opponent's eye. Things happen.” “Well she would be better off avoiding the crutch entirely and simply winning. She has a chance since her opponent is someone I actually think she has a chance against.
LAW started with a mix of veterans and new girls to the wrestling scene. It's always been in our interest to allow wrestlers of all ages shine while housing the next generation. In Marissa we find another young prospect with potential. Signing with us at the age of 19 she wowed fans with her bubbly attitude and with aesthetics, a love for the mystics of the world putting her at what feels like a natural collision with the self proclaimed Goddess.” “Ordinarily I would not consider this a compliment but she has the attitude of someone who can persevere through a loss. In her debut match against Mina Piper who some fans may remember is one half of Shinobi Sunshine, Marissa displayed a lot of tenacity, taking hits that would floor some people and able to come back up from them and putting Mina through her paces with her ability to pop back up into the fight and work through Mina’s own offense with counters, submission and all around grounded skill. Though she lost the match she was none the worse for wear or even bothered by it.” “She’s only 19 she knows she has years left to improve her in ring skill and if she’s doing that well now all she needs is to stay focused and she will be far better in only a few years.” “Well staying focused might be an issue for her, while her wrestling is good her attention span is not. In her Mina match she lost focus looking for a hat, and this was after her opponent knocked her down. She was lucky Mina was nice enough not to pursue her momentum. I doubt Aphrodite will be as merciful.” “There’s little doubt in my mind most wrestlers would have done something different. Marissa showed much of the same mistakes of youth as any other girl her age would, Aprhodite has long since grown past that which is why I firmly stand that the advantage is hers even if I find Marissa’s potential and varied skill set to be an advantage to her in the future.” “I think Marissa does too much, her second match was a hardcore match which just feels like she does stuff just to do stuff, yeah she did good there too but I think its better if you keep on to a few things your good at rather then broaden yourself and fall behind in everything. But we will see Marissa has a chance to show everyone she means business in what has to be her first PPV match ever. I'm sure she’s dying for the chance to explode on such a big stage.

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Re: Fight The LAW Press Conference

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Yuiza Arroyo vs Corey Sniper
If you ask me, some matches spoil people on the undercard of the card and this match is one of those. Many things are made of the talent that we pick up and tonight we have Corey Sniper joining us on the undercard. Corey of course being one well renowned star for her time in Wrestle Angles her record there speaks for itself.” “Many would look down on her for her time as a tag team star but only fools would look at that solely, while yes her time with Lily Sniper made the bulk of her work many top singles stars were tag team stars first. And Corey has had years after she left Wrestle Angels to work in singles matches proving herself just as capable with a partner as she could be as an individual, the team has reformed somewhat in LAW with both sisters here but Corey’s record is in singles action s far with two victories and no losses to her name to speak of.” “Known for a fast paced and high octane style that wears an opponent down until Corey can set them up for a finish, in her debut in LAW she showed that she hadn’t lost a single step facing Janella Johnson to a tough but definitive win to mark up her career.” “Corey followed that win with another definitive one in the form of Skully, her second opponent who she beat even faster then JJ despite Skully giving a tough fight herself. One half of the Sniper sisters just refuses to be stopped by anything here in LAW and continues to show that even with Lily here as well Corey will happily branch out and win a singles belt, you have to imagine she’s eyeing up that middleweight belt. Or is making a case to end up being the inaugural Openweight Champion when that title is finally introduced. No matter what, we see a strong contender for the next few years in Corey.” “Adding to that her sister Lily is also 2-0 so far if their chemistry is as strong as ever and their bodies clearly are they could start seeking another round of tag belts. LAW has plenty of sister teams but why not one more.” “I’m sure if they wanted to they could but their mind is focused on singles action for the time being. And Corey needs to worry about keeping herself in top form because her opponent won’t make things easy for her.
Oh don’t worry we didn’t forget her opponent, who we would like to say is also undefeated with a 3-0 record, the tough and pretty Yuiza Arroyo.” “Yuiza joined LAW late last year and at 21 years of age is showing much of the promise and potential as we can expect from someone like her, having an amazing mix of power and speed. She is the lighting bruiser you spend decades trying to build and she’s like that out of the gate.” “I admit I underestimated her a little bit, since her debut match saw her take on someone noticeably lighter than her, who was also making her debut in Slyphia Fairs. It didn’t feel like we were getting a proper chance to see what she was made of but she took that opportunity and crushed Slyphia with a burning hammer with much of the power and speed as you talked about Robin. She added to those wins by beating Lauren Fredricks who has always been trying to stay out of the loser end of things but despite being a far bigger opponent she was dropped quicker by Yuiza.” “Finally in her match against Hinoka which barely started before Yuiza finished her off, the match not even making it past the 2 minute mark before the pin was called. There are asterisks around this win given Hinoka’s supposed condition.” “Oh that’s just fans making excuses, LAW would never sanction a match that both girls hadn’t agreed to. And lets say this did happen. The ref stopped to ask Hinoka if she was good and she said yes and nearly punched the ref for doing so. Yuiza was just the better woman in the better shape. I don't know why that offends so many people. That Judgment Hammer is a killer.” “Its yet to be kicked out of in any match we have seen and its put down all of her opponents in LAW leaving them barely able to respond, not helped by Yuiza often leaving her opponent up long enough to register what is about to happen to them and show off the power she is capable of in the ring.

Normally I lean one way or the other when it comes to action like this but honestly this time around I can’t for the life of me decide who can win. Yuiza has the more impressive record and faster victories to her name but I feel Corey’s opponents are bigger victories, not to mention her history before this.” “Corey is far and away the more experienced girl but experience has never meant victory and Yuiza is a force to be reckoned with in that ring. This match is one we will have to see to know how it turns out but one thing is certain, these are two women who can and will give it their all in the match."

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Re: Fight The LAW Press Conference

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Lily Harper vs Ava Johnson POW Beach Sauna match
Our next match, if you ask me, has as obvious of a winner as we are going to get. On this card but given the setting with it being a Sauna match with POW stipulations I'm confident the fans will be loving this beatdown.” “You shouldn’t describe matches like that Jenna. Each opponent can win on any given day.” “Oh come on Robin, we both know some fans love to see losers get their ass kicked. It's why we have the Loser Belt! Lily Harper will take on winless Ava Johnson in a Sauna for the crowd to see. If you don’t know these two with Lily let me tell you, you are missing something special. One half of the Harper sisters and known as the Princess Knight Lily harper has had a successful career in the tag team and singles action.” “Lily’s career since joining mid last year is one known for her striking ability and good use of her legs while gaining more victories and defeats. Her debut win over Ruby Blaze was followed by beating Lyra and her first tag team victory over the Silva Sisters with her own sister Gray.” “Once again we have a lot of sister teams.” “Lily’s only losses to date are to Ruby in a rematch but one that favored Ruby since it was a hentai match,and Princess Peach cake in a Stinkface match.” “Most of her wins are in standard or normal matches, when things get crazy she ends up starting to struggle.” “Which makes this match far more of a struggle than Jenna is giving credit for.” “I mean if we are dealing with a normal wrestler sure but Ava Johnson doesn’t inspire confidence.

Ava Johnson being a fellow lightweight with a 0-5 record. A grappler who tends to try and fight to the best of her abilities and look for weaknesses.” “With little success as her record shows. She’s lost to fellow lightweights like Hayley in her debut match, vets like Thunder Ryuko, male wrestlers like Brad Roy, and monsters like Mel. Often she loses fast and with little doubt she ever has a chance. Honestly I'm shocked Holly hasn’t taken a crack at her yet, they might be evenly matched.” “Well as simple as you find things, one of her best performances was in her hentai match with Brad. Which as we have established with Lily’s record is where she starts to have difficulty, if there’s an area she has a chance to come out of her record it is here.” “Brad’s a dude! Ava is a looker its only natural someone like Brad would take an interest, and yet she was still the one who climaxed first. Unless he’s gay a man losing a hentai match is more expected, Ava had an advantage and blew it, if your telling me she won’t blow this one I have land on Cali’s fault line to sell you.” “Ava has been working and improving her game with this PPV being her planned showing of her new skills and which she describes as a new beginning, with raised stakes of the POW as well and we have a recipe for a surprise. We have seen many girls bring there best when there back is too a wall.” “Well it's obvious where you stand on this matter. Me? I’ll stick to the girl who has a win on her belt.

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