Haruka Ito - Lady Tengu

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Haruka Ito - Lady Tengu

Unread post by Deus001 »

Name: Haruka Ito/Lady Tengu
Sex: Female/Tengu
Age: 15/1/2002/1018 years old!
Eyes: Black and White/Light Purple
Hair: Purple/Black
Height: 5'4/5'4
Weight: 120lbs/Light as a feather
Nationality: Japanese/Tengu Realm
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Neutral
Entrance Theme: King and Ashley by My First Story
Alternate Theme: Kouga Ninpou Chou by Onmyo-Za

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Haruka is a tried and true martial artist, employing various hard hitting punches and kicks at all the right spots to leave her opponent a bloodied and crumpled mess. As Lady Tengu she instead switches it up, focusing more on taking it slow and using demeaning, playful and strenuous submission holds that leave her opponent a twisted and contorted heap left wanting more from her
Style: Striker/Submission
Type: Aggressive/Controlling

Preferred Attacks: Punches, kicks, targeting the head, joint locks

Preferred Matches: Anything except hentai

Endurance: 5/5 - She might look petite and dainty but she can take a tremendous amount of punishment before going down
Strength: 3/5 - Packing a deceptive amount of muscle though her height holds her back
Speed: 5/5 - A blur to many and swift as the wind
Defence: 3/5 - She can hold her own in a pitched strike fest and does decent on the ground too
Technique: 4/5 - Learning her clan's techniques from childhood have made her a well developed martial artist

Strikes: 5/5 - Her blows are often compared to works of art
Submissions: 3/5 - She knows several ways to effectively choke you out
Powerhouse: 2/5 - Her muscles do let her lift people comparable to her but besides that its not her go to
Aerial: 4/5 - Bounces around all over the place and looks graceful doing it!
Counters: 3/5 - Can turn aside blows and roll on the ground pretty well if need be.

Signature Moves

Ito Style - Flipped Moon: If Haruka's kick is blocked and grabbed she can use this move, bouncing on her free leg once she will then swiftly jump up with it and perform a backflip kick to clip her opponent in the jaw to release her leg and cause damage too!

Ito Style - Falling Rapids: Haruka performs a swift uppercut to the jaw, followed by stepping back and kicking the shins to force the enemy to the knees and concludes with a spinning roundhouse kick to the side of the head to strike them down.

Tengu's Descent: Lady Tengu leaps into the air and tightly wraps her legs around their waist for a bodyscissors, following this she'll try to drag them to the mat and apply some stiff head strikes to make her foe groggy followed by her muttering sweet nothings into their ears.

Tengu's Deception: Baiting out a kick from her opponent Lady Tengu will catch it and sweep her opponent to the floor and roll them onto their back before placing her knee on their spine and bending their held leg back as hard as she can all the while playfully demeaning her opponent.

Finishing Moves

Ito Style - Shattered Frame: Haruka starts off at a distance and bolts towards her opponent and delivers a powerful palm strike right at the heart of her opponent, the sheer power and momentum taking her foe out the fight right then and there.

Ito Style - Bloody Crescent: Bursting out into a running and jumping midair spin Haruka will blast out her left leg and slam her foot right into the opponent's head and usually clipping the nose hence the name.

Tengu's Slumber: Lady Tengu will slip behind her opponent, kick their leg out from under them and cinch in a Dragon Sleeper to slowly choke out her opponent all the while humming a folk song to lullaby her foe to sleep.

Tengu's Fan: Once she's certain the opponent will not escape Lady Tengu will put her opponent into a kneeling position and do a standing headscissors to choke them out, before doing so however she will grab her fan that she brought to the ring and perform for the crowd as she chokes out her opponent.

Physical Appearance
Haruka's Ring Attire (Wears bandages around her ankles and goes barefoot)
My body is ready
Getting unwound
Lady Tengu (Wings and headdress are detachable and a purple leotard under the kimono serves as the ring attire)
The Tengu Unmasks
An offering for me?
You dare challenge a trickster?
Personality: Haruka is a very extroverted individual, always keen and curious about things and people around her she's the sort to always be bouncing about the place and talk a mile a minute and explore wherever she wants. In battle she carries over much the same with her being very enthusiastic to push her limits and see just how well her clan arts fare against other fighters and often asking if she can learn moves from her opponents outside of the ring, Haruka is often described by her friends as a bit of the clingy type who is at times overbearing but certainly dependable, though if she faces a strong male Haruka can become one track minded in her drive to ensure she brings a powerful mate back to her clan and suffer from tunnel vision in regards to other goals but can be snapped back to things with enough effort.

As Lady Tengu however she becomes far more manipulative, teasing people and seeking to leave them gasping and wanting more from her. She remains extroverted but hams herself up, speaking in a more classical tone with antiquated words proclaiming her might over the weak 'humans' that dare to step in the ring against her. Lady Tengu tends to behave in a more sensual and suggestive manner also, often using double entendres and adding playfulness to her moves. Instead of being a disciplined fighter Haruka acts more lackadaisical, often nonchalantly dodging attacks and then joking around with her prey when they're locked tight in her clutches.

Backstory: Haruka hails from the Ito clan, while one might not assume much about this bloodline one would need to peer deep into its roots for its true nature to become apparent. While on the surface they are a clan of martial artists, the clan branch based in Tokyo use a hybrid style of Shotokan Karate and Judo to bring down any opponent that stands in their way. While they operate a dojo to teach the public the way of combat that they use they're true nature is far more sinister, for the past hundreds of years the clan have operated in the Japanese criminal underworld with their roots dating back from a freelance female martial artist and a wise male merchant who together garnered great wealth in the Sengoku era. Often being used as bodyguards and legbreakers for various Yakuza clans at one point or another, through careful and selective outside breeding the clan maintained their nature as powerful warriors well into the modern day. Many a person from the clan has entered the underground fighting scene in today's day and age carrying on their traditions and fighting for the highest bidders.

Haruka's parents however had other ideas for their latest child, with many of their children already getting themselves involved in the criminal ways they wanted to have a legitimate member of their immediate bloodline if only for the sake of easing a small part of their conscience. While Haruka was taught the ways of their martial arts she was kept on a heavy leash with her activities, rather than keep Haruka focused however this only made her curious. Where she'd sneak out from the estate at night to go wander the streets and eventually be tracked down and given a verbal lashing and grounding. Haruka was public schooled at least which opened her to the way of watching combat sports and drama, her natural heritage as a martial artist drawing her to them. Seeing this as a niche that Haruka could use to lead a legal life her parents managed to get her a part time job at a local theatre, where after school and on weekends she'd play a variety of roles from stage extra to main roles after practising her creativity enough.

Yet after graduating high school and entering college Haruka took up a tailoring course while continuing her perfection of her clan's art, however one day one of her friends talked about wrestling and mentioned LAW. Haruka looked it up and was amazed by the brand and what it offered to all, such a melting pot of surely worthy foes that she could face and learn from. Still she suspected LAW's shady side might deter her parents given their restrained nature, not that it ever stopped Haruka though. Plus Haruka had wanted to honour her clan and see about finding herself a powerful mate that she could have at her side and aid her clan. So she decided to create a gimmick and use it for her college course project, a Tengu. A trickster, perfect to elude prying eyes should it be required and with that insurance plan created Haruka signed herself up.......

Fun Facts

Haruka hasn't dated or even kissed someone, citing she'll only do so for a powerful enough partner that earns it!

For her theatre performances Haruka can actually speak very good English and also Latin

Enjoys dancing, romance novels, sparring, sewing

Is pretty decent at parkour, sneaking out of her estate taught her to be nimble getting out and in.

LAW Information

Tobiaz Schawrz via submission

Finlay Zeffer via KO



Last edited by Deus001 on Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:39 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Haruka Ito - Lady Tengu

Unread post by Deus001 »

Name: Lady Hannya
Sex: Female
Age: Unknown
Eyes: Black and white
Hair: Purple
Nationality: Yomi
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Entrance Music: Yakuza Ishin OST - Fiercest Warrior
Alternate Theme: Yakuza 7 OST - Wailing Warrior

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Lady Hannya follows only one thing, total destruction of the enemy. She will apply strikes that are swift, strong and precise. She uses the clan arts of the Ito clan and has no mercy in her heart, in battle she rarely if ever gives verbal responses to damage inflicted. There is no humanity, no sense of morality in the heart of the Hannya. All that is concealed within her is pure fury

Style: Brutal Striker
Type: Aggressive

Preferred Attacks: Precise jabs, acrobatic kicks, precision blows

Preferred Matches: NHB, Ko, Falls count anywhere

(For wrestling stats see above)

Signature Moves

Yokai Claw - A simple choke where Hannya gouges at the neck with her nails as she does, mainly done when the opponent is on their knees in agony already.

Disdain - Hannya gets her knee on a downed opponent's chest and windmill punches their jaw numerous times, eventually slowing until she mockingly taps their chin.

Finishing Moves

Yomi Drop - Hannya performs a swift and effective over the shoulder judo toss, then swiftly roundhouse kicks the opponent's head to send them swiftly to another realm.......

Hannya Wrath - A swift right jab to the side of the ribs, right below the heart. Followed by a palm strike at the solar plexus to end the fight and the opponent......

Personality: Hannya knows no mercy, no remorse. She cannot be bargained with or reasoned with. The only thing within the Hannya is jealously, resentment at being denied her rightful due. So now she simply does as she pleases so long as the mask is donned. In battle she never speaks save for the odd grunt or hiss, will not respond to taunts or pleas save for the rare tilt of the head. She shows little to no regard for anything else in a bout other than causing destruction, backstage staff will often vacate the area when they learn of her presence knowing that even being gazed at by her is enough to warrant being a target for her anger.

Past: The Hannya has only been sighted recently in various underground arenas and fight clubs, usually when a member of the Ito clan are present. Those there have spoken of a mysterious woman dressed in a pure white gi donning a red painted hannya mask that bears a malicious grin. The so called Hannya will often hijack whatever bout was occurring prior to her arrival and destroy any fighters involved using techniques that the Ito clan claim to be in their style, once she has caused enough havoc the Hannya departs with her gi stained blood red and the mask barely ajar..........Rumours suggested by hushed mutterings of those witnessing it all speak of how the fighter clearly had jealously and resentment in her fists, almost as if she was barred from even using them in a proper battle. Further rumours suggest that the Hannya has made its way to LAW, concealed just behind the leaf fan of a Tengu lady........
Last edited by Deus001 on Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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