Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

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Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

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The following interview was sanctioned and approved by LAW management. Although CEO, General Manager, and Owner Daniel DeFranco will not be making an appearance, he has sanctioned the reveal of LAW's updated design for their world tag team championship on this episode of Lexy's Lexinomicon.

winner3 wrote:"Ladies and Gentlemen! Today on Lexy's Lexinomicon we have some very special guests!"

"One of them has requested a grandiose introduction. One worthy of a champion!"

"So without further ado, here live on LAW, I'll be having a sit-down interview on the set of the Lexinomicon with your Inaugural LAW World Tag Team Champions, and the winners of the Tag Team Turmoil match at last year's big PPV event, Katherine, Tracy, and Aurora, The SWWAAAAAT CAAAATS!"

Lexy would take a seat in her interviewer's chair at the table of her set. And as she did, a quiet version of the Cats' theme song would play as the three of them walked into frame from the right portion of the screen.

Katherine waved and flashed a smile to the cameras and the small crowd in attendance. She bore one of the tag belts on her shoulder. The large, shiny, gold belt reflected the light just right, highlighting the definition on the bicep she was using to carry it. Tracy strut her way into the frame, arms held high, championship belt at the top. Out of the three of them, it was the Circus Cat that was the most eager to flex this championship win and the subsequent reign. It was her dream to become a tag team champion alongside Kat. And as she approached her chair, she closed her eyes and danced to herself before sitting down. She was prepared to tell anyone and everyone how great they were and how great she was. If Kat was the heart of the team, Tracy was the finesse and flair. Finally, Aurora held her hands behind her back as she waltzed in, a huge smile on her face. She was the brains of the team. Despite being the most recent addition to the team, she fit right in. Given her own performances in singles and alongside her team, there was hardly any doubt that she could hang with the Cats and the best teams LAW had to offer.
The three cat-themed luchadoras took their place near Lexy at the table. They got comfortable and laid their belts on the table. Tracy put her feet up and winked to the live audience. Kat and Aurora faced Lexy and smiled. A "Let's go SWAT Cats chant broke out. It took a couple minutes for fans to settle down.

Lexy would shuffle her papers in front of her and look the girls over.

"Wow. I have to say that although I've seen each of you separately, you really do seem to have that special something when you're assembled together as a unit like this. Thanks again for joining us on the Lexinomicon."

"Well, thanks for having us!" Aurora answered.

"Yeah, Lexy, no worries with the formalities. We're tag team champions. Inaugural tag-team champions. We're the faces of this company right now. We're happy to come by anytime and anywhere for the fans, for you, for LAW." Kat followed up with a reassuring nod. Tracy nodded alongside her.

"Thanks again, guys. So a brief overview of what we're doing today. We'll open up by taking some questions directly from the interviewers and fans that have chosen to attend this episode of the Lexinomicon backstage with us! After that, we'll bring out your brand-spankin' new tag team championship title belts, live on the show! Courtesy of the big man, DeFranco, himself! (Thanks again for approving this, boss~)That'll cement this championship run for the SWAT Cats!"

"Once we're done with that, we'll have a short intermission and reconvene here so that I can get my chance to go one on one with each of you ferocious felines to get in some more open-ended questions! And then, we'll introduce a special guest who was insistent on joining us, today! She'll offer some of her insight on The SWAT Cats as champions and how she expects the Cat's reign to go."

"So with all that being said, let's give our live audience, a chance, yeah? Careful champs, these questions aren't screened or anything! So you might get some real zingers!"
Lexy would say as she pointed to the audience. Hands were already being raised and nonstop clamoring could be heard! Writers, reporters, and fans alike all wanted a piece of The SWAT Cats!
Sweetheart wrote:Once Lexy would point to the girl, who stood up, adjusting her pencil skirt and glasses.

"Uh hello, I'm Samantha, and first off congratulations again to all of you. My question for you all is considering you have had quite a few tag matches recently, who do you feel is most deserving of a title match. Like The Wings considering they were runner-up, the Thundergirls, Cerberus? Just overall who is most deserving of a chance at the titles?" The girl would give a coy smile waiting for the cats to answer, brushing her blue hair out of her face.
winner3 wrote:Aurora's eyes narrow ever so slightly when this Samantha asked her question. She could tell that there was an ulterior motive here. But before The Galaxy Cat could weigh in, Tracy grasped her mic and answered.

"Look, it doesn't matter to us who's most deserving or whatever. We've proven ourselves to be the best tag team here. We've proven it since day 1 and we will continue to prove it against any team! No matter who they are! Kat, Aurora, and I will gladly tap the Wings out again! We'll kick Cerberus' dog butt! We'll-"

"Easy, Trace! Easy!" Kat would cut in, placing a hand on Tracy's shoulder. She'd take the lead from there.

"I'd have put it a little more elegantly. But at its core, deep down, what Tracy's saying is right. We've addressed this in promos. But we'll state it explicitly for the record if that's what you want Samantha. At We Are LAW, we announced that we'll be doing an open challenge series, defending these belts against any and every tag team that is ranked and eligible to compete for these titles. We're allowing the challenging team to pick the stipulations for their championship match, as well as which two out of the three of us they want to face for the titles...." Hart ended with a trailing, contemplative tone. She'd steel herself, raise her mic up closer to her face and continue.

"Many people see that as boastful of us. But it's not just us saying we're that good. The reason we're doing this is that we see so many teams as deserving. You asked us which team we view as most deserving. You named some excellent teams. All 3 of us would love to defend against the Thundergirls, the Wings, Cerberus, the Punchers, the Heartbreakers, the Ashfords, the Cherrybombs, and so on. But there's something more important than that, at least to us it's more important. It's not just about which team The SWAT Cats think can hang with us. It's about which teams are willing to go out there and prove it. Prove to us and the world that they are willing to capitalize on this opportunity put forward by us and meet us in that ring. That they are willing to answer the call and show that they can hang with the champs when push comes to shove. We can say they're all worthy, but if they don't come to get the titles when there's no nepotism or bureaucracy getting in the way, if they don't come for the belts when we're welcoming them to come to get them, then they don't want to be the best and they were never deserving to begin with."
Sweetheart wrote:The shy girl would smile and nod "Oh okay, thank you."

She would sit back down as the next person would stand back up, adjusting his cap smiling

"Hello, I'm Tezuka Taro, from Marvelous! magazine. Out of you three who will be defending the belts, considering the Freebird rule says that any pair of you can defend the titles? Will, it mainly be Kat and Tracy or a mix of pairs with Aurora?"
winner3 wrote:The tag champs would look at each other in response to Tezuka's question. They murmured to each other before Kat and Tracy spoke up.

"Aurora's got this one."
"Aurora's got this one." They both said in unison.

"Mr. Taro. Thank you for your question. Freebird rule does allow us to defend our belts in any team configuration as long as it's any two out of the three of us competing in the actual championship match. We've actually touched on this previously. Like the lovely Katherine Hart to my right had said before, all our championship matches will be open challenges. And each time, we're allowing our challengers to choose which two of us defend against them, as well as the match stipulation. That takes away the need for us to fight amongst ourselves about who will be defending at any given time since the challengers will be the ones choosing. Naturally, I expect that I'll be chosen quite often. People have a propensity to underestimate me at their own peril. But as a Freebird team, we're confident we can operate at 110 percent no matter which two of us are defending. We believe in each other that much. So really at the end of the day, it doesn't matter to us."

"Does that answer your question, Mr. Taro?"
SweetHeartSoftie wrote:"Yes, thank you very much, and I hope you can make it so people won't undermine you after showing you skills off." Taro would sit down as the third person would stand up.

"Okay so uh I'm gonna ask Tracy specifically for this one. So recently you had a run-in with another wrestler, Camie Young, during one of your autograph sighings, and, not to come off as rude, but Camie did seem to get the better of you. Will you two be squaring off anytime soon or will you be focusing mainly on your titles with the other Swatcats?"
winner3 wrote:The cat ears on Tracy's mask perked up upon hearing this new question. The Circus Cat frowned but she tried to contain her anger. Aurora would rub Tracy's shoulders, seemingly to try and calm her as Tracy tried to compose herself. She stewed for just a moment before answering.

"Not to be rude, you say? But that's a super biased and rude way to put it!" Tracy blurted out. Her grip on her mic tightened but she spoke in a more composed, but irritated voice after.

"That sideshow, that extra, that nobody's doing anything to get attention and put herself on the map. She crashed my autograph signing. She skipped the line. She tried to fight me at my own event that was dedicated to showing appreciation for the fans, and then she took a fan hostage JUST to get the drop on me!"

"Camie...Young, you said her name was? When I was giving her the business end of my fists, she started choking out an innocent fan. A girl in the front that had nothing to do with any of this. And when I cut in to save this innocent bystander, Camie got me. If that's "getting the better" of me, then I look forward to boycotting your articles, Mr. Whatever-your-name-is!"

"I'm not giving Camie the time of day. If she wants a match, she can challenge me like a big girl or she can give management a ring. I'll stick by my best friends for life AND I'll pull double duty in singles competition and in the tag division, just as I always have."

"Thank you."
SweetHeartSoftie wrote:The fans would give a small cheer, the person asking the question sitting back down after Tracy dismissed Camie's assault, the fourth person standing up slowly.

"Um Hello, so Kat, considering you're the leader of the cats...well leader.-" They put air quotes before continuing.

"Overall how do you feel about the journey you three have made as a team, do you feel it could have been better, or do you feel there is anyone that you want to thank for helping you get here?" They would ask a much more docile question after Tracy had gotten so defensive about the last one.
winner3 wrote:Kat and Aurora could tell this was being asked to transition away from the mood Tracy brought about just now. Kat got on the question right away.

"Couldn't be prouder, honestly."

"I actually appreciate the air quotes around the word "leader". I take pride in being able to say that my partners look up to me. But there's no hierarchy here. They respect me and take stock in what I do and say because I've earned their respect just like I've earned yours and several fans and other wrestlers and promoters throughout the years. Katherine Hart, Tracy Canon, and Aurora Estrella are competent and capable in the ring in their own rights, and we're even more potent together as a team. I'm overjoyed to be able to call them my best friends, my tag partners, my sisters in arms....and I'm honored to be on this team."

"I couldn't be more proud of them and of the journey we've had to get here."
Kat would finish by spreading her arms, taking Tracy and Aurora in by the head on each side for a group hug/headlock.

"Okay folks! that does it for fan and media questions! We've exhausted our ten minutes! We're going to break so that your hostess with the mostest can get her time in with the Cats for an interview!" Lexy would bring both her pointers to her cheeks and pose cutely to draw attention to herself. She seized the moment and segued into the intermission she explained in the beginning.

"But first! Before we let our trio head back for some water and snacks! I'd like to bestow upon them the new Tag Team Title Belts on behalf of DeFranco and LAW management!" Lexy would quickly reach underneath the table. She struggled to abruptly lift a metal briefcase onto the interview table. She'd open it to reveal the prize! And as Katherine, Tracy, and Aurora laid eyes on them, their eyes sparkled as brightly as their new belts!
New LAW World Tag Team Championships
"Okay let's go to commercial!" Lexy would declare, ending the take!
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Re: Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

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"Oh I get it, they're like, fist-pumping. Cool" Camie would slurp from a drink she had brought, waiting in the change room. "Wonder what the middleweight titles gonna looks like." She would sigh placing the drink down, tapping her foot. Recently having used the lawless title hunt as cover, Camie had gotten the interview's time slot and wanted to keep her eye on Tracy ever since she knocked her out cold at her autograph sighing.

Hearing the door open she sat back in her chair, watching Lexy enter, sneaking over as the door shut. She would grab a broom and shove it into the handle, keeping it from opening. She then would smirk watching over Lexy, waiting for the green-haired girl to notice. "Y'know, you're real good at that entire interviewer stuff."

If Camie reveling herself led to Lexy attempting to call for any kind of help, Camie would be quick to act, grabbing the girl into a choke "Slow down their sweetie, I'm not gonna hurt you unless I need to. How about you take a little break, I wanted to chat with Tracy after her little retelling of our last fight. If you say no I'll just let you take a nap, mkay?"
Last edited by SweetHeart on Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

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The SWAT Cat had taken their place behind the area on the opposite side of the large studio. As the champs discussed how they felt the interview was going and how happy they were with their newly redesigned title belts, Lexy found a very different set of circumstances in her little trailer.

"Alright! I've gotta prep out guests, get my questions out! Kat's gonna laugh when she finds out I lost money betting against her in her last PPV singles match, heheh~. When my producers and the higher-ups see these ratings and views, my salary is gonna....huh?" Alan's thoughts being voiced aloud were interrupted by a sound she did not recognize. As she scurried back and forth to make sure she was adjusting her hair in the mirror and gathering her notes, she could hear the sound of something being propped against the door. What followed that sound was the voice of a conniving and vindictive Camie Young!

"T-t-t-thanks!" Lexy stammered and squealed like a mouse, struggling to accept Camie's compliment. As an interviewer and hostess, as someone very active behind the scenes at LAW, she was very well aware of who Camie was. And for sure she knew that she could not take this woman! Not one on one in an enclosed space like this! Lexy would freeze for just a second before immediately dashing to the side! But Camie cut her off and snatched her up in a chokehold!

"Mphh!" Lexy struggled before she heard Young speak to her. Her eyes darted around the trailer. No blunt object or weapon to grab. Her phone was in her pocket but there was no way Camie was going to let her try to make a call. An investment in better security was definitely something Lexy was going to bring up to the board next time she spoke to them!

Lexy realized that her options were limited. After taking a second to think it over, she nodded, signaling that she was willing to comply with Camie's demands! If Camie let her go, Lexy would gasp for air while she caught her breath!

"Tracy....the autograph signing....just what are you planning to do...Camie Young!?" Lexy would growl as she pushed herself up from all fours and dusted herself off!
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General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

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Re: Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

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Camie would smirk as Lexy, having a better understanding of the cruel length Camie would go to, smartly agreed. She would lighten up on the chokehold, smirking "Oh so you did your homework. You're one of the smartest people I've met so far." She joked placing a hand on Lexy's head. "I'll be honest with you short stack, I'm not gonna hurt you. At least, not yet. That all depends if you listen to what I got to say. I think you should know from how Tracy was bad-mouthing me out there I am FAR from pleased about it. So here's a little deal, I want you to go back out there with me, and I'll be taking over the interview, and if I need anything I'll have you do it for me. If you don't well, you should know what I'm going to do." Camie smirked, making it very obvious how little Lexy had as far as choices.

A few moments after this, Lexy would get notified the break was almost over. If she agreed to Camie's commands, Camie would simply smirk and lift Lexy, holding an arm behind her back "Go ahead, tell'em you're ready." Camie would say, gently adjusting Lexy's hair. After this Camie would walk out with Lexy as the interview returned. The crowd would start cheering as Lexy made her way out, only to then developed into gasps as Camie would smirk, leaning to Lexy's Mic. "Y'know Tracy, you like painting yourself as the hero, then again you always were pretty egotistical when talking about yourself." Hoping to get the cat's attention, if Tracy attempted an advance, Camie would respond by placing Lexy between the pair. "Tsk, tsk. You really should control that temper of yours, or else someone might get hurt." She taunted.

Once Tracy had either calmed down or was calmed by her partners, Camie would walk over with Lexy, taking a seat in her chair and allowing the green-haired girl to rest in her lap, keeping a firm grip on her as to not let her defense get away. "So to start off, I didn't choke the fan, I grabbed them, nothing more nothing less. But then again, your memory might be a bit foggy, seeing as you were out cold and droolin' all over yourself last time we fought." Camie mocked the cat, enjoying the platform she had. But she wasn't just here to mock Tracy, she was here to tear into the very image of the circus cat, and had evidence to back it up.
Last edited by SweetHeart on Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

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"Thanks. I often get told I'm a pretty smart cookie." Lexy growled angrily as she tried to pick herself up. Camie's hand on her head was some condescending body language that the interviewer was absolutely not feeling right now. But Lexy grit her teeth to bear it for now. Just as Lexy had concluded previously, fighting Camie here was not an option that would work out in her favor. Her mind raced as she considered what she could do to escape but she came up with nothing.

"Fine. Whatever. But I don't have to like it. And when this is all said and done, I'll let Tracy know you were pretty salty about what she had to say about you live on the air, earlier." Alan said to Camie whilst sticking out her tongue. There was no time to entertain the quips. Soon someone would come knocking on the door to the trailer.

"Lexy, we're on in five!" The assistant would say from the other side of the closed door. Lexy cursed under her breath.

"Fine! Let me go. I'll comply." She said reluctantly to her assailant before Camie released her fully and helped her up. She let out an exasperated sigh as Camie fixed up her hair.

"We're on in five! Got it! I'll be right out!" Lexy would shout back, indicating that she was still good to go. The pair would make their way onto the stage. Fans cheered to resume the interview, but the moment Camie was visible on the set of the interview, noises of concern began to fill the audience. Camie got right to the point. The fear in Lexy's eyes communicated that she didn't want to be there.

The SWAT Cats sitting at the interview table. Tracy immediately stood up. Aurora placed her hands on the table. Kat remained seated and was the calmest of the SWAT Cat trio. She placed hands on Tracy's and Aurora's shoulders. The three of them clamored amongst themselves. Tracy in particular was looking quite upset, almost slightly red in the face!

"No one has to hurt anybody. Come on, sit down, have a seat. Tell us why you're here." Hart opened up to try and de-escalate the situation. The last thing the champs wanted to see was Lexy get hurt. Tracy locked eyes with Camie. Her disdainful stare bore a hole into the cocky, manipulative heel's head!

Camie took a seat. She had her insurance policy, Lexy, stay seated on her lap as she began to try and refute Tracy's earlier commentary dismissing Camie as a credible threat.

"Oh, so you didn't injure a fan! You just threatened to use them leverage to help yourself win a fight?! Kat is this what it's like being at the top in pro wrestling?! Having these undercard heel nobodies just riding you day in and day out for no reason?! Why couldn't I at least get a cool rival to feud with?! Camie, why don't you just fight me straight up! Cut the horse crap! It's as tacky as your stupid leopard print jacket!" Tracy roared and stood up further and further! Just when it looked like she might lunge over the table and leap, Aurora and Kat grabbed one of Tracy's arms each to hold her back! The crowd in attendance erupted in boos for Camie and cheers for Tracy as this continued. Of course, they were light on security today! With Camie having a hostage, the few guards there could do nothing!

"We all hate her guts, Trace!" Kat said to Tracy to get try and stifle her!

"Reeeeelaaaax, Tracy! She didn't hurt the fan! She's probably not going to hurt Lexy! She just wants to get in your head! Don't let her!" "Aurora looked to calm The Circus Cat, citing that Camie's objective first and foremost was Tracy, not Lexy.
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
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Re: Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

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Camie smirked, seeing how quickly Tracy was losing her cool. She would wait for a moment before smirking as Tracy mentioned the word injure "Injure you say? Y'know Tracy I have something I would like to start off with regarding that. Firstly, congrats! You won yourself a title! In fact, why don't we show off a replay of the ending to the gauntlet match shall we?" Camie would glance at Lexy, basically telling her to show off the match's ending.

After the clip played, Camie would continue "Ah yes, what a win, a lovely fairy tale ending, such a perfect moment for your team...well...almost perfect. Cuz you see, if we could please roll it back to that double submission." Camie would let the clip play before yelling "Right there!" The frame it was stopped on showed Kat releasing Ducky from the hold after the bell had rung, checking on the blonde-haired girl. The issue is the fact that Tracy on the other hand still had submission locked onto Swan, the luchadors hand still slapping the mat with Tracy showing no form of release. "That."

The crowd would be a bit confused and concerned by this until Camie made her point "Tracy, you wanna explain why you wouldn't let up on that submission? I mean Kat already let Ducky, hell she's making sure she's okay, but you? You kept it on until you got distracted by your new shiny belt. In fact, this is even more dangerous considering Swan was pulling double duty. I mean as a person who has bent a ton of jobbers outta shape, I should know how dangerous holding someone in a clutch like that for a long time can be, so holding someone in a submission AFTER they had already gone through the pain of competing in another match? If I didn't know any better, I woulda thought you were trying to injure her."

Although a lot of fans would keep the booing up, some did at least understand Camie's point, agreeing it was a bit much for Tracy to hold onto Swan when she was in such a weak state, but not to the point they would take Camie's side. Camie didn't care about the fans, too busy taunting Tracy's anger issues, hoping it would get her more worked up.

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Re: Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

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Camie interjected and jumped right on top of this "injury" talking point. At first, Tracy seemed puzzled. But Kat and Aurora were calm. Camie forced Lexy to comply with getting the staff to play the desired clips. Young took particular interest in the hold that Tracy kept applied to Swan after the bell. Although there was some validity to it, although it would have been professional and courteous of The Circus Cat to release her opponent when the bell first rang, Camie belabored the idea that Tracy was risking injuring a fellow luchadora!

"BULLSH-" "Trace!" Tracy had gotten up and nearly thrown hersellf at Camie once more, but Kat stopped her!

"Trace, calm down. She's trying to get in your head. Just breathe...."

"Well, aren't you clever, Miss Young?" Aurora interjected.

"Now, I can poke holes in those claims all day but you'll just threaten our nice interviewer friend here and tell me you're not here for me, you're here for Tracy, right? Well, have at her..."

Tracy would take Kat's advice and breathe. She took Kat and Aurora's hands in each of her own and took several deep breaths to calm herself. With her partners by her side supporting her, The Circus Cat found her center and eyed Camie calmly.

"I'm glad my sisters in arms are here. Because now you're gonna have to do better than that, Camie! You're full of crap! From the moment I met you all the way up until now, you've always been full of crap! How dare you take a hostage not once, but TWICE now just so that you can feel safe trying to face me woman to woman! You wanna come at me again with this injury crap when you're literally threatening to injure someone if I don't sit here and entertain your bogus questions?! I never risked injuring Black Swan! Matter of fact, I've never risked injuring anyone! But you have! I've seen you do it twice and I've never even had to watch a single one of your matches! Do you wanna try asking questions that DON'T make you look like a hypocrite or do you wanna ditch the hostage, skip this facade, and take a freakin' swing?!"
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

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Camie would snicker at Aurora's interjection "Of course the smart one speaks up." She would glance as Tracy calmed herself. However, this would stop Camie's attempts to anger her. "See that something you don't understand Tracy. I'm not tryin' to be you. You think I'm coming out here attacking like I'm not trying to win my matches, that's the big difference between us. You're an entertainer, but I'm a wrestler. You got out and perform you flashy moves, shakin' your ass and all the other flippy shit, Me? I'm a fighter. I break people in that ring. I only do humiliating moves to do just that, humiliate people. I do this until it ends with me getting a 3 count or, my personal favorite, making cry the bitches they are. You want to know where that has gotten me?

"Lexy dear, tell me, have I lost a match yet?" Once Lexy Responded by bringing up the fact Camie was undefeated thus far she would continue "I have beaten everyone in my way, doesn't matter if they're male, heavyweight, middleweight, younger, or older. I have been unstoppable. I don't need to be some happy-go-lucky suck-up to the fans, but you? You're a role model for your fans, and from what I've seen it hasn't been panning out well. I think the SwatCats deserve to be tag champions, the team has earned that. But what you don't deserve is to be the one defending those belts. Personally, I feel Kat and Auoura can handle tagging for the belts, and you can be the backup. I mean, do I even need to bring up the Kate stuff?"

"Oh, did you forget about that? How when Kate Conner's pulled a prank on you locked her in a locker? I don't think overall that's a bad thing, but from what I heard, much like with Swan-" Pointing at Kat "Kat was the one who had to tell you to let her go." She smirked at Kat, waiting to see what Kat would say, whether admitting to the truth of what happened or defending her partner.

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Re: Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

Unread post by winner3 »

Camie's calculating, hostage-taking strategy and malicious, disparaging words continued to put strain and pressure on the situation and on the tag champs. Concerns and fears could be felt throughout the set as Young tore into Tracy. Tensions rose as she kept the verbal jabs and remarks coming.

"sigh...." Lexy exhaled as Camie promoted her to answer a question that the skin-tight submissionist was eager to boast about the answer to.

"No, as someone working behind the scenes- as someone who gets paid to track this stuff I can confirm that Camie Young has yet to lose a match in a LAW ring. Just as Camie's hinted at, she's beaten wrestlers of varying shapes and sizes. She's even beaten quite a few men. She had PPV wins, albeit in the undercard. Camie, as much as I don't want to admit it live on my own show, Camie is quite good at breaking people and winning matches, just as she says..." Lexy finished by rolling her eyes. She found it within herself to lift a finger soon after to follow up with a "But...."

"But she's also yet to face a wrestler of Tracy Canon's caliber. A real title contender, a real champion." Little time was spent on that. Camie continued to dictate the pace of the conversation. She singled out Kat to have her answer about Tracy's recent actions towards Kate Conners, a Coyote theme luchadora that had "pranked" Tracy in the locker room by peppering her underwear with itching powder. Katherine locked eyes with Camie. The Super Kitty clenched her fist. It was true that Kat was the one that had to have Tracy call off the retribution for the prank and free Kate from Tracy's locker. But this was clearly a ploy to make Tracy look bad. Moreover, there's no way Camie could have known. "Did she find the security camera footage from that time?" Kat asked herself in her head.

"That's..." Hart trailed off. Her mind raced to think of an answer. That much was apparent from the look on her face.

"That's just a rumor! An unsubstantiated one at that." Lexy chimed in with a smile, coming to Katherine and Tracy's rescue. No doubt Camie would not take kindly to this. Whatever punishment Young had in mind for the poor interviewer, whatever it was she'd start doing to her, Tracy would interrupt.

"Camie...stop. You want your question answered, I'll answer it for you. It's true. Kat, Lexy, you don't have to protect me. No one has to protect me from Camie. Cause it's Camie that's gonna need protection from me!" Tracy would roar as she stood up at the table, once more placing both hands on it as she leaned forward and stared daggers into Camie Young's eyes!

"It's true. Every bit of it. I stuffed Kate in that locker. And she's done nothing since then but prove that I was right to do just that! Yeah, Kat bailed her out. I fly off the handle sometimes, I get in my feelings. But here's what you don't understand, Camie. I want you to look at me when I say this and understand these little games that you've been playing with me are just that: games."

"You wanna call me an entertainer instead of a wrestler. You wanna say that I don't deserve to hold and defend these belts." Tracy would point to the newly revealed tag belts as she continued.

"You wanna come at me during my interviews and my autograph signings, and for what? Do you really think you're proving a point here? What's next? Am I gonna find you at my front door when I go home after all this? Maybe at the bar or a restaurant when I wanna eat out? Maybe you'll jump me at the bank or the ATM when I wanna withdraw some cash? It's insane, isn't it? You're doing everything and anything you can to try to make me look bad, but you don't seem to understand that you look even worse!" The live crowd in attendance would cheer as Tracy got fired up!

"Tomorrow, I'll still be the beloved Circus Cat! I'll still be a proud owner and defender of these belts! I'll still be a bastion of both the LAW Middleweight division and Tag division! And tomorrow you- you'll be the crazed heel woman that ambushed Lexy and took her hostage on international television!" Tracy would roar! Surely Camie would interrupt by now!

"Shut up! If you wanna show me up so bad, if you want anything you say and do in this company to matter even half as much as me, if you really think I'm as undeserving as you say I am, then stop looking for shortcuts! Stop looking for advantages! Stop with the mind games! Let Lexy go and fight me in the ring woman to woman so that I can prove the only reason you're so fixated on me is that you're afraid of me!"
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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Re: Redesigns and Revelations - LAW Tag Team Championships

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Camie would smirk as Tracy admitted to Dognapping Kate, Camie herself unsure of its truth, only hearing it as a rumor. Tracy would then go into a long rant, at first Camie seeming unbothered, only to slowly lose her smirk, glaring at Tracy as she insulted her. She would go to speak but was told to shut up, before being told she was afraid of Tracy. Camie would pause, going quiet before whispering to Lexy

"Clench your jaw."

She would yank Lexy over, slamming her onto the table in front of Tracy, holding Lexy with her hand. "Scared? You think I'm scared of some pussycat? You have been ducking and dodging questions about me all the fucking time ever since I choked your ass out, and you think I'm scared of some pink kitty cat?" She got closer to Tracy's face, challenging her to even get close, with the possibility of Lexy being hurt still up in the air.

"I have had to constantly deal with being told, "I'm not fuckable enough, I'm not pretty." I HAD TO FUCKING EARN EVERYTHING TO GET HERE. And now I'm back at square one. I have DOMINATED every jobber that they have put forward, no matter gender or weight class. What do I get from it? Insults, being told I'm not good enough. I should at least be getting a 1# contenders match but no, all I get is insulted for working my ass off and doing something not even you or any champion has been able to do and that's STAY undefeated." Camie would glare continuing. "I earned everything, but I never needed help getting to where I was, and if I wanted something I take it. I didn't take shortcuts, I TOOK WHAT WAS MINE! You got everything because you pandered to the fans, showed off your curvy figure, and gave every kind of generic, "I'm a role model" inspirational quote. And you know what, I'll admit you do have some talent in the ring."

Camie would sneer glaring at Tracy "But if you wanna fight? I am down, because after I beat you, and I WILL beat you, I'll show everyone that nice words and flashy moves are NOTHING compared to working your ass off and becoming the BEST of the entire roster." Camie would get off Lexy, getting full-on in Tracy's face, ready to give the crowd a preview of their match, attempting to grab the girl's head and send an elbow straight into her face!
Last edited by SweetHeart on Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:33 am, edited 3 times in total.

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