Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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Standard Match
Win by Pinfall or Submission.

Thereisa is waiting at gorilla position backstage listening to her daughter and step-daughter advice on her opponent for tonight match. The energy is electric as two former number one contender's for the heavyweight title go at it, and it the last match of the night as the crowd has been standing since to see the war that going to happen.

"It's fine girl's the outfit fits like a glove. And I have this tonight I don't need you both coming down to the ring and running around to distract them." she glares at both women who nod their head in agreement. Giving their mother one more hug before going back to the locker room to watch the match.

Taking a deep breath knowing that if she wins this match. She will still be around the top for contenders and hopefully lead to another rematch with Astrid, but not wanting to think to far ahead as her music plays over the loud speakers. Appearing on stage wearing her new outfit made just for this match flexing her arm for the crowd. Making her way down to the ring the look of focus is on her face tonight, no game playing or taking it easy against her opponent tonight.

Sliding into the ring from the bottom rope Widow leans against the turnbuckle corner, all 6'6 of her waits to see who her opponent is going to come out and to slay the bull as they will say.


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Re: Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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*After her grueling match against the reigning champion Astrid Osteberg, Jess's devoted followers were under the impression that she had fallen off the face of the planet- Nary a peep from any of the Gem's denizens about her, and signs of existence were scarce to say the least. The vast majority of her supporters believed the altercation with the indomitable Valkyrie was enough to send her into an early retirement, but those unfounded speculations were swiftly put six feet under when it was announced she'd be making an appearance against the rising star known only as Cyber Widow.* "Aheukheuk!" *She guffawed at the sight of her impending competition, all the while dawning her western apparel.* "She might be a lil bigger than me, but she ain't got the true grit that I got, so I doubt she'll be anything but a pushover!"

*It felt like eons since she had stepped into the ring, even going so far as to abdicate her weekly training regiment and instead decided to tend to miscellaneous activities throughout The Haven: Improving upon her already exemplary cooking aptitude, training the still somewhat inexperienced Claudia on the finer elements of grappling, and overall enjoying her copious downtime away from the spotlight. However, when she was requested to accommodate the ravenous appetite of her competition, she didn't hesitate to accept.*

"Alright darlin~" *She remarked, gently placing her ornate, hollowed cowskull atop her broad shoulders.* "I'm gonna give you one hell of a fight!" *Striding out of the locker room, she heard the astonished gasps of those flanking her, but she paid them no mind- Jess wanted a clear mind for the exhibition match tonight, and once she burst through the curtain and her theme dropped, the audience enthusiastically welcomed her back!*
*The numerous lights illuminated the ginger's vast figure, and after remaining as still as a stone statue for a moment she began gaining ground one step at a time, trotting down the rampway as the audience pervasively chanted.* "Welcome back! Welcome back!" *removing her headgear near the outskirts of the arena, Jess rolled underneath the bottom rope while eyeballing Widow.* "Heya darlin~" *She cooed, meandering to the center of the ring.*
Last edited by SubtleRoar on Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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Widow looks unimpressed seeing her opponent making her way out on stage wearing a foolish looking cowskull on her head. A twitch of her eye to show annoyance at being called a rising star when she older then her opponent by 20 years or more. She waits cracking her knuckles her eyes haven't left the other woman own since she appeared on stage and hasn't left as Jess made her way into the ring.

Hearing the crowd chanting for her opponent doesn't sit right with the older woman. But beggars can't be choosers since in this match up she is the Heel compared to the face like return Jess has gotten from the fans and crowd.

Walking to the middle of the ring the crowd goes silent seeing the height and reach advantage Widow has over Jess. But the fans know that Jess is one of the hard hitting and one toughest women in the company. The ref knowing that the rules are going to be very loose tonight gulping and letting out a small No low blows or anything like that..." before calling for the bell and getting out of the way of these two violent women just there to call the match.

"Not your darlin. But your going to be a good test on keeping my place at the top." the bell ringing in the background as Widow has her plan to go with to win this match. That sadistic smirk on her face waving the other woman over to her to bring the fight to her already.

Saying Töte den Stier in her native tongue. Translating to Kill the Bull in English
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Re: Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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*Hopping from foot to foot to try and limber herself up for the impending grudge match, Jess was beginning to detect a smidgen of hostility emanating from Widow's cadence- She hadn't said anything overtly intimidating, outside of the usual banter that most performer's show prior to a match, but there was something uncanny that she wasn't capable of putting her finger on just yet. Nonetheless, the sultry southerner wasn't going to allow her anxiety to deter her, and once the bell sounded she would lunge forward, attempting to snatch the stoic burnette up in a test of strength!*

"Izzat so?" *She ruminated on that little remark aloud, trying to determine if she was capable of allowing Jess to shake off the lingering rust that had accumulated atop her fighting accumen.* "Well, guess I gotta humble yah before we get on good speakin terms, then~" *She remarked, planting her feet against the ground for support while engaging in a vicious back and forth with her adversary!*

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Re: Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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"Yea that so." Widow replies back to her opponent. Locked in the test of strength she grunts out feeling her muscles straining to overpower her younger opponent. The game plan is simple target a limb or the cowgirl head and neck area, wear that body part down before ending her with a quick strike to end the match and victory. Even she knows not to get into a brawl or try to over power the cowgirl, since her big losses have been her trying to overpower the others well tonight it be different.

Not wanting to be in this position for to long Widow uses her reach advantage by yanking Jess forward and trying to wrap her arm around the woman head in a headlock. "You humble me... Little girl nobody has humbled me since I got her, your just going to be another mark on my record before I get my revenge on that blonde bitch.

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Re: Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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*As the pair continued to struggle against the others natural tenacity, Jess gnashed and her pearly whites while furrowing her brows, quickly realizing that Widow was certainly much more than all bluster.* "Nnggghh...y...yeah?" *She snarled aloud, trying to devise a plan on how she would maneuver out of the potentially disastrous hold. Unfortunately, her adversary was a few steps ahead of her, ensnaring the cantankerous ginger within a brutal side chokehold!*

"Ggrrhh...y..yer...quite the loquacious one..b..but I ain't about tah go easy on yah because yer holdin a grudge!" *The boisterous rancher shrieked, summoning a tremendous amount of inward strength to hoist Widow skyward before slamming her spine backwards against the canvas for a massive backdrop!*

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Re: Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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Keeping the grip around the other woman head. Widow was really digging in the headlock hold even getting a strong base really giving Jess a good hard squeeze to show the other woman that she was not going to have a easy matchup. Letting out a growl trying to keep control of her opponent who is all brawn and some brain.

Proven that Jess was all brawn and brain as she is lifted off her feet following a loud shriek and scream, before landing painfully on the canvas back first from a backdrop. The back of her head slamming into the mat as she clutches it in pain with her hands, her feet kicking the mat as she is stunned more from the pain then her opponent strength.

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Re: Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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*Jess wasn't too keen on allowing Cyber to get in such a nasty verbal jab without retorting with one of her own- Fortuitously, she had landed a colossal back body drop, and within seconds had taken control of the brawl be snatching one of the ardent auburn's legs while simultaneously slamming her posterior against Widow's unprotected backside!*

"So, yah really thank I'm some kinda green, wet behind tha ears rookie eh?" *Jess snarled, beginning to viciously crank the woman's isolated limb for a single leg boston crab!* "Howsa bout you let me hear yah scream, then we'll see just how inexperienced I am!" *Her voice shook the foundation of the arena as she continued to tug and rip her adversary's leg!*

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Re: Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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Widow not able to recover from the back drop let's out a loud grunt from her leg being held. Letting out a small growl hearing Jess run her mouth again before a sharp pain races from her leg through her body. Biting her bottom lip so that she does not give the other woman what she wants from her, and that is her screaming in pain from the hold.

The angle and hold that Jess has her in not the same as others have used the move. Widow grits her teeth from having Jess almost sitting on her back and lifting her lower body off the canvas, making the hold more painful and agony for her to fight out of. The ref coming over to ask if she submits as Widow starts to try and inch her way to the ring ropes to get free.

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Re: Battle for Pride: Jess Mcleary vs CyberWidow

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*Continuing to drill home her point that Jess wasn't anything to scoff at, she could hear the plaintive screams and shouts of her helpless victim, bringing her an exorbitant degree of sadistic pleasure.* "Aheukheuk! Yah alright down there sugah?" *She rhetorically asked, suddenly feeling Widow begin to crawl towards the rope, somewhat of an arduous task given how hefty Jess was. However, despite being the one in the driver's seat, Jess confusingly relinquished her leg, giving Widow a moment of respite.*

"Yer in ovah yer head, darlin~" *Jess declared, pushing her victim onto her backside by tucking her boot underneath her stomach and giving her a light flip. This wouldn't be the end of her impromptu assault however, because as soon as she exposed her underbelly, The Scarlet Southerner would take to the skies, attempting to leave her boots imprinted against the amazon's chest for a double stomp!*

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